Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
They're not specific on whether it's low enriched uranium or highly enriched Uranium. Low would be for a reactor and high is weapons grade. All the more reason for Iran to allow UN monitoring. If they're enriching uranium behind closed doors I'd suspect the highly enriched and a weapons program.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Interesting that people should mention Germany which engaged in imperialism during the 1930s while the appeasing League of Nations stood by and did nothing. Today the UN also sits by and does nothing in the face of Zionist imperialsm.

Mankind learns nothing from history.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
When ever Israel feels the time is right they have the ability to send Iran back into the Stone Age. The political system of Iran is nothing but a toilet and should be eradicated….. .

And people wonder why they say the same thing towards us. Garbage in - Garbage out.... you treat them like crap and think of them as lower forms of life that require exterminating, then don't be suprised when they think the same way towards us.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Interesting that people should mention Germany which engaged in imperialism during the 1930s while the appeasing League of Nations stood by and did nothing. Today the UN also sits by and does nothing in the face of Zionist imperialsm.

Mankind learns nothing from history.

You're right.... all of us nations should join together and destroy Israel and the US before they destroy us, much like Italy and Germany in WWII, constantly claiming to be only defending their nations, invading other sovrign nations, citing terrorism as what caused them to action, blaming an entire religious cutlure for their problems and trying to exterminate them on false propaganda.

Mankind certainly doesn't learn much from history indeed.... the one's who are doing it, are the one's preaching about preventing it.... now that makes a load of sense.

See the big difference is that you're trying to compare Iran to Nazi Germany and WWII..... well if you wanted to compare anything about WWII and Nazi Germany, which country in the last number of years invaded other nations? Which nation has been treating those they occupy as scum, sub human, raping their women and children, killing the innocent, hauling away people based on racial profiling and sending them off to secret camps to be tortured and beaten.

The only damn country that relates to Nazi Germany is the United States, plain friggin simple.... and if you can't see it, well, that doesn't suprise me, since you're right in the eye of the storm.


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Comparing the United States to Nazi Germany is absurd. The United States is not the answer to world affairs as they seem to think they are and of course is trying to assert it's influence over the rest of the world as has any other "World Power" has over the ages. Their methods have caused war and death but they are not even close to the insane evil that was the Nazi's. Nowhere else in modern history has there been the systemic industrialized extermination that happened during WWII.
Your generalizing and blanket statements show your lack of will to research and speak the truth. I am not defending the US actions of recent years but do take exception to flaming rants with no base in reality. Yes they have invaded other countries but the regimes the have deposed were in the majority of the time more comparable to the Nazi's than the US will ever be.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Comparing the United States to Nazi Germany is absurd.

No more absurd then comparing Iran to Nazi Germany, that's my point.... and if any country can be compared to Nazi Germany these days (Which there's plenty of fodder to do so) the US takes the cake..... absurd as it may seem, that's the way many see them as in the world today, not just myself.

The United States is not the answer to world affairs as they seem to think they are and of course is trying to assert it's influence over the rest of the world as has any other "World Power" has over the ages. Their methods have caused war and death but they are not even close to the insane evil that was the Nazi's.

Don't forget that the majority of what the Nazi's did during WWII never came to the public surface until after they were defeated, the war was over and allied troops started liberating those concentration camps, so I wouldn't jump the gun on that assumption, considdering the US has secret "Detention Centres/Camps" around the world where none of us know what's truly going on.

Nowhere else in modern history has there been the systemic industrialized extermination that happened during WWII.

There's still plenty of time in our species' existence to top it off. All that is required is one more 9/11 to hit the US, be that intentionally done by Muslims or they were framed by it, and then instead of seeing Jews being carted off to camps, it'll be Muslims.

Your generalizing and blanket statements show your lack of will to research and speak the truth.

I am speaking the truth, open your damn eyes and read some history about WWII that didn't just come from US resources. Look into the mentality in Germany at the time, look at what was told to the german people at the time, read up on how Hitler spun Terrorism and a piss poor economy in order to get the country to do what he said, look how Hitler blamed the Jews for the majority (If not all) of Germany's problems at the time, and you just might see the exact same patterns as what's happening now in our current time.

I've been following what occured in WWII since as far as I can remember as a child, you want to talk about lack of research, well wtf do you got to back your own baseless claims? Nothing except you trying to compare how many Jews were killed in WWII.

Guess what? WWII didn't just revolve around the Jews being slaughtered, get a fk'n clue.

I am not defending the US actions of recent years but do take exception to flaming rants with no base in reality. Yes they have invaded other countries but the regimes the have deposed were in the majority of the time more comparable to the Nazi's than the US will ever be.

Yeah, we'll see about that assumption.

And speaking of not being based in reality, you claim those nations attacked by the US were more like the Nazi's then the US..... well funny thing is I don't remember seeing those nations continually going on the rampage of invasions, one after another to get a better strangle hold on other nation's resources and forcing their way of life on people forign to that way of life.

You can call it whatever you want to call it..... I and others like me will call it the way we see it, as the US being the greatest threat to world security since Nazi Germany.

You best do your own research on the history of WWII besides about the Holocaust and understand what other's are talking about.


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Well I see giving an intelligent answer without the use of profanity is not your strong suit is it. If you think your methods are intimidating then I'll let you know here and now you come off as a fool.
Well let's start with what Nazism is since you don't seem to know. It' based on fascism which is a nationalist ideology promoting the nation and/or race. In Germany it promoted the Aryan race as being the superior of all others. The US being the "melting pot it is certainly doesn't qualify in that respect either. Fascism is a dictatorship and is definitely anti-democratic. The US and the rest of the west are not dictatorships and most certainly promote democracy at every turn.
Invading another country does not make you a Nazi and not invading does not exclude a nation from being fascists.
Muslim's, not all but those that rant that they are Allah's chosen, that theirs is the only way, and preach Jihad on anyone who doesn't agree, now that is a Fascist.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
And people wonder why they say the same thing towards us. Garbage in - Garbage out.... you treat them like crap and think of them as lower forms of life that require exterminating, then don't be suprised when they think the same way towards us.

They already do, I am not down on innocent civilians and it is sad that their leaders don’t give a rat’s ass about their people. This is the reason why Iran for the past 2 decades has had a liberation movement within its civilian population because they have witnessed that their EXTREME CONSERVATIVES SUCKSSSSSS so do their supposedly spiritual dictators. So, it is sad what is taking place in the Middle East. The only solution on the tables of peace is to educate the Middle Eastern world that life doesn’t start from the nose of a GUN. Hunger and rejection makes people loose their civility and then the GUN was born.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You're right.... all of us nations should join together and destroy Israel and the US before they destroy us, much like Italy and Germany in WWII, constantly claiming to be only defending their nations, invading other sovrign nations, citing terrorism as what caused them to action, blaming an entire religious cutlure for their problems and trying to exterminate them on false propaganda.

Mankind certainly doesn't learn much from history indeed.... the one's who are doing it, are the one's preaching about preventing it.... now that makes a load of sense.

See the big difference is that you're trying to compare Iran to Nazi Germany and WWII..... well if you wanted to compare anything about WWII and Nazi Germany, which country in the last number of years invaded other nations? Which nation has been treating those they occupy as scum, sub human, raping their women and children, killing the innocent, hauling away people based on racial profiling and sending them off to secret camps to be tortured and beaten.

The only damn country that relates to Nazi Germany is the United States, plain friggin simple.... and if you can't see it, well, that doesn't suprise me, since you're right in the eye of the storm.

Ah, Excuse me?

You are SOOOOO wrong on practically every point in the posts on these pages.

First of all, Saddam dreamed of a pan-Arab state, with himself as leader.

Secondly, Saddam invaded a US ally (Kuwait) in 1991, but the US did not finish the job with him in Desert Storm because of the tender sensibilities of Arab (Muslim) allies......and the expectation that internal; rebellion would take Saddam out: wrong on both counts......thus the attempt to end the problen in 2003.

Third, the Ba'athist parties of Iraq (and Syria) were and are classic fascist parties.........exactly the same as the Italian fascists of WWII, only a lot more vicious.

Fourth, the United States was ATTACKED on 9-11, and before by Islamists............the USS Cole, the African embassies, the first attempt on the WTC.

There is much the USA has done in its anti-terror campaign that I strongly disagree can't fight for freedom by destroying your own Constitution........torture is ALWAYS unacceptable......and on and on.

But comparing the USA to Nazi Germany and issuing a call to arms foer their destruction is ludicrous, dangerous, stupid...........and ignores concrete evidence that the American nation will right itself after these years of staggering around in shock.....the US Supreme Court ruling on Gitmo prisoners, for example.

In the end, the election, no matter who wins, puts the lie top your thesis.

Absolutely ridiculous.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
You should have left 9/11 out of it because it concerned neither Iran nor Iraq - and there's been no real proof either way that it wasn't a cousin to the Gleiwitz incident.
Last edited:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Comparing the United States to Nazi Germany is absurd. The United States is not the answer to world affairs as they seem to think they are and of course is trying to assert it's influence over the rest of the world as has any other "World Power" has over the ages. Their methods have caused war and death but they are not even close to the insane evil that was the Nazi's. Nowhere else in modern history has there been the systemic industrialized extermination that happened during WWII.
Your generalizing and blanket statements show your lack of will to research and speak the truth. I am not defending the US actions of recent years but do take exception to flaming rants with no base in reality. Yes they have invaded other countries but the regimes the have deposed were in the majority of the time more comparable to the Nazi's than the US will ever be.

For shear destruction, murder and theft no nation has ever eclipsed the USA.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
For shear destruction, murder and theft no nation has ever eclipsed the USA.

Ah, out trolling for suckers, are we DB?

70 Million murdered by China
20 million murdered by the USSR

10 Million murdered by Germany, God knows how many million murdered by Japan.
and together they started a war in which a total of 50 million died.

There's four at least that put the lie to your foolishness.

Get serious.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Ah, Excuse me?

You are SOOOOO wrong on practically every point in the posts on these pages.

First of all, Saddam dreamed of a pan-Arab state, with himself as leader.

Secondly, Saddam invaded a US ally (Kuwait) in 1991, but the US did not finish the job with him in Desert Storm because of the tender sensibilities of Arab (Muslim) allies......and the expectation that internal; rebellion would take Saddam out: wrong on both counts......thus the attempt to end the problen in 2003.

Third, the Ba'athist parties of Iraq (and Syria) were and are classic fascist parties.........exactly the same as the Italian fascists of WWII, only a lot more vicious.

Fourth, the United States was ATTACKED on 9-11, and before by Islamists............the USS Cole, the African embassies, the first attempt on the WTC.

There is much the USA has done in its anti-terror campaign that I strongly disagree can't fight for freedom by destroying your own Constitution........torture is ALWAYS unacceptable......and on and on.

But comparing the USA to Nazi Germany and issuing a call to arms foer their destruction is ludicrous, dangerous, stupid...........and ignores concrete evidence that the American nation will right itself after these years of staggering around in shock.....the US Supreme Court ruling on Gitmo prisoners, for example.

In the end, the election, no matter who wins, puts the lie top your thesis.

Absolutely ridiculous.

What rot! You are an agitprop gas bag. It does matter who wins an election Colpy, just because you conduct an election does not mean the requirments of democratic rule have been met, far from it in the case of the United States who elect money and not people. If this next election takes place it will seal the destruction of the American nation, they have only one alternative and that is civil war. Yes you are absolutely ridiculous.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
"The only damn country that relates to Nazi Germany is the United States, plain friggin simple"

Except that Nazi Germany got majority support of its atrocities.

The actions of Hitlerian Bush do not have majority support.


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Gopher, The US has is by no means an angel and the Bush Administration an embarrassment to say the least but comparing them to Nazi's and Hitler is extreme and by doing so you loose any credibility in your arguments against the US. Bash the US if you wish, God knows the present administration has given us all enough ammo to do it but stick to the facts.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The ramification would be the survival of Israel.

I don't much care about world public opinion.

BTW, the world is not a court of law.....there is no requirement to "prove" anything......everybody simply acts in their own best interests, as they see it. Certainly not the way I'd like it to be, but I is a little late to act when there is a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv.

The Israelis are not kidding when they say "Never Again", and I don't blame them.

C, did you buy the same BS about Iraq?:

September 8, 2002
...On NBC's "Meet the Press," Vice President Dick Cheney accused Saddam of moving aggressively to develop nuclear weapons over the past 14 months to add to his stockpile of chemical and biological arms...

...Rice acknowledged that "there will always be some uncertainty" in determining how close Iraq may be to obtaining a nuclear weapon but said, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."...
October 7, 2002

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

...Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud...

That pre-emptive war killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and turned millions more into refugees. People are still dying. How many more innocent people do you think should be killed pre-emptively based on unproven threats?

What makes you believe that Iran has crossed the line from peaceful, NPT compliant nuclear research to illegal non-NPT compliant nuclear weapons research? Are you getting your opinions from the same sources which promoted pre-emptively attacking Iraq?

If you have some proof Iran is developing nuclear weapons, post it. Otherwise you are contributing to the same lynch mob mentality which lead to the Iraq war.

Iran's official viewpoint regarding nuclear weapons is clear. They oppose nuclear weapons.

Iran's religious leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has stated that the Islamic Republic has repeatedly said that Iran opposes the production and use of nuclear weapons in principle from an Islamic point of view.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly announced that in principle, based on sharia (Islamic law), it is opposed to the production and use of nuclear weapons," the Supreme Leader told IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei on Saturday.

The Leader insisted that it is essential that the International Atomic Energy Agency remains an independent body.

"In regard to the current positive international atmosphere surrounding Iran's nuclear activities, a speedy resolution of this issue will be considered an important test and a great success for the International Atomic Energy Agency," Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

Referring to Iran's principled stance to fully observe international treaties, the Leader stated, "According to this principle, the Islamic Republic of Iran has fulfilled its commitments to the NPT."

I'm inclined to believe Iran's leaders. While I don't agree with many of their viewpoints, they don't have a record of making up deliberate lies to justify pre-emptive illegal wars which kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Also, from a military/strategic viewpoint Iran doesn't need nukes. Assuming Iran did decide to take on Israel. What can nukes do to tiny Israel that couldn't be done by conventional weapons?


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Gopher "The actions of Hitlerian Bush do not have majority support"

Well sure looks like it from here... What else could Hitlerian Bush mean.