Israel pounds Gaza, death toll well over 100 and climbing


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Israel’s Lie Machine is Working Flat Out

By Stuart Littlewood

Global Research, December 31, 2008
Middle East Online

The core issue in this struggle is the illegality of Israel’s brutal occupation. Israel goes to great lengths to avoid and suppress all mention of it and play-acts the pathetic victim, notes Stuart Littlewood.
While the murderous assault on Gaza continues, I notice there's a briefing document on the website of the Israeli Embassy in London which has a lie in every line. The West's mainstream media repeat them, and even the most senior TV and radio interviewers don’t bother to challenge them.
The document is a transcript of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni's statement to the Israeli press dated 27 December 2008 – a day that will live in infamy. It is a perfect example of the falsehoods used to dupe not only us westerners but Israel’s own people. The statement shows how the regime's view of itself is constructed on a web of dishonesty and self-delusion.
For example:
- "Israeli citizens have been under the threat of daily attack from Gaza for years."
Palestinians have been under harsh Israeli occupation for 60 years.
- "Only this week hundreds of missiles and mortars shells were fired at Israeli civilian communities."
Only one in 500 Qassam rockets causes a fatality. How many thousands of Israeli bombs, missiles, rockets, gr

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Whose fault does that make uprisings in a Warsaw ghetto?

If I misinterpreted that as being a draw at similarity, then I apologize, no manipulation of statement was intended. Judging however, by the elicitation of nothing but schoolyard insults in response, I suspect my interpretation was quite correct.

No ... it was a reflection on human nature and how they who are bottled up and shaken will tend to react. Sorry you couldn't see the analogy. The only similarity is the Jews blamed the Germans. Now, they blame the Palestinians. Schoolyard? I expect it's a reference point with which you're familiar.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Whose fault does that make uprisings in a Warsaw ghetto?

Where do you get that they are even the same thing? You have to have some kind of hate on to even suggest that.

Maybe you should post your links to the Jewish concentration camps where they are using Arabs as slaves and the termination camps where they are killing tens of thousands of Arabs a year.

The Warsaw Ghetto was liquidated by the German SS, a batalion of soldiers and the police because the prisoners attacked the German SS who were attempting to deport Jews to termination camps.

The German SS suffered a couple of dozen casualties.

So how do you think shooting rockets over the wall at civilians is the same as attacking German SS with farm equipment for trying to continue to deport Jews to the ovens?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Both Israel and Egypt allowed humanitarian organizations to send in a limited amount of food and medicine into Gaza, before they closed Gaza's borders and Israel began bombing.

If Americans ever figured out how Palestinians have suffered as a direct result of their aid to Israel, they might threaten to cut it.

Both Canada and the US have cut all aid to Gaza since Palestinians democratically Hamas.

Unlikely, putting aside religious convictions aside, the US is a very pro-family nation.

Israel is a pro-family nation, more so than the US.

Palestinian culture is very much against the sanctity of family in the last 20 years. Promoting suicide bombers, and the direct targeting of Israeli children.

Israel by comparison is a democracy who doesn't specifically target children (if you really think this is the death toll that comes from smart missiles directly targeting civilians you are nuts)

The majority of the US population will always support Israel, until such times as Israel begins acting like the Palestinian fighters or Palestinians begin acting like Israelis.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
You have to have some kind of hate to suggest that the two situations, Gaza and Warsaw ,were not analogous, and to accuse someone of hate where there is none.

Come now that's a poor tactic. They aren't the same. Sorry, that's the way it is. Israel isn't innocent by any stretch of the imagination but that's a moot point because the Palestinian elected Hamas are as guilty as they day is long. A country has the right to protect itself. IF the Palestinian elected Hamas chooses to attack Israel, then they forfeit the right to live in peace.

Women and children get killed? Yeah that's war alright. If it's something the Palestinians don't want then they have to stop the rockets and the agression towards Israel. Then everyone else can get involved.

But that isn't going to happen and everyone knows it. If they are too stupid to stop bringing death and distruction down upon the heads of Palestinian women and children, then they are getting exactly what they deserve right now.

I sure won't lose any sleep over it.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Where do you get that they are even the same thing? You have to have some kind of hate on to even suggest that.

Maybe you should post your links to the Jewish concentration camps where they are using Arabs as slaves and the termination camps where they are killing tens of thousands of Arabs a year.

The Warsaw Ghetto was liquidated by the German SS, a batalion of soldiers and the police because the prisoners attacked the German SS who were attempting to deport Jews to termination camps.

The German SS suffered a couple of dozen casualties.

So how do you think shooting rockets over the wall at civilians is the same as attacking German SS with farm equipment for trying to continue to deport Jews to the ovens?

My, but we are slow on the uptake aren't we, Unf. It's okay to read the post to JTF. The rest is all your own fantasy so I'd suggest the hate is your own.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
My, but we are slow on the uptake aren't we, Unf.

Yes, yes I am. :p

It's okay to read the post to JTF. The rest is all your own fantasy so I'd suggest the hate is your own.

While I can see the corelation between starving Jews and starving Arabs, the repeated attacks on Jews is the reason Palestinians are closed in as they are.

But for the attacks on Israel I suppose there wouldn't be the problem there is.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Really, that shows how removed from reality you are.
Think everybody gets up and goes home when a director yells "Cut"?
Perhaps you need to lose someone you love to a random act of violence to bring you back down to earth.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Really, that shows how removed from reality you are.
Think everybody gets up and goes home when a director yells "Cut"?
Perhaps you need to lose someone you love to a random act of violence to bring you back down to earth.

Aside from its tragedy, how can anyone really take the two-way narcissism seriously? Face it.... If it not for the drama and theatrics of neverending war, none of them would have any means to be the centre of attention.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Come now that's a poor tactic. They aren't the same. Sorry, that's the way it is. Israel isn't innocent by any stretch of the imagination but that's a moot point because the Palestinian elected Hamas are as guilty as they day is long. A country has the right to protect itself. IF the Palestinian elected Hamas chooses to attack Israel, then they forfeit the right to live in peace.

Women and children get killed? Yeah that's war alright. If it's something the Palestinians don't want then they have to stop the rockets and the agression towards Israel. Then everyone else can get involved.

But that isn't going to happen and everyone knows it. If they are too stupid to stop bringing death and distruction down upon the heads of Palestinian women and children, then they are getting exactly what they deserve right now.

I sure won't lose any sleep over it.

There is no way that Palestinians can meet Israeli terms, ever. Only thier extermination will satisfy Israel. You are selective in your application of rights, on the one hand it is acceptable for Israel to defend themselves but not Palestinians. If we are to determine a level of stupidity and greed that brings death and destruction surely Israel meets those requirements, the world will not forget the crimes it has repeatedly witnessed the Israelis commit with impunity. Whatever coin remains of the Holocaust tragedy will be very soon exhausted and the constant cry of wolf will be ignored as it should have been many years past. If there is such a thing as a ledger of crimes against humanity kept in some great hall surely what was owed the Jews has been long since paid fully in blood many times over, but if it's a crime that can never be accounted for then we are all doomed to make eternal payments at the foot of that shrine to evil. I have every reason to expect the later and none to doubt it.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Don't bet the farm on it.
Nobody likes to admit that Israel broke the truce back in early November when the killed 6 people in an unprovoked attack.

Hamas used the truce to re-arm and introduce longer range rockets into the mix. Maybe it's me but if the people who had been launching rockets at me started bringing in larger rockets under a truce agreement I would call it provocation.

Israel has plenty to lose on the international front. But in order to apply sanctions they have to be free of threat to their country. That threat is constant and continuous coming from Hamas militants.

You would think that after 50 years it would be clear that Israel is here to stay and that the thing to do is to negotiate for peace. Instead Hamas demands that Israel cease to be a State. It seems short of that, it's going to be rockets fired blindly into civilian populated areas.

What do you think the proper response to that is?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
There is no way that Palestinians can meet Israeli terms, ever. Only thier extermination will satisfy Israel. You are selective in your application of rights, on the one hand it is acceptable for Israel to defend themselves but not Palestinians. If we are to determine a level of stupidity and greed that brings death and destruction surely Israel meets those requirements, the world will not forget the crimes it has repeatedly witnessed the Israelis commit with impunity. Whatever coin remains of the Holocaust tragedy will be very soon exhausted and the constant cry of wolf will be ignored as it should have been many years past. If there is such a thing as a ledger of crimes against humanity kept in some great hall surely what was owed the Jews has been long since paid fully in blood many times over, but if it's a crime that can never be accounted for then we are all doomed to make eternal payments at the foot of that shrine to evil. I have every reason to expect the later and none to doubt it.

What is so difficult there? I'm sure that you would agree that it's easier than meeting Hamas' demands of Israel.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Hamas used the truce to re-arm and introduce longer range rockets into the mix. Maybe it's me but if the people who had been launching rockets at me started bringing in larger rockets under a truce agreement I would call it provocation.
What did Israel import in that same period, a billion or two in weapons? See if you can wrap your brain around this not-to-hard-to-understand fact. In early November Israel killed 6 people in an unprovoked attack. That means it was not a retaliatory strike it was the 1st strike in the 6 month truce. Have you got that fact inside your head yet?

Israel has plenty to lose on the international front. But in order to apply sanctions they have to be free of threat to their country. That threat is constant and continuous coming from Hamas militants.
So it takes billions/year to defend against some rockets that aren't any more powerful than a hand-grenade. Why are the complaining to Russia about the sale of S-400 (not S-300) air defence systems to Iran, it is none of their business now is it? How many firecrackers went off before those murders in early November?
When has anybody ever sanctioned Israel for all her unlawful deeds in the last 60 years. Must have been a real shock for Israel to lose those 30 rockets they planted in souther Lebanon just days before this slaughter began.

Did you also know the US is not allowed under their own laws to ship arms to any Nation that has a nuclear power plant but is not allowing IAEA inspections. That makes weapons sales to them illegal under their own laws.

When does somebody get to complain about Israel getting weapons and then using them? All they do is bitch about Iran supplying those tiny rockets to Hamas (the plans are probablly on the internet). They did the same when they were bombing Lebanon. Apparently they are the only ones allowed any weapons. A mentally unbalanced as they are (expulsion from countries being the deciding factor on mental stability on how well they can get along with others) why should they have any.

You would think that after 50 years it would be clear that Israel is here to stay and that the thing to do is to negotiate for peace. Instead Hamas demands that Israel cease to be a State. It seems short of that, it's going to be rockets fired blindly into civilian populated areas.
Israel won't stand for any peace that establishes borders, it will only when they control every square inch they want to claim as theirs. As soon as Hamas was elected Israel went to war to dislodge them, they want a government of their choice running Gaza. They got the puppet gov in the West Bank and it hasn't slowed Jewish expansion into that area in the least.

What do you think the proper response to that is?
Well they claim to be God's people, let them start acting like they are under Christ dominion. Even OT Law didn't allow them to do the kind of things they have been doing for the last 2,000 years. Try importing 2 billion in usable products instead of weapons of war. That would mean adhering to international law, like this one.
"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer
parts of its own civilian population into the
territory it occupies." —Article 49 of the Fourth
Geneva Convention of 1949

"We consider these settlements to be contrary to
the Geneva Convention, that occupied territory
should not be changed by establishment of permanent
settlements by the occupying power".

(that should include the previous few years for that area as well)

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
In early November Israel killed 6 people in an unprovoked attack. That means it was not a retaliatory strike it was the 1st strike in the 6 month truce. Have you got that fact inside your head yet?

Seriously, do some reading. You're embarrassing yourself.