
Can we combine all the ISIS threads please.

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Why of course

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Yep

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Well I mean really, yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.S. Navy SEAL demoted for posing with dead prisoner but spared jail
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019 10:14 PM EDT
SAN DIEGO — A U.S. Navy SEAL platoon commander acquitted of murdering a captured Islamic State fighter but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body was sentenced on Wednesday to a demotion in rank and pay.
The penalty imposed by a seven-member jury of U.S. Marines and Navy personnel spared the defendant, Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, from any prison time beyond the nearly seven months he had already served in pretrial custody.
President Donald Trump, who intervened months ago to order Gallagher freed from pretrial detention in the court-martial, hailed the platoon leader’s acquittal in a Twitter post hours before sentencing.
“Congratulations to Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, his wonderful wife Andrea, and his entire family. You have been through much together. Glad I could help!” Trump wrote.
The jury found Gallagher not guilty on Tuesday of murder, attempted murder and other charges, including deliberately shooting at unarmed civilians and obstruction of justice. But he was found guilty of posing for pictures with a human casualty – a practice some military personnel refer to as taking “trophy photos.”
That offence, stemming from photos he and fellow SEAL members took with the corpse of the Iraqi prisoner whom Gallagher was acquitted of slaying, carries a maximum sentence of four months’ imprisonment.
Instead, he will receive a one-step demotion in his rank from chief petty officer to petty officer first class, presumably accompanied by a corresponding reduction in his pay. The sentence also carries a two-month forfeiture of his salary, a sum of nearly $5,400.
Addressing the jury on Wednesday morning before sentence was pronounced, Gallagher accepted “full responsibility” for appearing in the photos in question.
“I put a black eye on the two communities I love the most, the U.S. Marine Corps and the Navy, specifically the SEAL community,” he said.
He went on to acknowledge making “mistakes” throughout his career – “tactical, ethical, moral,” adding, “I’m not perfect but I’ve always bounced back from my mistakes. I’m ready to bounce back from this, and to serve my community.”
The outcome of the court-martial, capped by a three-week trial on various war crimes charges, marked a significant legal victory for Gallagher, 40, who would have faced a possible life sentence had he been found guilty of murder or attempted murder.
Still, the demotion was seen as a harsh rebuke for a career combat veteran and two-time Bronze Star recipient who is nearing retirement after almost two decades in the military.
“We were certainly hoping for a different sentence,” Gallagher’s chief civilian lawyer, Timothy Parlatore, told reporters. “He’s put 20 years, the best years of his life, into the Navy, and this affects what his retirement check is going to be and how he is going to support his family.”
Parlatore suggested defence lawyers would appeal to the Navy command, which still must affirm terms of the sentence before it takes effect.
The situation was muddied further by guidelines stipulating that a sentence calling for confinement, even with credit for time served, could trigger a stiffer administrative demotion, down to the junior enlisted rank of seaman recruit.
Gallagher appeared grim as he and his wife, Andrea, emerged from the courthouse at U.S. Naval Base San Diego and brushed past reporters into a waiting SUV. Responding to shouted questions, he was heard saying only, “The jury came in with a verdict, and I trust them.”
Gallagher, who was arrested last year, was moved in March from a military brig to less restrictive confinement at a Navy base at Trump’s direction in recognition of what the president called the platoon leader’s “past service to our country.”
The court-martial judge later released Gallagher altogether, citing pretrial prosecutor misconduct.
Trump said in May he was considering pardons for a number of U.S. military personnel accused of war crimes, and Gallagher’s case was widely believed to be one of those under review.
Asked about the possibility of pardon now that the court-martial was over, Marc Mukasey, another member of Gallagher’s defence team who is also one of Trump’s personal lawyers, said, “We have not had contact with the White House since the trial began.”
On Tuesday, the jury heard from two doctors who said Gallagher suffered repeated concussions during his combat career, putting him at high risk of brain degeneration and visual impairments that will require ongoing medical attention.
Gallagher, who did not testify in his own defence, insisted his accusers were disgruntled subordinates with no prior battlefield experience and had fabricated allegations against him over grievances with his leadership style and tactics.
The chief petty officer was arrested in 2018, more than a year after returning from his eighth overseas deployment in Mosul, in northern Iraq.


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Oct 26, 2009
Vice reporter loses final bid to block RCMP demand for background material
Canadian Press
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019 4:20 PM EDT
Vice Media reporter Ben Makuch leaves Ontario Superior Court in Toronto on Monday, Feb. 29, 2016.Colin Perkel / THE CANADIAN PRESS
TORONTO — A reporter’s last-ditch attempt at blocking an RCMP demand for his background materials in a terrorism case failed Thursday with a judge refusing to stay the production order.
In her ruling, Ontario Superior Court Justice Breese Davies said the Mounties still have valid reasons to make their demand of journalist Ben Makuch and Vice Media, which said it would now give the RCMP what it has long asked for.
Vice and Makuch argued in April that the order was no longer legally valid because Farah Shirdon, formerly of Calgary, was dead. They based that assertion on statements from U.S. Central Command — Centcom — that Shirdon had been killed in Iraq in an air strike 2015.
Davies, however, said enforcement of the order would not amount to an abuse of process.
“The RCMP have been unable to confirm the veracity of the Centcom statement about Mr. Shirdon’s death,” Davies said. “It is therefore reasonable for the RCMP to continue its investigation into his activities.”
Vice Media’s latest attempt at thwarting the RCMP came little more than two months ago after the Supreme Court of Canada decided that Makuch had to turn over the logs of instant-messaging chats he’d had with Shirdon. Makuch used the material for three stories he wrote in 2014.
At issue in the latest hearing were the reliability of Centcom statements in 2017 and 2018 that indicated Shirdon was dead. The U.S. State Department still designates the suspect, wanted in Canada on terrorism-related charges, as someone “actively engaged in terrorism.”
A disappointed Makuch said Thursday he accepted Vice’s decision to give the RCMP what it wants to spare further litigation.
“It looks like this is the end,” Makuch tweeted after receiving the decision. “The RCMP has treated me as a criminal rather than as a journalist.”
The police action, he said, should trouble all journalists in Canada. He also accused the Mounties of wasting tax dollars in a dead-end pursuit.
“No journalist should be threatened or imprisoned for doing their job,” said Makuch, who expressed appreciation for the support he’s received from the journalism community through his four-year fight.
Makuch’s lawyer, Scott Fenton also expressed disappointment at Davies’ ruling.
“Vice Media will be complying with the production order,” Fenton said.
In a statement, Vice Media said the case called into question Canada’s standing as a defender of press freedom.
Shirdon, a prolific user of social media to recruit westerners to the Islamic State, has been quiet for several years. He is still wanted in Canada on various terror-related charges.
Davies said the Centcom statement on Shirdon’s death was “likely reliable” but said she accepted the RCMP’s contention that it had not been able to confirm the death itself. Nor was there any evidence, she said, that the RCMP was acting in bad faith.
As part of its investigation, the RCMP has long demanded Makuch’s instant-messaging chat logs that led to his writing stories about Shirdon.
Makuch had steadfastly refused to provide them, prompting a fight closely watched by media and free-speech activists that went to the Supreme Court, which upheld the production order in November.
Makuch now lives and works in the United States.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Alleged ISIS fighter on trial in Netherlands for war crimes
July 8, 2019
July 8, 2019 1:48 PM EDT
AMSTERDAM — A Dutch-born alleged Islamic State militant went on trial in the Netherlands on Monday for war crimes committed in Iraq and Syria, after posing with a crucified body and sharing images of dead victims online.
It is the first trial in the Netherlands dealing with war crimes committed by an alleged Islamic State militant.
There is no international tribunal to prosecute the widespread atrocities committed during Syria’s civil war, which began in 2011, but several European countries have put citizens who joined militant groups in the Middle East on trial.
According to the European police agency Europol, some 5,000 Europeans went to fight in Syria and Iraq, of whom some 1,500 have returned. Roughly 300 Dutch men and women joined the war in Iraq and Syria, prosecutors said.
Oussama Achraf Akhlafa, 24, is charged with joining IS militants in Mosul in Iraq, and Raqqa in Syria, between 2014 and 2016.
He is being tried under so-called universal jurisdiction, which enables war crimes to be prosecuted regardless of where they were committed.
Akhlafa is charged with violating the personal dignity of war victims, which is protected under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, as well as membership of a terrorist organization. Prosecutors demanded a prison sentence of seven years, eight months.
Prosecutors said Akhlafa had posed next to the crucified body of a man on a wooden cross and distributed pictures of an IS militant holding the head of a dead Kurdish fighter, and of a dead woman with the foot of someone standing on her body.
A list of fighters on Islamic State’s payroll recovered in Mosul names Akhlafa as one of 18 Dutch nationals, said prosecutor Nicole Vogelenzang.
“According to the list, Akhlafa was a fighter in Mosul for three months in the IS sniper brigade,” she said. The personal information is so “detailed that it could not be about anyone other than Akhlafa.”
“He was there and knew Islamic State was a terrorist group,” she said. “He … even volunteered to carry out suicide attacks.”
In a statement, Akhlafa said he had joined IS after becoming homeless in the Netherlands, but had never hurt anyone.
“If I didn’t get in the photo I would be seen as disloyal” by IS, he told the court. “I posed in the photo. I take all responsibility for that. I am sorry and it was not my intent to humiliate this man.”
“I understand it creates an image, but madame, I didn’t kill anyone … IS wouldn’t even give me a weapon.”
The judge read out witness testimony and quotes from online chats with the defendant in which he bragged about killings and said he was a sniper. “Sniping is the most fun thing there is, but it is highly dangerous,” the judge quoted him as writing.
The defendant said his remark had been intended to impress women.
A second defendant, Dutch-born 24-year-old Reda Nidalha, also went on trial on Monday, accused of membership of a terrorist organization and recruiting radical jihadists via Facebook.
Nidalha, who sat in a black t-shirt with a shaved head and thick beard, was questioned for hours at the opening of hearings on Monday.
He denied allegations of recruiting, saying he had been joking when he chatted on Facebook about friends joining him in Raqqa, the self-declared capital of Islamic State’s “caliphate.”
“In 2014, I went to Syria to help people, women and children,” he told a panel of judges. “I didn’t join to fight. I provided basic medical assistance.”
Nidalha denied accusations of trying to recruit four people for Islamic State, saying the Facebook chats were “not serious.”


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Oct 26, 2009
Three sentenced to death for Morocco backpacker murders
July 18, 2019
July 18, 2019 2:31 PM EDT
Lawyers wait for the arrival of the suspected jihadists accused of murdering two Scandinavian women, during the final court session of the 11-week trial in Sale, near the capital Rabat, on July 18, 2019. Getty Images
SALE — Three Moroccan men were sentenced to death on Thursday for murdering two Scandinavian women in the Atlas mountains.
Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, were killed in their tent in December near the Moroccan village of Imlil, a popular hiking destination.
The anti-terrorism court in Sale, near Rabat, had heard at earlier sessions that the men had pledged allegiance to Islamic State in a video days before the murder.
Two of them – Abdessamad Ejjoud and Youness Ouziyad – had told the court they had decapitated the women, while the third – Rachid Afatti – said he filmed the killing and posted the footage online.
A fourth man who said he had left the group before the murders got a life sentence.
On Thursday, the men said: “May God forgive us” and one added: “There is no God but Allah” when the judge asked them for their final statements before giving his verdict.
Their lawyer, Hafida El Maksaoui, said she would appeal against the sentences.
Twenty other people who prosecutors said had links to the killers were sentenced to between five and 30 years for forming a criminal gang to commit terrorist acts, encouraging terrorism, undermining public order and other crimes.
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All were Moroccan apart from one Swiss national, Kevin Ziller Guervos, who was also accused of persuading people to join militant groups and got a 20-year sentence.
The court ordered the four main convicts to pay $209,000 compensation to Ueland’s family.
Lawyers for Jespersen’s family had asked for the state, not the murders to pay, saying the men would not be able to afford it. But the court turned down that request and made no other order for payments.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS jihadi mocked by bird during induction ceremony
Brad Hunter
August 15, 2019
August 15, 2019 6:47 PM EDT
An aspiring ISIS jihadi found his induction ceremony was for the birds.
As the wannabe terrorist pledges his allegiance to the death cult, a loudly squawking bird appears to make a mockery of the solemn ceremony.
Video footage — worthy of South Park — has now emerged online as the humourous bird appears to be needling the jihadi identified, as Abu Muhammad al-Adeni.
And even after he tries to reboot his pledge to ISIS and Allah, the bird continues to interrupt his prepared speech written on small pieces of paper.
But like any good jihadi, he’s quick to anger.
Another ISIS member not on camera cautions him to “stay calm, keep cool”.
The embarrassing footage was shot by the Yemeni wing of ISIS and released by terror rivals Al-Qaeda earlier this week.
Al-Qaeda militants allegedly discovered the footage after taking over a camp in Yemen, according to the Independent.
The terror blooper reel was said to have been recorded in 2017 and was shared by Dr. Elisabeth Kendall, a Middle East expert at Oxford University.
She tweeted: “Heroic bird relentlessly drowns out ISIS-Y’s attempt to renew allegiance to the caliph.
“Leader’s feeble memory adds to the woes … These bodged ‘takes’ didn’t make it into the official video of this solemn event, released end July.”
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MALCOLM: Canada’s weak ISIS message is on display once again
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Oct 26, 2009
Canada slams U.K. decision to strip 'Jihadi Jack' of citizenship
August 18, 2019
August 18, 2019 5:32 PM EDT
John Letts and Sally Lane arrive at the Old Bailey charged with making money available for suspected terrorist activities on September 10, 2018 in London, England. (Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
OTTAWA — Canada said on Sunday that Britain’s decision to strip Jack Letts — dubbed “Jihadi Jack” by the media — of his British citizenship was an attempt to shift responsibility for what to do with him onto Canada, where he also has citizenship.
A statement from Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s office confirmed a British media report from Saturday, which said that Letts’ UK passport had been torn up.
Letts traveled from Britain to Syria to fight with Islamic State in 2014, according to media reports, and he has been held in a Kurdish prison for two years. In an ITV interview from February, Letts said he wanted to return to Britain because he considered it his home.
“Terrorism knows no borders, so countries need to work together to keep each other safe,” the Canadian statement said. “Canada is disappointed that the United Kingdom has taken this unilateral action to off-load their responsibilities.”
Britain’s Foreign Office could not immediately be reached for comment.
Canada has been embroiled in nagging diplomatic spats over the past year, including with Saudi Arabia and China, but this latest dispute is between two traditional allies and comes just two months ahead of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s bid for re-election.
Trudeau is due to meet the new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at a Group of Seven meeting in France that starts on Aug. 24.
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab met Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland in Toronto earlier this month. The two ministers discussed Letts during the visit, the Canadian statement said.
“While we are disappointed in their decision, we do not conduct tit-for-tat diplomacy. Canada and the UK continue to work closely together on a number of issues, including the situation in Hong Kong,” the statement added.
Canada also said it was “aware of some Canadian citizens currently detained in Syria,” adding that “there is no legal obligation to facilitate their return.”
Canada would not put its consular officials at “undue” risk in “this dangerous part of the world,” it said.


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Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau under pressure after Britain revokes citizenship of 'Jihadi Jack'
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019 12:33 PM EDT
In this file photo taken on July 18, 2019 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during the Canada-EU Summit in Montreal. SEBASTIEN ST-JEAN / AFP/Getty Images
OTTAWA — Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came under pressure on Monday from his Conservative rival in the October election over the Britain’s decision to strip Jack Letts – dubbed “Jihadi Jack” by the media – of his British citizenship.
Letts had dual Canadian-British citizenship, and his father, John Letts, has said he hopes Canada can get him out of the Kurdish prison where he has been held for about two years. Letts left Britain for Syria voluntarily in 2014.
Canada has not responded directly, but said on Sunday it had “no legal obligation to facilitate” the return of Canadian citizens held in Syria, and that it would not comment on “specific cases or national security measures.”
“‘Jihadi Jack’ is in prison now and that is where he should stay. A Conservative government under my leadership will not lift a finger to bring him back to Canada,” Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said in a statement to Reuters.
Britain’s decision prompted a stern response from Canada. In a statement on Sunday, Trudeau’s Liberal government said the U.K. was trying to “off-load” its responsibilities in the case.
The timing of the diplomatic dispute – just two months ahead of the election – is not good for Trudeau. Most polls show Scheer holding a slight lead nationally with just over two months to go before the Oct. 21 vote.
Canada slams U.K. decision to strip ‘Jihadi Jack’ of citizenship
Jihadi Jack is innocent, Canadian ISIS suspect’s dad claims
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The decision to revoke Letts’ British citizenship was taken by former Prime Minister Elizabeth May’s government toward the end of July, two sources familiar with the matter said.
“Canada has certainly expressed its displeasure but nobody has gone berserk,” a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The same source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the issue is not likely to upset the Group of Seven meeting next week in France, where Trudeau will meet with the new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
“The relationship is so much bigger than just this one case,” the source said.
Letts’ father disputed the “knee-jerk assumption” that his son fought with Islamic State while in Syria, but added that if his son had broken the law he should be tried, according to an interview with Canada’s Global News radio on Sunday.
“If Jack Letts has done something wrong, I will be the first person to stand up and condemn him publicly and ask for him to go on trial and be punished for what he did,” he said.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canada blasts Brits over stripping Jihadi Jack of U.K. citizenship
Brad Hunter
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019 1:50 PM EDT
Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s office bitterly lashed out at the United Kingdom after that country stripped an ISIS man of his citizenship.
The U.K. stripped Jack “Jihadi Jack” Letts of his British citizenship. He’s currently being held captive in Syria.
Letts is a dual British-Canadian citizen and his parents have been fighting for Canada to take him in.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ralph Goodale is pictured on Jan. 25, 2019. (David Bloom/Postmedia Network)
But Goodale’s office is claiming that by stripping Jihadi Jack of his citizenship, the Brits have “off-loaded their responsibilities.” His office added that “Canada is disappointed.”
Letts has been held prisoner in a Kurdish prison for the past two years as the U.K. and Canada duked it out over who was responsible for the wayward young man.
The Brit — who has never lived in Canada — travelled to Syria to help support the terror organization known as the Islamic State.
Goodale’s office says it is aware of multiple Canadian citizens detained in Syria, but consular services will not be provided due “to undue risk in this dangerous part of the world.”
The statement also says there is no legal obligation to facilitate their return to Canada.
A statement from the Home Office in the U.K. says revoking British citizenships is one way it counters terrorist threats, adding the government does not comment on individual cases.
Goodale’s office says Canadians involved in terrorism or violent extremism must be held accountable for their actions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Let Jihadi Jack rot in a Kurdish jail — not come to Canada
Brian Lilley
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019 5:12 PM EDT
Jihadi Jack wasn’t born in Canada and he’s never lived here, but the man accused of being an ISIS fighter and terrorist could be living in Canada soon.
Jack Letts, born and raised in England, had his British citizenship stripped last month. That means that Letts, who has visited Canada a couple of times with his Canadian-born father, could land in our lap.
Letts can claim Canadian citizenship through his father and now that Britain won’t take him back from a Kurdish prison, all eyes are on Canada.
Based on what he has said in the past, including passing Bill C-6 which restored citizenship to convicted jihadists, you one might reasonably think Justin Trudeau would be fully behind this.
“We know diversity is our strength, and for this side of the House, a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian,” Trudeau said in October 2017.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pauses after delivering an official apology to Inuit for the federal government’s management of tuberculosis in the Arctic from the 1940s to the 1960s during an event in Iqaluit, Nunavut on Friday, March 8, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick ORG XMIT: SKP509
At the time, Trudeau was praising C-6 which allowed people like Zakaria Amara, a key person in the Toronto 18 terror plot, to regain their Canadian citizenship. Amara, born in Jordan, could have been deported from Canada upon completion of his life sentence.
But to Trudeau, at that time anyway, anyone with a connection to Canada was welcome here so Amara can stay.
So it is a bit surprising to hear Trudeau now when he is questioned about Jihadi Jack.
“It is a crime to travel internationally with a goal of supporting terrorism or engaging in terrorism. And that is a crime that we will continue to make all attempts to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law,” Trudeau said Monday in Quebec City when answering questions from the reporters.
What ever happened to, “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian?”
For that matter, what ever happened to welcoming back ISIS fighters with poetry lessons and referring to them as, “an extraordinarily powerful voice.”
Seems that Trudeau is facing election and can’t afford to be seen as soft on terror.
That’s the only explanation for his change in tune.
Canada blasts Brits over stripping Jihadi Jack of U.K. citizenship
Jihadi Jack’s dad slams Scheer over terror ‘misinformation’
Trudeau government denies secret plan to bring Jihadi Jack to Canada
Trudeau wouldn’t bite when asked if he was “open” to letting Letts come to Canada nor would he say he would attempt to block his move to this country.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer wasn’t shy about saying Letts shouldn’t be on Canadian soil.
“Jihadi Jack is in prison now and that is where he should stay. A Conservative government under my leadership will not lift a finger to bring him back to Canada,” Scheer said in a statement.
I like that statement, except for the bit that says “bring him back.” Jack Letts has never lived in Canada, he visited relatives and that does not make him a Canadian.
Andrew Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, the Official Opposition, responds to Justin Trudeau’s statement today during a press conference at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel at Pearson Airport in Toronto on Thursday, March 7, 2019. Ernest Doroszuk / Toronto Sun / Postmedia Network
My parents were born in Britain; I was born in Canada. Like Letts, I could claim British citizenship the same way he claims Canadian.
Yet I’ve never lived there. I’ve only gone to visit relatives, which is what Letts has done with Canada.
If I got into trouble overseas, I wouldn’t ask Britain to bail me out.
Jack Letts is not Canada’s problem except for those that want to engage in theoretical arguments about citizenship and being stateless.
Letts is a Brit, not a Canuck.
As far as I’m concerned he can stay in a Kurdish prison — or head back to England — but this country owes him nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'SHOCKED AND ANGRY': Blundering Starbucks barista writes ISIS on man's order
Aidan Wallace
September 3, 2019
September 3, 2019 7:33 PM EDT
A Starbucks coffee cup is seen inside a Starbucks Coffee shop in Washington, DC, April 17, 2018.Getty Images
A Philadelphia, Pa., man is calling out Starbucks for discrimination after he received his order with the name ISIS written on the cups.
Niquel Johnson, 40, went to a Starbucks dressed in Islamic dress and ordered three drinks, giving the barista his Islamic name Aziz — pronounced ah-zeez — as he usually does. But he was floored when he got his order and noticed all three cups had his name written down as the abbreviation for the Islamic terrorist group ISIS, TheWashington Post reports.
Johnson complained, accusing the global coffee company of discrimination and called for an apology.
“I was shocked and angry,” Johnson said, adding, “I felt it was discrimination.”
The blunder only got worse after representatives from Starbucks contacted someone who they believed was Johnson’s niece, Alora, to make amends.
Johnson said he doesn’t have a niece named Alora and has never met anyone with that name.
In a back and forth phone conversation with Johnson, Starbucks representative Brian Dragone claims the mix up was due to a misunderstanding with one of his colleagues and he was heard saying: “I have no explanation for that. We’re going to have to figure that out on our end who that was who we spoke to.”
Johnson, understandably was upset at the incompetence of the barista and the Starbucks representatives, cut through the confusion, replying: “No, this can’t be resolved by a simple apology at this point. I feel as though I was discriminated against, and there’s no apology that can simply be an apology at this point,” before going on to accuse Dragone’s colleague of lying.
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“After investigating, we don’t believe this was a case of discrimination or profiling,” Starbucks spokesman Reggie Borges said in a statement. “The customer approached and provided the name Aziz. The barista mistakenly spelled it incorrectly. We have connected with Mr. Johnson and apologized for this regrettable mistake.”
Johnson said the baffling situation and customer service has him contemplating taking legal action, saying: “I feel like they’re not taking it seriously as it is,” before saying an organization like Starbucks should have their facts checked and not allow someone unrelated to himself or the situation to speak on his behalf.


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Oct 26, 2009
Accused ISIS executioner slaughtered 20 in same family: Hungary
Brad Hunter
September 3, 2019
September 3, 2019 7:48 PM EDT
The good old days. ISIS is unlikely to retreat from its terror campaign in the west. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The charges are horrific.
Twenty-five people — including 20 members of the same clan — murdered in cold blood for refusing to join the ISIS death cult.
The dead included women and children.
Now, the suspected mastermind of the slaughter has been charged with crimes against humanity.
The 27-year-old who orchestrated the bloodshed — known only as F. Hassan — personally beheaded the imam of a small town in Syria in 2015 as ISIS tried to establish their ill-fated caliphate.
Hassan is also accused of murdering two others, including a man shot in the head with a handgun. The family of 20 were all beheaded.
Hungarian prosecutors have accused him of the crimes against humanity.
The charges were revealed Tuesday in Budapest after a lengthy investigation. He was arrested last December when he arrived at the airport with bogus identity papers.
Hassan was about to be deported back to Greece where he has refugee status but then investigators uncovered evidence he was linked to the Syrian massacre.
Prosecutors want Hassan locked up for the rest of his natural life.
They say he helped draw up a “hit list” of people who refused to join ISIS.
Prior to arriving in Hungary, Hassan also visited a number of other European countries, Hungary’s Counter-Terrorism Centre said. The countries were not named.
As part of the effort to cleanse the small town, Hassan and another jihadi beheaded the local imam in front of the entire population.
Anyone who failed to join ISIS after the barbaric display was executed.


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Oct 26, 2009
ISIS bride recruited young women for jihadis
Brad Hunter
September 10, 2019
September 10, 2019 3:12 PM EDT
Happy days in the caliphate, Omaima Abdi, and one of the incriminating photos on her phone found discarded in the rubble of the caliphate.
They called the rapper-turned-jihadi fanatic the “Josef Goebbels” of ISIS.
Now, his enabling wife has been busted in Germany.
Cops say her mobile phone held countless photos of kids wielding AK-47s — and an Osama bin Laden birthday cake.
German-Tunisian Omaima Abdi, 34, was arrested in Hamburg during a sophisticated police operation.
ISIS experts say Abdi was a key member of the death cult’s propaganda machine darkly called the “Mumsnet for jihadi brides”.
Her hate-packed phone fell into the hands of an Arabic-speaking reporter.
Yum. The bin Laden cake. GERMAN FEDERAL POLICE
Among the contents were e-mails recruiting Western brides for jihadi brothers. Photos of one of ISIS’s most fanatical fighters were also on the phone.
According to The U.K. Sun, Abdi married German rapper Denis ‘Deso Dogg’ Cuspert after her first husband was obliterated in an allied air raid in Syria.
Her second husband blew his brains out as the walls caved in on the caliphate.
But before he was taken off the board, he orchestrated the videotaping and distribution of images of British hostages David Haines and Alan Henning.
The “Goebbels of ISIS”, Denis ‘Deso Dogg’ Cuspert blew his brains out as the caliphate crumbled. GERMAN FEDERAL POLICE
He also allegedly lured hundreds of young German Muslims to join ISIS.
He told a German reporter he turned to ISIS because of racism in his homeland: “I grew up with racism. Though my mother is German, some teachers back then would call me ‘Negro’ and treat all Muslim kids bad.”
Bizarrely, since her return to Germany, Abdi has been working as an event planner and interpreter, according to The Sunday Times.
The Times said Abdi is also a central figure of the Free Our Sisters in the U.K. which supports jailed female terrorists. She was also active in trying to convert non-Muslims.


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Oct 26, 2009
Ex-American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotage may be 'very sympathetic to terrorists': Judge
September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019 3:35 PM EDT
American Airlines jetliners are pictured Feb. 3, 2019 at Miami International Airport in Florida.DANIEL SLIM / AFP / Getty Images
A U.S. federal judge has accused an American Airlines mechanic — charged with purposely damaging an aircraft that was due to take off from Miami with 150 aboard — of having terrorist sympathies, the Associated Press reports.
No longer employed by the airline, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani was denied bail Wednesday as he is deemed a flight risk and a danger to the community, the court said. The incident occurred in July. But U.S. Magistrate Judge Chris McAliley suggested he may have ties to ISIS.
“You may be very sympathetic to terrorists,” McAliley told Alani at the hearing, according to the Associated Press. “That’s very disconcerting.”
McAliley cited new evidence of potential terrorism sympathies when denying bail, including videos on Alani’s cellphone depicting Islamic State mass murders.
However, court papers on Wednesday did not show any change in the charge against Alani, a U.S. citizen originally from Iraq, to suggest any link to terrorism.
“We are co-operating with federal authorities in this investigation. The safety of our customers and team members remains our top priority,” American Airlines said in a statement.
When law enforcement officials interviewed Alani after his arrest, he claimed he was upset over stalled labour talks and that he had tampered with the aircraft hoping that a delay or cancellation would lead to overtime work.
Pilots aborted the take-off after receiving an error message and no one was injured.
However, U.S. attorney Maria Medetis said the potential ISIS links suggest his actions did not stem from a labour issue, AP reported. Medetis said Alani told the FBI in a recorded statement at the time of his arrest: “Out of my evil side, I wanted to do something.”
American’s mechanics have not had a joint contract since the carrier merged with U.S. Airways in 2013. Both sides are talking before a mediator this week in Washington.
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said last week that it had revoked Alani’s mechanic certificate.
— With Files from Postmedia Network


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
I knew an Isis one time. She was hawt. Would have liked a little rubadubdub but she was hetero.
I thought Trump got rid of Isis. (sarcasm)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.K. families plotting to smuggle ISIS sympathizing relatives out of Syrian camps
Aidan Wallace
September 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 7:01 PM EDT
British ISIS member Tooba Gondal, also known as "the ISIS matchmaker". Twitter/RojavaIC
Syrian camps holding ISIS members as well as British citizens are the target of a U.K. cabinet dispute over whether to allow citizens back into the U.K. after leaving to join ISIS in Syria.
According to the Daily Mail, “chatter” involving how British families might smuggle their jihadi family members back into Britain is growing as the period of time to repatriate closes.
The “window of time for countries to repatriate effectively is closing quickly,” a Western security source said.
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is supposedly making repatriation a top priority in secret security meetings, the Mail reports. However, Johnson has been met with staunch opposition from the likes of Home Secretary Priti Patel.
Patel said there is “no way” people such as 19-year-old Shamima Begum will be permitted to come back to Britain.
Begum fled Britain as a teenager to join ISIS in Syria and now wants to be flown back to Britain.
Ms Gondal identified herself to @RojavaIC by name, describing herself as a 25-year-old British-Pakistani woman born in France, but with permanent British residency.
The audio recording of our interview corresponds to audio tracks posted online by Ms Gondal back in 2013. [4/22]
— Rojava Information Center (@RojavaIC) April 1, 2019
Patel told the U.K. Sun: “Our job is to keep our country safe.”
“We don’t need people who have done harm and left our country to be part of a death cult and to perpetrate that ideology,” she told the paper. “We cannot have people who would do us harm allowed to enter our country — and that includes this woman.”
So-called “ISIS matchmaker” Tooba Gondal, 25, allegedly recruited Begum and has also called on the U.K. government to take her back despite her role in the use of propaganda to create jihadi brides, the U.K. Sun reports.
Ex-American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotage may be 'very sympathetic to terrorists': Judge
In an open letter, the U.K.-born Gondal reportedly called the Syrian camp “a filthy environment with open sewers. It is not just for my government to keep us here for nearly a year now.”
“I want to face justice in a British court. I wish to redeem myself,” she wrote in the letter. “I would like Britain to accept my apology and to give me another chance.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS killers called 'The Beatles' now face execution in U.S.
Brad Hunter
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019 2:32 PM EDT
Members of the ISIS Beatles cell El Shafee Elsheikh, left, and Alexanda Kotey possibly face the death penalty. GETTY IMAGES
They were the British invasion with a sickening twist.
Four young Brits who joined the ISIS death cult were called ‘The Beatles” by their mates in madness and investigators believe they committed some of the most heinous crimes of the caliphate.
Now, the two surviving members are about to be extradited to the U.S. to face charges.
If convicted, it is almost certain they will be executed at the U.S. Federal Prison in Terra Haute, Ind.
Alexanda Kotey, 35, and El Shafee Elsheikh, 31, have been in custody since they were captured in Syria in February 2018.
‘The Beatles’: El Shafee Elsheikh, Mohammed Emwazi, Aine Davis and Alexanda Kotey.
One of the other members of their cell was notorious ISIS executioner Jihadi John, who was obliterated in an allied airstrike.
Intelligence sources believe the quarter acted as an execution squad for Islamic State, butchering scores of innocent civilians.
U.S. President Donald Trump described the pair as the “worst of the worst.”
American intelligence officials believe the men “participated in the detention, exploitation and execution of Western detainees.”
Meanwhile, the question remains as to what Canada will do with the 32 Canadians believed to be ISIS members languishing in two prison camps in northeastern Syria.
ISIS executioner Jihadi John was killed previously.
These include six men, nine women and 17 children.
With Turkey’s invasion, there is a dire possibility that some of the 11,000 ISIS prisoners could be sprung.
“Something like this was bound to happen,” Michael Nesbitt, a senior fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, told CBC News.
“There was always a risk something like this would happen and if we didn’t take action (to repatriate them) national security could be put at risk … I’d be worried about the Canadians, where they end up,” he said.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
With any luck the Canadians of convenience in ISIS will face the tong end of an AK47 before TrudOWE has a chance to bring them here.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Well, after ISIS reconstitutes from not having to deal with the Kurds, maybe everyone will get lucky and ISIS will target Cadet Bone Spurs.