Is CUPE 3903 Bargaining In Bad Faith?


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Is CUPE 3903 Bargaining In Bad Faith?

York University had three labour disruptions in the past ten years making students lose time and graduating later or not at all.

Why is it that none of the other universities have this problem?

Is CUPE bargaining in bad faith?

I went to CUPE’s web site and nowhere I could find what the demands are.

What is CUPE and the members of CUPE 3903 afraid of by not listing the demands to the public?

CUPE have shown that they are bargaining in bad faith and York University should refund the students tuitions and close the university and make it into a private school or an inner city school since it is close to the infamous Jane and Finch area.

The Government of Ontario doesn’t care about the students of they would have legislated them back to work by now.

The Ontario government should make a law that York University have a no strike clause and go into forced arbitration.

Something has to be done the students should not have to suffer like this.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Who cares. We're still dealing with striking transpo workers, here. Over a month with no bus service. And that's not so bad considering I walk to work and back everyday anyway(1.4 clicks). But I usually take the bus when the sidewalks are covered with what looks like grizzle from the tin my mother kept on top of the stove.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
I guess what we have to deal with is two sides digging their heals in, and neither wanting to give in. From what I could get from the very vague CUPE 3903 site, the union has their opinion on what they want from the employer and the employer has said NO. By not giving the public the knowledge of what the union is demanding, they cannot be ridiculed for demanding lots.
One of the things that I have found over the years is that money can be a main sticking point in the union’s demands and until money becomes less of a sticking point, the teachers and professors will stand their ground. When I was a banker for over 32 years, I found that one of the poorest money managers in any group of people were teachers. It takes teachers a long time to get to understand that they DO NOT NEED to spend all the money they get from salary within the first 15 minutes of getting paid. The majority of them are very good at making sure they find debt or spending habits to give themselves gratification at the end of each month. Having said that, we can assume that the teachers and professors at the university are of the same cloth and very few of them live within their means. Having lost 77 days wages, out of 365, they are down by some 20% in salary. When their friendly, (maybe not so friendly banker) comes knocking on their door, saying we are foreclosing on your house, maybe they will get smart enough to tell their union (AKA Pimp) to agree to the offer, even if it is less than the last offer. I have not been able to find a web site where it says the union will make the house payments for their workers, until the house is paid off.