

Jun 23, 2006
someone told me it's groundhog day tomorrow. I also noticed that the legend of the groundhog and the poem above about candlemas have similarities.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
It's a quarter days celebration that falls between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Ancient people would hold a celebration in the midst of deepest winter to pray that spring would actually come again.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
This is celtic Lore........

Imbolc (Em-bolc) is the Wiccan Sabbat that celebrates the growing light and warmth of newborn the sun, usually falling around Feburary 2. The chief deity of this holiday is Briget, the Celtic triple Goddess of light and fire as well as healing, poetry, and smithcraft. The word Imbolc means "ewe's milk" from Europe where the period in which ewe's were lacting was a symbol celebrated as the ending of winter.

Imbolc is also known and Candlemass because many pagans light candles on this day to awake the Goddess from here slumber. In Celtic pagan traditions, a young maiden walks into the circle with a crown of candles representing the solar year. This costume is believed to have originated from the Nordic Yule costumes and penitrated the Celtic traditions during an invasion. This custom is still practiced in Sweeden on St. Lucia's day, aroud Yule as well as modern solitaries and covens around the word.

Other symbols of Imbolc include sun wheels and bride dollies. Sun wheels are create around this time to represent the solar year, usually made from dried vines. Bride dollies are used by some Wiccans as representations of the Goddess in either her maiden or mother aspect awaitin her lover or son. They are usually made made from natural materials, usually corn huks.

Imbolc is related to the American holiday known as Ground hog's Day which also falls on Feburary 2. On this day, a ground hog is belived to pop out of the ground and look around. If he see's his shadow, the earth will experience six more weeks of spring. If not, he will come out and the spring will soon come.

In Wiccan myth, the Goddess rests from giving birth. The new born sun god grows stronger and stronger as his mother nurses him. She awakes softley from his growing light. Witches take part in this with his effort by using candles in their Imbolc rites.

Another myth states that the Goddess is in her maiden aspect. If you think about it, this makes more sense out of honoring Briget at this time. The maiden Goddess is the embodyment of youth and new beginnings, which makes her an excellent symbol of the spring to come. Like the God, she to grow stronger as the turn of the wheel.

Imbolc is the traditional time for cleansing and purification rites. Do some spiring cleaning and get rid of thing you no longer need. You might want to do some introspective excercises such as meditation and discover what lays within you that no longer serves. The idea is to start fresh as you aproach the new year. Prepare yourself for the season of warmth, hope, and growth.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Im positively glowing! It was just what I needed after a long hard Yule. My lifes been so sad so pained since my son's death and Candlemas gives me light in my soul again. Id like to sharev my experience and maybe just maybe you might see the magic I feel. Not facts not books......pure magic.

We are a band of about 20, our beliefs vary as widely as we ourselves do as people. We have buddists, wiccan, druids, shamans, gays straights bi's We are healers and givers of light. We start in a circle calling the five directions to join us North South east west and center. Then we ask God and Goddess to join us. In this ritual we asked the greek God Eros and the Greek Goddess Psyche they created a child named Hedone which means Joy (Im simplifying the story I know go with the feeling ok?) We ask Goddess an God to grant us a boon (its like a prayer) I asked for Wisdom, Ive been called apon to teach as of late and I wanted guidance. Others asked for health and others justice in legal matters. We sing a chant that asks Goddess to lead us true as the River leads to the ocean. Coming to her as a child o a Mother. (I always end up in tears) Then we partake in "wine" (usually sparkling juice or pomagranite juice if its celtic ritual) These are blessed and We pass the chalise saying "May you never thirst" and the cookies we say "may you never hunger" Its not just the physical thirst but the spiritual thirst that is far worse. We then have a craft we do together. We all picked a card from the Tarot asking "How can this card help me to Love myself" (the theme was self worth LOL Goddess was guiding Kristin!) I pulled the Justice card LOL PERRRRRRFECT! The Justice card calls for balance and Ive been very unbalanced. We were given little hearts to decorate and use as a reminder on our altars if we wished. Then we came together and the question was Why do we fear Love? My answer was "Because We fear we dont deserve Love" And the words came so quickly I realised I believed it. I cried. We then gathered our energy to share with one another. Its absolutely invigerating and uplifting. We then released the circle and had feast and fellowship. Thats a Pagan ritual. I hope it wasnt to scary ;)


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
I'm jealous :( The group I was supposed to be celebrating with decided to have a ritual this evening, and I was working until a short while ago. Sadly I didn't get to partake in this season's ritual. Of course, there's nothing to stop me from doing a solitary one, but it's nice to experience the closeness of others every now and then. ^.^


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Im positively glowing! It was just what I needed after a long hard Yule. My lifes been so sad so pained since my son's death and Candlemas gives me light in my soul again. Id like to sharev my experience and maybe just maybe you might see the magic I feel. Not facts not books......pure magic.

We are a band of about 20, our beliefs vary as widely as we ourselves do as people. We have buddists, wiccan, druids, shamans, gays straights bi's We are healers and givers of light. We start in a circle calling the five directions to join us North South east west and center. Then we ask God and Goddess to join us. In this ritual we asked the greek God Eros and the Greek Goddess Psyche they created a child named Hedone which means Joy (Im simplifying the story I know go with the feeling ok?) We ask Goddess an God to grant us a boon (its like a prayer) I asked for Wisdom, Ive been called apon to teach as of late and I wanted guidance. Others asked for health and others justice in legal matters. We sing a chant that asks Goddess to lead us true as the River leads to the ocean. Coming to her as a child o a Mother. (I always end up in tears) Then we partake in "wine" (usually sparkling juice or pomagranite juice if its celtic ritual) These are blessed and We pass the chalise saying "May you never thirst" and the cookies we say "may you never hunger" Its not just the physical thirst but the spiritual thirst that is far worse. We then have a craft we do together. We all picked a card from the Tarot asking "How can this card help me to Love myself" (the theme was self worth LOL Goddess was guiding Kristin!) I pulled the Justice card LOL PERRRRRRFECT! The Justice card calls for balance and Ive been very unbalanced. We were given little hearts to decorate and use as a reminder on our altars if we wished. Then we came together and the question was Why do we fear Love? My answer was "Because We fear we dont deserve Love" And the words came so quickly I realised I believed it. I cried. We then gathered our energy to share with one another. Its absolutely invigerating and uplifting. We then released the circle and had feast and fellowship. Thats a Pagan ritual. I hope it wasnt to scary ;)

I am happy to hear that you had a spiritual experience. And I bet that in this spiritual experience you felt loved?
I know the feeling and I have also experienced the love of God.

And yes, it is like magic. A wonderful magic and experience that one wishes would last and last, but find that it was for the moment, as a refreshing of the soul.

My God knows all your gods, but especially knows your heart. And your heart is what He touches, comforts and gives you peace, even though you may not recognize it.

But, that’s OK! He still loves you as I do.
