If You Watch One Tutorial on the Jeffrey Epstein Case Make It This One


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
REVEALED: Jeffrey Epstein splashed out $18M for a SECOND Caribbean island in 2016 where work continues on compound despite cease and desist orders, $2.1M in fines and pedophile’s incarceration

  • Jeffrey Epstein owns two neighboring properties in the US Virgin Islands, having purchased Little St. James in 1998 and Great St. James in 2016
  • He paid $18 million to purchase all 162 acres on the island from two separate parties in January 2016, and soon after began building roads, a home and a pool despite only being approved to erect a flag pole
  • In 2016, he was fined $70,000 and then approximately $150,000 for violating building orders on the island, with the first violation ‘in regards to unpermitted land clearing’
  • Epstein has erected ‘No Trespassing’ signs all around the island as many tourists spent time off the coast in Christmas Cove
  • Work was ordered to stop on December 21 but has not according to local reports, which means that Epstein could be facing up to $2.15 million in fines and penalties
  • A spokesperson with the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources declined to comment on the island, illegal building or Epstein’s plans

Democratic fundraising committees decline to say whether they will donate or give back Jeffrey Epstein contributions

  • Two Democratic fundraising committees have remained silent since Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest for alleged sex trafficking three weeks ago.
  • Epstein gave more than $80,000 to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee combined starting in the early 1990s.
  • Former DNC chair Don Fowler, who was in charge of the DNC at the time of the contributions, questions why they should give away these contributions.

Three weeks after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on child sex trafficking charges, Democratic fundraising groups have remained silent on whether they will donate or give back contributions from the wealthy financier.
Epstein started giving to these organizations just over two decades ago. He was first accused of sex crimes in the mid-2000s. When asked whether the Democratic National Committee or the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee will return or contribute these Epstein funds to a charity organization, press representatives for the groups did not respond. CNBC has reached out to the committees numerous times over the past two weeks.

Epstein gave at least $80,000 combined to the DNC and the DSCC from the late 1990s through the early 2000s, according to Federal Election Commission records. Epstein’s donations to the committees were given either directly or through Democratic joint fundraising operations, including one in part led by Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate exploratory committee called New York Senate 2000.
Epstein has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Don Fowler, who was DNC co-chairman from January 1995 through January 1997, questioned why the committees should give away these donations due to the checks being written decades earlier.
“Go back and give money that he gave 20 years ago? Are you nuts? That’s my answer to that,” Fowler told CNBC in an interview Wednesday.
“Maybe the RNC [Republican National Committee] should return any money that anyone gave to supporters of Richard Nixon,” he emailed later.
When asked about Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who gave $7,000 in campaign contributions from Epstein to charities, Fowler said the New York lawmaker is “one person who is completely isolated from any political threat.” He called it “a nice little symbolic gesture.”
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee saw a $10,000 donation from Epstein last year but immediately sent it back.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Why the Epstein-Mossad Honey Trap Story Has Disappeared

If you search the news, you will find very little to nothing in the corporate media about pedo Jeffrey Epstein’s connection to Israeli intelligence. This connection is obvious—from Epstein’s connection to the Zionist Les Wexner and especially his Mossad handler, Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of documented Mossad operative and double agent Robert Maxwell. It’s said Ghislaine had a romantic relationship with Epstein in 1992. This is likely a cover story. Maxwell was Epstein’s Mossad liaison. She also procured and trained teenage girls to work as honey traps.
The story in the corporate media following Epstein’s arrest is that Ghislaine recruited girls for Epstein and his associates, many rich and influential. It is described as simply a pedophile sex ring when it is obviously much more—a blackmail operation designed to compromise politicians and others when and if they deviated from the Zionist agenda.
This has already swirled and descended into the memory hole. Headlines focus instead on the appeal of Epstein’s bail denial, the red flags raised about his jail records and work release, his close ties to Wall Street and Barclays, and the taint on the money he gave to Harvard and other institutions over the years. Much attention dwells on the salacious nature of Epstein’s pedophilia.
Meanwhile, disgraced former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s remark on Epstein’s intelligence connections (which Acosta has since denied) fade as corporate media sensationalism and miasma dominate and shape the story.
Leslie Wexner is described as the “most prominent client” of Epstein’s alleged money management firm. However, it appears Wexner was the only client—and he wasn’t so much a client as a conduit for money poured into a Zionist blackmail operation.
A Twitter account under the handle “Quantian” theorized that Epstein’s main purpose was to blackmail politicians and wealthy perverts.
“You don’t need to charge up front, just get them to have underage sex, and then blackmail them afterwards for hush money. Better ROI, but you’re still a liability, and producing and receiving big bribe money raises big questions… This scheme works just as well if the billionaires are in on it from the getgo as a way to buy sex; I assumed that was obvious but I guess not… There’s no need to invoke the Mafia/Russia/Mossad/CIA/etc, that’s just needlessly overfitting.”
Except it is not “overfitting.” It is the only explanation that makes sense. Undoubtedly, Epstein bribed these people to “invest” in his offshore “fund,” however it is unlikely a criminal scheme like this would have lasted decades. The wealthy and influential have the money and resources to deal with blackmailers. However, as Robert Maxwell discovered, it would be supremely foolish to expose or double-cross the Mossad (or the CIA and Russian intelligence) unless you want to be found floating dead off the Canary Islands or hanging in your mother’s backyard like the so-called DC Madam.
Even if a few names are put out there for the sake of a corporate media feeding frenzy, the real story will never be fully revealed. Israel will not suffer any consequence beyond speculation that will be dismissed as the antisemitic ravings of conspiracy theorists.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
He will be let go to save him from being harmed. That would be the fate of any pedo when there are parents in the same room. The bruise should have been around his asshole.

(CNN)Financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was found in his Manhattan jail cell with marks on his neck this week, a law enforcement source and a source familiar with the incident said Thursday.

It is not clear to jail officials if the injuries, incurred Tuesday, were self-inflicted or the result of an assault, the law enforcement source said.
While Epstein told authorities he was beaten up and called a child predator, the sources said, he has been placed on suicide watch. His injuries were not serious, they said.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons, citing privacy and security concerns, declined to comment on the matter, other than to say that Epstein remains housed at Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York and is not in the hospital.
A source who stood several feet away from Epstein on Thursday said he has no cuts or bruises on his face and didn't visibly appear injured. The source said it was difficult to notice whether Epstein had any markings on his neck because the jumpsuit he wore covered part of his neck. Epstein was meeting with his attorneys, the source said.
Epstein is awaiting trial on one count of sex trafficking of minors and one count of conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking. He has pleaded not guilty.
The 66-year-old allegedly paid girls as young as 14 to have sex with him at his Upper East Side home and his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, between 2002 and 2005. Federal prosecutors say he used employees and associates to lure the girls to his residences and then paid some of his victims to recruit other girls for him to abuse.
A federal judge last week ordered Epstein to remain in jail pending trial, turning down the multimillionaire's request to return to his Upper East Side mansion under supervision.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
‘His Weapons Were His Hands’: Epstein Posed as Victoria’s Secret Recruiter to Grope Models – Reports

A second model has come forward accusing the financier of using his close ties to billionaire businessman Leslie H. Wexner to try to get access to younger women.

Accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein posed as Victoria’s Secret talent scout to try and “manhandle” a California model by luring her to a Santa Monica hotel room, according to a police report reviewed by The New York Times.
The model, Alicia Arden, told the Times of the 1997 encounter, one of the earliest documented allegations against Epstein. “His weapons were his hands,” said Arden, who was 27 at the time of the alleged attack. Arden visited Epstein in his Santa Monica hotel room, expecting to discuss appearing in Victoria’s Secret catalogue. The incident happened less than a year after a similar reported sexual misconduct allegation, filed by Maria Farmer, who was working on an art project for Epstein in the Ohio mansion of Leslie H. Wexner, the billionaire businessman and CEO of L Brands, the parent company of Victoria’s Secret.
Arden said she went to the police the day after Epstein attacked her, worried that he could be using his connection to Victoria’s Secret and Wexner to hurt other women. A week later, worried about other women, she returned to the police station to put her report on the record.
“Why would someone that powerful and successful befriend someone like Jeffrey Epstein?” Arden said. “I don’t get it.”
Arden’s allegations raised new questions about relations between Epstein and Wexner. Two former executives of the company told the Times that they learned that Epstein was attempting to get involved in recruiting lingerie models for Victoria’s Secret in the 1990s. Moreover, in 1991 Wexner signed a three-page legal document, known as a power of attorney, that enabled Epstein to hire people, sign checks, buy and sell properties and borrow money on Wexner’s behalf. According to the document, cited by the Times, Epstein had the “full power and authority to do and perform every act necessary” for Wexner. Epstein reportedly had control of Wexner’s financial affairs for the next 16 years, and he managed to scoop up assets previously owned by Wexner or his companies during that period, including a New York mansion for which there are no publicly filed documents showing the purchase.
According to sources, Wexner was informed of the situation and promised to take care of it, but didn’t cut ties with Epstein until years later, when Florida authorities charged Epstein with multiple counts of molestation and unlawful sexual activity with a minor in early 2006.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Epstein Aside, Victoria's Secret Faces Uphill Battle Selling Sexy In A #MeToo World

Victoria's Secret has more than just a Jeffrey Epstein problem. The four-decade-old lingerie retailer faces pressure to market to an 'increasingly broadened' definition of beauty - including 'rubenesque' women and transgender individuals who just want to feel sexy.
The company is currently doing Jeffrey Epstein damage control - after Epstein's two-decade-long reign as a "close confidant, financial manager, and right hand" to the CEO of Victoria's Secret parent company - L Brands' Leslie Wexner, according to Bloomberg. And while he wasn't an employee of Victoria's Secret, Epstein had a major impact on the lingerie company over the years.

Epstein also influenced the way the lingerie company operated, associating with the division’s chief marketing officer, Ed Razek. In 2005, for example, Razek was a guest at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion, welcomed by young women who said they were working as models for Epstein. Razek told fellow guest William Mook, head of Mok Industries LLC in Columbus, Ohio, that Victoria’s Secret used Epstein models and that his girls were in “the major league,” according to Mook. -Bloomberg
Wexner and Epstein's relationship officially ended in 2007, around 18 months after the financier was charged with several counts of sexual misconduct in Florida - to which he pleaded guilty to just one charge and spent 13 months jail with work release privileges (during which he is alleged to have continued to sexually abuse girls) in a sweetheart deal. Epstein was arrested in July on charges of sex trafficking minors, putting a fresh spotlight with the financier's relationship to Victoria's Secret and Wexner.
What's more, L Brands may not have had such a clean break from the convicted pedophile and his network.
Epstein at one point had a $1 million investment in MC2 Model Management, according to a sworn deposition by a former company bookkeeper. MC2 is owned by Jean-Luc Brunel, a Frenchman who is alleged in a civil lawsuit to have brought girls as young as age 12 to the U.S. for sexual purposes and provided them to his friends including Epstein. Brunel even visited Epstein when he was first imprisoned in 2008. Victoria’s Secret continued to work with MC2-represented models after Wexner severed ties with Epstein. At least three MC2 models walked in Victoria’s Secret’s 2015 fashion show, and the agency’s models were at auditions in 2017 and 2018. They’ve also posed for its catalogs and website. In a 2014 letter to Brunel, his business partner, MC2 President Jeff Fuller, cited worries by Saks, Nordstrom, Macy’s, and other clients about Brunel’s friendship with Epstein. There was no mention of concern on the part of Victoria’s Secret. -Bloomberg
Looking forward, Victoria's Secret "is increasingly at odds with society’s changing definition of beauty and the #MeToo movement, both of which are sparking a very different vision of how to portray women and their bodies," according to the report - which notes that Wexner's lingerie empire has shed $20 billion in market value since 2015.

Can a male-dominated company that presents women as lingerie-clad "angels" successfully market to millennials and younger generations conditioned to shun any hint of misogyny, fat-shaming, mansplaining, gender assumption and patriarchal oppression?
Founded in 1977 by Roy Raymond and bought five years later by Wexner for $1 million, the brand sold directly to women looking for push-up bras and sexy panties. As time went on, the brand became fused to a very specific notion of 'sexiness' - i.e. smoking hot, pouty-faced young women with tight, athletic bodies.
As the brand grew, it still provided plenty of eye candy for men—especially through its glittery annual fashion show, which became a marketing coup and a much-anticipated event for the men who flocked to view it. The first was staged in New York’s Plaza Hotel in 1995 (the same year then-real estate developer Donald Trump was forced to sell the legendary hostelry to avoid bankruptcy) and included model Stephanie Seymour gliding down the catwalk. Models wore white and black bras and underwear, but not the large white angel wings that the models in subsequent shows would make famous. Over the years the extravaganza grew with more lights and pop stars. Supermodels such as Gisele Bündchen and Tyra Banks graced the stage. As such, it cast a sex-infused spotlight on a product that our grandmothers viewed as utilitarian and likely purchased from the old Sears catalog. -Bloomberg
With companies such as Abercrombie dropping its highly sexualized marketing - which had fallen out of favor with shoppers - can Victoria's Secret market to a #MeToo world full of "sexy at any size" women and transgender individuals? Will they?
Victoria’s Secret hasn’t strayed much from its uniformly tall and thin angels. Last November, Razek told Vogue magazine that, after consideration, he’d decided not to use transgender models in his fashion shows. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy,” Razek said, sparking some outraged celebrities and customers to call for his resignation.
The failure to embrace changing norms about women and beauty may already be having an impact on Victoria’s Secret’s finances. Sales, which had been on a steady rise since 2010, fell to $7.4 billion in fiscal 2017—the first drop in seven years—and edged slightly lower again last year. Sales at stores open for more than 12 months, a closely watched measure in retailing, also slipped in 2018, with operating income at the unit tumbling 45%, to $512.4 million. -Bloomberg
As a result, L Brands has shut down dozens of underperforming locations - announcing in February the closure of 53 Victoria's Secret locations in North America, over 3x its average.
"Given the decline in performance at Victoria’s Secret, we have substantially pulled back on capital investment in that business," said L Brands executives during a May earnings call.
"Although results were consistent with our guidance, we are clearly not satisfied and are working hard to improve performance."
Earlier this year, Wexner told employees that he was taking a “fresh look” at everything, including brand positioning, marketing, and real estate, in an effort to recharge the business. One notable change: In May, Victoria’s Secret pulled its fashion show from network television after 23 years. Ratings bottomed out in 2018, with only 3.3 million viewers, down from the previous all-time low of 5 million the year prior. In a memo Wexner sent employees about “re-birthing” Victoria’s Secret, he said network TV is no longer the right fit for its signature fashion show, which is expected to move to streaming. -Bloomberg
Can Victoria's Secret forge a sexy path forward without alienating shoppers attuned to 'body-inclusive' messaging?



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Financier Jeffrey Epstein dies by apparent suicide in jail

Wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein has died in an apparent jailhouse suicide in New York City while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges over his alleged abuse of underage girls, officials said Saturday.

Epstein, 66, appeared to have hanged himself in his cell at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan early Saturday, according to officials.

Ah yes, arkencide...AGAIN....MAYBE...or...MAYBE NOT!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Former Police Officer EXPOSES Jeffrey Epsteins "Suicide"

Brandon Tatum
Published on Aug 10, 2019

Former Police Officer EXPOSES Jeffrey Epsteins "Suicide"


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The Cameras "Malfunctioned"

The Red Elephants Vincent James
Published on Aug 10, 2019

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You must believe in any and all conspiracies!
No but this one makes a whole lot of sense. Trump and Epstein were close buds going WAAAY back, Epstein was about to be put on "the stand" and anything at all on Trump would have been pretty powerful plea bargain currency. The trial will continue without Epstein, apparently but his personal testimony would have been explosive, more than likely ... and not just about Trump. This guy was supplying underage sex slaves to America's elite, it seems.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Yes thats why trump helped throw him in jail in the fisrt place MR bullshit.


...but sadly, we already know who the pedophiles that trump is getting arrested are - they are the one's attacking trump for cleaning house.

Wow Yourgie, you really are in disaster control over this aren't you?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You must believe in any and all conspiracies!
Yes well, Clinton death list doood.

The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously. Check It Out.

Ah, CBSjones. At least this wasn't about a bullet doing u turns or dancing Israelis.
Well, except for Barak. Him Dancin' real hard right now... like with seth rich, and the impossible speed thumb drive email theft at the DNC...russians, ya dig?

Jerusalem Post Israel News

"I was there, for lunch or chat, nothing else. So what?" said Barak. "I never attended a party with him. I never met Epstein in the company of women or young girls."

just a random conspiracy on the conspiracy list of conspiracies:

(from the CBS LOS VEGAS list above ) :
– Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman.

Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller commited suicide.

Oooops, messy. Bernie Sanders did well getting away with the cash when the clintons stole the primary, I can see why he didn't bitch much about that though.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You must believe in any and all conspiracies!
Putting a possibility on the table isn't the same as that being the only one that will be investigated. What is left is what should be believed rather than anything mentioned is automatically believed.
Most people would have an insurance plan to keep them alive as they can spill the beans after being killed. One has to think he kelp a copy of all the blackmail material as well as who was making payments etc. It will be a full investigation when the Queen of the UK is led away in cuffs. JT might have less dirt on him than the rest, then what do you do??

Epstein Kept 'Meticulous' Diary Full of Secrets of His Powerful Friends as 'Insurance', Media Claims


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

Don't worry dear, we will be committing suicide on Epstien's beatch too in good time...

This is the society fixer alleged to have helped find underage girls for pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein - helping Bill Clinton celebrate his daughter's marriage.

Ghislaine Maxwell was photographed at the former First Daughter's glittering July 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky - despite Epstein having been convicted of soliciting underage girls.

Clinton had cut ties to Epstein after his arrest over allegations of sex with girls as young as 14.

But this photograph shows that he maintained close ties to Maxwell, who is accused in court papers of procuring underage girls for Epstein, her former boyfriend, as she smiles as President Clinton walks a beaming Chelsea down the aisle.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Epstein Autopsy "Inconclusive," No Camera Footage, No Suicide Watch & We're All Conspiracy Theorists​

The Last American Vagabond
Streamed live 11 hours ago

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

Yes, right...an autopsy for a prison hanging that is inconclusive...right...

While, the Clinton death list grows and grows...kinda reminds one of the death of Lady Diana as well ( you know, the friends of that other famous pedo Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG ) ...or the now known lies ( and sometimes deaths ) told about Kennedy, saddam, gadhafy, bin laden,...seth rich...etc...(WE CAME WE SAW, HE DIED!!!), and other legit LEADERSHIP people like Trump, Putin and Assad.

I wonder how many other "sirs" are pedos and suppliers of children to pedos too?

Then in addition to all these know pedophiles, you have the (trumphating) democratic support for the PROVEN ( DNA, etc) child trafficking at the border...
( what about the one third of the children that are rented Cliffy?)

Which really makes me wonder about the alex jones haters...Jones was on to this pedo thing ages ago ( like he was with 911, and SO MANY OTHER THINGS) and look at what it turns out to be... Compare that to the MSM press ( Like CNN, or the Wa Poo, LOL) that lies every time it prints.
Not what the Jones ( and fellow trump) haters have said it was at all, is it?
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gee, where are all the trump haters today?
Off starting gas lighting threads to blame trump for their own mistakes as usual?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Epstein Autopsy "Inconclusive," No Camera Footage, No Suicide Watch & We're All Conspiracy Theorists​
The Last American Vagabond
Streamed live 11 hours ago
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.
Yes, right...an autopsy for a prison hanging that is inconclusive...right...
While, the Clinton death list grows and grows...kinda reminds one of the death of Lady Diana as well ( you know, the friends of that other famous pedo Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG ) ...or the now known lies ( and sometimes deaths ) told about Kennedy, saddam, gadhafy, bin laden,...seth rich...etc...(WE CAME WE SAW, HE DIED!!!), and other legit LEADERSHIP people like Trump, Putin and Assad.
I wonder how many other "sirs" are pedos and suppliers of children to pedos too?
Then in addition to all these know pedophiles, you have the (trumphating) democratic support for the PROVEN ( DNA, etc) child trafficking at the border...
( what about the one third of the children that are rented Cliffy?)
Which really makes me wonder about the alex jones haters...Jones was on to this pedo thing ages ago ( like he was with 911, and SO MANY OTHER THINGS) and look at what it turns out to be... Compare that to the MSM press ( Like CNN, or the Wa Poo, LOL) that lies every time it prints.
Not what the Jones ( and fellow trump) haters have said it was at all, is it?


So, it must have been Hillary, then?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
How ya doin this mornin pedo? Ooooops, I mean Billtlarybilly.

Shrieking Heard From Epstein's Cell And One Of The "Guards" WASNT Actually A Prison guard??

alex CBS apparently.

As mystery surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's death deepens, alleged victims vow to keep seeking justice

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said Russia bots and trolls had seized on the conspiracy theory and spread it online in an effort to pit Americans against one another.
(lol we all know about russian drones during the Roy Moore smear by the dumb-o-craps )

Speaking of DUMB-o-craps. The Mossad pedo yorgies are insane!!!!!!
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