If you could have chosen your religion ?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That's not right at all. I am a christian. I know the difference between right and wrong and I choose to be a good person. I don't do it with the feeling that I will get a better "seat" then you do in Heaven. I know the Catholic Church preaches what you say and many of them sin all week, atone for it on Sunday and repeat all the sins again starting on Monday. They aren't all like that anymore than non christians are all the same. Being good or bad has nothing to do with being a christian.

The Catholic Church does no such thing. :rolleyes:

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
These are pretty silly statements. Did the aboriginal peoples of pre- Columbian America ever hear of JC? Did they have a choice? Just because you believe that someone in a story that can't be proven but can easily be disproven, is divine, doesn't make him divine. You judge the world from your misguided beliefs and expect everybody adhere to them. Your logic is silly, just as silly as you think my logic is.

I'm not an expert in Christian theology and cannot intelligently answer the question about people who lived before Jesus, I'm sure there's a whole discussion about it. I do however know that having intellectual obstacles to something doesn't make it untrue.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The Catholic Church does no such thing. :rolleyes:
No it doesn't, but a lot of people, including a lot of nominal Catholics, think it does, and behave accordingly. Sin all you want, follow the proper rituals, and all will be forgiven. Some of the nastiest people I've ever met professed to be good Catholics, or good Christians of some other sect. To be fair, I've met some pretty nasty atheists and agnostics too. Religious belief, or lack of it, in my experience doesn't have much to do with whether people are good or not. My two best buddies are a cultural Jew who's an atheist, and a Lutheran minister. Makes for interesting fishing trips.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'm not an expert in Christian theology and cannot intelligently answer the question about people who lived before Jesus, I'm sure there's a whole discussion about it. I do however know that having intellectual obstacles to something doesn't make it untrue.

I have discussed this with theologians and their answers amounted to nothing more than mental masturbation. There is no logical answer to a fictitious belief, just justification. It is untrue if you can't prove that it is true. Knowing the facts, the history and the reasons would help form an informed opinion. Just blindly accepting something that others say is true without proof is an abdication of your own responsibility to seek the truth.

After forty years of seeking, I have found what doesn't work and what works for me. It doesn't mean that I know what is good for anybody else. Each person has to embark on their own hero's journey, fight their own demons and find their own way home. The path is narrow. Only you can navigate it alone.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The need to break through these stubborn religious views is why you're needed to walk through the door and demonstrate to others that their religion is flawed and dead.

Your religious views are just as, if not more, stubborn as anybody else's. You are unwavering, holding to a rock.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
i am happy with the way i am because i am free to believe what religion i want and i can pick the wisdom of my religion without any pressure on me , but if i were in the other countries who experience İslam , i'm sure i would be an atheist...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Just having the choice to pick 'whatever' we decide, to
either believe in or not is the key, the freedom to choose.
And once anyone chooses, others should respect and be
polite 'of' that choice, and not stubbornly clutch their
own choice, with a closed mind to all others, as though,
'only' they, know what is right.

Our choices are what is 'right' for us, no everyone.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
When you were born, if you had been given the choice, do you think it would have been preferable to chose you religion or have it assigned to you as it probably was.

We are all born to parents of a certain faith and therefore all fall within a certain denomination when born. Many of us have had mixed marriages and now have children of multiple faiths that seem uncertain which one is best. In my case I was Roman Catholic and my wife was Church of England but as both of us believed in God but not our Churches we left it to our children to decide what path to take later on in life.

Even an Atheist is born with a religion in his family tree at some point. So feel free to join in..

Does this redefine my belief in God and to those in a Church make me evil. Probably and in their eyes I will probably go to hell. But if God is all loving as I was told he was as a child and how hard I have been worked to be a good person to help so many fellow humans, why would a Church going Hypocrite make it to heaven and not me for my slightly different belief.

So would you have rather picked your religion on the day you were born ?
Born RC, Taoism isn't a religion but it's as close as I'd get.
"Religions are the bureaucracies between man and his gods". - Bill Maher (or something like that)
IOW, to me life is what matters, not some depiction of an indifferent possibility.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Francis is not going to respond to anyone today. He's in the hospital, having had surgery this morning. He will be home tomorrow and I bet he would like to hear from his friends here at Canadian Content.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Francis is not going to respond to anyone today. He's in the hospital, having had surgery this morning. He will be home tomorrow and I bet he would like to hear from his friends here at Canadian Content.

VI - I believe you are a friend of Francis, so could I suggest you start a thread tomorrow for people to welcome him back and extend their good wishes to him? Thanks for letting us know about his situation...


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Hopefully that means it was minor surgery rather than his early release being a lack of heath-care insurance.
Guess I will stick with the big guy from the Holy Bible. Introducing Him to duct-tape or having Him insist the Garden be void of voices not native to the Earth, that might solve some possible pit-falls for the Natives. Take the tape off 3 days before we can eat from the tree of life that way instead of remaining innocent of good and evil for eternity we get both prizes. Dominion over 'things He gives us' and the right to enter His house. Nothing stronger than porch-climber, sorry wine, and you won't die no matter how bad the food is (if you needed any that is)
Apparently terra-forming new Nations would be via voice command from the seat of your Ezekiel-wheel. A place as void as the moon would take the first 6 steps our earth experienced, each new place would have 3 forms of life. Air, land and water. I don't know what kind of 'fish' would live in a sea of methane but I'll bet they are pretty fast critters.

We might be immortal but the ones in our care (other flesh) aren't so watch what you say. God's like you more if your 'repair bills' are kept as low as possible.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Sorry Mhz,but the OT was manufactured by the Jews while in captivity in Babylon,much the same way Constantine manufactured the NT. You done been bamboozled dude!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A good thing christians don't read Nexus or there would be herds of them jumping out of windows of tall buildings. But then, many will cop the "blind faith" attitude and poo poo the whole article.
Actually I read all the articles in the 'free area', some were awesome and certainly not widely publicized. Hare there many articles that that were published in the last few years?
In the title of the thread I thought it would allow for 'following the rules and having the rewards' rather that it which false religion would you choose.

Sorry Mhz,but the OT was manufactured by the Jews while in captivity in Babylon,much the same way Constantine manufactured the NT. You done been bamboozled dude!
A little too much wine Cliffy or perhaps it is that wild pig that is a little over-ripe. If you are a figment of imagination you would never be taken captive by an historical entity. Two things happened back then. The oral Torah was written out (just 5 books) and the Jews, in their own wisdom, decided to 'improve' the OT texts, sort of like a 'left behind' series but for OT Israel based solely on what they understood at the time. Updating that seems to have been forbidden. Some of that was not very flattering to any Gentile. Want some examples, you start the thread I'll join in at page 3?
Has anybody chosen the Bible but wanting it to be 3 days before Neb's armies attack? How about 2 minutes after the vials start to be poured out on mankind? Sometimes small choices makes all the difference in the world. lol


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
VI - I believe you are a friend of Francis, so could I suggest you start a thread tomorrow for people to welcome him back and extend their good wishes to him? Thanks for letting us know about his situation...
That's a good plan. Thanks for the idea.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I was fortunate enough that my parents did not force any religion on me. They were from different protestant religions, not sure which. But being raised in a logging camp we didn't get to a church very often. There was a group that came to camp every sunday to do a church thing for the adults and a sunday school for us that we were forced to go to. As a result I chose not to have any religion. I can't even really be called an atheist because I simply don't care if there is a god or not, and if all the preachers that diddle little kids and kill those who have other beliefs are an example of religious behaviour and gods messengers then I don't want any part of it. This way I cannot be called a hypocrite.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Hopefully that means it was minor surgery rather than his early release being a lack of heath-care insurance.
Guess I will stick with the big guy from the Holy Bible.
Goliath was an insurance agent?
Introducing Him to duct-tape or having Him insist the Garden be void of voices not native to the Earth, that might solve some possible pit-falls for the Natives. Take the tape off 3 days before we can eat from the tree of life that way instead of remaining innocent of good and evil for eternity we get both prizes. Dominion over 'things He gives us' and the right to enter His house. Nothing stronger than porch-climber, sorry wine, and you won't die no matter how bad the food is (if you needed any that is)
Apparently terra-forming new Nations would be via voice command from the seat of your Ezekiel-wheel. A place as void as the moon would take the first 6 steps our earth experienced, each new place would have 3 forms of life. Air, land and water. I don't know what kind of 'fish' would live in a sea of methane but I'll bet they are pretty fast critters.
I used to like reading science fiction, too.

We might be immortal but the ones in our care (other flesh) aren't so watch what you say. God's like you more if your 'repair bills' are kept as low as possible.
Assuming they exist in the first place, why would they have a preference about what kind of condition you are in? If they can build universes and whatnot, they could obviously repair anything in it without even flickering an eyelash, if they have eyelashes.
If they liked people in pristine condition, they shouldn't allow people to get burned, mangled, dismembered, etc.
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