Hypocrisy of the Left


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
They also undoing social capital. Traditionally the South in the US had less of it, the northern US more. Now the US is preaching family values while undoing the cooperation among people that is social capital. And worse Trump's first foreign policy thing was to stop pushing American values on how US business does business abroad. Social capital leads to things like public schools and unions and civic groups that fight poverty. Now much smaller less powerful countries like Canada are left to pick up the fight for increased social capital around the world because low social capital means less democracy and failed states. Canada is stepping up but because the US is standing down the Saudis feel they can attack Canada and get away with it. The Saudis made an example of Canada today. Where is Trump? Or should I say who's side is Trump on. Maybe Trump and the GOP doesn't just like undoing democracy at home, but undoing it abroad too. Family values my ***!

Actually the NDP were founded on eugenics , read about that great Canadian statesmen Tommy Douglas .


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Actually the NDP were founded on eugenics , read about that great Canadian statesmen Tommy Douglas .
Yes. Eugenics and anti semitism were in fashion in the first 45 years of the 20th Century. Tommy Douglas wrote his university thesis on eugenics. Nothing to be proud of. But Douglas did do a few good things after that including public healthcare. Douglas disavowed eugenics and never tried to implement though Alberta, BC and 24 US states did implement part of the eugenics agenda. Like I said it was a common trend back 70 years ago, culminating in WWII and the Nazis.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes. Eugenics and anti semitism were in fashion in the first 45 years of the 20th Century. Tommy Douglas wrote his university thesis on eugenics. Nothing to be proud of. But Douglas did do a few good things after that including public healthcare. Douglas disavowed eugenics and never tried to implement though Alberta, BC and 24 US states did implement part of the eugenics agenda. Like I said it was a common trend back 70 years ago, culminating in WWII and the Nazis.

Oh yes- the sort of Eugenics that Tommy Douglas believed in is a FINE example of how insane LIE-beral policy has become!!!!

Dougls simply believed that if you could not look after your self then you should NOT be having children!!!!!

This position by Douglas contrasts VERY STRONGLY with current LIE-beral thought!!!

In our area is a woman suffering from Downs Syndrome- and like all such sufferers she requires welfare money and affordable housing to survive. As you would expect she also needs help with basic stuff such as paying rent and budgeting for food and setting up healthy eating habits and cooking etc.......

The woman was born in a time BEFORE there was a test to determine if an unborn fetus had any abnormalities- so neither she nor
her parents can be blamed for this crippling mental condition and it is a mark of a good society that we treat her gently and kindly!

However- and this is where the values of Douglas are thrown into SHARP CONTRAST with our idiot LIE-berals- this woman became pregant and bore a child- which is also afflicted with Downs Syndrome and will of course require LIFE LONG care and support from our poverty pimps!!!!

These social working poverty pimps think this woman is somehow living up to her full potential by producing another damaged human being!!!!

The poverty pimps think it is cute to see this woman with her baby ......as if encouraging such a blighted life is no more important than getting a cat for company!!!!

Douglas was strongly against letting "the feeble minded" to use the vernacular of the day- to reproduce!!!!

And |I say he is right!!!!

There is no need to hate- but there IS reason for sorrow to see such blighted lives!!!!!!

And the reality is that our bankrupt economy simply cannot support even more helpless mouths- and this is what Douglas was railing against!!!!!

Douglas would have been just as appalled at the "safe injection sites" that are causing so much friction in our cities!

Drug addiction is dangerous and promotes all manner of criminal behaviour so aiding and abetting it would be seen as morally wrong!!!!!!

The Toronto (Red) Star actually printed an article about Eugenics some years back and quoted extensively from the writings Douglas left us!!!!


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Oh yes- the sort of Eugenics that Tommy Douglas believed in is a FINE example of how insane LIE-beral policy has become!!!!

Dougls simply believed that if you could not look after your self then you should NOT be having children!!!!!

This position by Douglas contrasts VERY STRONGLY with current LIE-beral thought!!!

In our area is a woman suffering from Downs Syndrome- and like all such sufferers she requires welfare money and affordable housing to survive. As you would expect she also needs help with basic stuff such as paying rent and budgeting for food and setting up healthy eating habits and cooking etc.......

The woman was born in a time BEFORE there was a test to determine if an unborn fetus had any abnormalities- so neither she nor
her parents can be blamed for this crippling mental condition and it is a mark of a good society that we treat her gently and kindly!

However- and this is where the values of Douglas are thrown into SHARP CONTRAST with our idiot LIE-berals- this woman became pregant and bore a child- which is also afflicted with Downs Syndrome and will of course require LIFE LONG care and support from our poverty pimps!!!!

These social working poverty pimps think this woman is somehow living up to her full potential by producing another damaged human being!!!!

The poverty pimps think it is cute to see this woman with her baby ......as if encouraging such a blighted life is no more important than getting a cat for company!!!!

Douglas was strongly against letting "the feeble minded" to use the vernacular of the day- to reproduce!!!!

And |I say he is right!!!!

There is no need to hate- but there IS reason for sorrow to see such blighted lives!!!!!!

And the reality is that our bankrupt economy simply cannot support even more helpless mouths- and this is what Douglas was railing against!!!!!

Douglas would have been just as appalled at the "safe injection sites" that are causing so much friction in our cities!

Drug addiction is dangerous and promotes all manner of criminal behaviour so aiding and abetting it would be seen as morally wrong!!!!!!

The Toronto (Red) Star actually printed an article about Eugenics some years back and quoted extensively from the writings Douglas left us!!!!
There is such a thing as genetic counselling where people are told the odds of having a sick or challenged child. To reduce suffering. I do think that Downs Syndrome kids lead happy lives and the biggest proponents of their continued happy lives are the Christian right.

They also undoing social capital. Traditionally the South in the US had less of it, the northern US more. Now the US is preaching family values while undoing the cooperation among people that is social capital. And worse Trump's first foreign policy thing was to stop pushing American values on how US business does business abroad. Social capital leads to things like public schools and unions and civic groups that fight poverty. Now much smaller less powerful countries like Canada are left to pick up the fight for increased social capital around the world because low social capital means less democracy and failed states. Canada is stepping up but because the US is standing down the Saudis feel they can attack Canada and get away with it. The Saudis made an example of Canada today. Where is Trump? Or should I say who's side is Trump on. Maybe Trump and the GOP doesn't just like undoing democracy at home, but undoing it abroad too. Family values my ***!

Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration of Canada, gave an anti corruption speech in Pakistan last week. He is a rockstar in some parts of the world and the speech was well received. He talked about the value of true public service (vs. corruptiin)I wonder if that is what pissed off the Saudis too.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There is such a thing as genetic counselling where people are told the odds of having a sick or challenged child. To reduce suffering. I do think that Downs Syndrome kids lead happy lives and the biggest proponents of their continued happy lives are the Christian right.

Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration of Canada, gave an anti corruption speech in Pakistan last week. He is a rockstar in some parts of the world and the speech was well received. He talked about the value of true public service (vs. corruptiin)I wonder if that is what pissed off the Saudis too.

The Cdn Christian Right is a MINORITY IN CANADA!

The loony LIE-beral Poverty Pimps are also A MINORITY IN CANAD!!!!

The Cdn majority thinks that encouraging a woman with Downs Syndrome to have a child- as if it was nothing but a common alley cat that can be dumped at animal if it becomes inconvenient- is IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!

As for that CRAP about genetic counselling for the expectant Downs Syndrome mother- since she is unable to look after herself- to the extent that she cannot drive a motor vehicle or sign a legal contract- her opinion regarding being a mother is NOT RELEVANT!!!!

A living breathing human baby is NOT some sort of fashion accessory for a person who cannot look after themselves!!!

Justyducky is so arrogant that she and her LIE-beral allies DEMAND CHOICES FOR WOMEN BUT SCORN CHOICES FOR SOCIETY!

She does not wish to give US any say in whether we want to support a Downs Syndrome baby- when putting the Downs Syndrome mother on birth control pills would have saved huge costs for our bankrupt govt!!!!

After all- it is NOT just the disability pension we pay for- there is also the constant monitoring of such damaged people by poverty pimps- with attendant regular demands from their union FOR MORE GRAVY!!!!

Meal planning, budgeting, paying of bills- all these things MUST be supervised by poverty pimps! And poverty pimps also organize outings so people like that mother can meet up with others for social events- so there is rental of halls and pay for various entertainments and some snacks and such........we would not want our afflicted but socially popular weakest citizens to get bored or lonely!

And while poverty pimps are encouraging the Downs Syndrome mother to play with her child like it was a pet- they are IGNORING all manner of problems with the aged in our community!!!!!!

Does anybody recall the old guy who DIED cold and alone in the stairwell of a TCHC AFFORDABLE HOUSING building that he got evicted from because he could not pay the full rent!!!!!

And the guy was suffering from dementia and did not understand that by filling out a few forms he COULD GET A RENT REDUCTION!!!!!

And yet Toronto Sun has done several reports detailing how rapidly many TCHC tenants are running up UNPAID RENT TABS!!!!

While Poverty Pimps are fussing over a Downs Syndrome baby that should NOT have been born- and while TCHC Hogs act tough with some old guy suffering from dementia- TCHC authorities are REVEALED AS AFRAID to evict tough younger tenants who refuse to pay their rent!!!!

TCHC buildings have basically been taken over by armed gangs while Jackass John the Sorry Tory mayor of Hogtown INSISTS there is NO NEED to evict criminals from TCHC buildings!!!!!

And of course our poverty pimps and civil service union Hogs with their endless demands for gravy and constant shrill speeches explaining how hard they work for the community- could not be bothered talking to the old guy- it was so much EASIER just to EVICT him and let him die in a concrete cubicle under a stairwell where he hid like a lost animal till hunger and dehydration killed him!!!!

This is the ROT at the heart of all LIE-beral policy- that they follow trendy social events like fawning over a cute little baby that should not have been born and leave the REAL SOCIAL WORK- like helping an old man to die with dignity- TO ROT!!!!!!


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Way to use anecdotes to build a narrative. US right wingers must be desperate to spread the joy and economic stagnation for the middle class and poor in the US, to Canada. Cause it worked so well there. It is obvious that since Canadians are not religious or gun jumpers or anti choice on the whole the conservatives have to go with narratives based on worst case scenarios to wedge. Also micro targeting newer immigrants seems to keep diversity safe from being a wedge though the wedge that has no name gets talked about by the base. I wonder how long conservatives can suppress their base, fed by Trump and us blogs, from this. Happy wedging. Happy emoting. Happy manipulating.

There is such a thing as genetic counselling where people are told the odds of having a sick or challenged child. To reduce suffering. I do think that Downs Syndrome kids lead happy lives and the biggest proponents of their continued happy lives are the Christian right.

Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration of Canada, gave an anti corruption speech in Pakistan last week. He is a rockstar in some parts of the world and the speech was well received. He talked about the value of true public service (vs. corruptiin)I wonder if that is what pissed off the Saudis too.
Saudi Arabia 'allergic to criticism', making example out of Canada, analysts say



But the University of Waterloo's Bessma*Momani*suspects Saudi Arabia's sanctions actually have more to do with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's*penchant for brash foreign policy moves. **

"This is really a reflection of his .*It's got the footprints of his modus*operandi*all over it. The very severe type of action," the political science professor told CBC's*Ottawa Morning.

She pointed to the severing of*diplomatic ties*with Qatar, after alleging it has ties to extremists and is too close to Iran, as one example of Salman's "quasi-irrational-type moves." Another example was*forcing*Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to publicly resign during a trip to Saudi Arabia last year — a resignation he*later rescinded.

Saudi Arabia to sell off Canadian assets and stop buying Canadian wheat and barleySaudi Arabian students confused and sad at sudden departure from B.C., adviser says

Certainly, under King Salman and his son, the crown prince, "Riyadh has turned away from its traditionally cautious and timid foreign policy toward a far more assertive, ambitious, hyper-nationalist and often impulsive preference for throwing Saudi weight around,"*Juneau wrote in the Washington Post.*



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I love to see the Liberals flounder helplessly trying to defend their Islamophobic Prime Minister Trudeau. Liberals really hate brown people.


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
I love to see the Liberals flounder helplessly trying to defend their Islamophobic Prime Minister Trudeau. Liberals really hate brown people.
Wow. The conservatives have morphed into pretzels trying to microtarget new Canadians. I guess you finally figured out the US wedge issues don't work in canada. So through the looking glass we go....Trudeau anti brown people...does your conservative base know what you are saying out loud? That you are for diversity?


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
You seem upset.

Nope. But the racist base of the conservative party is going to bust something when they figure it out. Think of all those rural people who have not gotten the wonders of diversity and watch Trump tv and blogs, well they are going to be pretzels too. PRETZELS! ANYBODY WANT TO BE A HOT MESS PRETZEL!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I love watching the Liberals get all weepy when forced to confront their own racism. Poor snowflakes.

Seriously, anyone who would be a liberal and Trudeau supporter is a racist and misogynist.


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
I love watching the Liberals get all weepy when forced to confront their own racism. Poor snowflakes.

Seriously, anyone who would be a liberal and Trudeau supporter is a racist and misogynist.

Wow. Conservatives is going for the female vote and micro targeting new Canadians as the New uber-diversity and tres-feminist party (NUT Party). I wonder how the anti abortion base feels about that. PRETZELS! PRETZELS! THE CONSERVATIVES ARE ALL PRETZELS!

I love watching the Liberals get all weepy when forced to confront their own racism. Poor snowflakes.

Seriously, anyone who would be a liberal and Trudeau supporter is a racist and misogynist.


The conservative/GOP doesn't have the wedges enough to win a the federal election in canada. They go looking for more but will their base show up when Scheer kisses the brown babies and doesn't kiss the women.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Uh oh!

The Liberal is starting to get all Nazi and Antifa like! Man when Libs get woked they don't like what they see!


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Uh oh!

The Liberal is starting to get all Nazi and Antifa like! Man when Libs get woked they don't like what they see!
PRETZELS! COME AND GET YOUR PRETZELS CONSERVATIVE BASE. What happens when wedges are the opposite of each other and work at cross purposes? Aside from turning the conservative base into pretzels it also means all groups in canada will be microtargetted on facebook. Andrew Scheer will say as little as possible on the campaign trail. Will he have a media bus? Will he have his own network? You can't have your own network if you are going to microtarget. You have to have different narratives for different groups. So no Scheer network. No campaign bus. No policy except for vagueness. Russia? Are you there? Did you get the message? Microtarget in canada 2019 too for the conservatives.


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Liberal Brown Shirts Raging!
Brownshirt are Nazis. Nazis are fascists. Fascists are authoritarian government for the corporations. That is you buddy. Does illogic and uninformed projection ever work on cbc-ed Canadians? I don't think so. Neither will microtargeting wedges. Canadians are wise to what happened in the US in 2016. They will be disgusted.

They also undoing social capital. Traditionally the South in the US had less of it, the northern US more. Now the US is preaching family values while undoing the cooperation among people that is social capital. And worse Trump's first foreign policy thing was to stop pushing American values on how US business does business abroad. Social capital leads to things like public schools and unions and civic groups that fight poverty. Now much smaller less powerful countries like Canada are left to pick up the fight for increased social capital around the world because low social capital means less democracy and failed states. Canada is stepping up but because the US is standing down the Saudis feel they can attack Canada and get away with it. The Saudis made an example of Canada today. Where is Trump? Or should I say who's side is Trump on. Maybe Trump and the GOP doesn't just like undoing democracy at home, but undoing it abroad too. Family values my ***!

Washington Post Editorial defending Canada against the Saudis:

Canada won’t look the other way on Saudi Arabia. We shouldn’t either.

By*Editorial Board



Fortunately, Canada’s foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland,*refused. On Aug. 2, she*wrote*on Twitter that Canada was “very alarmed” about the detention of the two women. Ms. Badawi is the sister of Raif Badawi, a blogger serving a*10-year jail sentence*for running a website that was*critical of Saudi’s strict religious authorities. Saudi Arabia’s young ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been intolerant of dissent and*jailed dozens of critics, including intellectuals,*journalists*and*advocates of women’s right to drive*. Most have been thrown in jail for long periods without any semblance of due process. When Ms. Freeland called for the Badawis to be freed, the crown prince answered by*expellingCanada’s ambassador and severing trade, travel and student exchange links. The intended message: Other countries should mind their own business, or else.

What Ms. Freeland and Canada correctly understand is that human rights and basic liberty are universal values, not the property of kings and dictators to arbitrarily grant and remove on a whim. Saudi Arabia’s long-standing practice of denying basic rights to citizens, especially women — and its particularly cruel treatment of some dissidents, such as the public lashes meted out to Mr. Badawi — are matters of legitimate concern to all democracies and free societies. The crown prince has been impressively active in seeking to modernize the kingdom*economically, pushing to diversify away from oil and to satisfy a burgeoning youthful population’s thirst for Western culture and entertainment. Doesn’t he see how this futuristic vision is undermined when he throws critics into dungeons and behaves like a police-state despot?

Unfortunately, the Trump administration has largely withdrawn from the role of championing freedom and human rights abroad. The State Department reacted to the latest news with a depressingly tepid statement, urging both Canada and Saudi Arabia to resolve their differences, adding, “We can’t do it for them.” It is great to see Canada holding aloft the human rights banner, even at the cost of damaged ties to Saudi Arabia. But Canada should not have to do this alone. It is the traditional role of the United States to defend universal values everywhere they are trampled upon and to show bullying autocrats they cannot get away with hiding their dirty work behind closed doors.



Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
lots of liberal derangement syndrome in evidence on this thread
Why not knock down our argument bit by bit rather than namecall?

Later: you are progressive? My bad. Continue as you were. I'll get the lingo in due time.
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