How Will The World Change...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Pakistan hasn't issued a formal position on eliminating Israel.
Do you speak their language? If you don't then you must be relying on someone else's biased interpretation. From what I have seen so far, the translation present by western media is questionable at best and out right lies at worst. Judging from most of the propaganda being bandied about, I would not trust a single word of all this BS being fed us to foment hate. Iran has just as much right to nuclear power as anybody else but we would bomb them back to the horse and camel days just because we are paranoid that someone might be just like us.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Do you speak their language?

No... Do you?

If you don't then you must be relying on someone else's biased interpretation.

Just like you are... But here's the kicker: If Pakistan were to issue a formal policy directed at erasing India from the map (and we do know that they don't get along), we would have heard about it from the Indian gvt or spokesperson even if it were through the tainted media outlets you believe to be.

Fact is, we haven't, have we? Nor have we heard a statement from Iran denying these allegations. So, with that in mind, I am inclined to believe that Iran has issued the statement in question.

From what I have seen so far, the translation present by western media is questionable at best and out right lies at worst. Judging from most of the propaganda being bandied about, I would not trust a single word of all this BS being fed us to foment hate. Iran has just as much right to nuclear power as anybody else but we would bomb them back to the horse and camel days just because we are paranoid that someone might be just like us.

Again, Iran hasn't denied these statements and factor-in the (relatively) recent the-holocaust-never-happened-convention that was sponsored by the Iranian gvt and we start to get a clearer picture that maybe the Western media outlets aren't exaggerating as much as you suggest.

In terms of Iran's right to develop and have an inventory of nuclear arms; I agree. But lets not forget, with rights come responsibilities and in this game of cat and mouse the responsibilities will be expressed in terms of very severe consequences.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Again, Iran hasn't denied these statements and factor-in the (relatively) recent the-holocaust-never-happened-convention that was sponsored by the Iranian gvt and we start to get a clearer picture that maybe the Western media outlets aren't exaggerating as much as you suggest.
Who atended? Anyone can send invites a party but to have one people need to show up. Who showed up?

Just like you are... But here's the kicker: If Pakistan were to issue a formal policy directed at erasing India from the map (and we do know that they don't get along), we would have heard about it from the Indian gvt or spokesperson even if it were through the tainted media outlets you believe to be.
How is Christanity holding out the Holy land these days?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Does anyone truly believe that if Iran posted a denial of the accusations, that the western media would print it? They have resources we want. That there is reason enough to question the validity of their accusation. Remember WMDs? Lying is a way of life in the west.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Who atended? Anyone can send invites a party but to have one people need to show up. Who showed up?

Ken was there, and maybe Betty as well. She was the DD after all.

Does anyone truly believe that if Iran posted a denial of the accusations, that the western media would print it? They have resources we want. That there is reason enough to question the validity of their accusation. Remember WMDs? Lying is a way of life in the west.

You're really stretching Cliffy


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Saviour.this is a Canadian forum,go play in an american sandbox,then you can spell any way you want.

American forums are crowded with opinionated Canadians who insist on using British spelling conventions. I have a right to my opinion. I like CC and will stay as long as I am allowed. And I will continue to use American spelling conventions.:)

You people are nuts the world isnt going to end when Iran gets nukes. If muslims were that nutty pakistan would have blown us all up already

Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is meant for India not Israel.

Are Canadians aware that Pakistan is rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads it has? It will soon have more nukes than Britain.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
How so? Show me where the west has not lied to get its own way - particularly the US. Recent history does not dispute my accusation.

Suit yourself Cliffy, I'm not trying to convert anyone here.

Are Canadians aware that Pakistan is rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads it has? It will soon have more nukes than Britain.

The question is: What are they planning to do with them and have they announced it to the world?


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
If Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state, history tells us that those nations which feel threatened by Iran who do not have nukes will begin nuclear weapons programs. This process can be undertaken under the auspices of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The point is that there is going to be a proliferation of nuclear weapons states with nukes under the control of all kinds of people with all kinds of objectives and levels of mental stability. In my opinion the genie is out of the bottle and a new world is in the process of being born.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
At this rate China will never get it's Trans Asian energy and transporation corridor from the Pacific to the Med.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state, history tells us that those nations which feel threatened by Iran who do not have nukes will begin nuclear weapons programs. This process can be undertaken under the auspices of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The point is that there is going to be a proliferation of nuclear weapons states with nukes under the control of all kinds of people with all kinds of objectives and levels of mental stability. In my opinion the genie is out of the bottle and a new world is in the process of being born.
A nuclear world will be as dysfunctional as a nuclear family. Humans will probably be the first species to exterminate itself. Perhaps that is what evolution had in store for us from the beginning.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The question is: What are they planning to do with them and have they announced it to the world?

What are they planning? Who can tell? But here is how it can be delivered to one's doorstep:
YouTube - Club K Container Missile System

Will they announce it to the world? No. But there will be telltale signs that their neighbors will become aware of, and which will serve to justify the neighbors' nuclear weapons development.

Btw, the milblogs I visit are spreading a tale that North Korea is digging tunnels for its third nuclear test. This would be in keeping with North Korean behavior/behaviour.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
If Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state, history tells us that those nations which feel threatened by Iran who do not have nukes will begin nuclear weapons programs. This process can be undertaken under the auspices of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The point is that there is going to be a proliferation of nuclear weapons states with nukes under the control of all kinds of people with all kinds of objectives and levels of mental stability. In my opinion the genie is out of the bottle and a new world is in the process of being born.

It's going to get very interesting in the not-so-distant future.

I believe that it is a fantasy that anyone can prevent any other nation from accessing nuclear technology or buying it on the black market. Regardless of how this develops, I believe that tensions in the Middle East will degenerate into a catastrophe sooner rather than later.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
A nuclear world will be as dysfunctional as a nuclear family. Humans will probably be the first species to exterminate itself. Perhaps that is what evolution had in store for us from the beginning.

Are you familiar with Fermi's Paradox? One element of the Paradox is based on the assumption that intelligent species that develop technological civilizations self-destruct.