How long will Trudeau's luck last?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
His lucks running out......

Justin Trudeau is talking "vision." CBC reports he had this to say at a caucus meeting in Saguenay, Quebec:

"As a government, we need to look 40 years down the road, not just four. To the next generation, not just to the next election."

Nice talk but does he mean it? Given his track record to date Trudeau hasn't shown much, if any, regard for the next generation.

For example, with the Earth's temperatures already soaring to one record high after another, his government insists on pimping the world's highest cost/highest carbon fossil fuels, bitumen. What does he imagine that's going to do for the next generation?

Where's the big push for residential solar?

And despite a growing consensus that now includes the International Monetary Fund that globalism is both a drag on world economies and fueling dangerous levels of inequality, he3 prides himself on being a free trader in the global markets and hasn't ruled out the TPP.

The hard truth is that there can be nothing good for the next generation premised on a continuation of neoliberalism, the default operating system the hair inherited from Shifty Steve and seems determined to perpetuate...........


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
It's not Turdoh's luck I'm worried about. Canada's luck ran out last election.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
A good leader produces results, the good old put up or get out. One can never know for sure, JT might be a good leader yet, but he's still to prove it; he will be judged by his success. He needs to listen to the people of Canada, we are the ones he represents, not the people sitting at the conference table who depend on him for their job or growth. So far, his record is looking dismal; immigration (this one is real bad -- no one has forgotten the serious lack of transparency on this one), deficit decisions, votes +++ .......I shall wait and see though, it's still early. Every province is complaining about something, which is never good.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
For example, with the Earth's temperatures already soaring to one record high after another, his government insists on pimping the world's highest cost/highest carbon fossil fuels, bitumen. What does he imagine that's going to do for the next generation?

Justine is learning really fast that money talks and bullsh*t walks.

All of his promises and grandiose dreams need to be paid for and as there is no money to be made from taxing manufacturing in Ontario, no fisheries on the East coast and not much for growth opportunities in BC, there's only one game left.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
some people just don't seem to get it.

the devoted prog media and old established elite that installed (copied the way barry was put in) this cuck care not. they live very comfortably thank you very much. under any regime.

but, the more suffering and societal discomfort there is, the more stories there to talk about, to analyze, to poo-poo. they have the cake. that's all that is important to them. that and gobs of cling-on tv access and backstage pass shoulder rubbing and hugs with the pony. keeps them relevant, cliquish, popular with their advertisers.

if you think for a minute that the rich gatineau faggots, bidness and show bidness people, bay street puffs and lawyers actually give a sh!t about social justice, spreading the wealth, eco stuff and whatnot, while at the cottage or gated homes or parties in the distillery district...take a number for your cranial examination. partisan politics is an illusion. money talks.

the southern so-called media has barely raised an eyebrow at that smug mulatto who has late-nighted them, fist-bumped them and grinned his way to likely the most unvetted and socially divisive presidency of all time.

->your moral and intellectual superiors.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The problem with Trudeau is that he's just too good.

If you mean too good at flash over substance, yep.

The man is a mental midget.

We will be paying for his time as PM for generations.

Exactly the same as his father, who at least had some brains.........even though he was wrong about just about everything.

Let's see, Justin's record so far....

Balanced the cabinet by appointing incompetents who he considered qualified only because they do not have a pen is.

Broke his promise to limit to 10 billion dollar deficit, now determined to turn the nation into a debt hole with 30 billion dollar deficits......for no particular reason.

Overturned the Conservative limits put on TFW so the RBC and the rest of Bay Street can fire Canadians and hire Indian IT workers. Remember, it is the Liberal Party of Canada that has always been the party of Bay Street.

Given a tax cut to the well-to-do, higher than average wage earners in Canada, while promising carbon taxes and increased CPP payroll deductions to the working poor and lower middle class. Typical spoiled dumbass rich boy.

Made a farce of Parliamentary tradition by charging across the floor and assaulting the Conservative say nothing of Ms. Brosseau.

After telling Canadians that rich guys like him didn't need gov't child care, charging out Nannies to the gov't.

Broke his promise to lower tax rates on small business. (I guess Bay Street didn't like it)

Attempted to load the committee on electoral reform as he is insistent on creating an electoral system favourable to the Liberals over the heads of the Canadian people. Mark my words: ranked ballot, mandatory voting, and perhaps even a lowering of the voting age, all meant to make Canada a de facto one party state.

Thrown money out ther window with a shovel........300 plus people to the Paris Climate talks....REALLY???? Where of course they dined on the best and hired photographers to follow them around.

Is currently dismembering the Canadian military....after promising no cuts

Oh I could go on, but anyone wth a functioning intellect gets the point.

And it has only been 9 months. He hasn't even got a good start on ****ing up my country.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
justin is a turnip and everyone knows that.

a quitter, a drop-out, a cuck, a rich kid.

what most don't know though is who the puppet master is.

that is gerry butts.

do your own research on who he has massaged into power.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
All those young people we have tried to get to vote for decades are voting.
They want to feel good and they do as long as they feel good his luck will
last and that could be a long time. Millennial's are not chained to the Canadian
Dream things differ according to their wants Personally I have had some
business dealings with the new government and so far I have found them
positive and easier to deal with

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
All those young people we have tried to get to vote for decades are voting.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

They want to feel good and they do as long as they feel good his luck will
last and that could be a long time. Millennial's are not chained to the Canadian
Dream things differ according to their wants Personally I have had some
business dealings with the new government and so far I have found them
positive and easier to deal with

Your grandkids and a couple generations after them will be paying for Jr's (and Sr's) penchant for debt.... Good to hear that you apporve of the current gubmint and how they deal, once your grandlings try and carve out a life and career, will likely swear at you if you mention such


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
yep, socialism, where they coral the public resources through debt slavery, and get that wealth under control of the financial oligarchs
better then owning them
you get to control them and take some off the top every friday
without that big nasty purchase price!!!

all for the cost of a couple politicians

though of course since Mulroney you have to know it's buy partisan


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
All those young people we have tried to get to vote for decades are voting.
They want to feel good and they do as long as they feel good his luck will
last and that could be a long time. Millennial's are not chained to the Canadian
Dream things differ according to their wants Personally I have had some
business dealings with the new government and so far I have found them
positive and easier to deal with
But all those young people voted for legalization of marijuana , and how is that working out for them ?
Next election they will be back to sitting on their hands .

All those young people we have tried to get to vote for decades are voting.
They want to feel good and they do as long as they feel good his luck will
last and that could be a long time. Millennial's are not chained to the Canadian
Dream things differ according to their wants Personally I have had some
business dealings with the new government and so far I have found them
positive and easier to deal with
So did they change the bureaucrats you work with ?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How long will Trudeau's luck last?

He hasn't had to deal with a real crisis or make a hard decision that isn't popular but yet may be the right thing to do. Sooner or later, one or some of those will come along.

We shall see.