How conservative are you?


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
The annual award recognizing Canada's most secretive government or publicly funded agency was handed out in Toronto Saturday evening.

OK Canada's most secretive gov't is the Canadian gov't...durrr?

Is this the CBC channeling the Onion or something?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
So are you a Dipper?

No, I just recognize that at this point in time, the NDP is the best party of all three. Conservatives definitely have the time to change that trend, but it doesn't look like they will.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
No, I just recognize that at this point in time, the NDP is the best party of all three. Conservatives definitely have the time to change that trend, but it doesn't look like they will.

That says a lot considering they have major policy changes coming.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, I just recognize that at this point in time, the NDP is the best party of all three. Conservatives definitely have the time to change that trend, but it doesn't look like they will.

No question about it! The N.D.P. has historically been the best party....................................until someone else's money runs out. :lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Translation for the illiterate:

It looks like the best option right now.

Well I do recall how upset you got when someone said that you were a Dipper. So just wanted to make sure. Now I feel complete. On the road to literacy. One letter at a time.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Well I do recall how upset you got when someone said that you were a Dipper. So just wanted to make sure. Now I feel complete. On the road to literacy. One letter at a time.

You're alright in my books.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It will be interesting to watch as many of the NDP are pulled kicking and screaming towards the center. Mulcair will have his hands full

I'm sure he will.

After Quebec falls.
After the ROC destroys the NDP because 50+1.
After Mulcair's stance on marijuana.
After the "union bosses" are finally smote.
After Mulcair is caught whipping another poor sap in their caucus.
After the Conservatives reveal how the NDP are gonna spend all our monies.
After the oil lobbies and Ezra Levant begin their smear campaigns.
After Kelly McParland finishes his next article while Colpy cheers on.
And after the Conservatives come back for a rousing majority victory next election!!!

After all that stuff

The NDP are done for!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Back up the bus here a minute... Let's not forget that the media corps (most notably the CBC) went strongly into attack mode when Harper first took office. These clowns were anything but objective and certainly did not display anything close to journalistic integrity.

On the 'good for Democracy' front, how many elections in the last 15 years have been heavily influenced by the deliberate partiality of the media (again, most notably the CBC)?

The 'media' got exactly what they deserved

Were you fired from the CBC earlier in life? Did they run a negative story about your life or the company you work for? Why do you have such an issue with journalists that may report something other than your viewpoint?

If elections were so influenced by the media as you say then we would not have a CPC majority right now and Harper would most likely be on his way to jail. Time for you to grow up and start respecting the rights of all Canadians to have and express an opinion including journalists employed by CBC.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm sure he will.
Now for an attempt at multi quotes- God help me.

After Quebec falls.

To the PQ – Charest and corruption

After the ROC destroys the NDP because 50+1.
This policy will cost them votes from the center – federalist – no other way you can look at it. Strong NDP seats will stay – But the road to power includes more than Que. And wait to see what Equalization changes they bring forwards.

After Mulcair's stance on marijuana.

Myself I think the law is to strict on users

After the "union bosses" are finally smote.
If the Voters see that the NDP as in days of old are beholden to the Unions – yes it will cost them

After Mulcair is caught whipping another poor sap in their caucus.
I am in favor of selected members from all parties being whipped publicly, Bev Oda comes to mind. Both MacKay and the toady Fantino as well.

After the Conservatives reveal how the NDP are gonna spend all our monies.
Normal fear talk. Happens every election. Much the same with Liberals comparing Harper to the Devil.

After the oil lobbies and Ezra Levant begin their smear campaigns.

Ezra is to far right for me on many things

After Kelly McParland finishes his next article while Colpy cheers on.
Kelly does write some fine commentary. Andrew Coyne is better though

And after the Conservatives come back for a rousing majority victory next election!!!

Quite possible. Though I prefer a minority. Like them on a leash. Makes them play better in the sandbox.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The point was that we hear all that hot fluff daily and nothing has changed.