Harper stands firm on human rights in china


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You either support human rights for everyone or you don't truly believe in them. Harper's record regarding supporting the human rights of Afghans, Iraqis and Palestinians is a disgrace.


Human Rights is not a black-or-white issue.

It is all shades of gray......and Canada is so very grayish off-white.........while China borders on pitch black....

At the risk of being redundant....if Harper has no right to criticize China...no one on earth does......


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

Human Rights is not a black-or-white issue.

It is all shades of gray......and Canada is so very grayish off-white.........while China borders on pitch black....

At the risk of being redundant....if Harper has no right to criticize China...no one on earth does......
Wanna bet? I'd say Tenzin Gyatso would.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Harper supported the Iraqi war crime which has resulted in about a million deaths:
Text of 2003 Stephen Harper speech

...Since Saddam Hussein came to power in 1979, more than one million have died as a consequence. They have died through killing and torture as individual opponents, real and imagined. They have died from acts of civil war and mass genocide in the north and south of the country. They have died in invasions launched against his neighbours. Now his final bloody chapter is being read. As it is being written, make no mistake, this party will not be with Saddam Hussein. We will not be neutral. We will be with our allies and our friends, not militarily but in spirit we will be with them in America and in Britain for a short and successful conflict and for the liberation of the people of Iraq....

Text of 2003 Stephen Harper speech - thestar.com

...Responding to media questions about the Secretary-General's comments in a BBC interview, spokesman Fred Eckhard told a press briefing in New York that in his remarks the Secretary-General had reiterated his well-known position that the military action against Iraq was not in conformity with the UN Charter.

In the interview, Mr. Annan was repeatedly asked whether the war was "illegal." "Yes," he finally said, "I have indicated it is not in conformity with the UN Charter, from our point of view, and from the Charter point of view it was illegal."...

Lessons of Iraq war underscore importance of UN Charter - Annan
Greenspan Admits Iraq was About Oil, As Deaths Put at 1.2 Million

by Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters in New York

The man once regarded as the world's most powerful banker has bluntly declared that the Iraq war was 'largely' about oil.

Appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1987 and retired last year after serving four presidents, Alan Greenspan has been the leading Republican economist for a generation and his utterings instantly moved world markets.

In his long-awaited memoir -- out tomorrow in the US -- Greenspan, 81, who served as chairman of the US Federal Reserve for almost two decades, writes: 'I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.'

In The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, he is also crystal clear on his opinion of his last two bosses, harshly criticizing George W Bush for 'abandoning fiscal constraint' and praising Bill Clinton's anti-deficit policies during the Nineties as 'an act of political courage'. He also speaks of Clinton's sharp and 'curious' mind, and 'old-fashioned' caution about the dangers of debt.

Greenspan's damning comments about the war come as a survey of Iraqis, which was released last week, claims that up to 1.2 million people may have died because of the conflict in Iraq -- lending weight to a 2006 survey in the Lancet that reported similarly high levels....

Greenspan Admits Iraq was About Oil, As Deaths Put at 1.2 Million | CommonDreams.org
Try to find a comment from Harper regarding US torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere...
The New York Times, in a report on January 12, 2005,[23] reported testimony suggesting that the following events had taken place at Abu Ghraib:

* Urinating on detainees
* Jumping on detainee's leg (a limb already wounded by gunfire) with such force that it could not thereafter heal properly
* Continuing by pounding detainee's wounded leg with collapsible metal baton
* Pouring phosphoric acid on detainees
* Sodomization of detainees with a baton
* Tying ropes to the detainees' legs or penises and dragging them across the floor.

Sergeant Samuel Provance from Alpha Company 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion, in interviews with several news agencies, reported the sexual abuse of a 16-year-old girl by two interrogators [24], as well as a 16-year-old son of an Iraqi general, who was driven through the cold night air on the open back of a truck after he had been showered and besmeared with mud in order to get his father to talk.[25]

Harper's unshakable support for Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity:
05 January 2009

On Israel's 60th anniversary last April, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised Canada's "unshakable" support for Israel. At the time, this struck me as odd. It would be understandable for a prime minister to offer Canada's "unshakable" support for principles democracy, the rule of law, human rights, etc. But for a country?

A country is led by a government, and a government is always fallible. Why would Canada promise its unqualified support for any country? Such unqualified support is particularly problematic when the country is locked in a bitter struggle with millions of people whose land it has held under military occupation for more than forty years.

The problematic nature of Harper's promise has taken on a new dimension with Israel's intense bombing of the Gaza Strip, which has left more than 400 Palestinians dead.

Even before the bombing began on Saturday, the 2-year-old Israeli blockade had largely sealed Gaza's borders, creating one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

Early this month, UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk reported that Israel's siege of Gaza was allowing "only barely enough food and fuel to enter to stave off mass famine and disease." He described Israel's action as "collective punishment."

Falk, a Jewish-American law professor, called on the world community to take action to protect the 1.5 million people in Gaza, noting that "ome governments of the world are complicit by continuing their support politically and economically for Israel's punitive approach."

Canada, with its "unshakable" support, seems to fit into this category. Indeed, last March Canada signed an agreement with Israel establishing co-operation in "border management and security."...

Canada: Israel's "Unshakable" Supporter


Amnesty slams Israel 'war crimes'

Most Palestinian casualties are unjustifiable, Amnesty says

Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing war crimes in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The rights group's report for 2004 says Israeli forces have killed some 700 Palestinians - including 150 children - mostly in unlawful circumstances.

The report lists "reckless shooting, shelling and air strikes in civilian areas... and excessive use of force".

It also condemns the killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinian militants and violence by Jewish settlers.

"Certain abuses committed by the Israeli army constituted crimes against humanity and war crimes," Amnesty's report says....


15 September 2009

UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence
of war crimes and crimes against humanity
committed during the Gaza conflict;
calls for end to impunity

NEW YORK / GENEVA – The UN Fact-Finding Mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone on Tuesday released its long-awaited report on the Gaza conflict, in which it concluded there is evidence indicating serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law were committed by Israel during the Gaza conflict, and that Israel committed actions amounting to war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity....

Torture is an internal problem for Afghanistan: Harper
(AFP) – Dec 23, 2009

MONTREAL — Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Canada is not responsible for any torture Afghan suspects might suffer after their arrest by Canadian military and transfer to local police, according to media report....

AFP: Torture is an internal problem for Afghanistan: Harper
Karzai’s legitimacy won't be questioned: Ambassador

By Althia Raj, SUN MEDIA
Last Updated: 2nd November 2009

Afghanistan’s ambassador to Canada denied Monday that President Hamid Karzai’s legitimacy will be in question after the country’s election commission declared him winner by default.

Over the weekend, Karzai’s only challenger Abdullah Abdullah bowed-out of Nov. 7’s run-off election, citing fraud concerns.

On Monday, the Independent Election Commission cancelled the second round of polling and declared Karzai, who had won the majority of the votes in the first round, president for a five-year term.

“I don’t think there is any question of legitimacy,” said Ambassador Jawed Ludin.
“(Karzai) is not winning by virtue of the first round, he has won the election by virtue of the second round which didn’t take place but ... he by default became the winner,” Ludin said.

Results from Afghanistan’s August election were thrown out after widespread allegations of fraud — many attributed to Karzai’s camp — were given credence.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper congratulated Karzai, saying Afghanistan’s election commission had made the “appropriate decision.” ...

Karzai’s legitimacy won't be questioned: Ambassador | Canada | News | Calgary Sun
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
A lot of people thought it was a good idea. Harper was just one, and the one that really counted in Canada at the time was Jean ChRETIeN (PM from March 2003 to 2006). You'd better hang them all.
Can you actually talk about Canada, Harper, and China rather than constantly moaning about Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran? Or are you that limited in conversation? IOW, stick your annoying cut & pastes about Iraq in an Iraq thread and stick to the freakin topic!
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There are LOT'S of Threads on Iraq & Iran & Afghanistan & Israel...

This one is about Harper & China & China's Human Rights issues.

Please stick to the Thread Topic....


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
...if Harper has no right to criticize China...no one on earth does......

My previous post supports my belief that Harper doesn't care about human rights for everyone. Harper cares about Chinese human rights about as much as he cares for Iraq, Afghan or Palestinian human rights. His speech was for a Canadian audience. People who support war crimes and crimes against humanity have no legitimacy lecturing others regarding human rights.

I can't help but notice that the most of the same people who fell for all the whoppers told by Bush also support Harper now. Harper is a hypocrite when it comes to human rights.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
My previous post supports my belief that Harper doesn't care about human rights for everyone. Harper cares about Chinese human rights about as much as he cares for Iraq, Afghan or Palestinian human rights. His speech was for a Canadian audience. People who support war crimes and crimes against humanity have no legitimacy lecturing others regarding human rights.

I can't help but notice that the most of the same people who fell for all the whoppers told by Bush also support Harper now. Harper is a hypocrite when it comes to human rights.
wow! words and thoughts for a change. Cool. Congrats. :)
You can express your opinion about stuff without the constant regurgitation about the Middle East.
And you think Canada is just as bad about human rights as China is? Everyone is a hypocrite in some way or other but there are degrees of hypocrisy. Canada has bad points but at least we have the Charter. What does CHina have?


Canada and Human Rights


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
... you think Canada is just as bad about human rights as China is? Everyone is a hypocrite in some way or other but there are degrees of hypocrisy. Canada has bad points but at least we have the Charter. What does CHina have?


Canada and Human Rights

I don't recall claiming Canada's human rights record is about as bad as China's. Can you quote me?

I have stated repeatedly that China has major human rights problems.

IMO, Canada's human rights problems are relatively minor in comparison to China.

Not everyone is hypocrite in some way. Many people consistently follow a set of fundamental rules. Harper isn't one of those people. Harper claims to support human rights, and even criticizes countries like China regarding their human rights record. But he's on record as unshakably supporting Israel despite their war crimes and crimes against humanity. He has never criticized Israel, despite their major human rights problems which are far worse than China's today or even South Africa at the height of Apartheid..

You either believe in human rights for everyone, or you don't truly believe in them. If Harper can support Israel despite their war crimes and crimes against humanity, then he does not truly believe in Human Rights. That's why Harper is a hypocrite.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This is too funny, Harper goes after China on human rights and trying to get them to
change their laws. At the same time, his government through the Supreme Court,
surrendered to Vanoc and the Olympic Committee, over the issue of the Women's
Ski Jumping team. The law of Canada forbids gender discrimination yet the women
are not permitted to compete. This country has societal laws, that come before all
including the Olympic Committee, but not anymore. We need to put Vanoc and the
International Olympic Committee in its place. Perhaps the coming demonstrations and ugliness that will soon descend on Vancouver. will show the world that a significant
number of people don't want the headache or the tax bill for the extravagant waste
of taxpayers dollars. In Canada people are going to be denied rights, they could have police enter their homes to rip down anti Olympic signs, and the list goes on
and they want us to believe Canada has a perfect record so Harper can attack the
Chinese record. We should start cleaning up our own back yard first I would think.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I don't recall claiming Canada's human rights record is about as bad as China's. Can you quote me?{/quote]I asked a question and you assumed it wasn't a question? Silly man.

I have stated repeatedly that China has major human rights problems.

IMO, Canada's human rights problems are relatively minor in comparison to China.

Not everyone is hypocrite in some way.
Oh yes they are. At some point in time and in some way everyone is or will be a hypocrite. It's human nature.
Many people consistently follow a set of fundamental rules. Harper isn't one of those people. Harper claims to support human rights, and even criticizes countries like China regarding their human rights record. But he's on record as unshakably supporting Israel despite their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Yup, he's a hypocrite, too.
He has never criticized Israel, despite their major human rights problems which are far worse than China's today or even South Africa at the height of Apartheid..
Never? How can you be so sure that he has NEVER criticised Israel?


You either believe in human rights for everyone, or you don't truly believe in them.
Ideologically. Practically, it doesn't quite work like that.
If Harper can support Israel despite their war crimes and crimes against humanity, then he does not truly believe in Human Rights. That's why Harper is a hypocrite.
Yup. He's a hypocrite. As far as I know, all people are.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
This is too funny, Harper goes after China on human rights and trying to get them to
change their laws. At the same time, his government through the Supreme Court,
surrendered to Vanoc and the Olympic Committee, over the issue of the Women's
Ski Jumping team. The law of Canada forbids gender discrimination yet the women
are not permitted to compete. This country has societal laws, that come before all
including the Olympic Committee, but not anymore. We need to put Vanoc and the
International Olympic Committee in its place. Perhaps the coming demonstrations and ugliness that will soon descend on Vancouver. will show the world that a significant
number of people don't want the headache or the tax bill for the extravagant waste
of taxpayers dollars. In Canada people are going to be denied rights, they could have police enter their homes to rip down anti Olympic signs, and the list goes on
and they want us to believe Canada has a perfect record so Harper can attack the
Chinese record. We should start cleaning up our own back yard first I would think.
Cleaning up one's own backyard first would be the best way to go, but we are speaking of politicians here, you know.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
ok Anna G. The Harper government did mildly critique Israel's economic blockade. I never knew about those comments and I stand corrected.