Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If this don't get your hackles up Colpy....nothing will...

Ont. dad arrested after daughter draws picture of gun:

Police arrested a Kitchener, Ont., father outside his daughter's school because the four-year-old drew a picture of him holding a gun.

I think that detachment may be a little over staffed and the remaining ones could use a little more training. :lol:


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Barack Obama, "Greatest Gun Salesman in America" - BusinessWeek

Meanwhile, the murder rate in the USA just keeps falling.........

2008: 5.4 per 100,000

2009: 5.0 per 100,000

2010: 4.8 per 100,000

And expected, with the general decrease in US crime, to come in even lower in 2011.

Demographics??? Yes, but more guns sure has not hurt.

BTW, for those that see the USA as some sort of violent hell-hole, here's a visual for you.... :)

File:Homicide-world.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2010 - the latest year for which detailed statistics are available - there were 12,996 murders in the US. Of those, 8,775 were caused by firearms. Makes a difference doesn't it when one changes the percentages to actual numbers. Also, kind of makes one wonder how high the stats were before they started to come down doesn't it??

The FBI crime statistics are based on reports to FBI bureau and local law enforcement. The figures are not complete - there are no stats for Florida on firearm murders and the data for Illinois is "incomplete".

It might also be just a wee bit more accurate to add in the accidental shootings or suicides.

PS.... US military deaths in 2010 were a mere 499.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
In 2010 - the latest year for which detailed statistics are available - there were 12,996 murders in the US. Of those, 8,775 were caused by firearms. Makes a difference doesn't it when one changes the percentages to actual numbers. Also, kind of makes one wonder how high the stats were before they started to come down doesn't it??

The FBI crime statistics are based on reports to FBI bureau and local law enforcement. The figures are not complete - there are no stats for Florida on firearm murders and the data for Illinois is "incomplete".

It might also be just a wee bit more accurate to add in the accidental shootings or suicides.

PS.... US military deaths in 2010 were a mere 499.

Ahhhh...the 8775 murders were not "caused by firearms". Firearms do not put a determination to kill into the head of a murderer, any more than a hammer puts the determination to drive a nail into the head of a carpenter. Like the carpenter, the murderer chooses the tool after the decision to act is made.

Now, as you admit, the murder rate in the United States has been crashing for two those two decades, gun sales have sky-rocketed, especially in the semi-auto paramilitary type weapons (incorrectly called "assault weapons'). Most states have started letting their citizens carry handguns, and firearms are more prevalent than ever before.......

Care to explain the drop in murder rate???

Especially in light of the fact firearms are used in self-defense more than TWO MILLION times each year......

Guns and Self-Defense by Gary Kleck, Ph.D.

Care to guess how many of those two million instances would have resulted in a death without the victim's ability to defend themselves?????


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If this don't get your hackles up Colpy....nothing will...

Ont. dad arrested after daughter draws picture of gun:

Police arrested a Kitchener, Ont., father outside his daughter's school because the four-year-old drew a picture of him holding a gun.

Jessie Sansone told the Record newspaper that he was in shock when he was arrested Wednesday and taken to a police station for questioning over the drawing. He was also strip-searched.

"This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school," he said.

Officials told the newspaper the move was necessary to ensure there were no guns accessible by children in the family's home. They also said comments by Sansone's daughter, Neaveh, that the man holding the gun in the picture was her dad and "he uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters," was concerning.

Police also searched Sansone's home while he was in custody. His wife and three children were taken to the police station, and the children were interviewed by Family and Children's Services.

Sansone's wife, Stephanie Squires, told the newspaper no one told them why her husband had been arrested.

"He had absolutely no idea what this was even about. I just kept telling them, 'You're making a mistake.'"

Several hours later, Sansone was released without charges.

Ont. dad arrested after daughter draws picture of gun: Reports | Ontario | News | Toronto Sun

Starts with stupid teacher...then stupid children services ....then stupid cops
I assume this was done without a warrant?.... I would sue all of them....
I like the questions Ezra was asking. Where are the usual Suspects when this guys rights were breached?


Hey all from the USA
Feb 24, 2010
Usa, New hampshire
each state has its own set of rules why do so many of you pick on hte usa there plenty of things both contruies can work on but stop just blaming the usa is not them its the people who control the guns... who don't want tougher laws. its easy to get a gun if know one tells you why. Many people question why people ask for ids in nh if you buying a guy is by law even if you're old enough each state has something else they need to show.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
each state has its own set of rules why do so many of you pick on hte usa there plenty of things both contruies can work on but stop just blaming the usa is not them its the people who control the guns... who don't want tougher laws. its easy to get a gun if know one tells you why. Many people question why people ask for ids in nh if you buying a guy is by law even if you're old enough each state has something else they need to show.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
each state has its own set of rules why do so many of you pick on hte usa there plenty of things both contruies can work on but stop just blaming the usa is not them its the people who control the guns... who don't want tougher laws. its easy to get a gun if know one tells you why. Many people question why people ask for ids in nh if you buying a guy is by law even if you're old enough each state has something else they need to show.

Could you find someone to translate that into english?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Quite right guns don't cause testosterone laden nutballs using them to win arguments. The fact is .........that the majority are coming to believe that is the, best way to enforce their will on others. I am completely aghast to be inundated with rejoicing, when one or two persons actually manage a righteous shooting. Stacking one or two good cases up against the thousands that were not righteous is a piss poor argument.

I hardly consider a minor reduction in deaths by firearms (which by the way outstrip gun related deaths in some countries involved in years of civil war) as CRASHING..........absolutely ridiculous!!

each state has its own set of rules why do so many of you pick on hte usa there plenty of things both contruies can work on but stop just blaming the usa is not them its the people who control the guns... who don't want tougher laws. its easy to get a gun if know one tells you why. Many people question why people ask for ids in nh if you buying a guy is by law even if you're old enough each state has something else they need to show.

LOL Critter, you mistake the aim of this thread. The majority posting here are not picking on the USA's gun laws, but want the same sort of access to guns as your country has, in ours.
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Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Barack Obama, "Greatest Gun Salesman in America" - BusinessWeek

Meanwhile, the murder rate in the USA just keeps falling.........

2008: 5.4 per 100,000

2009: 5.0 per 100,000

2010: 4.8 per 100,000

And expected, with the general decrease in US crime, to come in even lower in 2011.

Demographics??? Yes, but more guns sure has not hurt.

BTW, for those that see the USA as some sort of violent hell-hole, here's a visual for you.... :)

File:Homicide-world.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just a thought here, but could it be because the low income, inner city folks are on permanent vacation in sunny Iraq?

Just sayin'...


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
Colpy, are you sure long rifles can have a maximum of 5 rounds per mag?
That doesn't seem correct to me.

Also, can you verify that you need to belong to a gun club to get your restricted licence?
I was not aware of that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Colpy, are you sure long rifles can have a maximum of 5 rounds per mag?
That doesn't seem correct to me.

Also, can you verify that you need to belong to a gun club to get your restricted licence?
I was not aware of that.

Centre-fire Semi-automatic long guns are restricted to 5 round magazines. There are no restriction on rim fires.

You can get your restricted license without belonging to a club.....but you must join one before you can buy restricted firearms.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Also, be aware that each Chief Firearms Officer makes up his or her own rules. You do not need to be a gun club member to own or purchase a restricted firearm. I bought a pistol in Saskatoon and obtained an ATT, (authorisation to transport) from Edmonton, the licensing authority for that area, which allowed me to take it anywhere in the province, including my buddy's farm where we tried it out. NS is like a totally different country, you cannot attend a gun club more than three times over a 12 month period unless you become a member, you cannot obtain an ATT or own a restricted firearm unless you are a member. There are many trappers around here that have permits to carry pistols on the trapline who aren't members of any club. There are so many inconsitencies in the interpretation and application of the laws that I have not been able to get two consistant answers from anyone in the legal profession, and members of our club include more than a few barristers and solicitors, at least one of whom is a QC.

The laws are very vague and unintelligible; I have previously been denied an ATT that allows me to take my pistols to my cabin because they "wanted to be sure they were kept at my main residence". I have since got an ATT that allows me to take them to and keep them at my cabin, and it was issued without question.

I have a lake access only cabin and I believe it is my right to defend myself, and those under my care. My .45 Auto isn't designed to kill a bear, but would at least keep one at bay. Carrying a rifle out of season is prima facie evidence of poaching (and you can end up in a world of hurt just defending yourself from the fish cops), carrying a pistol isn't, but merely transporting or carrying a pistol has its own list of legal dangers, the law is an ass, You are not allowed the tools to defend yourself, and that needs to be changed.

I can't remember who said it, but, "the Firearms Act is no harder to understand than the Income Tax Act", and it wasn't a tongue in cheek statement. It only shows what the government thinks of us. This too has to be changed.
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Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
I have said for years, to the horror of some, that the registry and its downfall is only one small step towards muting the hysteria of nanny staters.
The joke as i see it, is Quebec aka paybec whining for access to the registry data base. Has nobody figured out that because one needs a license to purchase a firearm, therein lies a provincial data base for paybec? They may consider it as not complete but any fool knows that if an individual takes the course and applies for a license there is a reasonable assumption that person will likely have a firearm sooner or later.

Had the cities filled up with rural born Canadians instead of giddy, brainwashed, and cloistered peeps continually demanding utopia rather than viewing the world as it is and always will be, IMO, there would be much less problem. Given that there is little hope of going back, we, the vast majority, who have used firearms for a lifetime without harm must fight on.

There are some 18-20 thousand sworn RCMP officers who carry a firearm in their daily duties. My question would be, what is the percentage of those per thousand who have been involved in a questionable incident, regarding both on and off duty use of firearms? How does that compare with the per thousand percentage of incidents among the generally accepted low side estimate of 5 million non criminal gun owners in Canada? It would be interesting or even enlightening to know. Problem being that a non criminal gun owner will be paraded out by the media and the cops will cover up most of their problems.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Gun control is completely useless.
Yep, I've come around to thinking you're probably right about that, because it simply can't be done, anybody who really wants a particular gun can get one. All gun control can do is penalize legitimate sensible gun owners like you and me.