Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
It used to be laughable to arm a child. At what age would the training start? Stray bullets kill babes in their cribs and any one year old can be shot whle playing in their own fenced in yard. As I understand it, young brains are not fully developed to understand the consequences of their acts until early 20s to 30s.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The NRA sezvit's because the children aren't armed! If every child had a gun, their death rates would plummet!

Gimme a break.

The NRA's award winning Eddie Eagle gun safety training course has been taught in US schools pre-K to grade four for decades.........although I imagine now parents in some localities would rather have their kid die in an accident than come in contact with an NRA member.

The program teaches kids four steps if they see a gun;


Don't touch

Run away

Tell an adult.

If people were really concerned about accidental child deaths with guns, this program would be a mandatory part of any school program.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Quote: Originally Posted by bluebyrd35
Mar 23, 2018 - Every day, 19 children are shot in America, according to a recent study. ... under the age of 18 are thought to be killed in firearm homicides each year. ... too many of the children most burdened by gun deaths in the country.
Seems to be reasonaby correct as the CDC reported 7000 in 2017. Which is preferable abortion at 3 months or a child one wanted and loved slaughtered by gun?

Typical answer of a selfish person!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
because expecting a white natty to know what genocide is would be asking far too much.

POOR STUPID HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He thinks smearing white people while ignoring the madness and butchery of Soviet dictators and third world despots is CLEVER PROPAGANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he his IGNORING the reality that Canada does NOT have a gun control problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Canada HAS- is a crime control problem that LIE-berals deliberately created in exchange for vote from bigots at Black Lives Matter and drunken natives at Idle No More etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider how LIE-berals are PRETENDING to protect us::

Here is an article illustrating what is wrong with LIE-beral policy on guns and crime. With some comments of my own in brackets):

The Liberals are coming for Yukoners' guns

Special to Toronto Sun. By Jonas Smith.

Published: October 20, 2018. Updated: October 20, 2018 4:44 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Last week, hot on the heels of the backdoor gun registry, Bill C-71, the Trudeau Liberal government moved forward on its next phase of harassing law-abiding firearms owners with its initiative to ban handguns and so-called assault weapons.

This has serious consequences for Yukoners, and Yukon’s MP Larry Bagnell needs to clearly state his position on the proposed ban. The federal government’s supposed public consultation began on Oct. 11.

I state “supposed” because Public Safety Canada’s (PS) own website says in-person stakeholder engagement is by invitation only, which is one way to ensure only those who support the Liberals’ pre-determined outcome inform the “process.”

(Oh yes- invitation only “consultation” sounds so very inclusive! But it is my understanding that LIE-berals have discreetly opened up a second web site which may be accessed without invitation- and that is the problem! This second site is open TO THE WORLD! An person from anywhere can post a comment!)

(With the added bonus that LIE-berals -badly stung by public reaction to their invasive and intrusive #MyDemocracy web site which offered us two choices for electoral reform- either to like it or love it with no space to say “HATE IT”- have thrown open the gun web site so any fool can comment as often as they feel inclined- with NO restrictions on having a few able to make MANY comments to ensure their opinion LOOKS more main stream than it really is!)

The PS website goes on to put forward the notion of instituting “a ban on handguns and assault weapons in Canada while not impeding on the lawful use of firearms by Canadians.”

Only a Liberal could suggest that a ban won’t impede lawful use.

(As we have seen with LIE-beral policy on various things like drugs and gambling - LIE-berals are willing to indulge our desires just so long as LIE-berals get more gravy out of it! No doubt Yukoners will be allowed to keep their guns if they pay enough in fees and registrations!)

Yukon has the highest rate of licensed firearms owners per capita in the country. It is therefore no surprise Yukoners also own more guns per capita than other Canadians.

Yukon also has the highest rate of Authorization To Carry (ATC) permits, which allow qualified and eligible civilians to legally carry a handgun in the wilderness for wildlife protection.

(Yes- and for many years LIE-berals have been telling us that 70 percent of the hand guns confiscated on Toronto streets were smuggled in from United States! With the other 30 percent either from Cdn sources or of “unknown origin” -with LIE-berals implying that legitimate Cdn gun owners were selling their weapons to criminals! But LIE-berals never seemed able to CATCH any of those legit gun owners selling to criminals!)

(But uh-oh- LIE-beral loving news media recently told us that Toronto cops had raided and closed down a sophisticated gun making shop in Toronto- and THERE is a big source of “Cdn” guns- made by criminals- FOR criminals! But LIE-berals still demonize legit gun owners- for fun and profit- also IGNORING CRIMINALS! We have a crime control problem- NOT a gun control problem! )

These permits are typically issued to prospectors, bush pilots, trappers and hunters who commonly find themselves in situations where long guns are too cumbersome to protect oneself from fast moving and potentially dangerous wildlife.

So instead of doing anything to reduce gang violence in big cities, the Liberals are literally going after rural Canadians who rely on handguns to protect themselves.

(Rural Cdns are a relatively small group with limited political influence since so many of them DO NOT vote LIE-beral anyway! On the other hand city dwelling bigots from Black Lives Matter and native drunks from Idle No More vote often- and almost entirely for LIE-berals! Hence the LIE-beral preference for PRETENDING to take action against crime!)

But it’s not just ATC holders – not to mention lawful sport shooters and collectors – who will be affected by this far-reaching ban.

“For illustrative purposes,” PS cites an American definition of an assault weapon. I’m sure we can all agree that Canada is far removed from the sensational firearms culture of our southern neighbours.

But the broad definition used reads “semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire,” which encompasses many common non-restricted long guns owned by thousands of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Yukoners that are used every day for predator control and hunting purposes.

I myself use a rifle that fits this description as my preferred grouse hunting rifle to feed my family.

It is seen by many that the Danforth shooting tragedy in Toronto earlier this year was the tipping point and impetus for the proposed ban. This and other senseless tragedies demonstrate that government does have to do more to keep Canadians safe.

(Yes- it is FAR MORE convenient for LIE-berals to harass honest hunters than to admit that many of the immigrants selected by shameless vote buying LIE-berals are UN-SUITED to life in Canada! Picking ones that will vote LIE-beral is less effective than picking ones with real life skills for succeeding here!!!!!!! )

But how the Liberals believe limiting Yukoners’ ability to protect themselves and feed their families will somehow have any effect on a gang-affiliated, potentially extremist-inspired, mentally ill murderer with an illegally-owned and likely foreign-smuggled prohibited firearm is beyond comprehension.

(SSSSHHHHHHH!!!! You are NOT supposed to ask stuff about gangs like that! It distracts from ineffectual LIE-beral posturing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Despite any previous claims to the contrary, with this latest initiative one thing is now certain: the Liberals are coming for Yukoners’ guns.

(LIE-berals and many of their political allies disapprove of hunting and see it as a savage hold over from a PRIMITIVE past age of humanity! LIE-berals DO NOT want to consider that a Deer or Moose that is quietly grazing and is suddenly dead before the sound of the shot quits echoing through the woods- has suffered LESS than the cows loaded on trucks and hauled long distances in wind and rain and cold to a slaughterhouse.)

(Yes- the creature ambushed by a skilled hunter in the forest does not suffer the indignities and discomfort of a domestic food animal! Farm animals in pens at the slaughterhouse do not know what is happening- but they do smell the blood and fear and they sense that something bad will be happening to them!)

(Some slaughterhouses use electricity to quickly stop the heart of a cow- but it does not always work- if the cow has been out in the rain- then the electrical charge that is supposed to stop the heart and render them unconscious to further pain does not always do its job! A cow that has enough rain water and manure on its coat can suffer from having the electrical charge re-directed- they can be blinded and burned instead of being killed!)

(The production of meat is not a pretty sight- but it does not stop our hypocrite LIE-berals from condemning hunters and then going out for a nice roast beef meal!)

Jonas Smith is the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski and the current candidate to represent Yukon for the Conservative Party of Canada in the next federal election.

( So I say GOOD LUCK to Smith! He has a whole lot of LIE-beral political POISON to overcome!)


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Mar 23, 2018 - Every day, 19 children are shot in America, according to a recent study. ... under the age of 18 are thought to be killed in firearm homicides each year. ... too many of the children most burdened by gun deaths in the country.
Seems to be reasonaby correct as the CDC reported 7000 in 2017. Which is preferable abortion at 3 months or a child one wanted and loved slaughtered by gun?

In the article, they say the largest demographic are suicides. Do you mean to tell me that you are content to ban firearms for their sake with full knowledge that they have hundreds if not thousands of ways to kill themselves.

How can you be such a terrible person that champions their cause yet knowingly leave them vulnerable after a few gun laws are passed? Seriously, Buebyrd, how can you be so wreckless and callous and totally uncaring for their needs? Why aren't you truly interested in saving their lives?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
14 Things You Should Know About VIOLENT CRIME and FIREARMS in CANADA

January 4, 2019
By Senator Don Plett

The debate over the regulation of firearms in Canada is often influenced more by emotion than by facts. Since good public policy should be based on solid evidence, following are a few facts for consideration:

1. Violent crime is decreasing in Canada.

The number of people charged in violent criminal code violations has decreased by about 25% over the last 20 years – from almost 700 per 100,000 persons to just over 500.

2. Canada’s homicide rate is trending downward.

As reported by Statistics Canada, “Despite year‑to‑year fluctuations of Canadian homicide statistics, the rate of homicide in Canada has generally been decreasing over the years.” Homicides in Canada peaked in 1975 and have been trending downward ever since. In fact, since 1975, the homicide rate in Canada has dropped by almost half.

3. The use of firearms in homicides is trending downward.

The use of firearms in homicides has been trending downward since 1974. There was a 20% increase between 2013 (the lowest rate of fatal shootings ever recorded) and 2016, which according to Statistics Canada, “…was driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides over that period.” In spite of this increase, the long term trend continues to point downwards.

4. Knives are used more often than guns in homicides.

Since 1974, the use of knives in homicides has been trending upwards, while the use of guns has been trending downwards. Between 2007 and 2016, more homicides were committed by stabbing than by firearms in 7 out of 10 of those years.

5. Guns are rarely used in the commission of violent crimes in Canada.

Statistics Canada says that a “small proportion of police-reported violent crime involves firearms”. To illustrate, in 2016, there were 265,555 reported instances of violent crime. Only about one fifth (21.5%) of these involved the use of a weapon. This weapon was a firearm in only 2.7% of police-reported violent crime incidents and a handgun only 1.6% of the time – the equivalent of 1 out of every 63 reported incidents of violent crime.

6. Increased gang activity has substantially contributed to the homicide rate in recent years.

Statistics Canada reports that the recent increase in homicides has been “driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides.” Between 1996 and 2016, gang-related homicides increased by almost 400 percent.

7. One in four homicide victims in 2016 had links to organized crime or a street gang.

Statistics Canada reports that, “In 2016, police reported 141 gang‑related homicides, an increase of 45 from the 96 reported in 2015. These represented almost one‑quarter of the homicides in 2016 where police knew whether or not the incident was gang‑related. Overall, gang‑related homicides accounted for 30% of homicides that occurred in Census Metropolitan Areas in 2016.”

8. Most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms

According to the federal government, “The vast majority of owners of handguns and of other firearms in Canada lawfully abide by requirements, and most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms.”

9. Handguns have been registered in Canada since 1934.

Not many people appear to be aware of this fact, but it’s true: Handguns are already restricted weapons and have been registered in Canada since 1934. In spite of this, handguns are more commonly used in homicides than long guns.

10. The number of people being charged for breaking the Firearms Act is minuscule.

In 2017, the rate of persons being charged for breaking the Firearms Act was .22 per 100,000 persons or 2.2 per million persons. This rate is the lowest it has been since 2001 and has been trending downwards for over 15 years.

11. Banning handguns or introducing more firearm regulations does not reduce gun violence.

This fact is noted on the website of Public Safety Canada, “In all cases the data does not conclusively demonstrate that these handgun or assault weapon bans have led to reductions in gun violence… ". According to gun control experts, "No methodologically sound studies exist supporting the effectiveness of general firearms laws."

12. There is no association between an increase in gun ownership and the homicide rate.

Despite concerns to the contrary, research shows that increased legal gun ownership does not result in an increase in homicide.

13. There is no correlation between levels of gun ownership and suicide rates.

In 1998, a Department of Justice study noted that: "In Canada, provincial comparisons of firearm ownership levels and overall rates of suicide found that levels of firearm ownership had no correlation with regional suicide rates. Furthermore, the Canadian rate of firearm suicides has dropped without evidence of a similar reduction in the rate of firearm ownership."

14. Background checks under the Firearms Act have had no impact on homicide or spousal homicide rates.

In his brief to the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Dr. Caillin Langmann noted that background checks on individuals applying for a firearm license have had no impact on homicide and spousal homicide rates where firearms were involved.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
14 Things You Should Know About VIOLENT CRIME and FIREARMS in CANADA

January 4, 2019
By Senator Don Plett

The debate over the regulation of firearms in Canada is often influenced more by emotion than by facts. Since good public policy should be based on solid evidence, following are a few facts for consideration:

1. Violent crime is decreasing in Canada.

The number of people charged in violent criminal code violations has decreased by about 25% over the last 20 years – from almost 700 per 100,000 persons to just over 500.

2. Canada’s homicide rate is trending downward.

As reported by Statistics Canada, “Despite year‑to‑year fluctuations of Canadian homicide statistics, the rate of homicide in Canada has generally been decreasing over the years.” Homicides in Canada peaked in 1975 and have been trending downward ever since. In fact, since 1975, the homicide rate in Canada has dropped by almost half.

3. The use of firearms in homicides is trending downward.

The use of firearms in homicides has been trending downward since 1974. There was a 20% increase between 2013 (the lowest rate of fatal shootings ever recorded) and 2016, which according to Statistics Canada, “…was driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides over that period.” In spite of this increase, the long term trend continues to point downwards.

4. Knives are used more often than guns in homicides.

Since 1974, the use of knives in homicides has been trending upwards, while the use of guns has been trending downwards. Between 2007 and 2016, more homicides were committed by stabbing than by firearms in 7 out of 10 of those years.

5. Guns are rarely used in the commission of violent crimes in Canada.

Statistics Canada says that a “small proportion of police-reported violent crime involves firearms”. To illustrate, in 2016, there were 265,555 reported instances of violent crime. Only about one fifth (21.5%) of these involved the use of a weapon. This weapon was a firearm in only 2.7% of police-reported violent crime incidents and a handgun only 1.6% of the time – the equivalent of 1 out of every 63 reported incidents of violent crime.

6. Increased gang activity has substantially contributed to the homicide rate in recent years.

Statistics Canada reports that the recent increase in homicides has been “driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides.” Between 1996 and 2016, gang-related homicides increased by almost 400 percent.

7. One in four homicide victims in 2016 had links to organized crime or a street gang.

Statistics Canada reports that, “In 2016, police reported 141 gang‑related homicides, an increase of 45 from the 96 reported in 2015. These represented almost one‑quarter of the homicides in 2016 where police knew whether or not the incident was gang‑related. Overall, gang‑related homicides accounted for 30% of homicides that occurred in Census Metropolitan Areas in 2016.”

8. Most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms

According to the federal government, “The vast majority of owners of handguns and of other firearms in Canada lawfully abide by requirements, and most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms.”

9. Handguns have been registered in Canada since 1934.

Not many people appear to be aware of this fact, but it’s true: Handguns are already restricted weapons and have been registered in Canada since 1934. In spite of this, handguns are more commonly used in homicides than long guns.

10. The number of people being charged for breaking the Firearms Act is minuscule.

In 2017, the rate of persons being charged for breaking the Firearms Act was .22 per 100,000 persons or 2.2 per million persons. This rate is the lowest it has been since 2001 and has been trending downwards for over 15 years.

11. Banning handguns or introducing more firearm regulations does not reduce gun violence.

This fact is noted on the website of Public Safety Canada, “In all cases the data does not conclusively demonstrate that these handgun or assault weapon bans have led to reductions in gun violence… ". According to gun control experts, "No methodologically sound studies exist supporting the effectiveness of general firearms laws."

12. There is no association between an increase in gun ownership and the homicide rate.

Despite concerns to the contrary, research shows that increased legal gun ownership does not result in an increase in homicide.

13. There is no correlation between levels of gun ownership and suicide rates.

In 1998, a Department of Justice study noted that: "In Canada, provincial comparisons of firearm ownership levels and overall rates of suicide found that levels of firearm ownership had no correlation with regional suicide rates. Furthermore, the Canadian rate of firearm suicides has dropped without evidence of a similar reduction in the rate of firearm ownership."

14. Background checks under the Firearms Act have had no impact on homicide or spousal homicide rates.

In his brief to the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Dr. Caillin Langmann noted that background checks on individuals applying for a firearm license have had no impact on homicide and spousal homicide rates where firearms were involved.
There you go making sense again , but you are forgetting , if it saves one life .


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Quote: Originally Posted by bluebyrd35
Mar 23, 2018 - Every day, 19 children are shot in America, according to a recent study. ... under the age of 18 are thought to be killed in firearm homicides each year. ... too many of the children most burdened by gun deaths in the country.
Seems to be reasonaby correct as the CDC reported 7000 in 2017. Which is preferable abortion at 3 months or a child one wanted and loved slaughtered by gun?

Typical answer of a selfish person!
How does that make me selfish?? I took birth control pills ....had 3 spontaneous abortion. My doctor told me that the next pregnancy would also abort or if it survived would be severely brain & organ damaged & die shortly after birth.

So....If I had become pregnant again I would have had an abortion. The only suffering would have been mine!! So, again how does that make me selfish.....What is it about people who cannot bear a chid feel they have the right to interfere with the rights of others to choose?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
In the article, they say the largest demographic are suicides. Do you mean to tell me that you are content to ban firearms for their sake with full knowledge that they have hundreds if not thousands of ways to kill themselves.

How can you be such a terrible person that champions their cause yet knowingly leave them vulnerable after a few gun laws are passed? Seriously, Buebyrd, how can you be so wreckless and callous and totally uncaring for their needs? Why aren't you truly interested in saving their lives?
Good grief ..where in that article does it say those19 child deaths by gun every day were suicides? First look after the children and then fix access to adequate health care. Oboma Health care was a start but Trump has all but gutted it.
Last edited:


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Good grief ..where in that article does it say those19 child deaths by gun every day were suicides? First look after the children and then fix access to adequate health care. Oboma Health care was a start but Trump has all but gutted it.

clearly you missed the point. You have every intention of declaring gun laws the solution for suicides, then you are going to pat yourself on the back and go home... meanwhile more children will die. How can you be such a terrible human being, do the child suicides mean nothing to you? How many more children will die while you play out your agenda instead of helping them?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
clearly you missed the point. You have every intention of declaring gun laws the solution for suicides, then you are going to pat yourself on the back and go home... meanwhile more children will die. How can you be such a terrible human being, do the child suicides mean nothing to you? How many more children will die while you play out your agenda instead of helping them?
How can a gun-loving NRA death cultist like you be such a moralizing tvat?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
14 Things You Should Know About VIOLENT CRIME and FIREARMS in CANADA

January 4, 2019
By Senator Don Plett

The debate over the regulation of firearms in Canada is often influenced more by emotion than by facts. Since good public policy should be based on solid evidence, following are a few facts for consideration:

1. Violent crime is decreasing in Canada.

The number of people charged in violent criminal code violations has decreased by about 25% over the last 20 years – from almost 700 per 100,000 persons to just over 500.

2. Canada’s homicide rate is trending downward.

As reported by Statistics Canada, “Despite year‑to‑year fluctuations of Canadian homicide statistics, the rate of homicide in Canada has generally been decreasing over the years.” Homicides in Canada peaked in 1975 and have been trending downward ever since. In fact, since 1975, the homicide rate in Canada has dropped by almost half.

3. The use of firearms in homicides is trending downward.

The use of firearms in homicides has been trending downward since 1974. There was a 20% increase between 2013 (the lowest rate of fatal shootings ever recorded) and 2016, which according to Statistics Canada, “…was driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides over that period.” In spite of this increase, the long term trend continues to point downwards.

4. Knives are used more often than guns in homicides.

Since 1974, the use of knives in homicides has been trending upwards, while the use of guns has been trending downwards. Between 2007 and 2016, more homicides were committed by stabbing than by firearms in 7 out of 10 of those years.

5. Guns are rarely used in the commission of violent crimes in Canada.

Statistics Canada says that a “small proportion of police-reported violent crime involves firearms”. To illustrate, in 2016, there were 265,555 reported instances of violent crime. Only about one fifth (21.5%) of these involved the use of a weapon. This weapon was a firearm in only 2.7% of police-reported violent crime incidents and a handgun only 1.6% of the time – the equivalent of 1 out of every 63 reported incidents of violent crime.

6. Increased gang activity has substantially contributed to the homicide rate in recent years.

Statistics Canada reports that the recent increase in homicides has been “driven by a substantive increase in gang-related homicides.” Between 1996 and 2016, gang-related homicides increased by almost 400 percent.

7. One in four homicide victims in 2016 had links to organized crime or a street gang.

Statistics Canada reports that, “In 2016, police reported 141 gang‑related homicides, an increase of 45 from the 96 reported in 2015. These represented almost one‑quarter of the homicides in 2016 where police knew whether or not the incident was gang‑related. Overall, gang‑related homicides accounted for 30% of homicides that occurred in Census Metropolitan Areas in 2016.”

8. Most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms

According to the federal government, “The vast majority of owners of handguns and of other firearms in Canada lawfully abide by requirements, and most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms.”

9. Handguns have been registered in Canada since 1934.

Not many people appear to be aware of this fact, but it’s true: Handguns are already restricted weapons and have been registered in Canada since 1934. In spite of this, handguns are more commonly used in homicides than long guns.

10. The number of people being charged for breaking the Firearms Act is minuscule.

In 2017, the rate of persons being charged for breaking the Firearms Act was .22 per 100,000 persons or 2.2 per million persons. This rate is the lowest it has been since 2001 and has been trending downwards for over 15 years.

11. Banning handguns or introducing more firearm regulations does not reduce gun violence.

This fact is noted on the website of Public Safety Canada, “In all cases the data does not conclusively demonstrate that these handgun or assault weapon bans have led to reductions in gun violence… ". According to gun control experts, "No methodologically sound studies exist supporting the effectiveness of general firearms laws."

12. There is no association between an increase in gun ownership and the homicide rate.

Despite concerns to the contrary, research shows that increased legal gun ownership does not result in an increase in homicide.

13. There is no correlation between levels of gun ownership and suicide rates.

In 1998, a Department of Justice study noted that: "In Canada, provincial comparisons of firearm ownership levels and overall rates of suicide found that levels of firearm ownership had no correlation with regional suicide rates. Furthermore, the Canadian rate of firearm suicides has dropped without evidence of a similar reduction in the rate of firearm ownership."

14. Background checks under the Firearms Act have had no impact on homicide or spousal homicide rates.

In his brief to the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Dr. Caillin Langmann noted that background checks on individuals applying for a firearm license have had no impact on homicide and spousal homicide rates where firearms were involved.

The most completely INSANE part of all this LIE-beral grand standing on guns- that is designed ONLY to HIDE how little effort LIE-

berals are putting into crime control - is HOW INEFFECTIVE LIE-beral policy really is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About 20 odd years ago- when the LIE-beral gun registry was in full swing- a guy who was a family friend decided that life in LIE-beral

Ontari-owe was intolerable and so he went out and bought a gun and killed himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy had a young wife, two daughters, owned a house in a nice area, had good job in- lets call it "media" - I wont name any names nor give specifics as his wife is STILL hugely distraught!!!!!!!!!!

And he decided he simply could not stand our hypocritical politically correct, dishonest LIE-beral society any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy was a down town urban elite- you know- granola and running for The Cure, and various other social causes, raised the

daughters so in later years they would be proud members of MeToo; trained them to be blindly trusting socialists etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy is NOT a hunter, has NEVER owned a gun, is practically Vegan in his respect for animals and all other entities on our planet!!!!!!!!

And yet- this CLEARLY DISTRAUGHT guy went out in defiance of the COSTLY and completely ineffective LIE-beral gun registry that


shot himself in the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who could have predicted this Mr. Bland could have even FOUND a criminal much less managed to buy a gun??????????????

The urban white guy guy must have left a trail a mile wide as he blundered through sleazy areas seeking somebody to sell him that gun!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it is a tragedy that LIE-beral gun laws could not prevent even though the law WAS DESIGNED TO SPECIFICALLY PREVENT

suicide by gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And several BILLION dollars were wasted on the gun registry- for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ONLY GOOD in all this is that he did not spray bullets into a crowd as the typical gang banger does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said before- and it bears repeating: WE DONT HAVE A GUN PROBLEM, WE HAVE A CRIME PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
NEWSFLASH: Data Shows Illegal Aliens Kill More People Each Year In the U.S. Than AR-15s

Picture this: according to the numbers, illegal immigration is far more deadly to Americans than AR-15s. Which is ironic, considering which of these Democrats love to rant against, and which one they so desperately want to protect.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
NEWSFLASH: Data Shows Illegal Aliens Kill More People Each Year In the U.S. Than AR-15s

Picture this: according to the numbers, illegal immigration is far more deadly to Americans than AR-15s. Which is ironic, considering which of these Democrats love to rant against, and which one they so desperately want to protect.

UH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illegals with knives and other weapons are MORE DANGEROUS than AR 15`s?????????????????????????


Well, that sort of unraveling of LIE-beral policy WILL HAPPEN when LIE-berals focus on buying votes instead of solid and TRUTHFUL POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But dont worry- LIE-berals will resolve all issues- TO THEIR SATISFACTION - by simply taxing anything that moves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently LIE-berals think that if they put up the taxes high enough then we will stop shooting each other because we cannot afford the ammunition????????????????????????

Is it not ODD how many things LIE-berals CANNOT DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such as evict gangsters from affordable housing?????????????????????????????

Or even REPAIR affordable housing?????????????????????????????

Such as COLLECT PROPER RENT from drug dealers and hookers living free in affordable housing?????????????????????

Such as JAIL CONVICTED criminals who have committed multiple offenses??????????????????????????????

Such as doing ANYTHING about the drug addled homeless and illegals??????????????????????????????????????


Here is an article illustrating the usual lack of efficiency at Revenue Canada! With some comments of my own in brackets):

From: BUSINESS, Huffington Post
05/24/2018 14:30 EDT | Updated 05/24/2018 16:03 EDT

CRA Uncovers Nearly $600 Million In Unpaid Taxes On B.C., Ontario Real Estate

But this could just be the tip of the iceberg.

By Daniel Tencer

The Canada Revenue Agency headquarters in Ottawa, Nov. 4, 2011. CRA has identified nearly $600 million in unpaid taxes on real estate transactions since it began keeping a closer eye on the British Columbia and Ontario real estate markets in 2015.

(Isnt that AMAZING!!!! In late 2014 or thereabouts- our vaunted CRA tax hunters were lambasted for IGNORING foreign tax evaders who owed large tax sums and of concentrating their efforts on Cdns who owed SMALL tax sums! The reason given for massacring the little fish and letting the big ones off the hook is because it TOOK TOO LONG and cost to much to chase foreigners who were hiding either themselves and or many of their assets off shore!)

(Yes- CRA decided it was better to chase PENNIES than dollars! But that was then- and Stephen Harper was PM and our civil service union Hogs liked to VEX Harper! But now Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are in charge and suddenly CRA is all over those foreign tax cheats!)

(And of course that skin flint Harper would have simply put any taxes - owing and collected - into general revenue! But Our idiot Boy has sworn to “save the middle class” so Hogs are beating the bushes looking for new gravy for LIE-berals to hand out to the Hogs!)

Canada Revenue Agency has identified nearly $600 million in unpaid taxes on real estate transactions since it began keeping a closer eye on the British Columbia and Ontario real estate markets in 2015, the agency said in a recent report.

(Yes- its all a matter of priorities- and Harper and Conservatives HAD NO pull with CRA Hogs! But LIE-berals are more generous with gravy and LIE-berals work better with Hogs in that grand conflict of shameless LIE-beral vote buying! So the Hogs have set foreign house speculators as a target to help LIE-berals control housing costs out west!)

However, much of that money owing has to do with CRA rejecting GST/HST rebates to homebuyers.

Of the $592.6 million in additional taxes the agency identified, roughly half had to do with claims for GST/HST rebates that it said were unjustified. Buyers of new or significantly refurbished properties have to pay GST/HST, but there is a partial rebate available to those buying a principal residence.

B.C. Attorney General Vows To Probe 'Disturbing Allegations' Of Money Laundering In Real Estate
Blog: Money Laundering Is Inflating Canadian Real Estate Prices

That is a "huge" development, Vancouver immigration lawyer Richard Kurland said.

"It's valuable for Canada because it gives (the country) more access to more personal financial information than ever before from China," Kurland told the Globe and Mail.

But that access is a two-way street, and some civil liberties advocates in Canada have raised privacy concerns about the new program.

(OH right! The STANDARD OBJECTION of LIE-beral minded defence lawyers! Simply sharing information between tax departments between countries is hardly invading the privacy of individuals! Not when the “individuals” in question are working hard to lie and cheat govt! Lord knows LIE-beral taxes are too high but letting some people cheat on them is NOT the solution!)

(Besides which - it is standard policy in British Common Law to treat foreigners rather differently than actual citizens! Especially when those foreigners might be operating under the direction of foreign govt as too many Chinese apparently do! Industrial espionage is the least of our worries with China trade! China is also apparently a world leader in producing fentanyl!)

(And the Pacific Mall in Markham Ontari-owe is apparently a North American hub for trading Chinese counterfeit goods of many types- thanks to the usual SLOPPY LIE-beral legal enforcement- which happens to be enraging Yankees who own many of the copy right peotected items! And LIE-berals have deliberately looked the other way as foreigners laundered money at our casinos and bought up properties!)

(LIE-berals have been so desperate for new gravy they were apparently willing to tolerate criminal activity just so long as they get a cut of profits in the form of sales tax! But now either public outrage has grown so large or else the cheating has apparently gotten so out of hand that LIE-berals have been forced to acr!)

"The big concern is that Canada would be unwittingly participating in a star chamber investigation and prosecution of somebody in another jurisdiction, or that Canadians would in essence be thrown under the bus and information would be shared with other jurisdictions that don't have our due process and constitutional protections," said Michael Bryant, executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA).

(This legal argument is merely a valid justification for NOT doing so much free and easy business with China- that vast prison camp with the smiling, happy, friendly Red Guards doing Public Relations duty! It is proof that Our idiot Boy is pursuing an UNWISE COURSE in sucking up to Beijing while sneering at Yankees!)

The CCLA criticized the Liberal government for quietly introducing changes to the law in this year's budget that will allow for government agencies to share financial data with other countries.

(WE share information with European countries like Britain and France and Germany- so why not China? Unless LIE-berals want to admit China is NOT to be trusted like Brits or Yankees? And we are back to pointing out that Our idiot Boy is UNWISELY sucking up to RED China!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Liberals' budget documents said the changes are "vital to the global fight against serious crime and (are) consistent with the government's commitments to address global tax evasion and improve the fairness of the tax system."

(AS I have said- LIE-beral taxes on Cdns are TOO HIGH- and letting foreigners- especially ones from an essentially hostile country like Red China- get away with cheating is NOT the solution! We should recall - as we decide how to deal with China that it IS RED/SOVIET CHINA and its govt does not shy away from the execution of political prisoners and any others who offend that govt!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Mass Shooting Stopped By FEMALE Private Security Officer… Where’s The Mainstream Media?

Anthony Brian Logan
Published on Jan 10, 2019

Recently, a female private security officer stopped a potential mass shooting from happening at a nightclub during party time in Huntsville, Alabama. A fight broke out inside of the club at some point, a man leaves the club then attempts to come back with an AK-47.

The security officer, who goes by the name of Latoya, intervened immediately to protect the party goers by subduing the suspect. Before she got into action, she made sure all party-goers stayed a safe distance back. She then engaged the suspect, shooting him once in the leg. That was enough to render him immobile so she was able to administer first aid and get him to a hospital where the police stepped in.

Unfortunately, the suspect was able to bond out of jail but it’s nearly 100% certain that he will be back in bars pretty soon.

Latoya did everything correctly. Truly by the book. Not only is she great reference for casual gun owners who carry, but also other security guards and those involved with general public safety, including law enforcement. The guard who did not intervene at the shooting in Broward County Florida should most certainly take notes from her.

She didn't kill him and he is already out on bond.