Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sorry stb, I don't read or watch anything from CBC. It is your responsibility to convince me otherwise. unfortunately for you 'hahahaha!!!!!!!!' is not working for you. clearly you need to put more effort into it or wait for a slow day where I might read it.


AS I have often said- a LIE-beral is a person who is willing to BANKRUPT US ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just so long as the LIE-beral is allowed to avoid admitting he is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POOR BONDO - you are so pathetic as you wriggle like a WORM ON A HOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying desperately to PRETEND you did not see the verdict of the CDN LAW PROFESSOR that clearly indicates that you and CBC

are deliberately CHEATING on "fair use" interpretation to CENSOR Critics of LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid LIE-berals get CAUGHT LYING and their ONLY DEFENSE is MORE lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



House Member
Mar 3, 2012
AS I have often said- a LIE-beral is a person who is willing to BANKRUPT US ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they value equality of outcome so much they are prepared to compromise equal rights and equal opportunity

Just so long as the LIE-beral is allowed to avoid admitting he is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like the way you avoid admitting that I am not a liberal.It makes you look like a dumbass.

POOR BONDO - you are so pathetic as you wriggle like a WORM ON A HOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you seem to think that i should defend liberals, dumbass.

Trying desperately to PRETEND you did not see the verdict of the CDN LAW PROFESSOR that clearly indicates that you and CBC
Well you jave to admit that you have a way of flying off the handle and ranting about anything and everything. If you want a serious descussion, you might want to be more serious.

are deliberately CHEATING on "fair use" interpretation to CENSOR Critics of LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is rediculous, I don't want to censor you, I just want to take away your capslock key.

Stupid LIE-berals get CAUGHT LYING and their ONLY DEFENSE is MORE lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that reminds me of how you continue to lie about me being a liberal. clearly, you can not dish in what you can dish out.


Do you have a method for determining the correct number of haha in your post? Please share so we can have a better sense of whether you are understating or overstating your joy


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
US gun deaths reach record high in 2017

...39,773 people died by guns in 2017, which is an increase of more than 10,000 deaths from the 28,874 in 1999. The age-adjusted rate of firearm deaths per 100,000 people rose from 10.3 per 100,000 in 1999 to 12 per 100,000 in 2017....
Yes ....ever since the funding was taken away from the CDC who didn't know this was done solely to hide the mounting slaughter that guns produce?? After all, it was the sole institution ALL stats on deaths and wounding by guns were forced to report to. I believe, just me?, most humans are too immature to solve problems without resulting to violence ....either vocal rhetoric or physical abuse. Add virtually no decent gun laws, it is painfully obvious what the results are in the US.

The Canadian gun laws are fine. Now we have to better police the illegal guns smuggled into the country.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Yes ....ever since the funding was taken away from the CDC who didn't know this was done solely to hide the mounting slaughter that guns produce?? After all, it was the sole institution ALL stats on deaths and wounding by guns were forced to report to. I believe, just me?, most humans are too immature to solve problems without resulting to violence ....either vocal rhetoric or physical abuse. Add virtually no decent gun laws, it is painfully obvious what the results are in the US.

The Canadian gun laws are fine. Now we have to better police the illegal guns smuggled into the country.

What you fail to understand is why the CDC lost funding.

One reason: Dr. Arthur Kellerman, who used CDC funding to produce a studty claiming "a gun kept in the home for defense is 43 times more likely to kill a friend, acquaintance or family member than a criminal attacker"

The claim is both misleading, and the research so tainted that the results are simply lies.

For instance:

Kellerman counted suicides.

Kellerman did not count incidents in which criminal were driven away without a shot being fired (as happens over 90% of the time in defensive gun use)

Kellerman counted rival drug dealers killed in gang wars as "acquaintances"

Kellerman simply eliminated counties from the study in which the (already twisted) stats did not bear out his conclusion.


What they did was banned the CDC from using the peoples' money to lie and undermine support for the constitution.

Good for them.

BTW, that doesn't stop other gov't agencies (such as the Dep't of Justice), universities, or private entities from doing studies, and there are dozens, if not hundreds of them out there.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
US gun deaths reach record high in 2017

...39,773 people died by guns in 2017, which is an increase of more than 10,000 deaths from the 28,874 in 1999. The age-adjusted rate of firearm deaths per 100,000 people rose from 10.3 per 100,000 in 1999 to 12 per 100,000 in 2017....

This would be easily explained by the increase in the number of assholes since 1999 plus the fact the lucky ones are living longer, which gives them more exposure to getting shot! :)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
This would be easily explained by the increase in the number of assholes since 1999 plus the fact the lucky ones are living longer, which gives them more exposure to getting shot! :)
So therefore, the murder rate in the United States, which is 10 to 20 times that of the rest of the Western countries is attributable to the huge number of assholes living there?

Interesting theory.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
posted by Colpy:"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."I

Decent gun contol does not infringe. Accept that "Arms" or "a well regulated militia and security of a free state" has not Arms in past times could mean anything from a single shot rifle to a pitch fork now means anything from a nuclear bomb to a baseball bat; just as a" WELL regulated Militia" now means in most of the world, a country's army and that a "militia" of previous times meant a small force formed by local towns. This discription now bears more resemblance to a town's police force or a country's army, It certainly was not meant to portray a bunch of gun owners walking around with guns in their pockets with no order or purpose other than to serve a personal ego boost.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
What you fail to understand is why the CDC lost funding.

One reason: Dr. Arthur Kellerman, who used CDC funding to produce a studty claiming "a gun kept in the home for defense is 43 times more likely to kill a friend, acquaintance or family member than a criminal attacker"

The claim is both misleading, and the research so tainted that the results are simply lies.

For instance:

Kellerman counted suicides.

Kellerman did not count incidents in which criminal were driven away without a shot being fired (as happens over 90% of the time in defensive gun use)

Kellerman counted rival drug dealers killed in gang wars as "acquaintances"

Kellerman simply eliminated counties from the study in which the (already twisted) stats did not bear out his conclusion.


What they did was banned the CDC from using the peoples' money to lie and undermine support for the constitution.

Good for them.

BTW, that doesn't stop other gov't agencies (such as the Dep't of Justice), universities, or private entities from doing studies, and there are dozens, if not hundreds of them out there.
That is not my understanding nor the complete story. The government took away the funding of the CDC for gun stats in the exact amount of the cost of its research into gun violence because of the NRA's lobbying. It seems than even though there was not reporting of stats on deaths by guns they turn out to be even worse than anticipated!!

As far as suicides go...Of course they would be higher because of not enough attention given to mental health. Without such easy access to guns, many attempted suicides would not be fatal and perhaps many given a better chance at a better life.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Supporters of stricter controls on firearms are preparing to mount a multistate push to close loopholes and restrict access for those who pose a risk to themselves and others, reflecting a new focus for a movement long pilloried as nothing more than gun-grabbers.

Legislators in several states said they plan to introduce bills this year to ban devices like bump stocks and so-called ghost guns and to expand background checks.

The movement also hopes to give police and courts the authority to take guns away from those who pose a danger, measures known as extreme risk protection orders or “red flag” laws.

“We’re not sitting around waiting. We’re taking action,” Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) said in an interview.

The push for new gun safety legislation comes after Democrats made big gains in state legislatures across the country.

States like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Maine — all states where Democrats gained enough seats to wrest control of all levers of state government — are likely to be at the forefront of new gun legislation.

Few states plan a more ambitious approach than New York, where Democrats won control of the state Senate — and with it, complete control of state government for only the second time in two generations.

Democrats there are now planning bills to ban bump stocks and 3D-printed weapons, create a gun violence research center within the State University of New York system and expand the reach of hate crime bills, among other proposals.

"With Republicans controlling our Senate, they have resisted a lot of the common sense proposals that have gotten more traction in other parts of the country," said New York state Sen. Brian Kavanagh (D), who is sponsoring several measures this year. "Republicans had a one-seat majority, and they used it very effectively to block things."

Gun safety backers point to public polling that shows a new appetite for stricter controls, especially in the wake of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., that left 17 people dead.

A wave of student activism after the shooting even prompted Florida’s conservative governor and legislature to pass new gun safety measures.

“People are horrified by the mass shootings, but really more just gun violence more generally,” said Brian Egolf, the Democratic Speaker of the New Mexico state House.

“We’re just no longer willing to have laws that are lax and that let the flow of illegal firearms go unrestrained and unrestricted.”

And the National Rifle Association (NRA), which has faced funding shortfalls in recent months, was less active in this year’s midterm elections than they had been in previous election cycles.

“The NRA-endorsed candidates didn’t do so well in congressional elections this year,” said Loretta Weinberg (D), a New Jersey state senator who has pushed gun safety bills in previous years. “That shows the stranglehold is starting to diminish.”

An NRA spokeswoman did not return an email seeking comment.

Those who study the contentious debate around gun politics say gun control advocates have evolved in recent years.

Groups like the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety are focusing less on measures to ban specific types of weapons and more on legislation that prohibits specific people from possessing those weapons.

“There’s been a real sea change in the last five or six years in the policy strategies of gun violence prevention groups,” said Kristin Goss, a political scientist at Duke University. “The gun violence prevention movement has really zeroed in on a small handful of bills that they are going to go state to state and push.”

Chief among the safety measures likely to advance this year are the red flag laws, designed to allow authorities to take guns away from those who pose an imminent danger to themselves or others.

Eight states enacted red flag laws in 2018, according to the Giffords Law Center, and legislators in New York, New Mexico, Maine, Colorado, Nevada and Pennsylvania are likely to consider their versions in 2019.

Eight states banned bump stocks, devices that simulate automatic fire, in the wake of an attack on a concert venue on the Las Vegas Strip in 2017 that left more than 50 people dead.

Next year, legislators in New York, Oregon, Maryland and Delaware say they plan to take up similar bills.

And three states — New Mexico, Maryland and Pennsylvania — will consider closing loopholes that allow some private sales to take place without conducting a background check.

“Any time money and guns are changing hands, there would be a background check. So it’s not just gun shows, it’s internet sales, Craig’s List, et cetera,” Egolf said. “We’ll join the rest of the states that have universal background checks.”

Several states are also considering creating research centers dedicated to studying firearms as a public health threat.

Congress has blocked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from conducting research into gun violence for more than 20 years, but states are beginning to fill the gap.

In 2017, California created the first state-funded research center, at the University of California-Davis.

This year, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) rolled out $2 million in funding for a similar center at Rutgers University.

Legislators in Oregon, New Mexico, Washington, Hawaii and New York are all contemplating creating research centers of their own.

"There's a lot of places where this conversation has been viewed as a non-starter where there's much more interest in moving forward with sensible proposals," said Kavanagh, who also heads the group American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention.

Gun rights advocates are making progress on their own slate of legislative proposals, including many measures aimed at allowing gun owners to carry firearms in more public places.

Twelve states currently allow gun owners to carry weapons without a concealed firearms permit. Legislators in Iowa, Texas, Virginia and North Carolina are likely to introduce similar versions next year.

Republican legislators in Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa and North Carolina are also likely to consider measures that allow more gun dealers to make sales without conducting a background check.

Federal law requires licensed gun dealers to conduct background checks, but it does not require unlicensed dealers to do so, a loophole gun safety advocates have targeted for years.

In the last year, legislators in 27 states passed a total of 67 new gun control and safety laws.

Most of those states are under Democratic control, but Republican governors in 15 states — including conservative bastions like Oklahoma, South Dakota, Nebraska and Utah — signed at least some measures backed by gun safety groups.

“I have never been really optimistic on a national level. We have been able to do things in New Jersey that obviously needs to be part of a bigger picture. But for the first time, I’m beginning to feel optimistic,” Weinberg said.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So therefore, the murder rate in the United States, which is 10 to 20 times that of the rest of the Western countries is attributable to the huge number of assholes living there?

Interesting theory.

I'm sorry, but your stats are bullshit.

There are countries, as I have pointed out repeatedly, that are both advanced and have worse murder rates than the USA.

In fact, even the recently rising US murder rate is below the world average.

And there are many countries on the UN list of high or very highly developed nations that have murder rates higher than the USA.

Check your "facts"