Grassroot Libs Sour On Proposed Party Changes


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The Liberal Party’s leadership should withdraw the proposed new party constitution because it was put together without adequate “member consultation and engagement,” and a significant number of delegates will oppose it on the convention floor which could make this week’s biennial policy convention in Winnipeg “the most divisive in many years,” warns one Ontario riding association president.

Tom Addison, president of the federal Ontario electoral district association of Kingston and the Islands, who is coordinating a “large” group of concerned Liberals, told The Hill Times that the proposed new constitution is an attempt to centralize power “within a small circle around the leader.”

The proposed constitution makes the membership free for any Canadian who wants to register, overhauls the party structure, and makes significant changes to the financial management and governance mechanisms of riding associations and commissions. If the proposed party constitution is passed this week, the party will have only one constitution, down from almost 20 now, and the party’s board of directors will draft bylaws to run the operations of the party, its federal wings in provinces and territories, and electoral district associations and commissions.

For the convention happening Thursday through Saturday, Mr. Addison said that he has booked a “campaign room” at a Winnipeg hotel to undertake efforts to vote down the new constitution. Mr. Addison has also set up an online discussion group website called “” for party members who want to offer their opinion on the proposed constitution. He said that he has also designed posters and campaign buttons that delegates will be able to pick up from the campaign room at the convention.

“It has been said in recent weeks that this proposed constitution must pass because ‘we can’t allow Justin to lose in front of the national media,’ ” Mr. Addison wrote on his discussion group website. “This is perhaps where the cult of personality has taken its strongest hold, when dedicated Liberals feel that it is more acceptable to allow for the entire loss of the Liberal Party than to tolerate one embarrassing episode for our leader.”

Mr. Addison said that a “large” number of riding association executives and other longtime Liberals are unhappy with the “proposed” new constitution, but said that he does not know if he has enough support at this time to defeat it. He said a significant number of riding associations’ executives are against some provisions of the new constitution but are concerned “how the party would look if it’s defeated.”

“People that are openly opposed to it are well over 30 per cent,” said Mr. Addison, adding that the majority of the delegates are undecided and want to wait until the convention time.

Grassroots Liberals demand withdrawal of proposed constitution to avoid ‘most divisive convention in years’: Grit riding |


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It has been said in recent weeks that this proposed constitution must pass because ‘we can’t allow Justin to lose in front of the national media,’ ” Mr. Addison wrote on his discussion group website. “This is perhaps where the cult of personality has taken its strongest hold, when dedicated Liberals feel that it is more acceptable to allow for the entire loss of the Liberal Party than to tolerate one embarrassing episode for our leader.”

That sounds about right.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Whew. Good thing we got rid of that "power-mad" Harper, eh? Thank God we have a leader who will bring us the transparency, openness and honesty to the job that he said he would.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Political Parties always seek to have central control if the NDP had of been practical Mulcair
would still be full time leader. It is idealistic to have the idea that membership should be
free it opens the party to abuse of the worst kind. Documentation plump voting tourists in the party
I remember fifteen years ago the BC NDP ran into serious trouble that led to their worst deffeat in
their parties history.
There has to be a membership fee to have any value and a curb from chaos seen this happen before
good leadership is the best way to encourage new members and trust no substitutes are lasting