Girls attack young boy, strip him naked in the street


Jan 6, 2007
A group of three girls attacked a young boy, choke and hold him down, strip his clothes off, and videotape the whole event.

YouTube - ‪Young Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy‬‏

The mother has declined pressing charges, and frankly, I'm pissed. If this had happened to a girl, if these had been boys perpetrating this assault, would the parents be given a choice in whether or not charges were pressed? I doubt it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Yes, that's a case of sexual assault for sure.

Like you said, if the genders were reversed, there would be no option to not press charges, and it's quite likely that social services would have the aggressors in foster homes.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
A group of three girls attacked a young boy, choke and hold him down, strip his clothes off, and videotape the whole event.

YouTube - ‪Young Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy‬‏

The mother has declined pressing charges, and frankly, I'm pissed. If this had happened to a girl, if these had been boys perpetrating this assault, would the parents be given a choice in whether or not charges were pressed? I doubt it.

There is definitely a double stand. I have concede that if the sex's were reversed i would not be outraged. Perhaps that is because i view females as far more vulnerable. There is also an underlying attitude that this boy was either a willing participant or some kind wimp to be overcome by a group of girls.


Jan 6, 2007
There is definitely a double stand. I have concede that if the sex's were reversed i would be outraged. Perhaps that is because i view females as far more vulnerable. There is also an underlying attitude that this boy was either a willing participant or some kind wimp to be overcome by a group of girls.

He was younger than them, the kid brother of a class mate.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
He was younger than them, the kid brother of a class mate.

I'm not defending the action Karrie, I am simply stating a position that is entrenched in the male psyche. And some females as well. By the way you caught me during an edit. I meant would not be as outraged.


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
I had a female bully as a child, I was probably like 7, and she was a few years older. She tried pulling off my pants and looking at my ass, as well she wrote my name in the snow with a stick one time which infuriated me, I kicked the snow and immediately removed my name when she was gone...
Now in retrospect I see she just wanted it.


Jan 6, 2007
I know you're addressing the perception RCS, but I can't help but say, men are idiots if you don't at some point stand up and say that males deserve equal protection under the law.


Jan 6, 2007
I had a female bully as a child, I was probably like 7, and she was a few years older. She tried pulling off my pants and looking at my ass, as well she wrote my name in the snow with a stick one time which infuriated me, I kicked the snow and immediately removed my name when she was gone...
Now in retrospect I see she just wanted it.

yeah, she probably 'wanted it'. Females predators almost exclusively go after younger males to molest.

It tends to be, by and large, excused or ignored though.

Strangely reminiscent of a female moderator banning a male poster.

bahahaha!!! Did you feel you'd had your pecker slapped? Poor thing.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I know you're addressing the perception RCS, but I can't help but say, men are idiots if you don't at some point stand up and say that males deserve equal protection under the law.

It is tough being an idiot, but I am almost finished my apprenticeship and I expect to get a pay raise very soon.

Perhaps it is how boys from my generation define themselves. In the last decade we had a rash of female school teachers targeting young boys and having sex with them. As you stated, if this had been a male teacher, the torches and mob would have been on the move. When I look at some hot young school teacher engaging in sexual activity with a 15 year old and think of how I was at that age, my weapon always loaded and at the ready, I couldn't help, but be somewhat envious.

Is that wrong. Yes it is.


Jan 6, 2007
It is tough being an idiot, but I am almost finished my apprenticeship and I expect to get a pay raise very soon.

Perhaps it is how boys from my generation define themselves. In the last decade we had a rash of female school teachers targeting young boys and having sex with them. As you stated, if this had been a male teacher, the torches and mob would have been on the move. When I look at some hot young school teacher engaging in sexual activity with a 15 year old and think of how I was at that age, my weapon always loaded and at the ready, I couldn't help, but be somewhat envious.

Is that wrong. Yes it is.

I can understand that somewhat, where the males have been willing participants. What I don't get is excusing something like THIS, where it's clear to just about everyone that it's sexual assault, the boy is screaming for them to stop, he's clearly not a willing participant.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I can understand that somewhat, where the males have been willing participants. What I don't get is excusing something like THIS, where it's clear to just about everyone that it's sexual assault, the boy is screaming for them to stop, he's clearly not a willing participant.

See that is the difference. What we really need to do is not reverse the sexes, but look at it this way. If a bunch of boys had stripped this boy naked would we have been outraged? If a make teacher or a clergy were to take advantage of a young boy would we be outraged? Of course we would, but we see girls even woman as vulnerable and not capable of heinous acts.

Look at Karla Homolka or Susan Smith, both horrible killers, but they are viewed differently.


Jan 6, 2007
See that is the difference. What we really need to do is not reverse the sexes, but look at it this way. If a bunch of boys had stripped this boy naked would we have been outraged? If a make teacher or a clergy were to take advantage of a young boy would we be outraged? Of course we would, but we see girls even woman as vulnerable and not capable of heinous acts.

Look at Karla Homolka or Susan Smith, both horrible killers, but they are viewed differently.

You don't even need to turn to anything that extreme Mark, there are women who molest children in their care ALL the time, but do so under the guise of 'care'. Diaper changes, baths, etc. It becomes the exact same vicious cycle that we identify in males, but we by and large ignore in females.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You don't even need to turn to anything that extreme Mark, there are women who molest children in their care ALL the time, but do so under the guise of 'care'. Diaper changes, baths, etc. It becomes the exact same vicious cycle that we identify in males, but we by and large ignore in females.

Attitudes are not likely to change anytime soon. While we live in a Country that proclaims that we are for equal rights and opportunity our system is often very bias. The family court system almost always awards custody to the Mother. This attitude is will onky be changed by free thinking women such as yourself, because as a man I think our hands are tied.


Jan 6, 2007
Attitudes are not likely to change anytime soon. While we live in a Country that proclaims that we are for equal rights and opportunity our system is often very bias. The family court system almost always awards custody to the Mother. This attitude is will onky be changed by free thinking women such as yourself, because as a man I think our hands are tied.

Well, I don't pretend to be the harbinger of enlightenment. i stayed at home to raise my kids because I honestly believe it's the healthiest thing to do. I don't entirely fault the legal system for trying to keep moms and kids together, well, for the same reason. But there comes a point where, while these things are factors in how I look at things, they don't rule how I look at things.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
There is definitely a double stand. I have concede that if the sex's were reversed i would not be outraged. Perhaps that is because i view females as far more vulnerable. There is also an underlying attitude that this boy was either a willing participant or some kind wimp to be overcome by a group of girls.

Double standards indeed.

People will probably say he was a wuss to have been overcome by a group of girls.... and the catch 22 is that a guy isn't supposed to hit a girl.... so how the hell is a guy supposed to defend themselves without ending up being the bad guy?

I would have pressed charges on those little b*tches if that were my son.... just as I would have pressed charges if it was a bunch of guys who did it to my daughter...... and in either case, they'd consider themselves damn lucky if I stopped there.

Based on my memory of being in school, the problem is that if he did defend himself and perhaps kicked or punched the girls to defend himself, he'd face a pile of their boyfriends or guys from school the next day who'd probably cripple him..... then he'd be stuck with the stigma of being the guy who beat up a bunch of girls who wanted to strip him naked.... thus he must be gay.

^ It's stupid, but that's what high school mentality is...... Stupid.

See that is the difference. What we really need to do is not reverse the sexes, but look at it this way. If a bunch of boys had stripped this boy naked would we have been outraged?

I would be, yes.

If a make teacher or a clergy were to take advantage of a young boy would we be outraged?

I would be, yes.

Of course we would, but we see girls even woman as vulnerable and not capable of heinous acts.

I don't.

Look at Karla Homolka or Susan Smith, both horrible killers, but they are viewed differently.



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I think Karrie has the right angle on this.
It's outrageous and shouldn't be written off as a case of lucky boy. Those girls did act in a violent and predatory manner in what amounts to sexual assault. That is a very bad direction for anyone to be heading in. I don't think they need to be pulled from their homes and fostered out or run through the young offenders master course, but they do need someone to sit them down and explain why this was unacceptable and they should each and individually make a formal apology to the boy they attacked and degraded publicly.

If their reaction to that isn't fully remorseful and embarrassment then further steps should be taken and a full assessment of their personality undertaken. Further action as warranted.

This isn't innocent promiscuity borne on sexual awakening of the girls, this is violent and meted out to cause distress and embarrassment for the boy. While there is a possibility that it was just fooling around to them at the time, perception is everything.

We should be outraged by this as men, as parents and as people regardless of just how hot for teacher our youth may have been.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
yeah, she probably 'wanted it'. Females predators almost exclusively go after younger males to molest.

It tends to be, by and large, excused or ignored though.

bahahaha!!! Did you feel you'd had your pecker slapped? Poor thing.

Females who do because they can is no different from males who do because they can.