Freedom of expression??? Or???


Jan 6, 2007
Personally I don't think that's comparable.

In town, your space shouldn't be used to advertise, period. By-laws prevent that.

But, get out onto farm land, where people frequently sell billboard space, and you've got a different dynamic. This is where marketing and selling a message is king.

Coming from the AARC, that actively spreads its message, it's hypocritical to attempt to stifle them.

Take out neighbouring billboard space.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
my point is 'that' both neighbours having signs opposing each other, which could be seen

by both sides of the coin, is asking for violence, don't know why anyone would be happy

doing that.

This particular subject has many very very angry people on the side of 'anti abortion', and if someone was injured, or worse because two neighbours posted
opposing signs, they should feel partly responsible, 'both of them'.
There are many ways to state opinions and opposition to any subject, but doing
it this way, in my opinion, is asking for trouble.


Jan 6, 2007
There's a reason that anti-abortionists are so loud and outspoken about it, and don't care about offending neighbours, etc.

They think babies are dying.

Now, think what you will about their stance, but if you thought that, you'd have an obligation to yourself to do something about it, not sit and be polite.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
There's a reason that anti-abortionists are so loud and outspoken about it, and don't care about offending neighbours, etc.

They think babies are dying.

Now, think what you will about their stance, but if you thought that, you'd have an obligation to yourself to do something about it, not sit and be polite.

The irony is that the easiest way to stop abortions is to hand out condoms and birth control pills to teenagers. Look at what has happened in New York. If they really want to stop "baby deaths" they should be volunteering to hand out birth control, instead they end portraying pregnancy like a deserved punishment for a woman having sex even when they try to choose their words carefully.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
There's a reason that anti-abortionists are so loud and outspoken about it, and don't care about offending neighbours, etc.

They think babies are dying.

Now, think what you will about their stance, but if you thought that, you'd have an obligation to yourself to do something about it, not sit and be polite.

I didn't suggest sitting and being polite, I suggested not inviting violence, very different stance.


Jan 6, 2007
I didn't suggest sitting and being polite, I suggested not inviting violence, very different stance.

Same thing. put yourself in their shoes.

"If you're going to get violent with me because I said you shouldn't kill babies, then that's life. It won't change my viewpoint, and it won't shut me up."


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I was kinda hoping someone would notice the "black" cross in the picture....anyone know what that signifies???
yeah I wondered too....maybe it's for the black baby...j/k in case ya can't tell


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Oh now you gone and done it.

The PC police (Read; HRC tribunal) will be at your door shortly, lol.

Good luck!
lmao...the thought did occur to me, just couldn't resist... some things are just worth the fallout.

They're busy in another thread forcing Customs to give full time hours to a working mother.
Soooooo, do you think I could sue because I never had kids, never needed concessions at work and therefore was treated unfairly?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
lmao...the thought did occur to me, just couldn't resist... some things are just worth the fallout.

Soooooo, do you think I could sue because I never had kids, never needed concessions at work and therefore was treated unfairly?

Without a doubt. By not having kids you are being discriminated against every day. They even force you to pay for other people's kids to go to school.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Without a doubt. By not having kids you are being discriminated against every day. They even force you to pay for other people's kids to go to school.
Now there ya go...discriminated against...yes, I am likin' this, taxes yes for schools, double yes....and my foot print is itsy-bitsy, that should count for extra too.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
what would be the response if the neighbour next door, with his/her freedom of expression, put up many

signs, expressing the freedom of choice for women.

just wonderin, my feeling is, that they would have to board up their doors and windows to protect

themselves from violence against their 'freedom of opinion', on their own property.

It seems to me, that 'neither' should happen, as it is inviting problems.

similar has already happened, only it wasn't the pro choice that had to pack it up. Canadian University's and Colleges allow pro choice "information" rally's complete with billboards and speeches. Pro life information rally's are shut down pretty damn quick. You see, you aren't allowed to show what abortion is, or the consequences of. Gotta keep that quiet and on the down low.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
similar has already happened, only it wasn't the pro choice that had to pack it up. Canadian University's and Colleges allow pro choice "information" rally's complete with billboards and speeches. Pro life information rally's are shut down pretty damn quick. You see, you aren't allowed to show what abortion is, or the consequences of. Gotta keep that quiet and on the down low.

Suppression is a sure sign of fear.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
similar has already happened, only it wasn't the pro choice that had to pack it up. Canadian University's and Colleges allow pro choice "information" rally's complete with billboards and speeches. Pro life information rally's are shut down pretty damn quick. You see, you aren't allowed to show what abortion is, or the consequences of. Gotta keep that quiet and on the down low.

how are 'they' allowed to shut them down pretty damn quick, what do you mean aren't allowed, not
against the law, so how does it happen.

Same thing. put yourself in their shoes.

"If you're going to get violent with me because I said you shouldn't kill babies, then that's life. It won't change my viewpoint, and it won't shut me up."

I didn't say anything about pro choicers getting violent with pro lifers, and i'm not interested in
changing their view point, and I know they won't change mine.
I find it a rather childish form of display, and in return it will bring on other childish forms of
display from the opposition.

Its rather like a neighbour who knows his neighbour is stressed out by his barking dog, so he/she purposely
puts the barking dog in the back yard knowing he is angering his neighbour, then the neighbour in
turn buys his own barking dog, and they can sit in their houses and hate the noise each barking dog
makes, but neither one of them will stop what they are doing.

Pretty soon that ramps up into violence, a very childish and ignorant way of behaving.

In this day and age, I would hope that both sides can move forward with their own viewpoints in a
mature intelligent manner, there is enough violence in this world now, and I can see this particular
situation promoting more violence.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
how are 'they' allowed to shut them down pretty damn quick, what do you mean aren't allowed, not
against the law, so how does it happen.

The university gets a complaint, like the city of Abbotsford did, and they shut down the rally because of the complaint. Can't be seen as being against "women's rights". Can't be seen as supporting the "degradation of women". The "enslavement" of women. Better to support the murder of thousands upon thousand of innocents so some bitch doesn't get stretch marks!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The university gets a complaint, like the city of Abbotsford did, and they shut down the rally because of the complaint. Can't be seen as being against "women's rights". Can't be seen as supporting the "degradation of women". The "enslavement" of women. Better to support the murder of thousands upon thousand of innocents so some bitch doesn't get stretch marks!

Except that no one has been murdered. That is just a figment of your imagination.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
and those that support the killing, are just as guilty as those that preform the act, and those that procure the act. Saying that they are not "alive" or that they are not "human" doesn't change anything. All it is, is trying to justify the unjustifiable.