Former ACORN Director Gets $445 Mil From U.S. Treasury


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
But remember that TARP was mostly repaid:

With Fifth Third Out, Banks Have Repaid 99% of TARP -

According to WSJ (hardly a "liberal" site) the program was a success. Perhaps this is why the monies in this instance were extended to the beneficiary. All of the right wingers above are crying doom and gloom but the government's experience with that program actually worked - of course, the repayment was in large part under Obama but I better not say that too loud or those right wingers will start crying about something.

No s*** Sherlock... he's in office.

Companies paying what they owe is to the government is somehow credited to Obama? Wow... you libs are getting desperate.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Brilliant answer Eagle - not being too partisan in your slanted bias are you?

Obama's bailout had absolutely nothing with Wall Sreet's recovery so that TARP assets just fixed themselves, didn't they?

Wall Street Surges under Obama

Oh now - wait: let's give Bush the credit for that, too. Sorry, that was only the second mistake I ever made in my life.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Don't say "ACORN" with a sneer. The "scandal" involving them was extremely trumped up. In reality, they were a community organization that focused on poor people and little more than that.

The undercover sting videos, if you can even call them that, were some kid fancying himself a journalist recording some community action volunteers responding to being put in an extremely odd situation. It should also be noted, the kid journalist himself was later arrested for trying another stunt that crossed a legal line.

Under no circumstances should you guys be criticizing Obama or putting him on defensive about this at all. The federal government is providing funds to help struggling homeowners in Illinois, and the state organization that runs the fund employs a guy who used to work for community organizing group ACORN (how horrible).

This is quite the opposite of negative. It's something Obama should be congratulated over. I personally like the idea of helping homeowners during the housing slump.

Edit: And none of that money will trickle into the Obama campaign, and it has nothing to do with being one of the reasons Obama was so adamant about raising the debt ceiling!

Finally, really? You're actually using the debt ceiling as validation for your criticism? The issue of raising the debt ceiling couldn't be a whole other issue, with its own merits and everything? They're has to be some way ACORN is relevant to the debt ceiling?

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Don't say "ACORN" with a sneer. The "scandal" involving them was extremely trumped up. In reality, they were a community organization that focused on poor people and little more than that.

What about NYCC, an ACORN offshoot, orchestrating the OWS nonsense, even paying protestors, from behind the scenes. Was that just focusing on poor people too?

Under no circumstances should you guys be criticizing Obama or putting him on defensive about this at all. The federal government is providing funds to help struggling homeowners in Illinois, and the state organization that runs the fund employs a guy who used to work for community organizing group ACORN (how horrible).

Well, there is one circumstance under which one can be criticizing Obama or putting him on defensive about this - that is where one is not a communist wealth redistributing pinko. If you have too big a mortgage and lost your job, well, shoulda bought mortgage insurance instead of eating out 3 times a week.

This is quite the opposite of negative. It's something Obama should be congratulated over. I personally like the idea of helping homeowners during the housing slump.

Yeah, you like the idea of helping homeowners with other people's money. You are free to send struggling homeowners a cheque. Stay out of my wallet.

Finally, really? You're actually using the debt ceiling as validation for your criticism? The issue of raising the debt ceiling couldn't be a whole other issue, with its own merits and everything? They're has to be some way ACORN is relevant to the debt ceiling?

Yup, really. It's not really a radical thing to say, only the most......oh, sorry.

I've been saying it from the beginning, seems to be panning out, just like my comment about the credit downgrade. When you pay attention to facts, you have tendency to be right. See here:

It's not as serious a problem as they're making it out to be. The worst consequence would be the U.S. being downgraded by the credit bureaus, which some say will happen regardless of the debt ceiling nonsense. That will lead to higher interest rates.

Other than that, we all know governments have a lot of areas where they could cut spending without cutting essentials, if they wanted to. Could start with those 3 hundred dollar screw drivers, and million dollar trips to europe for the 1st lady.

Obama's just insisting he get a blank cheque through the election. Lots of payouts to make, dontcha know. Gotta keep those acorn people happy. :)

That was from July 2011


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
I think you're going to find many people support the idea of the federal government helping struggling homeowners. You're probably in the minority if your idea is to just say "tough luck".

And yeah, it's completely absurd to say the debt ceiling issue has anything to do with ACORN. It's pretty obvious the debt ceiling is an issue in itself. Whatever "facts" you collect to come up with this conspiracy I would rather avoid.

Finally, if even what you say is true about ACORN and Occupy, who cares? A community organization supporting a protest movement. That's not even scandalous, and the word "scandal" is pretty subjective.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I think you're going to find many people support the idea of the federal government helping struggling homeowners. You're probably in the minority if your idea is to just say "tough luck".

People declare bankruptcy all the time, for a whole host of reasons. Guess what, they're told tough luck. Nobody bails them out. The only reason Obama wants to help home owners is to pad the stats for the election. Even at that, it will be interesting to meet back here in a couple of years and see how much of that money actually went to homeowners. I can think of one in particular who's sure to benefit....Obama still owns a home in Illinois.

And yeah, it's completely absurd to say the debt ceiling issue has anything to do with ACORN. It's pretty obvious the debt ceiling is an issue in itself. Whatever "facts" you collect to come up with this conspiracy I would rather avoid.

Acorn? Conspiracy? As noted, Acorn no longer exists, so yes you're right it had nothing to do with Acorn. What I did say though, was the "Acorn People". Of course the Debt ceiling issue wasn't solely about Acorn. It was about opening the spending spigots to be able to make sure enough trickles off to the appropriate areas. Well, here we are, in a thread entitled "Former ACORN Director Gets $445 Mil From U.S. Treasury". But I'm just a crazy conspiracy nut. :)

Finally, if even what you say is true about ACORN and Occupy, who cares? A community organization supporting a protest movement. That's not even scandalous, and the word "scandal" is pretty subjective.

Who cares? Really? YOU care. Wouldn't you rather see that money going to the poor, or struggling homeowners, than to people ****ting on cop cars? Really?


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
Imagine, just like the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures the Director still get a multimillion dollar bonus for failure. There us something wrong with the US governments standard for excellence requirements.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Imagine, just like the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures the Director still get a multimillion dollar bonus for failure. There us something wrong with the US governments standard for excellence requirements.

Yeah same thing here, most notably Ontario Hydro-Electric Corp. Ran themselves into unmanageable debt, but the bigwigs still got multimillion dollar bonuses, and we get a debt retirement surcharge on our bills. They should have got jailtime, not bonuses.