Forget the Queen, it's the BBC's love of the Blairs that's the problem


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
An interesting article about the lefty Beeb's obsession with former Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie, probably the most controversial Prime Minister's consort since Caroline Lamb, the famously unfaithful wife of Prime Minister Melbourne in the 1830s.....

Forget the Queen fiasco, it's the BBC's love affair with the Blairs that is so disquieting

13th July 2007


The BBC is in trouble this weekend after the revelation that it manipulated material in order to give the misleading impression that the Queen had flounced out of a troublesome session with the famous American photographer, Annie Leibovitz. The Corporation has given a full apology, and there are some suggestions that Mark Thompson, the BBC director-general, ought to resign.

I think this is going much too far. So far as one can judge, the problem seems to have been brought about by incompetence (admittedly of an almost incredible nature) rather than a malicious decision to present the Queen in an unfavourable light.

However, much more serious is the BBC's massively and systematically biased coverage of Tony Blair's departure from Downing Street over the past six weeks. There is now an abundance of circumstantial evidence that the state broadcaster has entered into a conspiracy to present the former prime minister and his entourage in the best possible light.

The evidence for this has been mounting day by day, and the situation has now become both grotesque and embarrassing. It needs to borne in mind that the reputation of Tony Blair and his government is not just an academic point. It is a live political issue. By presenting one of this year's central political stories in such a partisan way, the BBC is effectively choosing to intervene in the democratic process.

I have four pieces of evidence, of which the least important concerns the Corporation's generally credulous coverage of the various farewell tours during Tony Blair's final eight weeks in office.

Cherie Blair got a remarkably easy ride from the BBC's Fiona Bruce

There were a number of important questions that cried out to be asked during this unsettling and farcical period in our national life: was Tony Blair sacrificing the national interest to build up his legacy; how much was the taxpayer forking out to support what was in many ways a personal publicity stunt; what was the point of it all?

The BBC paid relatively little attention to these questions. Instead, it chose to accept Tony Blair's account of events in an uncritical way.

For instance, during the run-up to the tearful farewell speech in his constituency in Trimdon, the BBC passed on to viewers the Downing Street spin that Tony Blair would be making a handful of unscripted and off-the-cuff remarks which would demonstrate that he was speaking from the heart.

In truth, however, he used a scripted text which had clearly been crafted very carefully in advance.

The second piece of evidence concerns the hour-long documentary about Cherie Blair on BBC1 ten days ago. Presented by newscaster Fiona Bruce, this film bordered on hagiography. Cherie Blair has been the most controversial PM's consort since Caroline Lamb, the famously unfaithful spouse of the 1830s prime minister Lord Melbourne.

Cherie Blair was not tackled about her repeated use of Downing Street connections to acquire discounted goods - a habit which deeply disturbed senior civil servants.

There was no questioning, either, of the countless freebie holidays which the Blairs enjoyed, courtesy of business acquaintances and others. There was no mention of the way she has reportedly used public officials as her personal servants, such as senior diplomats apparently being dispatched on shopping expeditions on her behalf.

Fiona Bruce did ask one difficult question about the huge income that Cherie Blair has received from making speeches to overseas audiences. It clearly disconcerted and angered Mrs Blair, but her petulant reply was not followed up.

My guess is that the BBC management entered in a special deal of some kind - it may have been explicit, but was more likely implicit - with Mrs Blair. Cameras were given special access to part of the Blair family life, normally kept hidden, in return for generally respectful treatment.

The third piece of evidence concerns last week's BBC coverage of the diaries of Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former press officer.

There are a number of questions, all of burning political importance, concerning Campbell's activities during the Blair years. Did he describe Gordon Brown as "psychologically flawed"? What was Campbell's role in the virulent culture of smear and character assassination, aimed in some cases at ordinary members of the British public, which was apparently orchestrated from within Downing Street? What is the true story about the falsehoods issued about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction ahead of the Iraq war?

Astonishingly, even though the BBC dedicated three hours of prime-time TV to the Campbell diaries, the flagship three-part documentary did not try to probe these issues. Instead, Campbell was allowed to present his own version of events. True to his mendacious nature, he went down the route of selective omission.

The fourth piece of evidence is the most disturbing. It concerns a three-hour special programme on Tony Blair's ten years in power which is due to be shown by the BBC this autumn. It will be based on many hours of interviews with the former prime minister. In the right hands, this film could be truly worthwhile.

Yet this week it emerged that David Aaronovitch of The Times newspaper has been hired to conduct interviews for the programme. This is troubling, for over the past ten years Aaronovitch has never again ceased to extend a helping hand to Tony Blair.

The most famous example concerns his declaration ahead of the Iraq war (of which he was one of the most thunderous supporters) that he would never again believe a word the Government said about anything if weapons of mass destruction failed to turn up in Iraq after the invasion.

As we now know all too well, there were no such weapons, and yet Aaronovitch has continued to be a notably gullible government supporter. Whatever his merits as a journalist, Aaronovitch cannot be regarded as an independent figure who could be trusted to interrogate a former prime minister on behalf of the British public.

Contrast the BBC's attitude towards Tony Blair with its coverage of Margaret Thatcher 20 years ago.

The first major BBC documentary on her (for Radio 4, while she was still PM) was entrusted to the Guardian's Hugo Young - a distinguished journalist but a man who despised both the morality and the politics of Margaret Thatcher.

Many people feel that Young's lack of sympathy with Thatcher was so profound that it hampered him from presenting a rounded picture of his subject. The key point, however, is this: the BBC has left Tony Blair's legacy in the hands of one of his closest admirers, while Margaret Thatcher's reputation was put in the hands of a political enemy.

A double standard is at work here, which raises disturbing questions. The BBC is a state-owned organisation which depends on public money, through the licence fee, for its existence. That brings with it many obligations, one of which is the need to be politically impartial.

Sadly, it has failed in this duty. Rather than reflect the nation as a whole, in all its complex richness, the BBC has chosen to be the voice of a narrow metropolitan elite.

In recent decades, this has caused it to ignore the views of the majority of the British people with regard to many of the great issues of the day, of which the most blatant example is its long-standing bias towards the EU.

I love the BBC. It is one of Britain's most wonderful national institutions. But the Corporation will ultimately put its future in jeopardy if it thinks it can show such open bias and contempt for its listeners and viewers.

It is this partisanship, not last week's royal fiasco, which is the real crisis facing the Beeb.