Fishing Dogs...


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Wooohooo, pretty dang slick, Juan.

Catfish from a pond, looks like. Sounds like Southern USA. Good dog.

Thought we were going to see a "Newfoundland" hauling net ropes.



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
What the? Hmmm those dogs licensed?
Is this that fetch and release conservation dealio?
Repala and Shimano host Bob Izumi's stupid pet tricks?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Let the dog's lose on this little ol catfish.

The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper

Then I guess we would have to call in "Spike"


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Holy Mackerel!!! Walk'n my three dogs (simultaneously) is more than enough
of a handful. I'm in pretty darn good shape...but in the last year alone I've had
shin splints & a heal spur & an inflamed sciatic joint from being the braking
system and counterweight for my critters (we put in a lot of miles).

If THIS Dog in the picture decided he's going after a stray cat or a gopher or
a rabbit or a shopping bag blowing in the wind...what would the woman do?8O


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Holy Mackerel!!! Walk'n my three dogs (simultaneously) is more than enough
of a handful. I'm in pretty darn good shape...but in the last year alone I've had
shin splints & a heal spur & an inflamed sciatic joint from being the braking
system and counterweight for my critters (we put in a lot of miles).

If THIS Dog in the picture decided he's going after a stray cat or a gopher or
a rabbit or a shopping bag blowing in the wind...what would the woman do?8O

A good chance to talk about training Ron. Sounds like your dogs take you for the walk. Do you follow them or do they follow you?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I don't do the choke chain or pinch collar thing. I don't do the "once around
the block is a walk" thing either. I walk the dogs 4-6 times each week and
usually 2-4 hours at a time, and usually at a steady speed of about 6mi/hr.

I know that average walking speed for a man is 4-6mi/hr, and that the
average lope of a dog is 6-10mi/hr. I know that I could force the dogs ( I walk
at least my two, and much of the time my Tenants dog too) to trail down to
an unnatural speed for them of the leisurely low end of human walking speed,
but I choose not to. I push myself up into the lower end of a Dogs Lope to
a more natural speed for them, but still in a lope before they'd break out into
a run, and stay there much of the time.

The first 1/3 of a walk we're moving quick (for a person) at 7-8mi/hour, and
drop that down after about 45min-60min to a steady 6mi/hr or so. Most of the
time we're walking in the city (on concrete) at the speed of a jogger.

I use a 30" lead to the Rottweiler (who walks on the left), a 48" lead to the
Husky (who's straight out in front of me), and a 60" lead on the Tenants dog
who stays to the right of the Husky. The set up is like a plow blade of dogs
and works very well.

I'll be 40yrs old this month, and have kept myself it pretty fair shape. At 6'2"
and 208lbs, and the same size of Jeans for the last two decades, I'm doing
something right. I know in another decade I'll have to modify the way I do
things to help compensate for the aging process. My aging process.

Right now, all three dogs are right around the 5yr old mark and are in excellent
shape (according to the Vet). With the way I walk these dogs, aside from Dew
Claws on the two smaller dogs (about 65lbs & 75lbs respectively), I haven't had
to trim their nails in years. The Rottweiler doesn't have Dew Claws, and the last
time I had to trim his nails was in April of 2005. The Rotti was 142lbs this
Spring and had lost close to 10lbs over the Winter (& has gained most of that
back now) due to this being the coldest Winter in the last 30yrs, and that I could
not walk him enough to maintain that muscle mass due to my inflamed Sciatic

I discovered this Forum while nursing a Heel Spur. It's not like I didn't walk my
Dogs through it, but I did have to walk them slower and less. I rediscovered this
Forum while dealing with that inflamed Sciatic Joint. I'm through that mostly and
know how to deal with it when it is bothering me. The Shin Splints, when I get
them, come from too much time at too quick a pace on pavement. These are all
Runners ailments that come from the pace I set. I know and understand that. I'm
not ready to slow down yet. I get a lot of release from pushing myself like I do, and
a lot of joy from the joy I know the Dogs experience with what we do, and how we
do it.

I live on the edge of an industrial area, and after 6pm (with the exception of the
Kindersley Truck Yard), it's deserted. That's where I take the Dogs to chase down
Gophers and Rabbits and Squirrels and Mice and such...and this form of off-leash
entertainment for the dogs (again, my choice) has left them very in-tune to the
sound of a Gopher's whistle, etc...leaving them as more than just pets, but more in
tune with their Hunters instincts. I can still call them off shortly before they've run
down a Rabbit, but they've learned how to run down a Rabbit as a pack. That's a
skill that a Dog doesn't just know how to do and comes with time & experience.

I've also done a whole lot of work with the Rottwieler (my Family has raised Border
Collies for years and I used that knowledge as the foundation of this training) so that,
unlike the maulings you hear about dished out by Police Dogs with hundreds of
stitches to peoples heads and necks and play with my dog...he's learned
to only take a Right Forearm and take a man down, and then reverse run 'till he's
given a break word. A dog can't maul someone if they're running in reverse while
dragging someone by their right forearm.

I do still smoke (cigarettes, and nothing else but the occasional cigar ;-)), and part of
that training was for the Dog to immediately Break if you put your hands on top of
your head (smoke break in training :lol:). It worked beautifully in the last citizens arrest
we performed. As long as ones hands stay on top of your head, and a hand only
drops as far as your're golden....but if an arm drops below a shoulder, then
you're going to the ground and getting dragged (not mauled) until I decide on yelling
out the Break word. Hands on top of your head means the Dog circles and waits.
All of this training was done with (initially magazines duct taped to my forearm, but
only for a very short time) no protective gear aside from clothing except for the first
couple of weeks. My right forearm is a mass of scar tissue where I can feel pressure,
and temperature changes, but that's about it. Not many active surface nerve endings
anymore, but that too was my choice, so that the Dog would learn how much pressure
to use with his jaws (unlike Police Dogs) to avoid broken bones and stitches if the
day came that that training was needed. Good thing to, as we've had to use it...

I'm always open to suggestions though....I just thought I'd start with where I'm at so that
your idea's can build onto (and not conflict with) what I've done so far.



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Now that's a segue! :lol:

Sounds like one heck of a regime for all of you. When the time comes, roller blades. Winter time skijoring? All that pounding on the pavement may eventually come along later on as arthritis. That it's showing up now as heal spurs and shin splints and such in a warning I think, don't you?

The running is good over all for all of you but I would want to change that impact issue. There is no better way of burning off that excess energy in a dog them a good long run. There is also a mental aspect to excersizing a dog too. Obsticles are great and problem solving aswell. Finding a dogs motivation is key. Once you do it's only a matter of designing the excersize to use the motivation.

I was unsure of that before I started but once done, the dog is tired. It's hard work to figure things out and it's that focus that does it. Like the way your dogs work together in hunting. It's the thinking it through that provides the challenge and the reward when it works the way they anticipate.

The protection training you have incorporated is geared to that mental excersize nicely. I would if you don't already aspects like searching by sight, smell and sound, the obsticles to the apprehencion can be set so that only using a specific skill or set of skills depending on level of ability in the dog.

There is an old barn out in Oakville that I used for training in pitch black and using planks and crates to build levels that have to be traversed that in part go away from the target. So my dog has to understand that it's finding the route to the target is the activity rather than jumping and barking.

How are they at regular day to day obedience?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I've thought of Rollerblades (I've broken both of my ankles at different times
in the past, and they're agony, as are ice skates), but wouldn't be comfortable
with the level of control. That's one of the reasons I use a 30" lead on the big
dog too.

That level of control (just part of who I am) also lead me in the opposite direction
from skijoring. I wanted more traction...not the winter. I don't slip in the
Winter...and the only time my Boots have let me down was totally my fault. I forgot
I was wearing them (about -40c) and walked into a Walmart. My first step off the
wet mat and onto the wet ceramic tiles in the store (very little surface contact with
the floor with 30+ hex head steel screws in each Boot) was an experience. 8O:lol:

The protection training was geared toward some very specific goals initially. Those
where, "Protect the Pack, Protect the Family" and to avoid having some Thief come
over my fence and end up very dead. It evolved into a very pleasurable interaction
between my Dog & I that we both enjoy, and has really strengthened my lower back.
I'd sprained my Back (didn't even know that was possible until it happened) about
15yrs ago, and had issues on & off with it for a decade...but it's stronger now at
close to 40yrs old, than it was when I was 25yrs old. My Chiropractor (a Family Friend)
thinks I'm nuts....but he can't argue with the results....and yet won't recommend my
regime to his other patients. Go figure, eh? :-?:roll:

Five years from now, my Dogs will be old Dogs...and I'll still only be 45yrs old. In the
next couple of years after that as they pass on, I'll have some tough choices to make
in assessing my own mortality. I know I'll have to scale back the rate & level that I go
at....and might have to scale back to perhaps two Huskies to compensate for my age.

Regular day-to-day obedience? Everyone is going to gage that differently, but I'm
quite happy with where we're at. I can call them off a Rabbit shortly before they catch
it (I walk much of the time with a kind & sensitive Vegetarian) and all come when they're
called, and stop barking at someone in my alley when I call out the Break word. All three
can sit and shake either paw and lay down with either voice commands or Hand signals
(Kids absolutely love the hand signals when I have company, as the Dogs will follow
anyone's hand signals...especially there are treats involved...and most Kids have
never seen that before).

I was working on the Roll-Over thing a while back but just left that alone and dropped it.
The Rottweiler is very oversized, and you never really know where he'll end up coming
out of a roll. He's flipped over Kitchen chairs and a coffee table by accident in the
Roll-Over we just dropped that. All in all, I'm very happy with where we're at,
but there's always room for improvement.