First Brown face, now Red Faced ROFLOL


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
OMG.. as long as we don't get a Marylin Monroe scene

OH COME ON NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know he does not give a half a HAGGIS for the Scottish vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy was just posturing...............................

for the transgender vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I am NOT a Trudeau fan. However, at the time, it likely didn't occur to him that it might be considered racist by TODAY'S standard. Years ago, there was no such thing as "cultural appropriation" - there is now; remember the singers back in the 30's who painted their faces black - "Mammy, how I love ya, how I love ya, my dear old mammy". (Can't remember their name(s)) It was considered "entertainment". Now, not appropriate in any way shape or form.
How many of you, when you were younger, dressed up in various identities (e.g. cowboys & Indians) for Halloween that now-a-days would be considered racist or inappropriate by TODAY'S standard?
It doesn't matter how long ago something happened, we need to "pay for it" now; we need to "ruin" peoples lives now even though most of us have evolved and understand that some things weren't so great back then. To me, it's unbelievable that we'd be so critical of things that happened so many years ago. I have done and said things years ago that I regret but it can't be changed - it is what it is. It's what one does now, what experience and learning has helped us grow, how one lives their life now that counts.
The point is that we're all human and make mistakes; make bad decisions and live to regret them. Continuing to make these mistakes and decisions is one thing; making changes and evolving as human beings is what we all need to strive to do.
Having said that, it seems Trudeau hasn't changed (evolved) much at all.

If the leader of the Conservative Party of today had pictures come forward that showed the conservative leader wearing blackface he would be called a racist and bigot even if it happened decades ago. No forgiveness allowed. The leftist liberal media would go ballistic over it, and would demand that the leader of the conservative party to resign. No forgiveness allowed. That is fact, and not fiction.

But because it was Teflon Don Blackface Trudeau well he must be forgiven according to the leftist liberal Canadian media for his insensitivity at the time that he showed towards others. A liberal can never do anything bad or wrong. But conservatives can do plenty of bad and do nothing right. The hypocracy by the leftist liberals and their bought off media is quite overwhelming indeed.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
At this time of year he'd be wearing pantyhose.

Well, isn't that what silly feminist men do when they are alone is wear their wife's pantyhose? I wonder if the feminist looks good in high heels? Chuckle-chuckle.