Fake First Nations block pipeline.. 🙈🙉🙊

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
And our current government is nicely ignoring everything as well. It'll be interesting to see what the province of B.C. does if these guys don't go away. More court time but no arrests is likely. I don't know why it's legal (or ok even) for a foreign entity to pour money into something that's against a country's best interest. We have a bunch of cowards in Ottawa, that's for sure!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There are two intertwined issues here.
US oil barns don't want us to compete for market share use various anti everything groups to funnel money to useful idiots in Canada.
The hereditary chiefs are as much use and have abut as much influence as the queen does in day to day life and have fund a way to get paid for doing nothing. And get their 15 minutes of fame at the same time.
Couple that with a retard in Ottawa and a moron in BC and a government financed media and you have a problem that will not go away.
All the protesters must be jailed and any not born in Canada deported. No show trials, no media, just show some spine and cure the problem.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Fake First Nations block pipeline

You know, like T-Bones :lol:


THREE CHEERS FOR REBEL MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Our LIE-beral loving news media whores have a LONG HISTORY............................

of censoring views that are hostile to LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are MOST HYPOCRITICAL when they deplore "foreign interference" in Cdn affairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet always HYPOCRITE LIE-berals happily benefit from that foreign influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their "hereditary chief" allies are destroying Canada with massive dents and shameless hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they have the COLOSSAL ARROGANCE to slander Rebel Media employees...............................

as HYPOCRITES???????????????????????????????





Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
THREE CHEERS FOR REBEL MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Our LIE-beral loving news media whores have a LONG HISTORY............................

of censoring views that are hostile to LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are MOST HYPOCRITICAL when they deplore "foreign interference" in Cdn affairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet always HYPOCRITE LIE-berals happily benefit from that foreign influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their "hereditary chief" allies are destroying Canada with massive dents and shameless hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they have the COLOSSAL ARROGANCE to slander Rebel Media employees...............................

as HYPOCRITES???????????????????????????????





The word reconciliation is used often by LIE-berals and by natives these days and we really ought to DEFINE the term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My view is this: “reconciliation” is a word that unscrupulous natives and deceitful LIE-berals are DELIBERATELY MISS-USING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a summary of some of what natives are demanding::::::

For radical natives - reconciliation means total surrender of white people to radicals who have a strongly Soviet Socialist, anti white and viciously limited political world view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they shut down Canada on their terms - how many people will be left hungry and in the cold and dark as big chunks of our economy are put into LIMBO - until 600 plus COMPETING native bands struggle to reach consensus????????

Now recall that the majority of natives on reserves have already elected leaders who support the construction of pipelines and the ordinary natives on reserves are generally EXCITED about the coming job opportunities!!!!!!!!!

Since natives do not agree now - how long will it take and how much will it COST Canada to BUY PEACE with competing native groups???????????????????

Radicals SPECIFICALLY want RENT for Canada IN PERPETUITY and have stated that in the past!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They DO NOT WANT A ONE TIME BUY OFF - such demands for repeated pay offs as radicals are making are CLASSIC BLACKMAIL PROCEDURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Radicals start with the premise that all native reserves are SOVEREIGN LAND and white laws DO NOT APPLY!! It is this reasoning that permits natives to sell MILLIONS of cigarettes without paying a penny of tax - they believe they are ABOVE our law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives ARE WILLING to allow us to retain ownership of lands which we have bought and are actually living on - so you will not be evicted by native thugs from your house or condo or work place!!!!!!

But ALL OTHER LANDS- meaning millions of square miles of Crown Land - that is currently owned by govt -will REVERT BACK TO NATIVE STYLE RED GUARDS operating as if they were under direct control of LENIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is a dispute between a white and a native- the Soviet style natives will decide what is FAIR!! With VIRTUALLY NO room to appeal the judgement -even questioning the Red judgement may open a white up to RACIST CHARGES - just as questioning Soviet Socialist Policy got a complainant ARRESTED!!!!!!!!!

This means natives can CHARGE YOU TOLLS to drive to a camping place!!!!

Can charge you tolls for taking a hike in a provincial park - as is ALREADY BEING DONE in some B.C. parks such as the newly opened Bennet Park - you pay the Parks Dept for access and the Dept ALSO COLLECTS an extortion fee on behalf of local natives!!!!!!!!!!!

Any biz that wants to open up a mine or cut timber would pay a fee to natives as was done by diamond company De Beers who paid $40 million dollars to Atiwapiskat band council - who promptly pissed it away without building a single house - and then bitched to Ottawa about SUB STANDARD HOUSING!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to catch fish or hunt deer - pay the toll to natives who also claim control of the ALL THE WILD LIFE on Crown Lands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives even CLAIM CONTROL OF ACTIVITIES ON LANDS THEY SOLD - decades or centuries ago as witness the Oka and Caledonia “Crises”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A company like Nestle that bottles drinking water would also be subject to major new fees on behalf of natives who claim they CONTROL ALL THE WATER!!!!!

Want to retire and build a house out in the country - pay the native TOLL!!!!!!!!!

Want to ride your skidoo or atv -then PAY THE TOLL for access to any land!!!!!

Natives on reserves WILL ALSO EXPECT that we will continue subsidizing ALL their needs for housing, food, medicine and health care, clothing and for heat and light as well if they choose to continue living on reserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Native rent charged on our activities WILL NOT cover basic necessities for natives on reserves as that rent is FUN Money they can do with as they please!!!!!

Some Cdns may be aware that new laws governing the quality of fuel for ocean going vessels was implemented January 1, 2020 and this will substantially RAISE shipping costs for Cdn natives in northern communities - and LIE-berals are already in negotiations with natives regarding HOW BIG the new govt subsidies will be - and this will represent a FINE OPPORTUNITY for LIE-berals to purchase native votes at EXORBITANT PRICES with YET MORE BRIBERY!!!!

Natives will retain their right to claim post secondary education AT OUR EXPENSE - those few natives who graduate from high school and want to go to college will continue to do so on our dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives on reserves such has Kashetchewan will retain the right to be evacuated as necessary at govt cost - taking them several thousand KM`s away from home to hotels in Thunder Bay and putting them up at our expense - including meals and clothing -for weeks at a time - to protect them from the YEARLY flooding that occurs at Kash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White people will be required to PAY ANY PRICE NECESSARY to end boil water advisories on native reserves - in spite of the fact that most boil water advisories are the result of CORRUPT MANAGEMENT by native band councils!!

CBC told us - a couple of years back - that boil water advisories HAD BEEN LIFTED at three western reserves - after a native kid finally graduated from high school and then went to college and got CERTIFIED TO OPERATE the water treatment facility that was sitting mothballed FOR TWENTY YEARS - waiting for somebody who knew how to come start it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kashetchewan reserve went through a “water disaster” when the band WASTED ALL ITS CASH sending a hockey team to California and the kids and many adult chaperones went in STYLE- nice meals and wine and some gambling at a local casino!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Kash team came home to discover the drinking water plant had broken down and of course they could not fix it without MORE money - since they needed to HIRE SKILLED WHITES and fly them 1000km in along with necessary parts!! Natives believe that when they are stupid with money - it is ALWAYS the duty of govt to bail them out!!!!!!!

The ugly reality is that skilled white people REFUSE TO LIVE ON A TYPICAL RESERVE because of the drunken and drugged and suicidal violence and stupidity that too often occurs - thus fixing anything there is DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!!

And in related news - LIE-berals have previously PUBLICLY AGREED with native band councils that what the councils do with OUR CASH - IS NONE OF OUR BIZ!! Thus CORRUPT natives such as Atawapiskat band chief and leader of 1500 souls - IS ENTITLED TO PISS AWAY ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS OF WHITE PEOPLES CASH - WITHOUT PRODUCING A SINGLE RECEIPT EXPLAINING WHERE THE MONEY WENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spence even travelled to Ottawa to tell govt and news media whores THAT IT WAS BASICALLY WHITE RACISM TO EVEN ASK WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT MONEY - much less for govt to refuse to hand out more gravy before we got an honest accounting of where the $150 million went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives who open a biz on “white land” - meaning in a city and mostly catering to white customers - HAVE DEMANDED the right NOT TO PAY ANY INCOME TAX and this right has been demanded of multiple provincial govts in the past!! Nor will they collect or remit HST OR GST NOR provincial sales tax!! A few radical natives even see no reason why they should pay property tax for the services - meaning snow plowing and road repair and water and sewer services they use in the cities they so graciously allow us to build and use!!!!!!!!!!

Natives also consider it bigotry that so many natives are in jail and they HAVE DEMANDED that prison populations “be adjusted” to reflect population numbers- which would mean a whole bunch of native criminals would be excused and released - former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould has even spoken of this alleged discrimination against natives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further - natives DO NOT BELIEVE that white people are entitled to sit on a jury and judge an accused native criminal - thus NO TRIAL of a native person WILL BE LEGAL UNLESS A NATIVE JURY is willing to convict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition - native radicals believe that all govt hiring SHOULD PRIORITIZE the hiring of natives - and as an example - natives are DEMANDING THE RIGHT to manage the RARE “Black Oak Savannah” that exists in Toronto`s High Park!!!!

The Toronto Parks Dept has been doing controlled burns in the park for a number of years as it was repeated forest fires that enabled the Oak savannah to exist!! Black Oaks are notably fire resistant and are one of several tree species that FLOURISH in partly burned lands!! In addition - the fires set by Park staff in the spring help limit the invasion plant species trying to take root and the expense of the unique Oak Savannah vegetation!!!!!!!!!

Ill educated and UN-EQUIPPED natives are demanding the right to take over the controlled burning from Park staff and botanists - and TO BE PAID FOR SETTING THE FIRES as “hereditary stewards of the land”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one ought to be a REAL HEADACHE for city staff - as it will be politically correct to surrender to natives- but it will be politically HARMFUL to cut well paid union HOGS out of the JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Native scholars have already made it clear that ALL books and information in our Colleges and Universities MUST BE RENDERED FREE OF COLONIAL BIAS!!
This means that any comment that is unflattering to a native MUST BE REMOVED - or the school will face criminal charges - no matter if the comment is TRUTHFUL and verified as such!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further any colonial era document - even one well supported by witnesses - that disagrees with “native oral tradition and native ways of knowing” - that is often made up as convenient - will be deemed suspect and possibly racist - thus the native version MUST take priority!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such draconian entitlements and such revisionist history and such callous Socialist treatment of those deemed enemies of the state are STANDARD!! Soviet Stalin deliberately starved 8 million Ukrainians to death in the 1930`s because they were hostile to his govt and the collective farms he was forcing on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red Chinese leader Chairman Mao deliberately murdered 30 million Chinese who were opposed to the methods he planned to use in his “Great Leap Forward” - the economic plan - which resulted in the death by starvation and disease of another roughly 20 million people - and Pierre Trudope referred to the “Genius of Mao in sending 30 million people to the gallows”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are ENCOURAGING an ever more radical Soviet Socialist lunatic fringe of anti white, anti corporate, and anti pretty much everything that keeps us fed and warm and pays the bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natives radicals deplore white society - but isnt it ODD how much of the WORST sort of white political beliefs that natives are being drawn to????????????????