Experts on Trudeau's explanation of Quantum Computing


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The backlash by conbots over someone who knows something beyond their pocketbook is hilarious.

^ prime example of a prog-bromance.

pony is an obvious (a budget balances itself) turnip who regurgitated a couple lines of a 'lecture'. I mean...bravo eh.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Well we have now heard from the "Jealousy, night & day you torrture me group!!" DaSleeper, maybe he even had God talking in his ear!!! My word, talk about a one man band!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
the "Jealousy, night & day you torrture me group!!"

I think I remember them, did they write that big hit Budgets balance themselves?
Tell me but is your household budget balanced?? Mine is!. Mainly because once the credit limit is reached, there is only pay back. No credit until a decent payback is achieved. That is unless the government in power browbeats or rides over the limits set!!!

If governments were held to the household budget types most housewives/househusbands have to deal with, yes budgets do balance themselves. I would assume, the Prime Minister knows this, as he is of the smart generation.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
so many gullible people in this country awash in multiple ponygasms squirted out by the lamestream media:

Media at Justin Trudeau’s feet

Gushing coverage of PM’s computer skills had nothing to do with reality

An important job of the media is to pull back the curtain when politicians try to finesse the news, not cheerlead while they do it.

In that sense, much of the media failed spectacularly last Friday.

It was in their gushing coverage of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s supposed owning of an arrogant reporter, by giving a brilliant explanation of quantum computing at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo.

This to cheers and a standing ovation from amazed scientists.

The video version has gone viral. Except none of it is true.

It was Trudeau who, prior to his media conference, set up the whole thing, saying he hoped someone in the press would ask him a question about quantum computing.

The reporter wasn’t being arrogant. Indeed, he didn’t ask Trudeau about quantum computing as a way of shaming him.

He joked that he would have asked him about it — a light-hearted reference to Trudeau’s earlier request — before posing his actual question about Canada’s role in fighting Islamic State.

Trudeau ignored that (until later) and launched into a brief explanation of quantum computing leading, we were told, to cheers and a standing ovation from amazed scientists.

Except the scientists would likely have cheered Trudeau had he said the moon was made of cheese.

He was there to confirm his government was giving $50 million to the institute for research.

One scientist in the apparent throes of rapture about Trudeau gushed he had earlier revealed an understanding of the famous thought experiment of physicist Erwin Schrodinger known as “Schrodinger’s cat.”

Except anyone who watches the hit comedy Big Bang Theory knows about Schrodinger’s cat, since it was explained, hilariously, in one episode.

Which is not to say Trudeau may not indeed be, as he says, a computer geek who really does understand this stuff.

Maybe it all didn’t come from a staffer who spent an hour on Wikipedia giving him some lines to memorize.

But let’s also remember Trudeau is a former drama (and math) teacher with a flair for the dramatic — his unexpected boxing victory over Sen. Patrick Brazeau — and a sense of occasion — his powerful funeral oration for his father.

Also recall, as someone tweeted, that when Matt Damon’s janitor character solves a difficult math problem in Good Will Hunting, it isn’t an indication Damon is a brilliant mathematician, but a good actor.

And acting skills can be extremely useful to a politician — recall the late U.S. president Ronald Reagan.

The fault here is not Trudeau’s, as politicians try to manipulate the public perception of themselves all the time.

It’s with media outlets like the Washington Post, Guardian and Vanity Fair using the episode to gushingly praise Trudeau, while ignoring what actually happened.

Besides, Trudeau shouldn’t get too comfortable.

As the Toronto Sun’s late, great founding editor Peter Worthington used to say, the media are either at a politician’s feet, or his throat.

Trudeau should enjoy the at-his-feet stage ... while it lasts.

Media at Justin Trudeau’s feet | Goldstein | Canada | News | Toronto Sun


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Aside from being a part time drama teacher wasn't he also a math teacher?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
He got a BA, Literature (reading books) from McGill, and then he went to UBC to get a one year B. Education for a provincial teaching certificate. Then he attempted to get a secure teaching position but only got part time teaching work. He abandoned teaching in 2002 and enrolled at Ecole Polytechnique at the U de Montreal for a complete career change, from teaching to engineering. IOW, he abandoned teaching because he failed. In his first semester of his second year of engineering he withdrew, or more likely flunked out because engineering is a brutal education. He then got an acting gig in a CBC mini-series, his first love, and when that gig ended he went back to his alma mater, McGill, where they mysteriously admitted him into a post-graduate masters program in “environmental geography”. After completing one year of masters studies he abandoned that and threw his hat into the 2008 federal election and won the MP Jackpot… his first full time job at the age of 36!

Conservatives love to make fun of Justin Trudeau’s CV | Warren Kinsella


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Aside from being a part time drama teacher wasn't he also a math teacher?

He might be good at math when there are no $ signs in front of the figures! :) :)

LOl, my word, you have just proven to the world, you do not understand either the word "wisdiom nor sagacity" . He did understand threats and control though!!

Do you think he's bright enough to figure out where all the money is coming from that he's spending. How about all the people he's imported with no housing or jobs for most of them? His old man pissed away over $400 billion, by the time Sonny is done it's likely to be $4 quadrillion! :) :)
P.S. I misspoke there, I should have said $4 trillion- sorry about that!
Last edited:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Tell me but is your household budget balanced?? Mine is!. Mainly because once the credit limit is reached, there is only pay back. No credit until a decent payback is achieved. That is unless the government in power browbeats or rides over the limits set!!!

If governments were held to the household budget types most housewives/househusbands have to deal with, yes budgets do balance themselves. I would assume, the Prime Minister knows this, as he is of the smart generation.

I understand that budgets don't balance themselves... Further, I don't balance my budget by toodling on over to my neighbour's house and stealing his wallet.

Tell me again how JT can fathom quantum computing, but believes that budgets balance themselves.... That's right, the most probable explanation is that he knows nothing of either topic


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I understand that budgets don't balance themselves... Further, I don't balance my budget by toodling on over to my neighbour's house and stealing his wallet.

Tell me again how JT can fathom quantum computing, but believes that budgets balance themselves.... That's right, the most probable explanation is that he knows nothing of either topic

It beats me why so many people have a hard time depicting Justin Trudeau. The handwriting was on the wall the day he announced his cabinet (chosen thus because it's 2016) A certain amount of infrastructure repair and replacement is OK but it's not going to solve either our financial problems or our unemployment problems. We have a million unemployed spread over probably 50 job descriptions spread over several thousand communities. He's a man with big ideas, but ideas are only one dimensional. Harper no doubt is having a long hard chuckle!


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
He's so dreamy I wish I had voted for him......



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

so many bro's in luv with the locks 'n' talks. :lol:

Patrick Ross ‏@OutlawTory

Patrick Ross Retweeted Gawker
Even Gawker is wise to this one. #CdnPoli #QuantumGate

Gawker Verified account ‏@Gawker

Justin Trudeau’s viral explanation of quantum computing was likely staged for publicity:

Actually, Justin Trudeau doesn’t get quantum computing

What the Canadian prime minister messed up in the video clip that everyone loved.

J.J. McCullough ‏@JJ_McCullough

Central fact of #quantumgate is this—many people (justifiably) think PM Trudeau is not that smart. The Canadian media LEAPT to disprove them