EU, Canada strike landmark historic free trade accord


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Its halloween and Canadians will be tricked into believing its a great deal
until they find out the other trade shoe is going to land on them. I am now
against most trade deals unless there is specific financial benefit for us at
the expense of the other guy. No more racing to the bottom. We get full
time jobs, benefits and wages as they should be. It should also include the
stipulation that manufacturing jobs be brought back to Canada.
After those conditions we could perhaps talk. No more free trade deals in
other words I am tired of Canadians getting shafted


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB

Interesting but not really relevant to a legal definition. I just don't see how you can ignore all of wiki over a few edits of a more personal nature.

Anyway feel free to call a lawyer or a judge or sift through Canadian commercial law for yourself. A corporation still has most of the same rights as a human under the law. They can sue and be sued. They can be convicted of a crime even if they can't be sent to jail. They are even given most of the rights in the Charter other than voting. They are defined as a 'legal person' separate from the shareholders. You can believe what you like but I know it is true.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Nope, but they are fictional legal entities given the same rights as a person under the law yet their only legal obligation is to maximize profit regardless of how it affects real people.

US corporations have more rights resembling those that individuals have, not so much here in Canada. As for no legal obligations...come on. If you get everely injured on the job and there was negligence, very likely your functional or operational manager is going to be charged, as will the company you work for. I'm not saying the deck isn't stacked in favour of big businesses, but come on, there are definitely legal obligations.

As for the free trade deal, it's distressing that these sorts of deals are signed without being publicly vetted. I mentioned this in another thread, Canada is already the 6th most sued country in the world under these sorts of investment treaties. We just have to trust that the Government had our best interests at heart...8O

Yeah, doesn't sound so good when we put it that way, does it? Government's never make deals particularly favoring certain industries. :roll:


Nominee Member
Oct 18, 2013
Could any of you fine folk direct me to a reliable source for information on all the benefits derived from Stephen's Free Trade Agreement with Colombia? It wasn't my agreement and I'm sorry that I missed the memo informing us all that WE endorsed this deal. Of course it would be fair ball to ask the opposition folk for their overview as well I suppose...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh great! Not one trade agreement has done anything to help the people of Canada. All they have done is help corporations. One day people will wake up to this fact but it may just be to late. By then our govts will have given all our industry to Asia and all our resources to the rest of the world and the citizens will be left holding out cups begging for spare change.
Guess who invests boatloads of money into Corporations on your behalf? The G of C and the Provinces.

YOU are the Corporations.


New Member
Nov 12, 2010
You're the man Steve.

The EU and Canada signed a free trade accord Friday after four years of tough talks, saying it will boost growth and set the stage for others, including a massive EU-US deal.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper hailed it as "the biggest (trade) deal our country has ever made" while European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso said it was "highly ambitious and far-reaching ... (and) of great importance for the EU economy."

It will provide new opportunities by increasing market access and "be the basis for gaining a strong foothold in the North American market and so provide a catalyst for growth and the creation of jobs in Europe," Barroso said.


EU, Canada strike landmark historic free trade accord | RealClear
The deal should prove to be interesting - as it now covers government procurement (preventing the provinces, territories from erecting "Buy Canadian" type policies to counter those of the United States. Based on the information available it seems as though "grants, loans and fiscal incentives" will be excluded from the agreement, I guess it comes down to who has deeper pockets to subsidize local companies the Europeans or local municipalities when bidding on contracts. Imagine, if any of these governments decide to award contracts to local industry - they will be taken before an international tribunal. Interesting times ahead.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
US corporations have more rights resembling those that individuals have, not so much here in Canada. As for no legal obligations...come on. If you get everely injured on the job and there was negligence, very likely your functional or operational manager is going to be charged, as will the company you work for. I'm not saying the deck isn't stacked in favour of big businesses, but come on, there are definitely legal obligations.

As for the free trade deal, it's distressing that these sorts of deals are signed without being publicly vetted. I mentioned this in another thread, Canada is already the 6th most sued country in the world under these sorts of investment treaties. We just have to trust that the Government had our best interests at heart...8O

Yeah, doesn't sound so good when we put it that way, does it? Government's never make deals particularly favoring certain industries. :roll:

Necro thread but...

Like the old poster said, we need to make deals in these "free trade" agreements that lessen Canada being sued so much. As i beat a dead horse.