Election on 14th October if MPs vote to make No Deal illegal tomorrow


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
In a speech to the nation tonight, Boris Johnson said he will hold a general election on 14th October if MPs vote to make No Deal Brexit illegal tomorrow. It would be an election Boris would likely win in a landslide, probably allowing him to overturn the decision.

And he issued a warning to Tory Remainer rebels - the likes of Hammond and Grieve - that if hey vote against him tomorrow he will bar them from standing in the next general election.

Incredibly, a general election this year would be Britain's third in five years...

Brexit: 'Election in October' if MPs block no deal

BBC News
2 September 2019

The government is expected to table a motion to hold a general election on 14 October if it is defeated by MPs opposed to a no-deal Brexit on Tuesday.

Boris Johnson said he did not want an election, but progress with the EU would be "impossible" if they won.

Tory rebels are joining forces with Labour to bring a bill designed to stop the UK leaving the EU on 31 October without an agreement.

It would force the PM to request a delay to 31 January 2020 in that event.

A senior government official said a motion for an election would be put forward if MPs take the first steps towards passing legislation to block no deal this week.

The prime minister is confident he would win the required two-thirds majority for the motion to be passed, the official added.

Speaking outside No 10 earlier, Mr Johnson insisted that with MPs' backing, he would be able to achieve changes to the UK's current Brexit deal - negotiated by Theresa May and rejected three times in the Commons - at an EU summit on 17 October.

But he said if MPs voted to block no deal they would "plainly chop the legs out from under the UK position".

The PM said there were "no circumstances" in which he personally would ask Brussels to delay Brexit and UK negotiators must be allowed to get on with their work without interference from Westminster.

"I don't want an election and you don't want an election," he added.

"Let us get on with the people's agenda, fighting crime, improving the NHS, boosting schools, cutting the cost of living, and unlocking talent and opportunity across the entire United Kingdom."

'National interest'

Faced with Mr Johnson's promise to leave the EU on 31 October, with or without a deal, a number of MPs have come together across party lines to try to prevent the latter outcome.

They are expected to put forward legislation on Tuesday under Standing Order 24 - a Commons rule which allows urgent debates to be called.

The bill, which has now been published by Labour MP Hilary Benn, would force the PM to request a Brexit delay to 31 January 2020 unless MPs had approved a new deal, or voted in favour of a no deal departure, by 19 October.

Tory rebels - who include former ministers and prominent backbenchers - have been warned that those who support the legislation face being expelled from the party and deselected.

But leading figures, including ex-Justice Secretary David Gauke, have insisted that despite the threat, they will press ahead and - in their words - put the "national interest" ahead of their own.

Speaking at an event on Monday evening, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told supporters his party was ready for a vote, adding: "I will be delighted when the election comes."

"I'm ready for it, you're ready for it, we're ready for it."

He accused Mr Johnson of "threatening people with a no-deal Brexit if he doesn't get his way in Parliament".

There is not due to be another general election until 2022.

Under the Fixed Terms Parliament Act, Mr Johnson would require the backing of two-thirds of the UK's 650 MPs to trigger an early poll this autumn.

Should this happen, the prime minister would be able to recommend the date - likely to be a hugely contentious issue given the looming Brexit deadline - to the Queen.

If there is an election before the end of 2019, it would be the third in the past five years, after polls in 2015 and 2017.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said Parliament was "doing its damnedest" to prevent the UK leaving the EU, and his party would be ready for an election.

At a party event in Colchester, he pledged his party would fight Mr Johnson "every inch of the way" at such a poll if he decides to pursue a new deal with the EU.

But he added his party would do "everything we can" to help the prime minister if he decides to seek a mandate for a no-deal departure.

"They, allied with us, would be unstoppable in a general election," he added.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
While I think Johnson and his Brexiteers will ultimately prevail it's sad and shocking that, thanks to the Remainers, Britain is no longer a democracy. What was, not long ago, the greatest democracy on Earth and a democratic beacon for oppressed peoples, is no longer such a thing, thanks to the Remainers...

Brexit: No-deal opponents defeat government

BBC News
3rd September 2019

Tory rebels and opposition MPs have defeated the government in the first stage of their attempt to pass a law designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit.

The Commons voted 328 to 301 to take control of the agenda, meaning they can bring forward a bill seeking to delay the UK's exit date.

In response, Boris Johnson said he would bring forward a motion for an early general election.

Jeremy Corbyn said the bill should be passed before an election was held.

In total 21 Tory MPs, including a number of ex-cabinet ministers, joined opposition parties to defeat the government.

The government warned in advance that it would remove the whip - effectively expel - any MPs who chose to vote against it.

The prime minister said the MPs' bill would "hand control" of Brexit negotiations to the EU and bring "more dither, more delay, more confusion".

He told MPs he had no choice but to press ahead with efforts to call an October election, adding: "The people of this country will have to choose."

The result means the MPs will be able to take control of Commons business on Wednesday.

That will give them the chance to introduce a cross-party bill which would force the prime minister to ask for Brexit to be delayed until 31 January, unless MPs approve a new deal, or vote in favour of a no-deal exit, by 19 October.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
There’s nothing brave about the so-called ‘Tory rebels’

Brendan O'Neill
3 September 2019
BBC News

These smug Tory rebels are, like other Remainers, enemies of democracy.
And because of that, they won't be MPs for much longer

I have a real problem with the term ‘Tory rebels’. Because it’s questionable, to put it gently, that either of these words apply to the Conservative Party MPs who are threatening to side with Labour and the Lib Dems in tonight’s parliamentary battle against no deal. They don’t sound much like Tories. And rebels? Do me a favour.

Phillip Hammond, Ken Clarke, David Gauke, Phillip Lee and the others — the ‘Gaukeward Squad’, as some refer to them — pose as valiant insurgents against Boris and his overreaching executive. The media madly flatter these pretensions by talking up the MPs as the bravest politicians in living memory.

They’re referred to as the ‘rebel alliance’, as if they were Luke Skywalkers facing down Darth Vader. The ‘Remainer rebel alliance’ is growing, we’re told, conjuring up images of khaki-clad heroes meeting in a secret bunker to devise their plan to defeating Boris and his goons. The rebel alliance’s every move is reported in detail by excitable Remainers desperate for Brexit Britain to be saved from its own stupidity by a motley but principled crew of do-gooders.

In close competition for the top prize for ridiculous self-flattery is the ‘Stop The Coup’ brigade. These Remainers and Corbynistas – who are now largely indistinguishable from each other, which we all knew would happen sooner or later – have been taking to the streets in recent days to rail against Boris ‘the dictator’ and his dastardly ‘coup d’etat’.

Their language about Boris is unhinged. Anyone in possession of a dictionary or a moral compass will know that Boris has not carried out anything like a coup d’etat, or resuscitated the dark days of the 1930s, as some Labour MPs have claimed. What an insult to those who lived through genuine Nazism and other forms of dictatorship to compare our era of free, open discussion about the EU with the jackbooted illiberalism of the past.

But there’s a reason the Stop The Coup lobby exaggerates Boris’s behaviour — because it helps them look like daring, sexy rebels. Like an ‘insurgency’, as the increasingly breathless Paul Mason puts it. Ken Clarke, Corbynistas and the entire clientele of Waitrose coming together to form a rad insurgency against dictatorship — hmm, I’m not buying it, are you?

These people’s heated, self-aggrandising language is cynically designed to do one simple thing – to disguise the truth that it is they who are the foot-soldiers of the status quo, the defenders of unaccountable power, the enforcers of political conformism, not Boris. They aren’t revolting. On the contrary, they are doing everything within their considerable power to crush a revolt. The Brexit revolt.

There is nothing brave in what the ‘Tory rebels’ are doing this evening. In fact, intentionally blocking Brexit strikes me as the least brave thing you can do in British politics right now. It’s risk aversion, cowardice, stick-in-the-mud short-sightedness. We all know that their agitation against no deal is really a continuation of their agitation against Brexit itself. All these so-called Tory rebels are Europhiles. It isn’t ‘crashing out’ of the EU that horrifies them – it’s the prospect of leaving the EU in any fashion whatsoever.

They claim to be putting country before party, yada yada. There’s an extreme arrogance here: their presumption is that they, in their infinite wisdom, know what is in the interests of the country. All of it, and everyone who lives in it. And so it falls to them and the leftish parties they will side with to dilute, stall or thwart Brexit despite the fact that 17.4m of us voted for it. They know better than us, you see, these brilliant rebels.

The question you should always ask self-styled rebels is, ‘What are you rebelling against?’. ‘What you got?’, was Marlon Brando’s famous reply in The Wild One. The Remainer alliance’s reply, if they were being honest, would be: the public. Theirs is not a rebellion against power or dictatorship or even Boris himself – it’s a rebellion against us, the people, or at least the millions and millions of us who voted Leave.

It’s a counter-rebellion. Brexit was the revolt; every action taken to thwart it is a counter-revolt. The Tory / Corbynista / middle-class alliance against no deal and in favour of extending the EU’s oversight over how or whether we ever leave is a reactionary effort to crush Britain’s genuinely rebellious, punkish spirit that found such clear expression in the vote for Brexit.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Today was a very dark day for British democracy

The political class has taken back control – from the people.

3rd September 2019

Today has been a very dark day for democracy in the United Kingdom.

Don’t believe for one minute the self-aggrandising claims of the Remainer establishment and its noisy cheerleaders in the media. Tonight’s vote by MPs to seize control of the parliamentary agenda in order to prevent a No Deal Brexit is not, as they claim, a wonderful assertion of parliamentary sovereignty against a dictatorial executive led by Boris Johnson.

No, it is an assertion of the political elite’s arrogant authority over the people. If MPs have seized power from anyone this evening, it is from us, the public, the millions who voted to leave the EU. This is not parliament vs the executive – this is parliament vs the people, and it opens up one of the greatest, most troublesome constitutional crises of modern times.

In essence, this evening MPs have gone some way, almost all the way, to achieving the terrible thing they have been agitating for since June 2016: stopping Brexit. That is their fundamental aim. It is essential to understand that when they talk about ‘blocking No Deal’, they mean ‘blocking Brexit’.

For more than three years they have hampered, frustrated and foiled Brexit, tying it in legal knots, ‘softening’ it beyond recognition, and constantly sending signals to the EU that we will accept whatever ridiculous, Brexit-thwarting compromises they demand.

Now a further, possibly interminable delay will be secured as the newly in-charge, newly emboldened Remainer Parliament votes on the Benn Bill tomorrow. The government was defeated by 328 votes to 301 this evening. Twenty-one Tory MPs joined the ‘revolt’ against Boris’s government. And now MPs, the majority of whom voted Remain, many of whom despise Brexit and fear and loathe the masses who voted for it, will push through the Benn Bill and prevent the UK from leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October (unless parliament consents, which it won’t) and requesting yet another extension to the Article 50 process.

They are killing Brexit. It has been a slow-motion guillotine, with the blade falling for more than three years now, but that is what they are doing. The majority of the establishment has never made any secret of its elitist disgust for Brexit and its facilitators – all 17.4million of us – and they have longed to reassert their presumed wisdom and reason over the idiocy of the masses. Tonight they took a very significant step in that anti-democratic direction.

Probably their most perverse and insulting claim is that they are standing up for parliamentary sovereignty. This is the opposite of the truth. They are ravaging parliamentary sovereignty. These are the people who over the past 40 years have green-lighted the outsourcing of huge swathes of parliament’s authority to Brussels, and whose very efforts to destroy Brexit run counter to parliament’s own handing of that decision to us, the people, and its insistence that it would respect the decision that we made.

It was the vote for Brexit, the vote to take back control from the EU, that was a genuine expression of faith in the institution of parliamentary democracy. In contrast, the elite’s ceaseless war on Brexit is a war on parliamentary sovereignty too, since the ultimate aim of this war is to retain the law-making authority of foreign institutions at the expense of our own institutions.

The elite’s claim to be defending democracy is a brazen lie. It is crushing democracy. It is revolting against the people and the decision we made in 2016. How grotesque for Jeremy Corbyn to say this evening that parliament has struck a blow for the idea that ‘sovereignty rests’ in the people. It has done no such thing. In fact it has elevated the political authority of an out-of-touch and increasingly hysterical elite over the largest democratic decision ever made by the British people.

Brexit is now seriously, perhaps irreversibly, wounded. Whatever comes next, including the General Election, must be used by democrats across the country to remake the democratic cry of 2016 and to reassert the sovereignty of the people and our parliament over the presumed wisdom of Britain’s own elites and the alleged expertise of foreign technocrats. If they void the millions of votes cast in 2016, they void the right to vote itself. We cannot let them win.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Britain may face snap elections after Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffers major loss in Parliament

Rebels from Johnson��s own Conservative Party helped take control of the Parliamentary agenda and voted to permit debate Wednesday on emergency legislation to avoid an abrupt departure from the European Union on Oct. 31 and postpone Brexit by a further three months.
Johnson said he could ��under no circumstances�� support ��another pointless delay.��


watching some of this on BBC today........was rather interesting. Quite unruly...........Makes one see the Brits in a new light........and not a positive one.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A lot of the world doesn't quite know what's really going on in the UK.

Millions of people, globally, including in Canada, are being brainwashed and misled by their liberal MSM to think of the Remainers as good and the Brexiteers as bad. They just do not realise the opposite is true, and that the evil Remainers are doing all they can to overturn the largest single-issue democratic vote in British history. Most Remainer MPs are siding against their own constituents, as most constituencies voted Leave. Remainers are doing all they can to overturn a democratic decision, to the extent that I'm not even sure if Britain is a democracy now. It can't be, when Parliament is fighting to overturn a democratic decision.

The reality of the shocking democratic outrages being performed in Britain by the Remainers will soon start to reveal itself to the world, though.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The overwhelming majority of the world doesn’t care
You could argue the overwhelming majority of the world doesn't care about most issues.
If Canada became a fascist dictatorship tomorrow, the overwhelming majority of the world wouldn't give a fig.

If there was a terrorist attack in Toronto killing 100,000 people, the overwhelming majority of people on this planet, truth be told, wouldn't give much of a damn.

But that's neither here nor there. The important thing is that the world knows the truth of what's REALLY going on - and it soon will over Brexit and the evil Remainers.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I wonder how many from these countries would opt for early retirement?
Graphic Video: UN Reports US, UK, France Possibly Complicit in War Crimes in Yemen

A new report from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) accused the United States, France and Britain of possibly being complicit in numerous war crimes for their respective roles in aiding the violations of international humanitarian law that have taken place in Yemen within the past five years.

The UNHRC’s Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen published a report Tuesday that called for the US, France and Britain to halt the trade of arms and support to a Saudi-led coalition that is known to use starvation of civilians as a war tactic.
According to the 274-page document, the names of over 160 top military and political individuals belonging to Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as the Houthi movement, have been forwarded to the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, though the report did not clarify whether any of these “main actors” are potential suspects of war crimes.
“International humanitarian law strictly prohibits starvation of the civilian population
as a method of warfare, in both international and non-international armed conflicts, as
enshrined in treaty law and recognised under customary international humanitarian law,” reads the document.
Shellings, sniper fire, airstrikes, landmines, arbitrary killings, torture and other abuses in Yemen were also attributed to the Saudi-led coalition. Additionally, the report noted that members of the Houthi movement have shelled cities and used “siege-like warfare” in their strikes against the Saudi coalition.
Warning: Footage contains extremely graphic scenes that may be disturbing and unsettling to some viewers.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You could argue the overwhelming majority of the world doesn't care about most issues.
If Canada became a fascist dictatorship tomorrow, the overwhelming majority of the world wouldn't give a fig.

Yup. But I don’t go to Brittish forums and natter on about Canada’s self destruction if we were ever so stupid to do it

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Millions of people, globally, including in Canada, are being brainwashed

better back up the truck duckie........ We don't do brainwashed in CDA.............

and from what I saw today.......the entire group could have used a good cuppa Chamomile tea.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yup. But I don’t go to Brittish forums and natter on about Canada’s self destruction if we were ever so stupid to do it

Well that's entirely up to you.

In the meantime, just accept that the International Politics forum is going to be put to the usage is was created for.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
and from what I saw today.......the entire group could have used a good cuppa Chamomile tea.

That doesn't surprise me, mate. Most of them are Remainers. Why are you surprised that Remainers are abnormal and not very nice people?

Brexiteers have been telling you that for three years.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

So a shitload of anti-democratic Remainer MPs in their attempts to overthrow democracy come up with a vote of no confidence to overthrow a PM trying to honour a democratic decision and you're on the side of the former.

As you're lying in bed tonight, just think about that...


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
A lot of the world doesn't quite know what's really going on in the UK.

Millions of people, globally, including in Canada, are being brainwashed and misled by their liberal MSM to think of the Remainers as good and the Brexiteers as bad. They just do not realise the opposite is true, and that the evil Remainers are doing all they can to overturn the largest single-issue democratic vote in British history. Most Remainer MPs are siding against their own constituents, as most constituencies voted Leave. Remainers are doing all they can to overturn a democratic decision, to the extent that I'm not even sure if Britain is a democracy now. It can't be, when Parliament is fighting to overturn a democratic decision.

The reality of the shocking democratic outrages being performed in Britain by the Remainers will soon start to reveal itself to the world, though.

I think a lot of people are as CONFUSED about Brexit globally as people in Britain are about it locally.

It'll be interesting to see how things play out. I don't agree with pushing Brexit back AGAIN; IMO it's basically Britain jerking the EU around and with it, the rest of the world. That said, the people voted to Brexit, not NO DEAL Brexit.

So I wonder if those who voted against BoJo are on the side of that line of thought. Forcing BoJo to make a deal instead of up and leaving the EU and leaving the British future in flux.