Ebola- Running wild


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
They left Liberia with no symptoms on September 19th, symptoms developed by September 24th, sought treatment on September 26th, and was admitted to the hospital on the 28th.

that doesn't bode well. Have they got this person's entire route and a list of names of everyone they've talked to, everything they've touched from start to finish?

Can we put bubble wrap around Texas for awhile?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
It's time to use quarantine as in the old days.


DALLAS — Health officials scrambled on Wednesday to find anyone who has had contact with a man who flew into Dallas from Liberia and was later found to be infected with the Ebola virus.

Although the man came to the United States about 10 days ago on a commercial airliner, officials said that he had shown no symptoms of the disease while on the flight and that he had posed no threat to other passengers.

Officials are focused on finding people who came into contact with the man after he began showing symptoms, on Sept. 24. As a patient becomes sicker and the virus replicates in the body, the likelihood of the disease spreading grows.

Dallas County officials said Wednesday that they believed the man had come into contact with 12 to 18 people when he was experiencing symptoms. So far, none has been confirmed infected. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, speaking at a news conference, said that some school-age children had had contact with the patient and were being monitored.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
We've had outbreaks of Ebola before. It's not an airborne virus that spreads like the Spanish Flu of 1918 (which killed between 50 and 100 million.. about 10% of those infected). That was exacerbated by the collapse of public health infrastructure in the aftermath of WW1.

It's spread by contact to bodily fluids and those infected have a relatively short infectious period. I think it'll be brought under control.. well before it reaches hundreds of thousands infected. In other words before it reaches pandemic proportions... where economies and communities collapse.
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Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
orfay uckfay'say akesay, ogay easyyay onyay ethay ebolayay alktay. eythay'llay allcay youyay ayay earfay ongerermay eadingspray ethay aryscay acticstay.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
We've had outbreaks of Ebola before. It's not an airborne virus that spreads like the Spanish Flu of 1918 (which killed between 50 and 100 million.. about 10% of those infected). That was exacerbated by the collapse of public health infrastructure in the aftermath of WW1.

It's spread by contact to bodily fluids and those infected have a relatively short infectious period. I think it'll be brought under control.. well before it reaches hundreds of thousands infected. In other words before it reaches pandemic proportions... where economies and communities collapse.

Yes, the pandemic will be a much more efficient virus. Ebola in it's current form is not that.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Yes, the pandemic will be a much more efficient virus. Ebola in it's current form is not that.

I heard that in pigs it is more efficient...at least in it's method of transmission.

It can infect the lungs tissue of pigs..which means it can be airborne. I heard nothing about whether it can jump from species to species in this manner.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Did Barack Obama Allow Ebola Into the U.S.?

Posted on October 1, 2014 by John Hinderaker in Obama Administration Scandals
Did Barack Obama Allow Ebola Into the U.S.?

That’s what Laura Ingraham thinks. Britain and France stopped flights from African countries afflicted by the disease some time ago, but the Obama administration declined to do the same. Now the first confirmed ebola case is in Dallas, having recently arrived from Liberia. Laura comments:


Did Barack Obama Allow Ebola Into the U.S.? | Power Line


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

DALLAS — Health officials in Texas said Thursday that they had reached out to as many as 100 people who may have had contact — either directly or indirectly — with a Liberian man sick with the Ebola virus while he was contagious.

Of those people, only a handful have been isolated, including family members and the medical technicians who rushed the patient, Thomas E. Duncan, to the hospital on Sunday. Most on the list are there simply because they had contact with people who had had contact with Mr. Duncan.

A spokeswoman for the Dallas County health and human services department, Erikka Neroes, said the initial list of 12 to 18 people thought to have direct contact with Mr. Duncan had been expanded to people who had either direct or secondary contact.

“None are symptomatic,” Ms. Neroes said.