Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
This a money wasting scheme. And it takes the focus off important matters like fixing the country. OTH if politicians are busy being stupid they probably are not interfering with the normal course of business.

Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preventing a MILLION OR MORE illegals from entering United States..........................................................

EVERY YEAR.............................................

WILL REPAIR the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Govt Statistics indicate that the wages paid to Yankee high school graduates.........................................

HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED BY TWENTY PERCENT.....................................................

because of all the illegals who will take blue collar jobs...............................................

at ULTRA LOW RATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ocean Kreskinoid blowhard Breezy - master of multiple personalities asks:

"What MORE can Mexico do"???????????????????????????????????

What a MAROON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

For one thing Mexico could STOP ALLOWING FREE PASSAGE........................................... ..............

across their land for every illegal from ALL of South America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE IS EVEN CANADIAN LEGAL PRECEDENT FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin HAS PUBLICLY BEGGED Trump to prevent Nigerian SCAMMERS from using New York state as a staging point

for illegally ENTERING Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-beral logic IS SO TWISTED that they can "beg" Trump to CLOSE HIS BORDER to resolve CANADIAN PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Our idiot Boy thinks it is right to SNEER at Trump for trying to get the Mexicans to CLOSE THEIR BORDER...............................

to resolve Yankee problems with illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

And the same time that Our idiot Boy is doing his begging about Nigerians and his sneering about Mexico.......

Our idiot BOY is IGNORING Trump pleading with CANADA to tighten up OUR immigration system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yankees ARE WORRIED that all manner of spies and trouble makers and criminals and terrorist raiders will be setting up camp in

Canada - from which they can do injury to Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such STAGGERING LIE-beral HYPOCRISY deserves DEFEAT in October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news...................................a recently captured Cdn member of Isis tells a tale of how Isis wanted him to lead a terrorist

group THROUGH Mexico into United States to launch terror attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was thought that having an English speaking Cdn to lead would make the group less conspicuous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently the plan was abandoned due to Coalition activity wiping out Isis strongholds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Ocean Kreskinoid Blowhard asks "what more can Mexico do"??????????????????????????

They HAVE ALREADY taken action............................................ ...

sending 6,000 soldiers to the southern Mexican border ostensibly to block it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But time will tell if the Mexican move is purely symbolic.......................................... ......

or if they really ARE responding to the Trump Tariff Pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Novelty merchants see big opportunity in Trump’s border plan
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019 11:17 AM EDT
Merchandise table outside the First Niagara Centre in Buffalo before the Donald Trump rally the day before the New York Republican primary on Monday April 18, 2016. Michael Peake / Toronto Sun
WASHINGTON — For fervent backers of President Trump’s plans for a border wall, there are plenty of ways to show support – and multiple merchandisers eager to cash in on their devotion.
Web stores have been hawking all variety of merchandise, from bumper stickers and “Border Wall Construction Co.” T-shirts to hoodies, mugs, coffee, even real bricks laser-engraved with slogans like “Build a Wall and Crime Will Fall.”
One popular site, Republican Legion, has been selling a “Build the Wall” play set, including Lego-like building blocks and a Donald Trump figurine wearing a “Make America Great Again” hardhat. It also sells a “Border Patrol kit,” marked down from $40 to $34.95: a barbed-wire barrier, plus two figurines each of border dogs, gun-toting border officers and sombrero-wearing “illegal immigrants.”
The man behind Republican Legion, Brandon Vallorani, once managed website design and upkeep for right-wing news sites run by Brian Kolfage, the single largest wall fundraiser. Since selling his former company, Liberty Alliance, a network of websites, Vallorani says he now concentrates on the conservative merchandise business through his company Romulus Marketing LLC.
“We successfully promote many gift and novelty items that speak to a variety of conservative values,” Vallorani said in emailed responses to questions. His Thrasher coffee company offers a “Border Blend” – “our most controversial coffee ever” – promising part of the proceeds will go to Kolfage’s organization. Vallorani would not say how much.
Romulus has battled consumer complaints. The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network and the Better Business Bureau contain at least 26 complaints and six critical reviews from the past year and a half, many saying the Build the Wall toy was delivered late, or not at all.
The Better Business Bureau gives Romulus an “F” rating. Vallorani says the company goes “above and beyond” to respond to customers, but will never be able to satisfy all complaints.
Trump, Republicans raise $105 million in second quarter for re-election bid
Trump holds historic meeting with North Korea’s Kim
One customer, Dustin Hoyt of Oregon, said he bought a Build the Wall set for a friend and another item for his father, a veteran, in part because the words “VETERAN OPERATED” appear on some Republican Legion pages. “I thought the guy running it was a veteran,” Hoyt said.
Vallorani said one of his managers is a Navy veteran, and he looks for veteran-owned suppliers. “When you ship hundreds of thousands of orders per week, there are sadly bound to be complaints,” he said.
Hoyt said his order took four months to arrive, but he was most troubled that the company is not veteran-owned. “It’s like stolen valor,” he said.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This a money wasting scheme. And it takes the focus off important matters like fixing the country. OTH if politicians are busy being stupid they probably are not interfering with the normal course of business.

So for Trump's 2 years of total 'control', how did he fix matters in the country?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Novelty merchants see big opportunity in Trump’s border plan
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019 11:17 AM EDT
Merchandise table outside the First Niagara Centre in Buffalo before the Donald Trump rally the day before the New York Republican primary on Monday April 18, 2016. Michael Peake / Toronto Sun
WASHINGTON — For fervent backers of President Trump’s plans for a border wall, there are plenty of ways to show support – and multiple merchandisers eager to cash in on their devotion.
Web stores have been hawking all variety of merchandise, from bumper stickers and “Border Wall Construction Co.” T-shirts to hoodies, mugs, coffee, even real bricks laser-engraved with slogans like “Build a Wall and Crime Will Fall.”
One popular site, Republican Legion, has been selling a “Build the Wall” play set, including Lego-like building blocks and a Donald Trump figurine wearing a “Make America Great Again” hardhat. It also sells a “Border Patrol kit,” marked down from $40 to $34.95: a barbed-wire barrier, plus two figurines each of border dogs, gun-toting border officers and sombrero-wearing “illegal immigrants.”
The man behind Republican Legion, Brandon Vallorani, once managed website design and upkeep for right-wing news sites run by Brian Kolfage, the single largest wall fundraiser. Since selling his former company, Liberty Alliance, a network of websites, Vallorani says he now concentrates on the conservative merchandise business through his company Romulus Marketing LLC.
“We successfully promote many gift and novelty items that speak to a variety of conservative values,” Vallorani said in emailed responses to questions. His Thrasher coffee company offers a “Border Blend” – “our most controversial coffee ever” – promising part of the proceeds will go to Kolfage’s organization. Vallorani would not say how much.
Romulus has battled consumer complaints. The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network and the Better Business Bureau contain at least 26 complaints and six critical reviews from the past year and a half, many saying the Build the Wall toy was delivered late, or not at all.
The Better Business Bureau gives Romulus an “F” rating. Vallorani says the company goes “above and beyond” to respond to customers, but will never be able to satisfy all complaints.
Trump, Republicans raise $105 million in second quarter for re-election bid
Trump holds historic meeting with North Korea’s Kim
One customer, Dustin Hoyt of Oregon, said he bought a Build the Wall set for a friend and another item for his father, a veteran, in part because the words “VETERAN OPERATED” appear on some Republican Legion pages. “I thought the guy running it was a veteran,” Hoyt said.
Vallorani said one of his managers is a Navy veteran, and he looks for veteran-owned suppliers. “When you ship hundreds of thousands of orders per week, there are sadly bound to be complaints,” he said.
Hoyt said his order took four months to arrive, but he was most troubled that the company is not veteran-owned. “It’s like stolen valor,” he said.
... all "MADE IN CHINA" ...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So for Trump's 2 years of total 'control', how did he fix matters in the country?
Unfortunately Trump never had total control. The loony left has been fighting him every inch of the way. Often with lies and politically motivated roadblocks. Not that Trump still has good ratings and employment is up. Especially in the blue collar jobs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Unfortunately Trump never had total control. The loony left has been fighting him every inch of the way. Often with lies and politically motivated roadblocks. Not that Trump still has good ratings and employment is up. Especially in the blue collar jobs.

Looking at the bright side, taxslave, he may have just enough control to be able to win the 2020 election, which the U.S. badly needs.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So for Trump's 2 years of total 'control', how did he fix matters in the country?

Oh POOR SAD Serrya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The stock market is UP and UP and UP.........................................

not that it has much to do with ordinary people.............................................

but unemployment is WAY DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DOWN to RECORD LOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump may not have fixed a lot of things...................................

BUT HE HAS HALTED THE LIE-beral VANDALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have been prevented from breaking MORE THINGS.......................................

with their GREED AND WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is too bad you are so fixed on your own gravy that you cannot appreciate what is happening to others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Unfortunately Trump never had total control. The loony left has been fighting him every inch of the way. Often with lies and politically motivated roadblocks. Not that Trump still has good ratings and employment is up. Especially in the blue collar jobs.

He has the Presidency, he had the House, he had the Senate.

Yes, the left opposed him but they didn't have the num... oh wait...

Because some of the Extreme Right ALSO didn't give him the numbers all the time, meaning for some of his BS, it didn't pass.

So you're right, he didn't have total control.

A faction of Republicans didn't think he was harsh *enough* for some of his things.

And if you think Trump wants to 'fix' the country, then you haven't been paying attention at all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He has the Presidency, he had the House, he had the Senate.

And if you think Trump wants to 'fix' the country, then you haven't been paying attention at all.

Well, I have to disagree in that I have been keeping an eye on things from time to time and like MOST of what I see. One of the problems is a lot of "background" noise. Like a few idiots equating eating bologna sandwiches and a shortage of toothpaste to a concentration camp. The sad part is these idiots are allowed to vote.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well, I have to disagree in that I have been keeping an eye on things from time to time and like MOST of what I see. One of the problems is a lot of "background" noise. Like a few idiots equating eating bologna sandwiches and a shortage of toothpaste to a concentration camp. The sad part is these idiots are allowed to vote.
This "democracy" thing should be abolished. It's preventing Great Leader from getting things done.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well, I have to disagree in that I have been keeping an eye on things from time to time and like MOST of what I see. One of the problems is a lot of "background" noise. Like a few idiots equating eating bologna sandwiches and a shortage of toothpaste to a concentration camp. The sad part is these idiots are allowed to vote.


That's a seriously, seriously gross misrepresentation of the situation; IE the lack of food or toothpaste isn't what makes the situation equal to concentration camps.

Their existence BY DEFINITION is what makes it a concentration camp.

The conditions these people are being kept in, the ABUSE they are being put under...

This is BEYOND what any president has done before and if you don't think so then, again, you haven't been paying attention.

Even those people who were part of, and descendants OF concentration camp survivors are stating that these are concentration camps. Who the hell are YOU to say "Well no"?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

That's a seriously, seriously gross misrepresentation of the situation; IE the lack of food or toothpaste isn't what makes the situation equal to concentration camps.

Their existence BY DEFINITION is what makes it a concentration camp.

The conditions these people are being kept in, the ABUSE they are being put under...

This is BEYOND what any president has done before and if you don't think so then, again, you haven't been paying attention.

Even those people who were part of, and descendants OF concentration camp survivors are stating that these are concentration camps. Who the hell are YOU to say "Well no"?
Check out the history of Ellis Island .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That's a seriously, seriously gross misrepresentation of the situation; IE the lack of food or toothpaste isn't what makes the situation equal to concentration camps.
Their existence BY DEFINITION is what makes it a concentration camp.
The conditions these people are being kept in, the ABUSE they are being put under...
This is BEYOND what any president has done before and if you don't think so then, again, you haven't been paying attention.
Even those people who were part of, and descendants OF concentration camp survivors are stating that these are concentration camps. Who the hell are YOU to say "Well no"?
THey are free to go back to wherever they came from. See they are here voluntary. NOT volunteering is a prerequisite for being a concentration camp.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I knew some residents of the WW2 Japanese camps. And these were our own citizens.
And the snowflakes think illegal aliens have it bad.

Like post #3293 which is laughable. I think I heard the U.S. gov't just siphoned another $4 million into upgrading this "concentration camp".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I knew some residents of the WW2 Japanese camps. And these were our own citizens.
And the snowflakes think illegal aliens have it bad.
Yup a bunch of west coast city slickers uprooted from their comfortable homes sent to live in tents in the interior . Yikes . Oh and where the government didn’t actually participate they turned a blind eye to the pillage of their property .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Rustic sculpture of Melania Trump unveiled near Slovenian hometown
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019 5:41 PM EDT
People gather around what conceptual artist Ales 'Maxi' Zupevc claims is the first ever monument of Melania Trump, set in the fields near the town of Sevnica, during a small inauguration celebration on July 5, 2019. (Jure Makovec /AFP)
ROZNO — A life-size rough wooden sculpture of U.S. first lady Melania Trump was unveiled near her hometown of Sevnica in southeastern Slovenia on Friday.
Commissioned by Berlin-based American artist Brad Downey and carved with a chainsaw by local folk artist Ales Zupevc, the statue serves as a — perhaps wry — accompaniment to Downey’s exhibition in the capital Ljubljana exploring Melania’s roots in the small Alpine country.
The blocky, rustic figure was cut from the trunk of a living linden tree — whose base forms a tall plinth — in a field beside the Sava River in the village of Rozno, eight km from Sevnica.
There is no attempt at an accurate likeness, to the point where the gallery in Ljubljana appears uncertain how seriously to take the statue.
“Perhaps we are simply trying vigorously to make sense of things that might only be a slapstick prank,” it says in a leaflet. “Who knows?”
Although the statue’s face is rough-hewn and unrecognizable, the figure is shown clothed in the pale blue wraparound coat that Melania wore at Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. president.
Downey said he wanted to “have a dialog with my country’s political situation” and highlight Melania Trump’s status as an immigrant married to a president sworn to reduce immigration.
The sculptor, known as Maxi, was born in the same hospital as Melania Trump, in the same month, and now mostly works as a pipe-layer.
“Let’s face it,” he says in a short film being shown as part of the exhibition, “she owns half of America while I have nothing.”