DNA confirms cause of 1665 London's Great Plague


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
DNA testing has for the first time confirmed the identity of the bacteria behind London's Great Plague.

The plague of 1665-1666 was the last major outbreak of bubonic plague in Britain, killing nearly a quarter of London's population.

It's taken a year to confirm initial findings from a suspected Great Plague burial pit during excavation work on the Crossrail site at Liverpool Street.

About 3,500 burials have been uncovered during excavation of the site.

DNA confirms cause of 1665 London's Great Plague

By Nicola Stanbridge, BBC Today programme
8 September 2016

DNA testing has for the first time confirmed the identity of the bacteria behind London's Great Plague.

The plague of 1665-1666 was the last major outbreak of bubonic plague in Britain, killing nearly a quarter of London's population.

It's taken a year to confirm initial findings from a suspected Great Plague burial pit during excavation work on the Crossrail site at Liverpool Street.

About 3,500 burials have been uncovered during excavation of the site.

Daniel Defoe's 18th century account of the catastrophic event in A Journal of the Plague Year described the gruesome fate of Londoners.

"The plague, as I suppose all distempers do, operated in a different manner on differing constitutions; some were immediately overwhelmed with it, and it came to violent fevers, vomitings, insufferable headaches, pains in the back, and so up to ravings and ragings with those pains," Defoe wrote.

The Great Plague killed about a quarter of the capital's population

"Others with swellings and tumours in the neck or groin, or armpits, which till they could be broke put them into insufferable agonies and torment; while others, as I have observed, were silently infected."

Evidence of the pathogen had eluded archaeologists but seemed tantalisingly close when a suspected mass grave was discovered last year during a Crossrail dig at the Bedlam burial ground, also known as the New Churchyard, in East London.

Alison Telfer from Museum of London Archaeology (Mola) showed me around the area planned for one of the downward escalators going into the future Broadgate ticket hall at Liverpool Street.

"We've found about three-and-a-half thousand burials on this site," she told the BBC's Today programme.

"We've been working here for the last five-and-half-years on and off and we're hoping we'll be able to get positive identification of the plague on a number of the individuals.

More than 3,500 burials have been uncovered at the site

"Because of the position of the skeletons, they'd obviously been laid in coffins and put in very respectfully. Nobody was thrown in anywhere in presumably what must have been quite a traumatic event."

This revelation is somewhat at odds with Daniel Defoe's version of events: "Tis certain they died by heaps and were buried by heaps; that is to say, without account." Panic and disorder only came towards the end of The Great Plague.

Vanessa Harding, professor of London history at Birkbeck, University of London, describes the experience of Londoners at the time.

"Not many people who actually get it survive but some do. And it seems to be quite easily transferred from person to person even if we're not sure currently about the agency or way in which this actually happens," Prof Harding said.

Daniel Defoe wrote that plague victims "died by heaps and were buried by heaps"

"But there are also what we might consider public health measures which from their point of view include killing cats and dogs, getting rid of beggars in the streets, trying to cleanse the city in both moral and practical terms. The people who do best are those who get out of London."

The search for the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, in a selection of skeletons from the dig continued last year in the osteology department at Mola where all the Liverpool Street finds were stored and examined by Michael Henderson.

"They're carefully boxed, individual elements, legs separately, arms separately, the skulls and the torsos," he explained.

"We excavated in the region of three and a half thousand skeletons, one of the largest archaeologically excavated to this date. A vast data set that can give us really meaningful information."

DNA from the London remains was analysed at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany

The bones are laid out in anatomical order. Teeth are removed and sent for ancient DNA analysis at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany. "The best thing to sample for DNA is the teeth; they're like an isolated time capsule," said Mr Henderson.

In Germany, molecular palaeopathologist Kirsten Bos drilled out the tooth pulp to painstakingly search for the 17th century bacteria, finally obtaining positive results from five of the 20 individuals tested from the burial pit.

"We could clearly find preserved DNA signatures in the DNA extract we made from the pulp chamber and from that we were able to determine that Yersinia pestis was circulating in that individual at the time of death," she said.

"We don't know why the Great Plague of London was the last major outbreak of plague in the UK and whether there were genetic differences in the past, those strains that were circulating in Europe to those circulating today; these are all things we're trying to address by assembling more genetic information from ancient organisms."

A nearby gravestone marks the passing of Mary Godfrey, a plague victim

Bos and her team will now continue to sequence the full DNA genome to better understand the evolution and spread of the disease.

There was nothing to identify those found in the mass grave under the Crossrail development but located a short distance away a headstone was found inscribed with the name Mary Godfrey who fell victim to the plague. Her interment is recorded in the burial register of St Giles, Cripplegate, on 2 September 1665.

To reassure anyone worried whether plague bacterium was released from the excavation work or scientific analysis, it doesn't survive in the ground.

DNA confirms cause of 1665 London's Great Plague - BBC News
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Briddish have been cheerful wallowers in their own filth since the first German staggered ashore around 1800 years back.

The English (not the Welsh, Irish and Scots) have been the most civilised people on Earth since as least the 13th Century.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Which explains why they had regular plagues.

The lack of sanitation, open drains flowing through the centre of the streets, animal dung in the streets, dead cats and dogs, poo and urine thrown from windows into the street (often onto people's heads) - all this and more attracted rats which carried the fleas which carried the plague. Add to this a general lack of proper medical knowledge and you can see why there were regular outbreaks of the plague.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The lack of sanitation, open drains flowing through the centre of the streets, animal dung in the streets, dead cats and dogs, poo and urine thrown from windows into the street (often onto people's heads) - all this and more attracted rats which carried the fleas which carried the plague. Add to this a general lack of proper medical knowledge and you can see why there were regular outbreaks of the plague.
And you consider these things to be indications of the highest civilization in the world.

I rest my case.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Many very ancient civilizations had extensive public sewage infrastructure incorporated in thier cities.

The extent or sophistication of a civilisation's public sewer infrastructure is no indication of how civilised and cultured that civilisation is.

For example, the English were going to the theatre and watching bear bating and partaking in other high culture activities when Canadians and Americans were still throwing spears about and eating each other.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The extent or sophistication of a civilisation's public sewer infrastructure is no indication of how civilised and cultured that civilisation is.

For example, the English were going to the theatre and watching bear bating and partaking in other high culture activities when Canadians and Americans were still throwing spears about and eating each other.

My heritage is English the accent was still audible in my family when I was young. Any peculiarities you imagine you detect are the direct result of the very same civilization you champion on a dayly basis. Your cities in antiquity were famous for thier filth and crime and mongreloids. It is common knowledge the world over. Only fifteen percent of you own a tooth brush and the national average for bathing is bi-monthly.


New Member
Aug 21, 2016
The most important mesure to prevent the return of the plague has been the big fire of London .
After that the constructions couldn't have a tatched roof ,and thus the breed of rat have changed .

The new breed of rat couldn't carry the fle who carried the plague .