Dissatisfied with Choices


Nominee Member
May 12, 2005
Am I the only one that is disappointed at the choices we have on election day? I wish there was an option on the ballot for "None of the Above". Nobody has seen our MLA since the last election. I wrote to him 3 times over the past 4 years and never even received an acknowledgment, much less any action. But the alternatives don't inspire my trust either. Once they get elected, the focus is on keeping their seat, and the electorate is forgotten until next time. As usual, I guess I will just have to hold my nose and vote for the least bad again. And as if that wasn't enough, Harper seems hell bent on taking us back to the polls again. Geez! I wish all those MLAs and MPs would just do what they were elected to do - represent their constituents in the house - and stop all the senseless partisan bickering. After all, we do pay their salaries and expenses. What good is democracy if we don't have real choices?


Nominee Member
Feb 18, 2005
Kingston, Ontario
Ted said:
Am I the only one that is disappointed at the choices we have on election day? I wish there was an option on the ballot for "None of the Above"........ As usual, I guess I will just have to hold my nose and vote for the least bad again.......... What good is democracy if we don't have real choices?

Well said.....If its not Paul Martin, then who??? Lets get Ralph Klein to run or bring back Joey Smallwood???


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
HOCK said:
Ted said:
Am I the only one that is disappointed at the choices we have on election day? I wish there was an option on the ballot for "None of the Above"........ As usual, I guess I will just have to hold my nose and vote for the least bad again.......... What good is democracy if we don't have real choices?

Well said.....If its not Paul Martin, then who??? Lets get Ralph Klein to run or bring back Joey Smallwood???

Sure, get Ralph Klein in, but who knows what he will do once in. Besides a leader is only a strong as the people around him. Getting one guy in there won't really many a difference. We need a higher caliber of politician all around.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I would prefer to see Mike Harris in, rather than Klien.


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Choices

Jay said:
I would prefer to see Mike Harris in, rather than Klien.

What would Mike Harris do? He didn't turn Ontario into a Utopia in 8 years. I'm not saying he didn't do any good, but he wasn't exactly revered.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Dissatisfied with Cho

You have plenty of choices, Ted...just forget about the mainstream parties. Votes are worth money to any party that gets more than 5% of the popular vote now. Even if you vote for a party that doesn't 5% of the popular vote, you are still taking funding away from the parties you don't feel are representing you.

Also, when corresponding with the government I've always found it helpful to contact your MP, the leaders of all of the parties, the minister in charge of whatever your issue is, and the critics of that portfolio from all of the parties. Make sure you put a CC list at the bottom so they know who else got it. It puts the pressure on them to at least respond.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Mike Harris is a better choice for a leader than Klien, because he is from Ontario. Being from Ontario, and having won two majority elections, would do a lot for actually getting conservatives voted in at the federal level. Mike is also a "tell it like it is" kind of guy, and has experience combating Liberals. I would bet that Martin wouldn't stand a chance debating him, and we need strong leadership in Ottawa right now.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Ted said:
Geez! I wish all those MLAs and MPs would just do what they were elected to do - represent their constituents in the house - After all, we do pay their salaries and expenses. What good is democracy if we don't have real choices?

We can no longer say our elected represtnatives are innocent until proven otherwise, its obvious that "if they are elected, they will soon be dirty". The ones who don't play along with the culture of corruption in federal or provincial politics get shuffled out.

therefore, WE DO NOT have choices, it all the same once they get there.
Threats are common - one testimony at Gommery said he and his family were threatened. This is how its done, and they all shut up about it or they are hurt and die, yes die. Sometimes its a matter of making them commit crimes, as a way to ensure their loyalty because they hold that over them,ready to turn in evidence to the police if the MP ever turns on them.

Corruption means your tax dollars are going to Elites, and not to programs. Its crime, and its rampant. Every government function has money tangled up in it, from fishfarm liscences to oil royalties. And its all corrupt.

I HAVE THE ANSWER - never vote for anyone who has been there before, never vote for the "old-party" members. The NDP will likey have entanglements too, we could at least give them a chance as the party without corruption, but no , the unions have messed that up allready...
A house of independants. That would require some re-aranging of the house rules too - no party leader to be speaker for one problem. Change is good, lets do it, it is the only message they might understand.


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Choices

Jay said:
Mike Harris is a better choice for a leader than Klien, because he is from Ontario. Being from Ontario, and having won two majority elections, would do a lot for actually getting conservatives voted in at the federal level. Mike is also a "tell it like it is" kind of guy, and has experience combating Liberals. I would bet that Martin wouldn't stand a chance debating him, and we need strong leadership in Ottawa right now.

You've told me a strategic reason for having Mike Harris, but I've missed how he would make the country better.

What are you really basing this "Tell it as it is" notion?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Our province is broke from things like transfer payments, and soaring medical costs.

Ontario Hydro drove itself 30 billion dollars into debt, and the Ontario government absorbed some of that debt, and the rest is being paid back by users of the hydro system. Harris did "privatize" it and there are independents putting electricity on the grid now, and much to our satisfaction, greener electricity is slowly being added.

Electricity costs are also driving this province into brokedom, because, for whatever reason, the Ontario government is still only charging the people a fraction of the cost of production. I don't know why, but it is slowly creeping up to the real costs.

The system isn't in shambles though...but having dedicated ourselves to nuclear energy, a long time back, is proving to be expensive and not the dream of cheap electricity for all as it was sold to be.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Choices

DasFX said:
Jay said:
Mike Harris is a better choice for a leader than Klien, because he is from Ontario. Being from Ontario, and having won two majority elections, would do a lot for actually getting conservatives voted in at the federal level. Mike is also a "tell it like it is" kind of guy, and has experience combating Liberals. I would bet that Martin wouldn't stand a chance debating him, and we need strong leadership in Ottawa right now.

You've told me a strategic reason for having Mike Harris, but I've missed how he would make the country better.

What are you really basing this "Tell it as it is" notion?

Because he is a strong leader, and he is conservative. We need to have a "good" conservative government in Canada for awhile. Since the conservatives are the only real alternative to the Liberals, it could only be "better" if they got in, and if Harris was leading them, all the better.

I'm basing the "tell it like it is" notion from the two terms he ran the government here. If you watched him in Queens Park you would know what I mean. Even his enemies said that the best thing about Harris was, he would tell people what he was going to do, and he did it. You could trust him to do what he said he would do, and he had no bones about telling people "how it was" and changing it. He saved us from Ontario Hydro, and threatened to privatize the LCBO, because they couldn’t make a profit selling booze, now they turn a profit. He even took on the teachers unions, and won. He canned a bunch of school board members we didn’t need. He made the 407 a toll road, and tightened up a lot of belts.

Mike isn’t perfect though; who is?


Nominee Member
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Choices

Jay said:
DasFX said:
Jay said:
Mike Harris is a better choice for a leader than Klien, because he is from Ontario. Being from Ontario, and having won two majority elections, would do a lot for actually getting conservatives voted in at the federal level. Mike is also a "tell it like it is" kind of guy, and has experience combating Liberals. I would bet that Martin wouldn't stand a chance debating him, and we need strong leadership in Ottawa right now.

You've told me a strategic reason for having Mike Harris, but I've missed how he would make the country better.

What are you really basing this "Tell it as it is" notion?

Because he is a strong leader, and he is conservative. We need to have a "good" conservative government in Canada for awhile. Since the conservatives are the only real alternative to the Liberals, it could only be "better" if they got in, and if Harris was leading them, all the better.

I'm basing the "tell it like it is" notion from the two terms he ran the government here. If you watched him in Queens Park you would know what I mean. Even his enemies said that the best thing about Harris was, he would tell people what he was going to do, and he did it. You could trust him to do what he said he would do, and he had no bones about telling people "how it was" and changing it. He saved us from Ontario Hydro, and threatened to privatize the LCBO, because they couldn’t make a profit selling booze, now they turn a profit. He even took on the teachers unions, and won. He canned a bunch of school board members we didn’t need. He made the 407 a toll road, and tightened up a lot of belts.

Mike isn’t perfect though; who is?

Oh yes, the conservative are sooooo muuuuch better than the liberal... :? Where were you during the Mulroney years? :twisted:

I hate the liberals but given a choice between them and the conservative party I would chose the liberal. Thank the great booba in the sky there is an alternative to those two. I would realy like to try the NPD but unless their leader grows a spine in the next few weeks I guess I will stick with the BQ.

We don't need a strong leader, just an intelligent and not to corrupt one.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Dissatisfied with Cho

Oh yeah, Harris will be a wonderful choice. Nevermind Ipperwash. Ignore the fact that he did nothing for the province. Pay no attention to the kickbacks, graft and corruption that went on during his reign. Best not to talk about his buddies getting the contracts for those nuclear plants either.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
"I hate the liberals but given a choice between them and the conservative party I would chose the liberal."

Well nothing is going to change unless we switch who is in power.

I'd consider NDP as an alternative if I didn't believe they would drive out all the businesses in Ontario, raise taxes, nationalize everything, and bring in things like a national daycare program.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Cho

Reverend Blair said:
Harris will be a wonderful choice.

You don't know how happy it makes me that we think alike on this issue. :wink:


Nominee Member
Re: RE: Dissatisfied with Choices

Jay said:
"I hate the liberals but given a choice between them and the conservative party I would chose the liberal."

Well nothing is going to change unless we switch who is in power.

I'd consider NDP as an alternative if I didn't believe they would drive out all the businesses in Ontario, raise taxes, nationalize everything, and bring in things like a national daycare program.

I want things to change... but for the better not for the worst...
You don't chagnge something just for the fun of it. I know, we did this in the last provincial election (Quebec) and look what it gave us... We have the worst government ever in the history of this province. I don't want to live the same thing on the federal level.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I think Quebec has lots to gain from where we conservatives are coming from. Provincial powers will start to be respected, and that is a great place to start mending this country.

I have a lot of respect for what Quebec is doing on that front.