Disgraceful, Mr Obama: Threats and a cynical attempt to exploit the Allies' war dead


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Euro was a dumb idea to begin with. But to quit now that your in is cowardly.

If it was a bad marriage, you shouldn't of got married.

The euro coins and noted were introduced on 1st January 2002.

Throughout 2001 and, I think, 2000, as the Blair Administration was deciding whether or not Britain should dump the pound and join the euro, Europhiles kept saying that Britain must join the euro because, if we don't, Britain would suffer economically whilst the euro countries would power ahead and that Frankfurt and even Paris would supplant London as financial centres. The europhiles were predicting all sorts of doom and gloom if we don't join the euro. In the end, the then Chancellor and future Prime Minister Gordon Brown decided that Britain WON'T join the euro - one of the few things he got right as Chancellor - and now we can see what a wise decision that was. The euro has turned out to be an absolutely disaster for almost every country that adopted it whilst Britain has been booming economically, outpacing France and Germany and most other EU nations, and London, rather than being overtaken by Frankfurt and Paris as financial centres, has instead merely pulled further ahead of them, so we can see that Britain had a lucky escape by not joining the euro and all those europhiles who predicted disaster for Britain should she not join the euro have been proven massively wrong.

Now a similar thing is happening in the run up to the EU in/out referendum. Yet again we are being told that only doom and disaster would befall Britain should she decide to leave the EU - that the economy would suffer and there'd be plagues of locusts etc etc etc. But these europhiles were massively wrong when it came to the euro and I've no doubt they're massively wrong again.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"It isn't who votes that count...
It's who counts the votes"
-unky Joe Stalin.

Does anyone seriously believe that if voting really counted for anything,
they would actually be allowed to do it?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
"It isn't who votes that count...
It's who counts the votes"
-unky Joe Stalin.

Does anyone seriously believe that if voting really counted for anything,
they would actually be allowed to do it?

It certainly doesn't count in an anti-democratic entity like the EUSSR.

When the British vote for Brexit on 23rd June the EUSSR will simply demand that the British vote again - and again and again and again, if necessary - until they vote the "right" way, just as it did with the Irish over the Lisbon Treaty, when the Irish voted against it in their referendum but the EUSSR, which didn't like the result, made them vote again until they voted the "right" way (i.e. a vote in favour of the Lisbon Treaty) and, the second time around, the Irish dutifully voted in its favour.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Wow, Obama really is an a$$wipe. Trying to use dead US soldiers as some sort of leverage as if the US did Britain a huge favour. Let's face facts, the US was dragged kicking and screaming into the European Theatre almost 2 1/2 years after the war started, and ONLY because Hitler declared war on the US. Christ, the US refused to get involved even after German U-boats started sinking freighters along the Eastern Seaboard on a regular basis well before Hitler's declaration.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Here's what someone has posted on a British discussion forum:

"Dear Mr Obama, shove your f*ckin trade up your f*ckin a*se. We weren't at the back of the queue when you needed us on operations, twice in Iraq, and then again in Afghanistan. I guess it's only a " special relationship " when it suits America. If you need help in future, you can always call on Germany, winners of so many wars, or Italy, but only if your already winning before you invite them, and of course, the mighty French, but give them some notice, so they can get their military production running at full strength, by putting their white flag factories onto three shifts. Good luck with that.

Oh, and just as a little P.S.
The last time you went to war without us, the Viet Cong handed you your a*se on a plate"

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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Here's what someone has posted on a British discussion forum:

"Dear Mr Obama, shove your f*ckin trade up your f*ckin a*se. We weren't at the back of the queue when you needed us on operations, twice in Iraq, and then again in Afghanistan. I guess it's only a " special relationship " when it suits America. If you need help in future, you can always call on Germany, winners of so many wars, or Italy, but only if your already winning before you invite them, and of course, the mighty French, but give them some notice, so they can get their military production running at full strength, by putting their white flag factories onto three shifts. Good luck with that.

Oh, and just as a little P.S.
The last time you went to war without us, the Viet Cong handed you your a*se on a plate"

Stop whining.

Disgraceful = BHO
lots of hate in that post


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Obama is a typical American and he tells it like it is. A reporter asked him why he is telling UKers not to break away from EU?

Obama said from a trade point of view EU has a population of 508,191,116 and UK has a population of 65,036,516 and he has lots of people out of work and his first choice will be nogotiating with the EU fist and UK much later.

Eventually UK will recover but the transition period will be painful


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A reporter asked him why he is telling UKers not to break away from EU?

Call Me Dave invited Barry over specifically to tell the British people that they must vote to remain in the EU. It was a disgraceful intervention in a British election by a foreign head of state. How would Americans like it if Obama invites Cameron over to tell them to vote for Hilary?

Obama said from a trade point of view EU has a population of 508,191,116 and UK has a population of 65,036,516 and he has lots of people out of work and his first choice will be nogotiating with the EU fist and UK much later.

Eventually UK will recover but the transition period will be painful
Sorry, but Britain doesn't need a trade deal with the US to trade with the US. Britain has NEVER had a trade deal with the US, even in all those many, many years before Britain joined what is now the EU in 1973. You don't need trade deals to trade. Trade is a natural thing which humans have been doing for thousands of years. If the Americans want to buy things off an independent Britain they will do so, and vice versa, regardless of whether there is any trade deal in place.

The EU itself doesn't have a trade deal with the US, and the trade deal that is currently being negotiated between the EU and the US - TTIP - is incredibly unpopular in the EU, with a recent poll showing something like four in five Germans being against it. Yet if TTIP actually happens, then a British vote to remain in the EU means that Britain will be part of TTIP, and that is one of the things the British people may end regretting should they choose to remain in this awful organisation.

British trade with the US has been increasing, despite there being no trade deal between Britain and the US. EU trade with the US has been increasing, despite there being no trade deal between the EU and the US. However, British trade with the EU - the "trading bloc" that Britain is currently part of - has actually been DECREASING.

All these points are something the Leave camp need to make public over the coming days to blow apart Obama's comments and damage the Remain camp.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
President Obama should be warmly welcomed. But he should also be told firmly that not everything in the interests of the U.S. is equally in the interests of Britain

A lesson Bush failed to learn. It cost Blair his job (as did Aznar in Spain) and eventually cost the Republicans the White House.

Obama just needs to get his butt out of the UK.