Dinning Alone


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Thank you for the giggle yesterday I needed it. It was a really rough day. I'll know in a week or so if I have cancer. Needless to say dinner hasnt been top of my list. I skipped it last night and prolly again toningt. Im sure I'll be fine. Im to damned onrey to be sick and Ive way to many damned lessons to learn before I desreve peace from this earth. "C" word scares me a bit, my Mom died of breasy Cancer at 45 , Im 43 not a great thought.

Anyway, Thank you for making me giggle. It was well needed.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Gees your easy to please, a narrative of my weekend suppers and a couple of witty remarks.

Skipping meals is NEVER a good idea. A small salad is better than nothing. You can actually lose weight faster by eating smart. And IF (and I mean IF) you are fighting cancer then healthy eating is paramount. Your "C" word is like my family's "C" word. Ours is cardiac though not cancer.

Positive thoughts, no dwelling on the what ifs and might bes. Looking forward to the future and planning for it is different then dwelling on what ifs and might bes. Get busy and stay busy for next week or so.

Today I found premade pie and tart crusts that have no transfats, woo hoo. I see an apple pie or dare I say a mincemeat pie in my future. I could try to make crusts from scratch but will take baby steps and try a premade crust first. The problem with pies and cakes is the fats required from butter, milk, eggs and shortening. I'm going to have to sneak up on acquiring baking skills if I got to substitute low fat alternatives and get recipe right as well.

Have you tried the Pagan Forum.com? Lots of wellness and healing stuff there.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Im a fabulous baker and I stink at pie crusts. Id rather make Creme Brule or grande merne(its a liquour) mousse than pie crusts! Not my forte. Kinda like spelling lol

As of January 1st I will be opening up pagansofvirginia.com Im quite excited because Id Love to start a circle here in Richmond. Its one of many pokers in my proverbial fire ;)

I had a bowl of cereal at this point its all I can manage :)


Free Thinker
Jul 6, 2006
Im a fabulous baker and I stink at pie crusts. Id rather make Creme Brule or grande merne(its a liquour) mousse than pie crusts! Not my forte. Kinda like spelling lol

As of January 1st I will be opening up pagansofvirginia.com Im quite excited because Id Love to start a circle here in Richmond. Its one of many pokers in my proverbial fire ;)

I had a bowl of cereal at this point its all I can manage :)

The trick to pastry is COLD COLD water. If you measure out your water and then put ice in it and stick it in the fridge it will work out better. Just make sure you spoon out the ice and then make sure you have the right amount of water. Also handle the pastry as little as possible once you add that water you don't want to be touching it as much. I actually have a real easy pastry recipie. I just did a bunch of christmas baking if anyone wants I will post a couple recipies tonight when I get home. :).

We made 9 of those tourtie meat pie things to put in the freezer :).


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Tempura batter calls for really cold water too. Is bread easier than pastry crusts. What about cakes? Would love to be able to bake my own bread. Are the bread maker machines worth it? Kinda pricey just for bread. My buddy's wife makes dough balls for us when we go carp fishing with her bread maker machine. Now that I might spend money on.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Critters last christmas gift to me was a bread maker. I dont dare take it out.

Baking is easy, its chemestry. Its an exact science. Follow the recipes exact and you've got it.


Free Thinker
Jul 6, 2006
Tempura batter calls for really cold water too. Is bread easier than pastry crusts. What about cakes? Would love to be able to bake my own bread. Are the bread maker machines worth it? Kinda pricey just for bread. My buddy's wife makes dough balls for us when we go carp fishing with her bread maker machine. Now that I might spend money on.

OMG OMG OMG! YES YES YES! Bread makers can do way more then just bread. I make all my doughs in my bread maker. I also make jam in my bread maker as well. It makes everything so easy. I love it. My mom and I just made 6 dozen perogies the other day thanks to the bread maker ( we made the dough in it)


Free Thinker
Jul 6, 2006
Ok guys, This is a long post. I just wanted to post some christmas baking recipies my mom and i did this year :). Let me know if you try any!


2 C Berries
2 C sugar (or just use as many cups of sugar as you do berries if you want more then 2 C)

Wash berries (do not dry). Simmer over a med heat for about 20-25 minutes (may take longer if you do more then 2 c). Add sugar, continue simmering over med heat for about 25 minutes (again adjust for C). Let stand off of heat for 5 minutes and then put it in a jar and keep in fridge. Will keep about 6 wks. If making Strawberry Jam, Simmer 30 minutes after putting in Sugar.

You can also adjust this recipie for Pie filling. Just use half as much sugar and it will thicken in the oven. Bake as you would a regular pie.

Pie Crust

This is my pastry recipie and it's the best I have found so far.

4 1/2 C flour
1/2 Tsp Salt

Mix above ingrd then add..

1 3/4 C Lard
1/4 Marg

Rub this altogether until it forms a crumbly mixture. Then add...

1 C cold Water.

The colder the water the better your pastry will turn out. Before starting, put ice in your measuring cup and then add the water to the 1 c line. When ready to add water, remove ice, measure out 1 cup.

NOTE: Once you have added your water mix with a knife you will have better pastry this way. AND remember handle the pastry as little as possible with your hands.

Cheese Balls

8 OZ cream cheese
1/4 C Mayonnaise
1-2 C chopped cooked ham
2 TBSP Parsley Flakes
2 TBSP Minced Onion
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1/2 Crushed Peanuts (optional)

Beat cream cheese an dmayonnaise till smooth and stir in next 5 ingred. Cover and chill for a few hours, Roll in nuts. Then roll into balls

Japanese Chicken Wings

3 TBSP Soya Sauce
3 TBSP water
1 C sugar
1/2 C vinigar
1 TSP Accent
1/2 tsp Salt

1. Dip chicken in egg and flour
2.Fry till brown
3. Put in shallow pan and pour over sauve
4. Bake 1/2 hours 350 Degrees.

Sausage balls (these are my fave)

1 LBS sausage meat
1 C gratted Cheese
2 C bisquick
1 Gratted Onion (or 1 tsp of onion powder)
1 Minced Garlic Clove (or 1 TSP of garlic Powder)

Mix sausage cheese and Onion together.

Then add... 1 C Bisquick and mix well.
Then add.. 1 C bisquick and need in until all mixed.

Form into Balls and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

PB Balls

1 C PB
1 C icing sugar
4 TBSP Butter
2 Handfuls of Rice Crispies

Mix Above Ingrd together well. and form into balls

4 bars of Bakers choc.
1/4 C of Marg.
1/2 inch SQ. of Baking wax

Melt choc and dunk PB balls into it. Set on cookie tray w/ wax paper and put in freezer to set.

Choc Chip Cookies.

1/2 C Marg
1/2 C white Sugar
1/4 C brown Sugar
1 egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1 C Flour
1/4 tsp BS
1/2 tsp salt
1 c choc chips

Cream marg and sugar. add egg and vanilla beat. Add flour, bs, and salt. Mix well fold in choc chips. Bake 350 for 10 minutes.

Ok I won't post anymore. Talk to you guys later! :wave:
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Free Thinker
Jul 6, 2006
BS-baking soda
BP-baking powder
PB-peanut butter?

Yes that's right :).

Is there a low fat sub for lard?
I know there is but I have never herd of being able to substitute something to replace lard in pastry because it isn't as flaky. but you could probably find something using google. I just found this...

[SIZE=-1]Lard[/SIZE] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Substitutes:[/SIZE][/FONT]
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Butter: use inbaked items. Pastry made with butter instead of lard may be less flaky and tender. 5 tablespoons of butter are equivalent to 4 tablespoons of lard. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Margarine: use inbaked items. Pastry made with butter instead of lard may be less flaky and tender. 5 tablespoons of butter are equivalent to 4 tablespoons of lard. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Vegetable shortening [/SIZE][/FONT]
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Vegetable oil:this is good for frying.

  • [/SIZE]
there are all kinds of substitutes for ingrd on this page...

Baking Subs
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia


Free Thinker
Jul 6, 2006


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I did and found "guanciale". Still not quite what I had in mind. Same with vegetable shortening, no real substitutes.

I like the cookie recipe.

Choc Chip Cookies.

1/2 Marg Is that 1/2 C of marg?
1/2 C white Sugar
1/4 C brown Sugar
1 egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1 C Flour
1/4 tsp BS Is baking soda same as bicarb (Arm and Hammer stuff)?
1/2 tsp salt
1 c choc chips

Cream marg and sugar. add egg and vanilla beat. Add flour, bs, and salt. Mix well fold in choc chips. Bake 350 for 10 minutes.

Will have to look at fat content of chips. Maybe sub Fry's Cocoa for chips and make a chocolate brownie cookie. I have seen where you can sub cocoa for unsweetened chocolate. What do you think 1/2 cup of cooa mixed in will do. Might need to increase sugar or sub brown sugar for refined white maybe?