Democrat Party Civil War Begins


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Hearing Set for Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC

The lawsuit was filed in response to evidence that the DNC favored Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries

After deliberating since October 2016, a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., has recently issued an order for appearance to the lawyers representing the DNC and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the plaintiffs representing Bernie Sanders supporters, Jared Beck and Elizabeth Lee Beck. The hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. on April 25, when the judge is expected to announce the court’s decision in response to the DNC’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

Hearing Is Set for Sanders Supporters Suing DNC | Observer


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Democrats still tearing at each other.

cat fight!


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Here is the source material to back up the statements by DNC Lawyer Mr. Spiva:

  • Page 36: "we could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.

  • Pages 70 and 71: "it’s kind of a misnomer even to speak in terms of members of the DNC. There is no national registration.

  • Page 104: [Parties] "are private associations. Yes, they play a big role in the election of the president of the United States. But they are still private associations"
  • Page 27 and 28: [T]hat’s for the party to decide. The Court’s not gonna get into that. Here, you have something far more inchoate, your Honor, which is this purported — this claim that the party acted without evenhandedness and impartiality. That — even to define what constitutes evenhandedness and impartiality really would already drag the Court well into a political question and a question of how the party runs its own affair.

    It's so convoluted - on purpose, because what the DNC did is indefensible. The DNC argues, you can't define impartial or evenhanded, so you cant hold people accountable for not being either, AND argues the DNC was evenhanded and impartial, even though the are not required to be, and in spite of the fact that Brazil and Wasserman-Schulz apologized and were forced out for not being impartial and evenhanded.

    There are so many amazing things said in this transcript. I think the prosecuting attorney, Mr. Beck, presented his case very well.

    There's a quote from him which deserves some attention:
If it's the case that an entity, the DNC, its chairperson can rig an election, and there's no remedy at law for people who've made financial contributions on the basis of what they've omitted to tell the public, well, I submit that that's a really dire road for this country to be on.
If there is no possibility of judicial or legal relief for those individuals, then I submit that the prospects for democracy in this country are dark indeed.
(See closing remarks, pg. 107, 109)

In short, the DNC is saying they can commit fraud and there is nothing anyone can do about it, and that they didn't commit fraud, even though Brazil and Schulz were outed for fraud.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In short, the DNC is saying they can commit fraud and there is nothing anyone can do about it, and that they didn't commit fraud, even though Brazil and Schulz were outed for fraud.

That's pretty much it.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Known propaganda outlet CNN’s “Editor-at-large” Chris Cillizza recently published a list of what he considers to be the pool for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential candidates.

With “qualified” individuals scattering the list such as Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, Facebook Executive Mark Zuckerberg, The World’s Most Boring Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Kaine, Business Tycoon Mark Cuban, Failed Presidential Candidate Martin O’Malley, and whatever else they could scrape off of the bottom of their corporate trash bin, there was one name that was glaringly missing: Tulsi Gabbard.

While Mr. Cillizza was courteous enough to include Bernie Sanders as a top-tier candidate, he only took the effort to write (or copy and paste) “The Vermont independent started a movement in 2016. His grassroots activist and donor base is bigger than anyone in the potential 2020 field”.

I cannot imagine how painful it was for him to write those two short sentences. What I can imagine is how terrified they are of Tulsi when they cannot stomach to write about Bernie. Tulsi Gabbard is the strongest prospective presidential candidate for 2020, and if the Corporate Media wants to black her out like they did to Bernie, it is up to us to spread her name far and wide.

CNN is well aware of who Tulsi Gabbard is, they have interviewed her several times in the past, but they have done so with precautionary measures.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Richsplaining Liberals

Why is it that the Democratic establishment is convinced that we shouldn't prioritize economic issues?

You don't suppose they think that because they are already wealthy so it's not a problem for them, do you?
A shockingly large percentage of these Obama-Trump voters said Democrats’ economic policies will favor the wealthy — twice the percentage that said the same about Trump.​
Let's look at it from the wealthy elite point of view for a moment.

They think of themselves as civilized and progressive.

But Bernie's "tax the rich" plans will cost them money.

Being progressive on economic issues is painful when you are already rich. It's much easier to be progressive on gay marriage because it doesn't cost you anything, while you can still signal your virtue.

It explains why identity politics is so popular with the wealthy.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
A class action lawsuit alleging the Democratic National Committee worked in conjunction with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to keep Bernie Sanders out of the White House has been raging on in the courtrooms for months on end–and yet, most people have no idea of its existence, in large part thanks to the mainstream media's total lack of coverage.

The court decision could have major consequences for a party internally grappling with how to define itself in Trump’s America. Sanders, who represented a leftward shift from the Clinton and Obama centrists who typically receive large backings from wealthy Democratic donors, has become the symbolic face of the resistance under the new White house administration. He’s also the most popular politician alive in the U.S.

At a time when most Americans no longer feel represented by the Democratic or Republican Party, a class action lawsuit could prove millions of supporters of an embattled progressive campaign right, or further support President Donald Trump's notion that the 2016 election was, in fact, rigged.

Was the Election Rigged Against Bernie Sanders? DNC Lawsuit Demands Repayment for Campaign Donors


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

Former vice president Joe Biden stirred the Democratic pot a little bit on Thursday night.

Appearing at the SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas, the possible 2020 presidential candidate weighed in on Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy in a way that Clinton supporters sure won't like.

“I never thought she was a great candidate,” Biden said, “I thought I was a great candidate.”


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Bill was a pretty decent president.

Unless you were black......

How Bill Clinton’s Welfare “Reform” Created a System Rife With Racial Biases

How Bill Clinton's Welfare "Reform" Created a System Rife With Racial Biases |

Something fairly remarkable happened at the annual convention of the NAACP on Wednesday. A former president apologized for having done something that helped ensure his re-election, but that turned out to be hopelessly bad public policy.

Bill Clinton Apologizes for His Role in America's Prison Epidemic


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Unless you were black......

How Bill Clinton’s Welfare “Reform” Created a System Rife With Racial Biases

How Bill Clinton's Welfare "Reform" Created a System Rife With Racial Biases |

Something fairly remarkable happened at the annual convention of the NAACP on Wednesday. A former president apologized for having done something that helped ensure his re-election, but that turned out to be hopelessly bad public policy.

Bill Clinton Apologizes for His Role in America's Prison Epidemic
You're right. It's completely fair to judge Clinton's entire eight-year presidency on the basis of two things you don't like.

And, of course, there was no bias against blacks until Clinton became president.

You're not usually this stupid. Everything OK?


Time Out
May 19, 2017
Bill was a pretty decent president. Hillary had no message aside from "It's my turn." It's amazing that the Democrats managed to run a candidate who couldn't beat Donald Trump.

Bill was the best republican the cons never saw.

Hillary was the same.

Trump won because he conned cons.

Saw a story today where a dude from NY thanked Trump for a raise in minimum bad it was state Dems who did it.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
A complaint filed against Senator Bernie Sanders by a Hillary Clinton super PAC during the 2016 Democratic primary campaign was dismissed by the Federal Election Commission (FEC)

The complaint alleged that Sanders, an independent, and his campaign treasurer, Susan Jackson, accepted excessive contributions. Under Title 52 of federal campaign finance rules, no individual can make a contribution to a candidate in excess of $2,700.

The FEC’s decision was addressed to Brad Woodhouse, founder of the American Democracy Legal Fund and president of the pro-Clinton super PAC Correct the Record. Both the ADLF and the super PAC were founded by prominent Clinton supporter and Media Matters founder David Brock.

The complaint, along with two others, was reported at the time by MSNBC. Afterward, Sanders’s campaign angrily dismissed the allegations.

“Just one day after the Clinton campaign said we needed to change our tone, the leaders of their coordinated super PAC, which is funded by millions from Wall Street, filed baseless and frivolous complaints with the FEC,” Sanders Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver said at the end of March 2016. “Tells you all you need to know.

Clinton went on to defeat Sanders in what became an increasingly intense and rancorous battle to be the Democratic nominee. But after Clinton’s defeat to Donald Trump in the election, Brock has changed his tone, claiming that he wants to join Sanders’s continuing progressive-politics battle and apologizing for some of his actions during the campaign.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Filed a Complaint Against Bernie Sanders


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
This is a great article by Matt Taibbi about how the successful the Democrats are at failing miserably.

Taibbi: The Democrats Need a New Message - Rolling Stone

How low do you have to sink to lose an election in this country? Republicans have been trying to answer that question for years. But they've been unable to find out, because Democrats somehow keep failing to beat them.

There is now a sizable list of election results involving Republican candidates who survived seemingly unsurvivable scandals to win higher office.

The lesson in almost all of these instances seems to be that enormous numbers of voters would rather elect an openly corrupt or mentally deranged Republican than vote for a Democrat. But nobody in the Democratic Party seems terribly worried about this.