Defence Department to nix about 1,100 civilian jobs


Electoral Member
Dec 23, 2011
Well, on the one hand, the Conservatives are cutting defence; on the other hand, they've been shown up by the F-35 debacle. I'm ambivalent.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Please state which ones, what their roles are, and why they are not needed.
Most of the civilian mechanics and building trades people. ALL the civilian janitors on bases. A good portion of the office staff could be eliminated if their system was brought up to standard and didn't demand so many reports on useless things.
A work order for a simple thing like changing a light bulb on a truck is handled 11 times from start to finish. That is only on the bases. Ottawa is just a giant bureaucracy with little if any purpose. F35s come to mind.

No, this is right wing rhetoric and ideology. If it was common knowledge, then there would be empirical evidence to show the unequivocal behaviour of hundreds of thousands of individuals.
If you would like to make a case for a specific department, then you need to provide transparent information regarding salary, productivity, as well as the scope and intent of that particular occupation.
We cannot make any accurate assertion of value unless there is some conception of that role.
Thats your opinion because you have never had a real job. If you had ever really worked and then went to a government office you would understand.
When I worked for DND we had a budget for buying BBQs for the shops but no money to buy some tools we really needed for newer equipment.

Qualifications trump senority in the private sector.
How about the scenario where you work along side someone who is lazy and gets the same pay as you dollar for dollar and btw has better job security because he worked a few weeks longer than you.
Teaches people not to work.
Unions may have had a use a hundred years ago when labor laws weren't in place but not today.
Ezra Levant & John Robson, Unions are losing support - YouTube
Not in a union environment.