
Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Whom precisely would we being trying to help out in Darfur? Do they want help and what sort of help do they want? Lastly what's in it for us if we go there and die to help them?

The international monetary fund I think looks after these destitute societies but corruption at its peak, very hard to get proper help for the hundreds of millions of starving Africans.

African leaders, meeting at a two-day conference in Tanzania to discuss the continent’s response to the global financial crisis, urged a stronger partnership between the region and the IMF and called for enhanced surveillance over the policies of all its members.

You've got 30 people in a room.

  • 9 will be from Greater Nigeria (4 actually from Nigeria proper)
  • 7 will be from Egypt and the Horn of Africa
  • 6 will be from the Eastern Rift area (Kenya to Mozambique)
  • 5 will be from Zaire, Angola, South Africa and Madagascar
  • 3 will be from the North Coastal area (Morocco to Libya)
Each person represents 24 million people, for a rough total of 720 million people in Africa.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Somalia, Rwanda, they didn't pan out well at all. Like Afghanistan, Darfur would take a lot of bullets, a lot of money, and a lot of dead to sort out.

..and who has the right to "sort it out?" Whose responsibility is it?

Is it our? If so, then we should immediately send troops to "bail out" Russia, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, etc... The list is endless

Ultimately, according to the United Nations, it's the responsibility of all Nations. However the catch 22, is that in order to deploy a force (whether U.N., or U.N. mandated) we require an invitation from the Sudanese Government, a Government who has said in the past that any U.N. forces sent to Darfur would be seen as invaders. I think, however, you're confusing what I wrote, and have assumed I've taken a pro-Darfur stance, which is not the case. We're busy in Afghanistan, I'm utterly against pulling out of Afghanistan, and starting up another war in Sudan, it's intellectually backrupt.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Greater Nigeria
About 222 million people.

Egypt and the Horn of Africa
About 162 million people.

Eastern Rift area
About 142 million folks.

Southern Africa
Including Madagascar, we've got another 123 million here.

North Coastal
another 72 million folks living up north.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Darfur is a serious problem. The victims are asking for help. I give money to Oxfam and Doctors without borders. Some of that money goes to Darfur.

Darfur, Sudan — Oxfam Canada

Also the Canadian government is on the side of the oppressed in this conflict:

May 1, 2006
Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay says Canada is already helping by spending $170 million to support the 7,000 African Union peacekeeping soldiers in the region.
MPs debate Canada's role in Darfur

Canada increases Darfur aid by $48M
August 2, 2007

Canada will provide an additional $48 million in aid for the crisis in Darfur, Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay announced Thursday in Charlottetown.
The funding is tied to Tuesday's UN Security Council approval of a joint UN-African Union peacekeeping force of 26,000 troops for the troubled Sudanese region. The new force will take over from the current 7,000-strong AU force in December, and the money will help ease the transition.
The conflict in Darfur has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people and forced millions to live as refugees since it began in 2003, when ethnic African tribes rebelled against what they considered decades of neglect and discrimination by the Arab-dominated government. The Sudanese government has been accused of retaliating by unleashing the Janjaweed, an Arab militia, resulting in widespread atrocities.
MacKay said the money will specifically go to food and transportation...

Canada increases Darfur aid by $48M

March 26, 2008 (EL-FASHER) — The visiting Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier reiterated Canada’s support for Darfur peace process as well as financial support to the hybrid peacekeeping operation in the war-wracked region.

Bernier announced on Wednesday during a visit to the capital of North Darfur State that Canada’s continued support for international efforts to achieve sustainable peace in Darfur and the implementation of peace through humanitarian and diplomatic action.
Canada, the second-largest voluntary financial supporter of UNAMID after the United States, will allocate up to $71 million in voluntary support for the UNAMID and UNMIS peacekeeping missions in Sudan; and continue the loan of over 100 armoured personnel carriers to UNAMID troop-contributing countries...

SudanTribune article : Canada reiterates support to Darfur peace process

The Sudan has oil. Which means they can afford arms. This is the problem:

10 May 2007
Russia and China have broken a United Nations arms embargo by supplying Sudan with attack helicopters, bombers and other weapons for use against civilians in Darfur, Amnesty International has said...

China and Russia defy Sudan arms embargo - Telegraph

China's thirst for oil is causing bloodshed. So says New York-based nongovernmental organization Human Rights First, which on Mar. 13 released a report linking China's rising imports of Sudanese oil with sales of Chinese small weapons to Khartoum, used to further the deadly conflict in the western region of Darfur....

Oil for China, Guns for Darfur


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
The international monetary fund I think looks after these destitute societies but corruption at its peak, very hard to get proper help for the hundreds of millions of starving Africans.

Yep corruption, starving Africans, it's always been that way. What makes anyone think that we're going to change it?

African leaders, meeting at a two-day conference in Tanzania to discuss the continent’s response to the global financial crisis, urged a stronger partnership between the region and the IMF and called for enhanced surveillance over the policies of all its members.

Enhanced surveillance? Are you kidding? We already know who and it's not like there is a big secret as to who is doing what. How does watching them make a difference when they don't care if you're watching?

Mugabe, nuff said.

You've got 30 people in a room.

  • 9 will be from Greater Nigeria (4 actually from Nigeria proper)
  • 7 will be from Egypt and the Horn of Africa
  • 6 will be from the Eastern Rift area (Kenya to Mozambique)
  • 5 will be from Zaire, Angola, South Africa and Madagascar
  • 3 will be from the North Coastal area (Morocco to Libya)
Each person represents 24 million people, for a rough total of 720 million people in Africa.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the OP.

But my point is that we're already in a country that has failed and supported terrorists who came to this continent to slaughter innocent civilians at work. How does Darfur take precedence over that?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
For sure the 21st century's biggest problem is the millions upon millions dieing from hanger around the world and it seams Africa leads all corrupt governments where the people die on the streets diseased and hungry. Rumania was one country were the Government would deliberately starve the people and bring hardship to the country, he was at the end awarded by a hale of bullets cleaning the earth from one more scum ball.
This is the scum ball,
Nicolae Andruta Ceausescu

Nicolae Ceausescu killer file
Last edited:


May 24, 2006
For sure the 21st century's biggest problem is the millions upon millions dieing from hanger around the world and it seams Africa leads all corrupt governments where the people die on the streets diseased and hungry. Rumania was one country were the Government would deliberately starve the people and bring hardship to the country, he was at the end awarded by a hale of bullets cleaning the earth from one more scum ball.
This is the scum ball,
Nicolae Andruta Ceausescu

Hmmm, hypocrite, you don't condone the death penalty but you accept and cheer this??? You have a problem, man....

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Hmmm, hypocrite, you don't condone the death penalty but you accept and cheer this??? You have a problem, man....

Good day Risus, you must be going blind or making stories up, please contribute or refrain. The death penalty for a scum ball like him is warranted. Do you know any of the Rumanian history during this scum bags time? If you don’t check it out on the link above.


May 24, 2006
Good day Risus, you must be going blind or making stories up, please contribute or refrain. The death penalty for a scum ball like him is warranted. Do you know any of the Rumanian history during this scum bags time? If you don’t check it out on the link above.

So you have a double standard.... Any murderer is a scum ball. You can't pick and choose. You are a hypocrite.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Ultimately, according to the United Nations, it's the responsibility of all Nations. However the catch 22, is that in order to deploy a force (whether U.N., or U.N. mandated) we require an invitation from the Sudanese Government, a Government who has said in the past that any U.N. forces sent to Darfur would be seen as invaders. I think, however, you're confusing what I wrote, and have assumed I've taken a pro-Darfur stance, which is not the case. We're busy in Afghanistan, I'm utterly against pulling out of Afghanistan, and starting up another war in Sudan, it's intellectually backrupt.

Ultimately what I'm saying is "what gives us the right to decide what they want/need"

Can they decide what we want/need and implement it - by force if necessary?

Would they be successful? If no, why do you think we would be successful in the long term?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
So you have a double standard.... Any murderer is a scum ball. You can't pick and choose. You are a hypocrite.

Risus there is no double standard when you are talking about a f looser who would order the army to kill protesters in the amount of 5000 in one day because they disagree with you. Playing with words it makes one look stupid and lucking understanding of the subject at hand. What are you here all of a sudden defending a mass murderer? Get it together man it doesn’t take big brains to be fair.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The Medicins Sans Frontiers hostages should be released today:

Four aid workers with the French based charity Medecins sans Frontieres will be freed soon, according to the Sudanese government.

They include Canadian nurse Laura Archer who was picked up by local bandits in Darfur along with Italian Mauro D’Ascanio and French man Raphael Meonier.

A Sudanese national was also kidnapped on Wednesday. The four were part of the Belgian section of Medecins. ..

euronews | 4 Aid hostages to be freed soon


10 February 2009

Conflict continues to rage in Darfur, Sudan. More than 2.4 million people have been displaced. Women and children continue to be failed by the international community. The fighting between the Sudanese armed forces, their allied militia and the disparate armed opposition groups continues to blight the lives of civilians, especially women and girls. In this document Amnesty International calls on the international community to use their influence and ensure that UNAMID is immediately provided with all the military equipment it requires, especially helicopters.

Sudan: Empty Promises on Darfur: International community fails to deliver | Amnesty International


May 24, 2006
Risus there is no double standard when you are talking about a f looser who would order the army to kill protesters in the amount of 5000 in one day because they disagree with you. Playing with words it makes one look stupid and lucking understanding of the subject at hand. What are you here all of a sudden defending a mass murderer? Get it together man it doesn’t take big brains to be fair.
You kill one or you kill five thousand. You are still a murderer.....................
I'm not defending anyone, you want the death penalty for some and not for others, I'm just pointing out your hypocracy....


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
If a unified government is fair and just, I`m in favor. It would end war. But if its purpose is just to seal the status quo into a permanent division between the haves and the have nots, its doomed to fail violently.

I agree with Canada`s approach to Darfur. Provide money, and logistical support for other nations to send in peacekeepers. We can`t take an active role in every conflict. Sometimes we have to play a supporting role.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If a unified government is fair and just, I`m in favor.
With King David Rockefeller steering the one world govt here is what you get.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries."
Judging by the fact that Obama's staff is nearly 100% made up of Wall Steet execs who are currently crashing the world economy to bring forth the NWO it's not going to be pretty and peaceful like you think.