COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The fatality among the elderly was/is high for influenza A/B as well.

This disease is considered 'new'.... Exactly how can Bonnie be an expert in something that we are only learning about?

Partly because she's obviously a fast learner and mostly because she has a lot of common sense. While the disease has different aspects from others, things like sanitation and contagion are common to all of them and common sense is helpful too. Trump could have insisted on the same three or four basic rules for safety but he chose to be a "good guy" and opt for a better chance of reelection rather than look after the people. The proof is in the pudding! :)


Nominee Member
Apr 25, 2020
The facts will become clear with time.
My issue is that extreme actions were taken based on wild projections that 10s or 100s of millions WILL die from this pandemic.... Turns out, those projections were spectacularly wrong and now many nations are left with the fall-out of the situation.
What bothers me most is that everyone had the perfect real-time experiment(s) with Sweden, Japan, the Netherlands, etc and could have very easily altered course, however, that is/was not the case and we will be paying for this folly for generations.
There will be huge ramifications and the ill effects of this are on no one's radar... Yet
Some questions we can start asking, and answering, now. For instance, who hyped the pandemic? It turns out that the answer to that question is the same answer to who hyped the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic that just didn't live up to the hype.
Professor Michael Chossudovsky addresses that in an article published (or at least updated) today. Some excerpts:
Remember the unusual circumstances surrounding the April 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.
Media disinformation. An atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Corruption at the highest levels. The data was manipulated.
In July 2009, the WHO Director General predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).
It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan.
In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:
“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing 11 June 2009)
What “expert assessments”?
In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)
A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi, Pfizer. et al.
The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.
Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government
The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled
“Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).
“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)
Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)
But the pandemic never happened.
There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…
Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.
There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud.
Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)
And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:
Can we trust the Western media?
Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?
The same people and institutions including the Gates Foundation, who today are pushing for COVID-19 vaccine were actively involved in support of the H1N1 vaccine
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 2, 2020
The following article was published more than ten years ago on August 25, 2009
It was granted a Project Censored Award, Sonoma State University in 2009-10
The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency...
Full article here:
Remember the “Fake” 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency | Global Research


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Trudeau led his country out of a pandemic while Trump's lack of leadership leaves the US in deep crisis
(CNN)For months, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's hair kept growing.
As the coronavirus pandemic kept barbershops closed to customers, his tidy trim grew into a wave that evolved eventually into a mop with bangs. For some, the mane came to embody the shared sacrifices that Trudeau -- quarantined at his home in Ottawa -- was asking fellow Canadians to endure to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Things progressed differently 450 miles south in Washington.
What did Trudeau do or not do?

All decisions are by the Premiers for their own Provinces or Territories.

What exactly did he do?
What did Trudeau do or not do?

All decisions are by the Premiers for their own Provinces or Territories.

What exactly did he do?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Some questions we can start asking, and answering, now. For instance, who hyped the pandemic? It turns out that the answer to that question is the same answer to who hyped the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic that just didn't live up to the hype.
Professor Michael Chossudovsky addresses that in an article published (or at least updated) today. Some excerpts:
Remember the unusual circumstances surrounding the April 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.
Media disinformation. An atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Corruption at the highest levels. The data was manipulated.
In July 2009, the WHO Director General predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).
It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan.
In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:
“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing 11 June 2009)
What “expert assessments”?
In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)
A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi, Pfizer. et al.
The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.
Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government
The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled
“Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).
“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)
Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)
But the pandemic never happened.
There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…
Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.
There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud.
Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)
And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:
Can we trust the Western media?
Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?
The same people and institutions including the Gates Foundation, who today are pushing for COVID-19 vaccine were actively involved in support of the H1N1 vaccine
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 2, 2020
The following article was published more than ten years ago on August 25, 2009
It was granted a Project Censored Award, Sonoma State University in 2009-10
The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency...
Full article here:
Remember the “Fake” 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency | Global Research

Again with global research. What a joke.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Feel free to double check the title of this thread yourself if you don't believe me.

Reported again for a personal attack. What is that now, 3 times in a single day? Do the moderators just put in that bit about personal attacks not being allowed as a joke or are they serious?

Suck it up buttercup or you won't last long here.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Partly because she's obviously a fast learner and mostly because she has a lot of common sense. While the disease has different aspects from others, things like sanitation and contagion are common to all of them and common sense is helpful too. Trump could have insisted on the same three or four basic rules for safety but he chose to be a "good guy" and opt for a better chance of reelection rather than look after the people. The proof is in the pudding! :)

“Dr. Henry was on the front lines in Toronto in 2003, has been in the front lines of Ebola outbreaks in West Africa, is a co-author of the Canadian Pandemic Plan and was key to the responses to both H1N1 and the 2014 Ebola response,” he said.

Kendall said Henry headed the B.C. Centre for Disease Control on an acting basis during H1N1 and is the author of “Soap and Water and Common Sense,” a guide to staying healthy in a microbe-filled world.

Henry, a public health and preventive medicine specialist, joined Toronto Public Health in September 2001 and in 2003 was the operational lead in the response to the SARS outbreak in Toronto.

She worked internationally, including with the World Health Organization and UNICEF on a polio eradication program in Pakistan and to control the Ebola outbreak in Uganda. Henry is an associate professor at the University of B.C.’s faculty of medicine."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trump and Obrador get together in Washington to slap each other on the back as their respective countries suffer record covid cases.

Good on Trudeau for not going.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Look it up, he was asked at a press conference.

Too risky? His wife had it. There isn't a higher risk factor than an infected spouse you boink.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Partly because she's obviously a fast learner and mostly because she has a lot of common sense. While the disease has different aspects from others, things like sanitation and contagion are common to all of them and common sense is helpful too. Trump could have insisted on the same three or four basic rules for safety but he chose to be a "good guy" and opt for a better chance of reelection rather than look after the people. The proof is in the pudding! :)
Trump was also the first to ban flights from Covid hotspots and the left called him racist for it then did the same thing several WEEKS later.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The point?

Has shuttering the economy not made your radar?

Do you really believe that there will be no negative health/mental health effects as a result of bankrupting millions?

PS - despite the ill will may have directed at nations like Japan, Sweden, Taiwan, the Netherlands and S. Korea for NOT taking the same overly extreme actions, those nations aren't suffering the apocalyptic death rates projected by 'the experts'... Maybe those countries relied on VooDoo and magic to avoid the disaster?

PPS - no federal gvts closed their economies for polio, measles or mumps
Or the Spanish or Hong Kong flus .