Comparing Apple’s and Big Oil’s profits – in one chart


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Army, makes huge mistakes in lingo and facts.
Independent Furnace repair, understates hourly billing.
Sales, makes huge mistake in the difference between mark up and margin.
Truck driver, crashes truck.

Anyone else see a pattern?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Army, makes huge mistakes in lingo and facts.
Independent Furnace repair, understates hourly billing.
Sales, makes huge mistake in the difference between mark up and margin.
Truck driver, crashes truck.

Anyone else see a pattern?

Supreme authority bullsh!t statements are all bullsh!t and neither supreme nor authoritative?


Jan 6, 2007
Yes but apple innovates in new products and the other two are in some of the most established ,long standing markets in the world.

I think if you compared the real world application of technological innovations coming out of apple (that are unique to apple, not just different versions of existing tech), with technological innovations coming out of the oil and gas industry, you'd find that what Apple does is not impressive.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Supreme authority bullsh!t statements are all bullsh!t and neither supreme nor authoritative?

Yet you continually play the applauding lap-dog to similar statements and trolling from Bear. I'm surprised you can breathe with your nose so far up his ****. At one point you had some respect from me but since you blindly high five the biggest arsehole here for every post....


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Yet you continually play the applauding lap-dog to similar statements and trolling from Bear. I'm surprised you can breathe with your nose so far up his ****.

Okay, I see. So, instead of actually addressing the glaring error you made for what you " should know since you were in sales for years" and therefore knew what you were talking about, you instead revert to more childish taunting. Well, I suppose it is the easy way out, so I can't blame you for wanting to do that.

By the way, just out of curiosity, when exactly were you in sales? Summer job at The Gap maybe? Was that in between the economics degree and your stint as an army cop? Or was it after you gained all your experience being a skilled trades person who charges considerably less than the market rate for services?

At one point you had some respect from me but since you blindly high five the biggest arsehole here for every post....
What reason would I have to show respect or be respectful to you, exactly? I was at one point, I looked the other way when some claims seemed rather excessive and over the top, but you were at least decent to me so I returned the favour.

But then you chose not to walk down that road, in favour of a glaringly embarrassing troll who's since been banned. Do hope you enjoy the view down this path.

And just who do you think is high fiving me for what I'm saying? Each member only gets one opportunity after all. Makes you think huh?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yet you continually play the applauding lap-dog to similar statements and trolling from Bear.
I don't make the great big glaring errors you do.

That's probably caused by the fact that unlike you, I've actually been there, done that, and ain't a poser, lol.

I'm surprised you can breathe with your nose so far up his ****.
Oh I get it, you're jealous, lol.

Unfortunately, but not surprising, you missed who first noticed you BS fest, I merely piled on, pointing out other glaring BS you've laid around the board.

At one point you had some respect from me but since you blindly high five the biggest arsehole here for every post....
She doesn't high five you.

She high fives me.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Comparing profit margins doesn't absolve any party of wrongdoing.
What about right doings?

it doesn't compare the number of liabilities and societal benefits. Who employs more? Who reinvests more into R&D? Who invest s more into Universities? Who invests more into the communities they operate in? Who gives more back to the public? Who does more for the environment? Who is more necessary. Who is more ethical?

Steve Jobs on Blood Minerals:

Yes. We require all of our suppliers to certify in writing that they use conflict few materials. But honestly there is no way for them to be sure. Until someone invents a way to chemically trace minerals from the source mine, it's a very difficult problem.

Sent from my iPhone

Unfortunately gadget lovers have no idea about the wide array minerals in their phones or where they are from, how they were mined or extracted and the amount of gas, coal, oil and the petrochemicals it took to put that gadget at your finger tips. Your bloody fingertips. The amount of death that goes into an iPhone is mind blowing.

***added content***

Until someone invents a way to chemically trace minerals from the source mine, it's a very difficult problem.

That is 100% bullsh*t. Every mineral has trace elements that lead back to the source.
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The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Okay, I see. So, instead of actually addressing the glaring error you made for what you " should know since you were in sales for years" and therefore knew what you were talking about, you instead revert to more childish taunting. Well, I suppose it is the easy way out, so I can't blame you for wanting to do that.

By the way, just out of curiosity, when exactly were you in sales? Summer job at The Gap maybe? Was that in between the economics degree and your stint as an army cop? Or was it after you gained all your experience being a skilled trades person who charges considerably less than the market rate for services?

What reason would I have to show respect or be respectful to you, exactly? I was at one point, I looked the other way when some claims seemed rather excessive and over the top, but you were at least decent to me so I returned the favour.

But then you chose not to walk down that road, in favour of a glaringly embarrassing troll who's since been banned. Do hope you enjoy the view down this path.

And just who do you think is high fiving me for what I'm saying? Each member only gets one opportunity after all. Makes you think huh?

I don't make the great big glaring errors you do.

That's probably caused by the fact that unlike you, I've actually been there, done that, and ain't a poser, lol.

Oh I get it, you're jealous, lol.

Unfortunately, but not surprising, you missed who first noticed you BS fest, I merely piled on, pointing out other glaring BS you've laid around the board.

She doesn't high five you.

She high fives me.

Hard to tell which of you is the dog and which is the pony! Maybe its just 2 monkeys and there is an organ grinder back there somewhere. Anyhow, I do get some good chuckles watching your ridiculous show.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hard to tell which of you is the dog and which is the pony! Maybe its just 2 monkeys and there is an organ grinder back there somewhere. Anyhow, I do get some good chuckles watching your ridiculous show.
I don't know about them but when they made me they used extra puppy dog tails.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Hard to tell which of you is the dog and which is the pony! Maybe its just 2 monkeys and there is an organ grinder back there somewhere. Anyhow, I do get some good chuckles watching your ridiculous show.

Hmmm. Still operating on the level of a 10 year old boy I see.

I see at least you've given up the pretense of the "troll bashing troll" bull that you were toting around for a while. I'd like to say that indicates 'growth' but then again, I've read your posts. 8O

It's wattage.

Dim bulb?

One watt.

Didn't he play baseball?

Juan Watt?

From Cuba?

Who's on first? What in the hell is on second? 8O


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I see at least you've given up the pretense of the "troll bashing troll" bull that you were toting around for a while. I'd like to say that indicates 'growth' but then again, I've read your posts. 8O
Oh c'mon, that was one of his funniest gambits. I loved that one, "the troll bashing troll". I guess since the site already has a Cannibal Troll, who routinely crushed PN and his silly crap, it was all he could do to help him sleep at night.

Not everyone is completely honest with themselves, lol.

Who's on first?
No, that's slow coach on first.

What in the hell is on second? 8O
Nope, pretty sure that's dolt on second.