Colbert blasts Fox imbecile, Hannity on corporal punishment


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
My children are not "mine",,as in "possessions".

Indeed. They do seem to be looked upon as almost a type of property by a lot of people. A bit disturbing. I noticed that when I was a kid and didnt like it then and still dont.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Sometimes you need to spank your kid...

Tired of the PC Liberals trying to tell people how they should raise their kids.. and look at the outcome, lazy, drug addicted looking for a hand out Liberals

Telling people to follow the law is different from telling them how to parent. If their methods are illegal (beating a kid til there are marks and blood is in most places) then someone should step in. If there are people out there who feel that what that guy did was right (hopefully there are very few) then they can always lobby their representatives to make it legal. Hopefully that wont happen though.

I wonder how many thousands of people who were whooped (Not that that's all this clown did) as a kid, went on to be productive members of society.

Id like to think im one of them, but Id say I turned out that way in spite of it, not because of it.

But if I am reasonably disciplining my child, you had best refrain.

The only problem with that is everyone seems to have a different opinion on what constitutes "reasonable." This guy seems to still think what he did was reasonable when it clearly wasnt. A line has to be drawn somewhere.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Telling people to follow the law is different from telling them how to parent. If their methods are illegal (beating a kid til there are marks and blood is in most places) then someone should step in. If there are people out there who feel that what that guy did was right (hopefully there are very few) then they can always lobby their representatives to make it legal. Hopefully that wont happen though.

I'm sorry but where was it printed that Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson left his son black and blue or shed blood? Spanked him with a twig.

No I agree, it should not go to the levels of abuse or assault, but a spanking with the wooden spoon or belt, at times should be administered. Keeps the kid in line and understand consequences.

Now, tell me.. do you want to be the kid after the police have been called in... just wait till them leave.. guess who is going to get a real beating..

The old saying; 'I brought you into the world, I can take you out.'


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
time to talk about our 'feelings'.

later, if everyone is 'good', you'll get a participation trophy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'm sorry but where was it printed that Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson left his son black and blue or shed blood? Spanked him with a twig.

No I agree, it should not go to the levels of abuse or assault, but a spanking with the wooden spoon or belt, at times should be administered. Keeps the kid in line and understand consequences.

Now, tell me.. do you want to be the kid after the police have been called in... just wait till them leave.. guess who is going to get a real beating..

The old saying; 'I brought you into the world, I can take you out.'

WAY over the top.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I was never spanked as a child. I remember being threatened with it a few times but no real follow through. I didn't spank my own kids, it's just not 'me'. I always talked to my kids, at times withheld privileges. I've seen other parents try the same thing, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. Similarly I've seen people spank their kids (and I do mean spank, not beat) without really having any effect at all, child is no better behaved.

The problem is not the punishment, necessarily, nor is it the child. The problem is with the parent. They are 'disciplining' when they are tired, frustrated, angry. That's not the way to do it, whether you're grounding a child, withdrawing tv privileges or spanking them. Because what they learn then is "when mom or dad is angry, this is what they do". Whether you're spanking, with an open hand of course as you only ever want the sensation to be one of 'ow, I don't like this', or whether you're making the child stand in the corner in a "time out", the important piece is making sure they understand that what is happening to them is a consequence of what they've done. And that piece right there is the difference between those who say they were spanked as a child and can now appreciate the discipline of it and those that still feel resentment for it.

time to talk about our 'feelings'.

later, if everyone is 'good', you'll get a participation trophy.

I also would like a ribbon please.

A big red one. :D


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
I'm sorry but where was it printed that Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson left his son black and blue or shed blood? Spanked him with a twig.

No I agree, it should not go to the levels of abuse or assault, but a spanking with the wooden spoon or belt, at times should be administered. Keeps the kid in line and understand consequences.

Now, tell me.. do you want to be the kid after the police have been called in... just wait till them leave.. guess who is going to get a real beating..

The old saying; 'I brought you into the world, I can take you out.'

Colpy replied to your first point before I could which also covers the second one, sort of. It didnt have that effect on me. If anything it made me more defiant and determined to do what I wanted.

And if I was that kid in the scenario you describe things would have pretty much went the same way as they have for me in real life. I grew up, said "f*ck you" left and never looked back. I have 0 respect for anyone who hit me as a kid - parents included. It didnt instill respect in me, only anger. I know Im not the only one, and I also know that that isnt the way it goes for everyone. But thats what it did to me.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It made me appreciate the rewards of staying inline. Dad was a lightweight but mom...the e euro comes out. Jesus!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Way back in the day, maybe 1960, up on the farm, my grandmother (the sweetest woman you ever met) gave me a knife and forced me to cut a switch...........

But she never touched me with it.

Walton's Mountain stuff.


My grade 5 teacher punched me right in the mouth when I was a kid, granted I was waiting for another kid to come out of the schoolyard for a fight, but I was only 11 and he had to be at least 38. I've never forgotten that. I never told anyone, didn't think anyone would believe me. Still remember my teeth clacking together, remember the look of satisfaction on his face when he hit me. That was the toughest school year I ever had.