CNN dying


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Here is an article asking an obvious question and then avoiding the truthful answer! And it illustrates some of the COSTLY consequences of LIE-beral Fake News! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Aboriginal affairs: Is it all just ‘a bloody farce’?

(Answer to that is YES!)

By Gordon Chong. First posted: Saturday, June 10, 2017 09:34 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, June 10, 2017 09:42 PM EDT

Inquiry into missing, murdered indigenous women to cost nearly $14 million more than expected.

(Gee, there is a surprise- a useless LIE-beral feel good exercise that also costs a BUNDLE more than expected!)

Families of missing, murdered women feel left out from inquiry: advocates

(What kind of screw up dog and pony show are these LIE-berals running? And how did they convince natives that anything good would come from their political showboating?)

Are we ready to reconcile with our First Nations?

(Reconcile? Are we to apologize because way too many natives have decided to be drug addled drunkards who beat their spouses and neglect their kids?)

Bill Wilson, a hereditary chief and father to federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, recently and justifiably called the disorganized inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls “a bloody farce”.

(Again I ask: “what else did natives expect? There is no new evidence, no new facts, no way to alter reality without getting set up for a slander suit! Twenty years ago cops could solve well over 90 percent of murder cases but that number has dropped into the high 60`s or very low 70`s with the rise of gangs and organized crime. Such groups can cover for each other and stymie the best of homicide cops! Add in the risky life choices of most of the missing women and you have a master plan for a LOT of unsolved cases so why did publicity Hog LIE-berals suggest any other result would occur?)

This after more than 30 advocates, indigenous leaders and family members wrote the chief commissioner last month suggesting the two-year, $53.8 million inquiry was in “serious trouble,” that there was broad and deep concern over poor communication and slow progress.

(Again-what progress did native leaders expect with no new facts and no new information?)

Having crossed swords with Pierre Trudeau in the 1980s over aboriginal amendments to Canada’s Constitution, and won, Justin Trudeau’s government should pay heed to Wilson.

Instead, the younger Trudeau’s government has blithely ventured into the murky politics of aboriginal affairs and its maladroitness deserves Wilson’s rebuke.

However, there’s no mistaking aboriginal issues in this country have long been politicized and divisive.

(For too long native affairs have been the preserve of divisive and irresponsible persons.)

It’s even fair to suggest there are those who feel the entire aboriginal affairs file is mired in politics and is a bloody farce.

On one side are the hapless elected officials who really cannot bring themselves to act decisively and on the other, the astute and increasingly aggressive aboriginal leaders who sense and exploit “white guilt”.

(Yes! Two faced hypocrites on BOTH sides of the fence!)

Perry Bellegarde, Chief of the Assembly of First Nations and an experienced politician, has said repeatedly “Canada is our (aboriginals’) land.”

(Well yes- IT WAS their land! But now natives MUST share- especially if they want access to money from white tax payers- and since natives would mostly STARVE OR FREEZE without welfare money- natives are under pressure to be sensible!)
Bellegarde cites the numbered Treaties that were negotiated, and amended as they were negotiated, the Constitution, as well as the United Nations (unfortunately now dominated by venal, corrupt dictators) Declaration of Indigenous Rights as evidence.

There’s no question colonial powers (Britain, France and Spain) expanded their empire in what was a new land occupied by aboriginal tribes.

European powers also frequently went to war with one another to supplant the territory of other nations.

The aboriginal tribes who lived in what is now Canada and the United States before the arrival of the Europeans, had done the same thing — fighting and displacing one another for territory.

(NO saints amongst either natives or whites!)

Canada and the U.S. took different approaches to aboriginal “reconciliation”, though the Fathers of Confederation and their American counterparts like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were all ruthlessly single-minded in their determination to forge a unified nation from one coast to the other.

However, whereas the Americans decided that actual genocide was the only way to success, John A. Macdonald concluded assimilation through education was a better alternative.

(IN other words- those who choose to condemn MacDonald are ignoring his true influence!)

In Canada, Christian churches were given the responsibility of educating aboriginals in the residential schools.

(How can it be wrong to train young natives in skills they will need to survive in the new culture and new economy?)

Some of these clergy abused their authority, despite the initial intention to “integrate” Canada’s aboriginal population.

(There is no doubt the program was veery badly managed- but this does not make the goals wrong!)

Tragic consequences followed.

As historian Desmond Morton has said: “Macdonald opted for the best instrument he or his age could conceive for helping the people of our First Nations to gain access to the European cultures that had and would dominate the country he had helped to create and unite.”

(The best evidence suggests that whites hoped that natives would adopt a Metis style life- in which people would live for much of the year in cabins and work as farmers- but would do a little hunting and fishing as opportunity presented. Both whites and natives of the time believed that the Metis lifestyle would be the best option for natives!)

As a consequence of the bigotry of the time, Canada’s aboriginals were viciously subjected to shameful atrocities.

(It is srong to blame people of previous centuries because they do not understand our current values!)

But, should the current, continuous political theatre and stage-managed public hearings to dredge up the painful past be our prime focus?

Or, would it be better to deal with the current tragedies that make daily headlines?

That is, the poverty, third world living conditions, lack of infrastructure and economic opportunity, drug and alcohol addiction and unacceptable suicide rates that afflict too many reserves, too many First Nations’ families.

(LIE-berals go to great lengths to AVOID discussing gross corruption on Cdn reserves! And they have made it clear they have NO interest in maling ANY sensible changes!)

Would it not be better to focus on consolidating these communities closer to services, improving infrastructure on remote ones and educating the next generations so they can successfully participate in the Canadian mainstream?

(It’s a nice thought but natives will NOT cooperate in consolidating communties! They are so hostile to whites that any suggestion made by whites will be rejected regardless of the logic behind it- LIE-berals have convinced natives they are `victims` and that thyey have only to trust LIE-berals and heaven will come to them!)

The aboriginal experience has been, and remains, a tragedy that has, unfortunately, descended into a political farce.

It is ironic, as well, that some self-proclaimed public intellectuals advocate ancestral language and cultural retention for a sense of identity, but have personally abandoned them, and fully integrated and immersed themselves in one or both of Canada’s official languages.

(One may offer a sentimental support for native languages as it is a part of ancient culture hut it is NOT useful to promote obscure native languages at the expense of English and French ability in the modern world!)

Another instructive serving of hypocrisy and hubris from on high.

Yes, it’s time to stop this “bloody farce"!

(The KEY is ending endemic corruption on reserves- it is this political poison that helps persuade natives that white life is all wrong and bad since it is white/LIE-beral politicians who have decided not to deal with that corruption! LIE-berals are making us all look bad!)
Another good rant , but the author was named Chong ,.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
True. Just look at who constantly argues about it. :p

Poor LIE-berals- they are losing ground on all fronts! only a SMALL percent of Cdns like the brand new federal LIE-beral budget. And as we have seen from repeated LIE-beral posts here- they are willfully blind to critical comment! They are so greedy and so arrogant they are incapable of any change!

Here is some more on the Metrolinx outrage and the efforts of LIE-beral transport minister Del Duca to bury the problem-along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Metrolinx stumbles from crisis to crisis. First posted: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 10:39 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 10:49 PM EDT

Metrolinx's UP Express which carries passengers between Union Station and Pearson Airport. (Toronto Sun files)

The good news is, or rather was, that Ontario Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca was finally driven by repeated Metrolinx screw-ups to order a review of the province’s disaster-prone regional transportation agency.

The bad news is Metrolinx Chair Rob Prichard got in a snit about it and told the Metrolinx board he got Del Duca to substantially “soften” and limit “the breadth” of that review.

(Great-the Metrolinx HOGS are telling the guys that sign their pay cheques to mind their own business!)

That letter having gotten out courtesy of the Toronto Sun’s Shawn Jeffords, spokesmen for Del Duca and Prichard now say everything’s proceeding swimmingly with the review which is supposed to be out in the fall.

In other words, instead of kicking down doors and taking names, which is what is clearly needed to right the listing Metrolinx ship, it sounds like this review will be little more than a whitewash of this “arm’s length” government agency as it stumbles from disaster to disaster.

Metrolinx ignored seven — SEVEN! — of its own detailed reports telling it the $27.50 one-way fare it was planning to charge for the Union-to-Pearson Express was too high to attract riders.

Metrolinx charged it anyway and riders stayed away in droves, until it finally lowered the fare to $12.

Then there was Metrolinx’s bizarre, costly and unnecessary promotion of new uniforms for UP staff.

Plus its pointless cross-promotion deals with everything from the Toronto International Film Festival to a Toronto, Buffalo Bills football game, which always seemed to end with Metrolinx staff being showered with goodies.

(I say Del Duca won’t want to admit it but Metrolinx Hogs are simply behaving like LIE-berals! All Hogs think they are ENTITLED-just like little kids in a candy store whose parents have told them they can have anything they want!)

Ontario’s Liberal government created Metrolinx to take the heat off itself on major transit decisions — then overruled it anyway, when, for example, the Liberals decided they needed to back a Scarborough subway, instead of an LRT, to get a Liberal candidate elected in a Scarborough byelection..

(And now that a LIE-beral represents Scarborough, WILL there be a subway? Gosh NO! What is wrong with Hogs that they continue to BELIEVE LIE-berals-in SPITE of the roughly THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in outstanding pension IOU`s that LIE-berals have offered up but cannot pay for!)

Then auditor general Jim McCarter blasted Metrolinx in 2012 for letting the budget for its “Presto” pass almost triple to $700 million.

(Hey-if EXCESS is good for ORNGE and E-health its certainly good enough for Metrolinx! Or is it?)

On Tuesday, Metrolinx awarded a $428 million contract to build double-decker Go Trains to Bombardier, even though the company is behind schedule on a $1 billion streetcar order with Toronto and a previous $770 million contract with Metrolinx for LRTs.

Maybe it’s time to put Metrolinx out of its — and our — misery.

(Oh-I would say its WAY PAST TIME! Metrolinx was created to get things done-and NOTHING is being done. The only thing being built is Eglinton LRT-and its being done because of former Toronto mayor Rob Ford-who recognized that the city had money for either Hog gravy OR they could have money for LRT-BUT NOT BOTH-so Ford cut the gravy!)

(Metrolinx was supposed to make transit choices-and they have been over ruled on Scarborough subway by LIE-berals. They were supposed to ensure transit jobs such as UP line were done on time and on budget-ANOTHER FAIL! And what of the MESS on Queens Quay? Over time and over budget-with a BADLY designed intersection that causes all manner of trouble for drivers! They HAVE provided a series of studies on Toronto transit options as requested-but since the city and province are BROKE-nothing will be built. And we don’t need more plans-we need cash money and shovels in the ground and Metrolinx ain’t needed for that! Kick those Hogs out of OUR trough! )


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
"Wait, wait who do you work for, ah CNN thought so, just the way you asked your question fake news" Fricken hilarious when I heard that live on Fox as he was walking over to Steve for an impromptu interview.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
"Wait, wait who do you work for, ah CNN thought so, just the way you asked your question fake news" Fricken hilarious when I heard that live on Fox as he was walking over to Steve for an impromptu interview.

Isn't it a great thing to live in Canada! We still have some news media who have NOT surrendered to LIE-beral propaganda!

Consider this older article that illustrates how badly we have been served by the Hogs at Metrolinx:

Here we ask the burning question: can LIE-beral appointees do ANYTHING efficiently? In answer, we have the column written by Shawn Jeffords set out below, along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Metrolinx failing to hold contractors accountable: says Attorney General.

By Shawn Jeffords, Political Bureau Chief. First posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:42 PM EST | Updated: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:46 PM EST.

Do a crappy job for Metrolinx and odds are that won’t prevent the agency from hiring you again and again and again.

Ontario’s Auditor General says the troubled transit agency does not hold contractors and design consultants accountable for work that is late or inadequate. In her annual report, released Wednesday, Bonnie Lysyk also says that shoddy work doesn’t disqualify a contractor from being hired again by Metrolinx.

(Things are apparently so bad that Attorney General Bonnie Lysyk recently appeared on TVO/The Agenda with photos of a pedestrian bridge built over highway 401 at Liverpool Rd-appearing to show that a portion of the prefabricated bridge framing had been installed upside down and then repaired-with the extra cost to fix things being carried by Metrolinx-rather than the stupid contractor !)

(Govt ministry spokes people deny the Lysyk claim but there are a lot of funny steel bars running at odd angles to be seen at one end of the bridge. And one has to ask why an auditor-who is Not trained as an engineer-would make such a damning claim against her employer-UNLESS she had seen the BILLS in her capacity as a genuinely skilled and competent AUDITOR?)

(Either Lysysk is seeking to be fired or else she has again exposed massive LIE-beral malfeasance and utter incompetence! Given LIE-beral history related to various scandals regarding bad snow plow contracts, the newly built and now collapsing main highway bridge near Lake Nippissing, the scandal from 2015 in which major support girders for bridges crossing 401 were found to be sub standard, the recent exposure of sub standard asphalt-quickly crumbling and being used extensively on our highways-complete with phoney asphalt samples supplied as part of the process and the fact that govt contracts of any sort in Ontari-owe ALWAYS seem to be at least 25 percent over budget, plus the recent govt ordered investigations into Metrolinx mis-use of tax payers money make this cynical tax payer think that Lysyk is genuinely on to something!)

“The lack of progress to hold construction contractors accountable contributes to projects being completed late, inconveniences commuters, and adds extra costs for Metrolinx and taxpayers,” Lysyk said in a news release.

The auditor cites the example of one contractor who was terminated because of poor performance then subsequently re-hired for another job.

(The guy gets FIRED for being an idiot and then they RE-HIRE HIM? Could even a LIE-beral do such a thing? Apparently YES!)

“Metrolinx should implement a system to ensure it does not rehire poorly performing contractors, and it should introduce penalties such as late fines,” she added.

(From my own experience I can say that govt DOES generally have legal coverage and insurance -which is usually quietly shoved aside thanks to loop holes left in the contract documents- or by dubious excuses accepted by govt employees.)

Late delivery of projects has cost taxpayers millions, the auditor says. Her office randomly sampled eight Metrolinx projects and found the agency had paid $2 million — or 150% — more than was budgeted to contractors. Metrolinx rarely takes actions against contractors for late delivery, the audit says.

The audit found that in one case, a contractor was awarded 22 more projects, totalling more than $90 million, after performing poorly for the agency in 2009.

“We reviewed the contractor’s performance on a few of these 22 projects and noted that project staff continued to rate its performance as poor,” the report notes.

Metrolinx continues to allow the contractor to bid for work, the report says.

In the past five years Metrolinx has completed 520 construction projects which cost $4.1 billion. Over the next 10 years they will spend $27 billion on new public transit.

(Clearly this Metrolinx business is a MASSIVE conflict of interest in which people who are working for govt in various generally EXTREMELY well paid capacities also get to VOTE for a LIE-beral govt that will look the other way and not see potential FRAUD in their departments!)

The audit raises concerns about deals Metrolinx strikes with CN and CP railways to use or build track. It found that the agency does not have “adequate processes” in place to consistently ensure value for money in these deals with the railways. It has also been paying “excessively high” mark-ups when CN builds new rails.

The report notes that material costs are 60% higher and labour costs 130% higher on work completed by CN for Metrolinx than other rail companies working for the agency, the report notes.

“For contracts with CN and CP, Metrolinx does not know that it is getting what it pays for,” the report says. “It does not verify charged costs; it does not ensure that charged costs are reasonable.”

Metrolinx says during the review period its capital investment and construction costs have more than doubled.

“Metrolinx has taken many measures over this period to continue to improve its controls over this program,” the agency said in response to the audit.

(This tax payer believes it is time for people to be fired-too many govt officials have a far too cosy relationship with the contractors they hire. And there appears to be need for police involvement to determine if there are organized crime figures in the mix? I have a poor opinion of civil servants and their dubious work ethic but one has to ask if they would routinely be as sloppy as Lysyk points out UNLESS there was force and coercion involved as well? We know that Mafia figures have their criminal fingers deep in Quebec govt contracts so who says they are not operating next door in Ontari-owe as well?)

(I recall a news article out of Italy some years back in which a mob figure wanted to buy a piece of property and the owner repeatedly refused various low-ball offers to sell. One day the owner came home to find his distraught wife and teen daughters naked and tied to chairs in his front hall-and then owner received an anonymous phone call commenting on the attractive appearance of mother and daughters and suggesting that next time the women might be the star `entertainment` in a wild party for some `good fellas` UNLESS a deal was struck! The article went on to suggest that such sales `persuasion` was increasingly common in Mob ruled Italy-and the cynic has to ask: “is such thuggery operating here and helping rig govt contracts? And isn`t it unfortunate that prime minister Justin Trudope-Our brainless Boy has brought in all those potential Syrian security threats and made so much work for our cops-keeping an eye on future Jihadists- that they don’t have time to chase Mafia assholes and maybe save Metrolinx from utter disgrace and extinction?)

(I ask: “have we been ENTIRELY ABANDONED by our govt and left to the financial wolves?” Sadly the answer seems to be YES! LIE-beral need for purchased votes apparently TRUMPS any and all other considerations!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Envier and rancorous!
So in spite of you, it is not dying :D

Here is a story illustrating just how convoluted it is-and often outright IMPOSSIBLE- trying to get anything done at Toronto Socialist Silly Hall.

Former Toronto Councillor and one time front man for the Rob Ford plan to extend the Shepard subway line has attacked the Toronto Sun for its stand on extending the Bloor/Danforth subway to Scarborough Town Centre. I present the letter from Chong, along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Sun blew it on the Scarborough subway. By Gordon Chong. First posted: Saturday, July 23, 2016 07:22 PM EDT

“The Little Paper that Grew” surprised and disappointed me recently with two editorials endorsing Toronto Mayor John Tory’s proposal to extend the Bloor-Danforth subway to the Scarborough Town Centre.

This instead of the LRT that has a signed agreement still in force with funding in place. Although the final “package” approved made the extension more palatable, it remains to be seen how much of it will actually proceed.

(Chong ignores the ugly reality-that the LRT will move MANY LESS people per hour than a subway-and at a SLOWER pace than a subway and that the LRT will MESS up existing traffic by taking away parking on main streets and this will harm local business-AND THE TAX BASE THE CITY NEEDS! And LRT will also take lanes away from cars thus reducing traffic flow. This is simply BAD social engineering and all part of the ill considered War On Cars! The LRT is a MODEST improvement over existing services while a subway is a MAJOR ADDITION and MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT since it will operate in its own right of way and not interfere with other transit such as street level busses and cars! And although it has a three times higher cost it ALSO HAS a three times HIGHER service life-with the ADDED bonus of carrying MORE people than LRT!)

My initial reaction turned to dismay when I read the more thoughtful editorials in the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail – especially those in the aftermath of the council vote. They were considered, detailed, and had not been worn down by the marathon of transit decisions, re-considerations and flip-flops.

Having been a fan, friend and supporter of the Sun since its inception in 1971, I was saddened over what I perceived to be a betrayal of its roots and the principled, conservative perspectives of its founders.

(I suggest that Chong himself is in denial of reality! An extension of the Shepard subway will result in major NEW riders coming in for the already over crowded Young St line. An extension of the Shepard line is not practical without that long planned for north/south relief line that has been talked to death by politicians. An extension of the Bloor line allows those people who are heading downtown to get onto either the Young or University lines-thus limiting the new pressure on the already overloaded Young line. Sun writers are simply giving into reality-there is No money for either a Shepard line OR a Bloor extension! But the Bloor extension might be a little more practical and easier to do. City Hall dreamers must understand that REAL action is not just needed-it is GROSSLY OVERDUE!)

Its two superficial editorials did not live up to those standards. On this issue, the Sun cheapened its reputation as “Toronto’s Other Voice”. It was merely another impulsive, cavalier Toronto voice. In its July 10 editorial, the Sun claims the extension is a “logical extension of the Bloor-Danforth line”.

It is not. It is a “nice to have,” but not a “need to have” extension. The Sheppard extension in both directions is a more logical one.

(Chong is dreaming in technicolour if he thinks there will be ANY extension of Shepard line-it probably won’t happen in his LIFETIME! NOR in the lifetime of his GRAND CHILDREN! Nor any extension of the Bloor line either! City Hall is stony BROKE and any seeker after transit news will be restricted to viewing fancy plans dreamed up by deluded Hogs who think that we will be satisfied with grand transit IDEAS that wont happen in our lifetime! Ad executive shills selling toys on Saturday morning kids cartoon shows present more truth and reality than Metrolinx transit plans!)

Downtown councillors along with planners -including celebrity chief planner, Jennifer Keesmat- have repeatedly called the short operating section of the Sheppard line “bad planning” because it is underused. It does not take a genius to realize it is underused because it is unfinished. It is supposed to go from the Scarborough Town Centre to the North York and Etobicoke Civic Centres.

That is the real “plot to deny Scarborough residents” who don’t have a subway.
That is the “ongoing culture war by downtown councillors on the suburbs and Scarborough in particular.”

(Chong is either ill informed or deliberately misleading us-there are 22 councillors from all parts of the city-the down town gang does not have a monopoly. But civil service Hogs DO have the monopoly! Rob Ford proved that the city could either continue to supply gravy to Hogs OR it could start on transit improvements. Socialist Silly Hall Loons have decided gravy for Hogs is more important than transit as Hog support is more important to politicians-which is why I have been saying since before Jackass John Tory got elected that there would be NO NEW transit built in Toronto during his term in office! Jackass Tory simply does not have the SPINE needed to stand up to Hogs!)

The Sun also says claims that the LRT option is fully funded are “utter nonsense” which is incorrect, despite Mayor Tory’s insistence that is the case.

A feeble attempt is made to justify the Sun’s position by dismissing the LRT proponents as comparing it “to some mythical transit project in Toronto that has come in on budget.”

(And yet-here we are almost a year later listening to the same gang of fools discussing cancelation of the LRT and the adding of ONE NEW LONE station on the Bllor line and it wont happen either for the usual bankruptcy reasobs!)

Then, it makes the banal observation that “costs always rise in capital projects between the initial proposal and the final cost.” Hardly a strong argument.

(Cost increases ranging from 25 percent to 100 percent are hardly BANAL!)

In its July 13 editorial, “Build the subway, stop the nonsense,” the Sun doubles down and, while acknowledging the obvious increase in costs of both over time, still calls the concern about costs a “red herring".

While I agree that council must “end its dishonesty, dithering and delay,” the Sun has fingered the wrong culprit when it comes to estimating costs.

It is the TTC and other proponents who routinely overestimate costs and still go over budget and miss deadlines.

(That’s odd-current MAYOR Jackass John Tory has stated that TTC staff and planners routinely UNDER estimate costs to make it easier to get projects stated-then hit Silly Hall later with `extras` so where is the over estimating?)

It is ridership estimates that are routinely underestimated and notoriously short-sighted.

(I ask of Chong: “WHO CARES”? The unfinished Shepard line carried twice as many riders in its first year as expected-if you BUILD IT they WILL use it! And they will do so in ways the dim wit planners did not expect! The public thinks and reacts much faster than govt planners and the truth is that it wont much matter in the end whether it’s a Shepard subway or a Bloor line that come to Scarborough-BOTH will be well used. ESPECIALLY once Silly Hall gets its ass in gear and builds a Young St RELIEF LINE!)

The arm-twisting that went into this final council vote was enormous.

I have been involved in the no-holds-barred world of political mixed martial arts since the 1970s both as a manager and politician. I have seldom seen the likes of this match.

It is my fervent hope that the Toronto Sun will find its feisty, but well-researched “other voice” for Toronto again soon.

(Yeah, and when they do they will call Chong ‘yesterdays man’! It is FAR LESS important WHICH subway plan is built and far MORE important that SOME DAMNED SUBWAY GET BUILT!)

(The sad truth behind the Chong tirade is that apparently he believes he is owed money-roughly twenty four grand! Chong was hired by Ford to begin yet ANOTHER study of the Shepard Line-and was told that he HAD A BUDGET-and a tight one at that! But Chong is a city hall pro and all manner of things go over budget at Silly hall and the money is found eventually. But NOT THIS TIME!)

(The Shepard subway was a Ford project and other city councillors took great delight in killing the study-so NO extra allowance for over budget Chong! And nothing for the Metrolinx donkeys who worked with him! Chong and his attack on Toronto Sun represents nothing more than sour grapes! And a certain ill displayed pique that Silly Hall will build NOTHING new while Jackass John is mayor

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
There are only so many gullible rubes to glue themselves to the FOX nonsense. CNN will do just fine. There is something for every part of the IQ spectrum (I watch neither, myself).


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There are only so many gullible rubes to glue themselves to the FOX nonsense. CNN will do just fine. There is something for every part of the IQ spectrum (I watch neither, myself).

LIE-berals live very nicely thanks to the number of gullible rubes out there!!!!!!

After all- how else could LIE-berals get elected without gullible rubes?????

But oh dear me.......the number of gullible rubes willing to support ever greedy and grossly irresponsible LIE-berals seems to be SHRINKING??????????

Our idiot Boy Justin might want to talk to the Wynne-bag about that!!!!!!

And what sort of "sorry- NOT SORRY" crap do you suppose Our idiot Boy will hand us next year after the election?


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
LIE-berals live very nicely thanks to the number of gullible rubes out there!!!!!!

After all- how else could LIE-berals get elected without gullible rubes?????

But oh dear me.......the number of gullible rubes willing to support ever greedy and grossly irresponsible LIE-berals seems to be SHRINKING??????????

Our idiot Boy Justin might want to talk to the Wynne-bag about that!!!!!!

And what sort of "sorry- NOT SORRY" crap do you suppose Our idiot Boy will hand us next year after the election?

In what wicky-wacky universe does the election of Justin Trudeau's LIE-BERALS connect in any way at all with CNN? I doubt that they even reported our election. Most Americans can't find us on a mAP and the outcome of our elections would be utterly irrelevant to 99.9% of them.

Take your meds, for God's sake!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
In what wicky-wacky universe does the election of Justin Trudeau's LIE-BERALS connect in any way at all with CNN? I doubt that they even reported our election. Most Americans can't find us on a mAP and the outcome of our elections would be utterly irrelevant to 99.9% of them.

Take your meds, for God's sake!

Gosh- that IS FUNNY!!!!!

LIE-berals have NO PROBLEM linking Trump to Cdn Conservatives like Doug Ford.......and yet LIE-berl are

GROSSLY OFFENDED if we link Yankee purveyors of Fake News to similar Cdn LIE-beral habits!!!!!

Harper is the most LIED ABOUT leader in Cdn history- with Doug Ford coming on strong as LIE-berals frantically seek some way to poison the public mood against him!!!!

And Ontari-owe LIE-berals are desperate to salvage some vestiges of public respect and support for their FAILED policies! LIE-berals are TERRIFIED they will be stuck in THIRD PLACE FOR DECADES TO COME!!!!!!

Watch for all the old lies used against Harper to be brought out and used against Ford as well!!!!

The war has begun- with LIE-berals claiming Ford has harmed the environment by scrapping the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves the dirt in the air!!!

Here is an old post to remind us of what passes for political strategy amongst LIE-berals- and it also illustrates why current LIE-beral policy is COLLAPSING!!!!

Liberals are so very sensitive about being accused of shamelessly bribing people with borrowed money! Yet for many years they have done dirty deeds with our money. Running the economy into the ground with stupid schemes-THREE BILLION DOLLARS in the Human Resources adscam scandal alone; a couple MORE BILLIONS in the stupid gun registry scam that did nothing to reduce gun crime; just to name a couple of scandals. And half a billion dollars more in penalties to avoid buying EH 101 helicopters simply because they were ordered by Conservatives! And of course a couple of years later LIE-berals had to buy other helicopters- ones that turned out to have major problems with tail rotors cracking and were smaller with less range or load carrying capacity than EH 101- thus needing more trips to carry the same cargo with smaller and more delicate machines!

Liberals were quite happy importing unskilled, ill-qualified immigrants that they could bribe with idiot `multi-cultural grants` and `affordable` housing- just so long as the `new Canadians` voted Lie-beral all was fine. Muslims with two or three wives and half a dozen kids on welfare now living in a country where monogamy (and woman`s rights) are supposedly the law. Anybody remember the scandal around the wife of Mohammad Farah Aideed-the Somalia warlord who sent his wife and a dozen kids- from SEVERAL WIVES- to Canada to live on our welfare while he ran his civil war back home- stealing food aid at gun point from the UN and re-selling it in local black markets and such while the country fell into famine- and with his wife routinely flying back and forth to visit hubby in Somalia- for STATE VISITS! And Lie-berals see nothing wrong with that? Lie-berals have money enough for poisonous snakes like Omar Kadhr and his reptilian democracy hating family but cannot be bothered deporting thugs and goons and terrorists!

Or the war vet pensions that LIE-berals offered to Toronto area Greeks in the 1980`s to Greek immigrants who allegedly fought in the Second World War- except that there was no proof and no paperwork and many of the claimants were TOO YOUNG to have played a part in the war; or should we assume (as Lie-berals apparently did) that Greek two year old children are especially skilled with guns and explosives? But Lie-berals sent our soldiers off to Afghanistan with worn out and obsolete equipment and wearing jungle uniforms in that desert country and then LIE-berals called Conservatives warmongers and careless spenders when Conservatives bought the equipment the army NEEDED to do the job properly-the job Lie-beral Chretien sent them to do! And now LIE-berals are in charge and they are in court fighting over pension money for those CANADIAN war vets- and LIE-berals have conveniently FORGOTTEN their old Greek war vet bribery as they sneer at Cdns!

LIE-berals have also forgotten how they treated Cdn merchant marine sailors- 1942 the ships and supplies had to sail- even though some sailors survived being torpedoed 2 or even 3 times in one trip! LIE-beral Mackenzie King offered the Cdn merchant marine sailors a stark choice: “sail or jail”! So they sailed. And when they heard about Greek “freedom fighters” getting pensions the Cdns said “what about us”? And LIE-berals sneered: “you were civilians”- no military pension for you! Its as if LIE-berals WANT to insult Cdn soldiers?

So with typical twisted Lie-beral logic they assume that Harper and Conservatives must somehow be cheating on a grand scale to get elected- after all- how could the public EVER get tired of Lie-beral baloney and choose Harper instead?

Why are there now complaints about the `fundamental right to cast a vote`? Lie-berals under Chretien quite happily gave jailed criminals and legally committed lunatics the right to vote and election officials looked the other way when un-documented people showed up to support Lie-beral candidates- in critical swing ridings were a few votes one way or another would make a major difference- and Elections Canada did not complain- just so long as Lie-berals were winning all was fine! But now LIE-berals are losing and there must be a stink- and election officials don’t DARE cover up to much Lie-beral bullshit so there are QUESTIONS- for the LIE-beral sore losers!

The two biggest beefs Lie-berals had with Harper and Conservatives? First, he is smarter than they are! And second, he is closing loopholes they have been using for decades!

And the future holds more bad news for LIE-berals! Canada is bankrupt and LIE-berals can no longer BUY civil service Hogs and ethnic voters as needed! LIE-berals are hitting another debt wall and cannot borrow what they need to cling to power at any price! Its why LIE-berals are frantically seeking ways to SILENCE their critics using shameless nonsense like electoral reform that will fragment parliament and ensure no single party can ever regain control- just like in Italy with its paralyzed govt! And LIE-berals have high hopes for their Islamophobia garbage that is a bludgeon that can be used to silence any critic of LIE-beral policy! And Islamophobia will also be handy to silence any Cdn who is unhappy with the way LIE-berals are collecting illegals as if LIE-berals were the political equivalent of the local crazy cat lady rounding up every stray she can find!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
CNN is getting pretty desperate when they are trying to shame Fox into standing up for them LOL

Fox News correspondent John Roberts came under fire on Friday after declining to come to the aid of his fellow reporter Jim Acosta after Trump lambasted the journalist and CNN as "fake news."
"Old enough to remember when other networks came to the defense of Fox News WH correspondents during the Obama years. Such did not happen here," said CNN host Jake Tapper.
"Lesson for the kids out there: no one should ever try to do the right thing with the expectation it will ever be reciprocated."
Tapper's jab refers to a moment in 2010 during a period of heightened tensions between President Obama and Fox News, in which Fox's media competitors warned they they would not tolerate the president blocking Fox News from an interview with a White House official

"In today's press conference, I paused while my colleague from CNN went back and forth with President Trump over a question. When it became clear that the president wasn't going to entertain a question from him, I proceeded with my question, as did my fellow colleagues in the press corps," said Roberts in a statement.