CDN-Economy & Related Factors

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Justin Trudeau not only doesn’t know what a litre of milk costs, he and his government don’t get why this is an issue. Time and again when asked about inflation, Trudeau and his ministers respond by talking about their plan for $10-a-day child care.

Not only does this idea of parents paying just $10 per day for child care not kick in for five years, according to the government’s own plans, it is completely separate from the issue of inflation. Yes, child care costs are high but that isn’t why the cost of gas, home heating, groceries and everything else is going up faster than it should.

In fact, the rising prices across the entire economy will in turn only make the provision of child care services more expensive. This all seems lost on Trudeau’s government, not just his minister for family services, Karina Gould who appeared on CTV’s Question Period on Sunday.

“What in the short term is your government going to do to deal with the inflation crisis?” host Evan Solomon asked.

“Inflation is affecting the entire world right now,” Gould said, stating the obvious.

She made mention of supply chains and increased global demand for goods before turning to the only answer the Liberals seem to have: Child care deals with provinces.

We are signing agreements on affordable child care which is going to make life more affordable for families,” Gould said.

Solomon pushed back on Gould’s evasive answer and pointed to steps the Biden administration is taking in the United States to try to limit cost increases.

“There is a difference, as you appreciate as well as anybody, between the cost-of-living issue and the inflation issue,” Solomon said. “Is there any short-term solution on the table?”

Gould again pointed to the government’s child care plan.

All last week when the Conservatives were asking about inflation, the Liberals turned to child care as the answer. On Wednesday, when Trudeau himself was answering every question, he responded with child care even when asked about the price of food going up.

Lowering child care costs is incredibly important for families with children in need of care but let’s face some facts: That is a small percentage of the population. The Liberal program, which will take five years to lower fees to $10 per day, won’t help people who have no children or older children.

When seniors on a fixed income see food prices go up 14% on average for beef or nearly 9% for chicken, a $10-a-day child care program that comes into full effect five years from now will not help pay the grocery bill. As temperatures drop in our Canadian winter, a child care plan won’t help people looking at their natural gas bill being up 18% while their paycheque has remained flat.

A growing chorus of economists are warning the government that their own out-of-control spending is helping contribute to this inflation crisis and they should take their foot off the accelerator. Trudeau’s response is to answer with more government spending, which will only exacerbate the problem further.

Trudeau could easily sound empathetic to Canadians worried about this issue – and there are a lot of them – but he comes across as cold, aloof and out of touch. That’s dangerous for him politically.

Even his most strident supporters know that Trudeau is a trust-fund baby who has never had to worry about money in his life — his inability to understand that others do have that worry could erode fragile support.

Maybe when his polling numbers drop, Trudeau might finally act.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland have argued Ottawa cannot be held responsible for Canada’s current annual inflation rate of 4.7% — its highest level in 18 years.

That has raised prices for food, shelter, energy, and many other goods and services — often well beyond 4.7%.

(It’s Harper, right? From 3 or 4 terms back in early 2015?)

Inflation, Cross wrote, is the first manifestation of the Trudeau government’s lack of a plan to pay for the massive public debt it incurred during the pandemic and in the years leading up to it.

But Cross noted that while many economists believe inflationary pressures will recede as global supply chains and other economic factors return to pre-pandemic levels, it will take time for any changes to Canada’s monetary policy to impact the economy and, “containing inflation may not be a simple or short process … Shortages of labour, shifts in housing demand and higher food and energy prices will require more than just a brief nudge in interest rates.

“Most fundamentally, governments must find a way to fund their debt, now that central banks are ending purchases of government debt, or the upward pressure on interest rates will intensify,” creating new problems for Canadians such as higher mortgage rates.

Cross said the Bank of Canada will raise interest rates next year to control inflation, after the Trudeau government and the Bank of Canada jointly set a new five-year inflation target in December, deciding whether to maintain or amend the current annual target of 2%.

Anyway, the rest at the above LINK.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland have argued Ottawa cannot be held responsible for Canada’s current annual inflation rate of 4.7% — its highest level in 18 years.

That has raised prices for food, shelter, energy, and many other goods and services — often well beyond 4.7%.

(It’s Harper, right? From 3 or 4 terms back in early 2015?)

Inflation, Cross wrote, is the first manifestation of the Trudeau government’s lack of a plan to pay for the massive public debt it incurred during the pandemic and in the years leading up to it.

But Cross noted that while many economists believe inflationary pressures will recede as global supply chains and other economic factors return to pre-pandemic levels, it will take time for any changes to Canada’s monetary policy to impact the economy and, “containing inflation may not be a simple or short process … Shortages of labour, shifts in housing demand and higher food and energy prices will require more than just a brief nudge in interest rates.

“Most fundamentally, governments must find a way to fund their debt, now that central banks are ending purchases of government debt, or the upward pressure on interest rates will intensify,” creating new problems for Canadians such as higher mortgage rates.

Cross said the Bank of Canada will raise interest rates next year to control inflation, after the Trudeau government and the Bank of Canada jointly set a new five-year inflation target in December, deciding whether to maintain or amend the current annual target of 2%.

Anyway, the rest at the above LINK.

The borrowing and spending all of that borrowed money is causing inflation. But those two buffoons could careless about inflation one bit. They are both millionaires so why should they give a phuk about we the peasants? Let them eat sludge cake while they dine on porter house steak.

They lie, cheat and steal from us every day and yet we constantly take it and allow them to continue on with their contempt towards we the stupid peasants every day. It's downright pathetic on we the peasants part.

But there is no one really to blame except for we the peasants ourselves because we keep voting for these nimrod leftist liberal and communist politicians over and over again. The last election was a great chance to get rid of these communist buffoons, but no, the peasants went a gave the communist buffoon Castro Trudeau the power to rule and run over us once again. The peasants never seem to learn or listen or do they not give a phuk at all?

We the peasants could have voted for the People's Party of Canada and give them a chance to see what they could do. But no, they went and voted for a communist liberal party to give them more of an opportunity to raise taxes, give us more government, and give us less freedoms.

We deserve what we get, or will be getting in the next four more years, which will be more communism for Canada. Believe it or not. (n)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The borrowing and spending all of that borrowed money is causing inflation. But those two buffoons could careless about inflation one bit. They are both millionaires so why should they give a phuk about we the peasants? Let them eat sludge cake while they dine on porter house steak.

They lie, cheat and steal from us every day and yet we constantly take it and allow them to continue on with their contempt towards we the stupid peasants every day. It's downright pathetic on we the peasants part.

But there is no one really to blame except for we the peasants ourselves because we keep voting for these nimrod leftist liberal and communist politicians over and over again. The last election was a great chance to get rid of these communist buffoons, but no, the peasants went a gave the communist buffoon Castro Trudeau the power to rule and run over us once again. The peasants never seem to learn or listen or do they not give a phuk at all?

We the peasants could have voted for the People's Party of Canada and give them a chance to see what they could do. But no, they went and voted for a communist liberal party to give them more of an opportunity to raise taxes, give us more government, and give us less freedoms.

We deserve what we get, or will be getting in the next four more years, which will be more communism for Canada. Believe it or not. (n)
Hey they get a pension . Well deserved they must say .
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

We all should know by now that it will be the taxpayer's of Canada that will be paying the bill and the salaries of those bunch of bozos whom are sitting around the round table with their thumbs up their lazy and useless asses. Those bozos needs to be fired. They serve no interest to Canadians at all. They just constantly blow taxpayer's tax dollars without a whimper. F'n bloody sad indeed. (n)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
They are both from OntariOWE. That is three strikes against them.

Pierre Poilievre should be the leader of the conservative party and not that dumb ass liberal O'Tool. Pierre should join the PPC party. He would feel really at home in that party. I am surprised that O'Tool has not fired him yet. Maybe that will happen soon. :unsure:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We all should know by now that it will be the taxpayer's of Canada that will be paying the bill and the salaries of those bunch of bozos whom are sitting around the round table with their thumbs up their lazy and useless asses. Those bozos needs to be fired. They serve no interest to Canadians at all. They just constantly blow taxpayer's tax dollars without a whimper. F'n bloody sad indeed. (n)
But they are working for their well deserved pension , thumbs come in handy .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I just saw Tiger is going to play again . Better than most .


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
But they are working for their well deserved pension , thumbs come in handy .

Those lazy leftist liberal appointed buffoons are working for a not so well deserved pension, and they are getting a nice salary at your tax dollars expense. They are stealing your tax dollars and are getting away with it. They deserve to be fired, not kept working. (n)

Indeed they do. (y)(n)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Considering they only need to be in office for 6 years to be eligible for a pension. That is disgusting & needs to change. In civilian life, their pension would be illegal!

Our politicians and their bureaucrats are pretty much all just a bunch of thieves, cheats and liars. They get paid very well for pretty much doing frig all. They take our hard earned tax dollars and blow those tax dollars every day with no accountability for what they do with our tax dollars. Castro Trudeau keeps borrowing money like there is no tomorrow and then just blows that borrowed money away on all of his useless communist like programs and agendas that do us no good.

But ask the peasants if they really do care. I say NOPE. If they did this constant borrowing and blowing of our tax dollars would have ended ages ago. It should be seen and treated as illegal for what they are doing with our tax dollars and that borrowed money. The Canadian Taxpayer's Federation can point out as to how much of our tax dollars are being wasted every day by our way out of control politicians and bureaucrats and what they are doing with our tax dollars. (n)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Those lazy leftist liberal appointed buffoons are working for a not so well deserved pension, and they are getting a nice salary at your tax dollars expense. They are stealing your tax dollars and are getting away with it. They deserve to be fired, not kept working. (n)

Indeed they do. (y)(n)
I am not sure how it works , but apparently one working as an assistant to an elected member relieves seniority after so long , when his member retires or losses an election said assistant can keep his seniority and get a position in the civil service at the same salary . If this is the case their must be an awful lot of political actors in the upper management .


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I am not sure how it works , but apparently one working as an assistant to an elected member relieves seniority after so long , when his member retires or losses an election said assistant can keep his seniority and get a position in the civil service at the same salary . If this is the case their must be an awful lot of political actors in the upper management .

There are so many buffoons working for the federal government these days that they must be constantly tripping over each other every day. the injury list must be high. Lol. There are 214 departments, agencies and crown corporations within the federal government alone. A figure that I saw sometime back showed that there were approx. 500,000 employees working for the federal government. Yikes. And that is not even counting all the government employees that work for the provincial and municipal governments in Canada. Would it be safe to say that probably 80% of all of our tax dollars goes to pay all of their salaries?

I cannot fathom the idea as to how much tax dollars it is costing the taxpayer's to have to fork out to pay all those useless government employees salaries. It has to be in the hundreds of billions especially when you take into consideration has to how much tax dollars that they are able to blow every day on so many useless socialist and multicultural programs and agendas. I shudder at the thought. (n)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I am not sure how it works , but apparently one working as an assistant to an elected member relieves seniority after so long , when his member retires or losses an election said assistant can keep his seniority and get a position in the civil service at the same salary . If this is the case their must be an awful lot of political actors in the upper management .
Well, I guess if you're member's retired (nudge-nudge, wink-wink), ain't much left to do but haul down six figures for playing Candy Crush eight hours a day.