CDN-Economy & Related Factors

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
I do believe that comrade Turdeau is trying to bankrupt this country. This buffoon has gone mad in the head and he is trying to take us all there with him. This fool needs to go before we all start to find ourselves looking for a spot in some park to sleep in a tent at night. Sadly, pretty much all of our dear leaders appear to be wanting to go along with this fool. While these fools get to keep their day job there are many people out there that have lost their jobs. But ask those bunch of buffoons if they really care. If they did care they would not be blowing our tax dollars like they are doing today. What is worse is that we the sheeple let them get away with this waste of our tax dollars. I guess that we are the ones who are the real nuts here. The politicians are just taking advantage of our nutiness. :rolleyes:
And yet Trudeau thinks he can win a majority. Time will tell.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
And yet Trudeau thinks he can win a majority. Time will tell.
With the many fools out there I think that there could be a good possibility that this buffoon could win again. I would not put it pass this guy to fix and rig the next election in his favor. Communists like Turdeau are well known for their being totally dishonest. Hey, we never know, eh? ;)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
More bs today about Trudeau being lauded for his fiscal management. No quarterly report going on for two years helps.

Assuming this is the way the US wants it.
The globalist banksters love it. The more money our dear comrade buffoon Turdeau keeps boring from these globalist banksters the more money they will make off of the interest on that borrowed money. Politicians are and create the problems. Then they try and pretend that they are going to fix their created problems. they never do. They continue to make things even worse. The only losers in this bankster globalist borrowing of money game is we the sucker people. :rolleyes:

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
What about bending over and adopting a universal North American currency similar to the Euro? Do it now while the dollar is up as well.

Digital currencies work on a global basis.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The globalist banksters love it. The more money our dear comrade buffoon Turdeau keeps boring from these globalist banksters the more money they will make off of the interest on that borrowed money. Politicians are and create the problems. Then they try and pretend that they are going to fix their created problems. they never do. They continue to make things even worse. The only losers in this bankster globalist borrowing of money game is we the sucker people. :rolleyes:
He learned that from his old man, before Trudeau senior became prime minister the government used to borrow from the bank of Canada interest free.....
This is the story of what Pierre trudeau did..........

Read that and if you vote in a trudeau have to be a mindless lemming!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
He learned that from his old man, before Trudeau senior became prime minister the government used to borrow from the bank of Canada interest free.....
This is the story of what Pierre trudeau did..........

Read that and if you vote in a trudeau have to be a mindless lemming!
It's impossible to borrow from yourself.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Every possible variable works in favour of the banking community. Nothing less tangible in the world than interest charges.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Fri., February 26, 2021, 11:15 a.m. ·1 min read

OTTAWA — The federal government ran a deficit of $248.2 billion through the first nine months of its 2020-21 fiscal year as spending soared due to the pandemic.
The result for the April-to-December period compared with a deficit of $11 billion in the same period a year earlier.
The government says in its fiscal monitor that the unprecedented shift in the government’s financial results reflects the severe deterioration in the economy and the government’s response plan to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Revenue was $207.7 billion for the April-to-December period, down from $246 billion, as tax and other revenue fell.
Meanwhile, program spending, excluding net actuarial losses, rose to $428.9 billion from $230.5 billion in the same period a year earlier, due in large part to the many programs established to help people and businesses during the pandemic.
Public debt charges fell to $15.4 billion compared with $18.4 billion a year earlier, while net actuarial losses increased to $11.5 billion from $8.1 billion.

Canada and America are heading for a plandemic Great Reset crash. Personally, I believe that this is all being done on purpose by the globalist elite to try and bankrupt both countries in order to set up this new Great Reset compliments of the World Economic Forum with Gates and Klaus Nazi's leading the charge. They appear to want to eliminate all cash currency and replace it with digital currency. That way they can keep track of what you are doing with your digital currency. No more privacy as to what one does with their digital currency. I don't know what some men are going to do to be able to pay their mistresses or hookers without their wives finding out about it now. Can one barter with their mistress or hooker? Just wondering. ;)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
He learned that from his old man, before Trudeau senior became prime minister the government used to borrow from the bank of Canada interest free.....
This is the story of what Pierre trudeau did..........

Read that and if you vote in a trudeau have to be a mindless lemming!
There are plenty of mindless brain dead buffoons out there who will no doubt be voting for airhead again in the next election. Crime syndicate leader Teflon Don Turdeau is still being seen as a darling and a godfather too many people these days. Everybody I know loves their Teflon Don Turdeau and his mob lieberals. if one is a conservative well you are shit out of luck here in Chanuckistan. There will be more communism crap coming our way from the dear leader. (n)

There can be only one way out of this Turdeau communist mess and that is to vote for the only conservative party left in Canada and that is the People's Party of Canada. If they do not do well in the next election there may just be no more elections anymore. Hey, we never know, eh? :rolleyes:

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Rogers buying Shaw in a $26 billion deal should boost competition for internet service.

It wasn't like it was going to go any other way though.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The Ottawa strain will create a third wave in late May just before a June election.
If they the people do not wake the hell up very soon viruses and vaccinations will be around for years to come. Our dear politicians just love their ever increasing third wave viruses and vaccines injections. It will never end with those buffoons. It is up to they the people to end this virus madness or else get ready for more bull coming off the assembly virus line. :D
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