CAQ win in Quebec


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
You are wrong. Sovereignty is not on the CAQ agenda. Its policy on sovereignty is to ignore the the debate and simply ''move one'' and take care of more important stuff like economy, health care and education.

You might be right. I'll have to look into that. I do know though that they're not officially federalist.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Does that mean shouldering more of the burden of getting an increase in funding from the rest of Canada?
More private health care, overhaul of seniors' care

The CAQ favours the decentralization of the health-care system and would allow the private-sector to supply more services. It has promised to renegotiate a controversial compensation package with Quebec's medical specialists. The savings, however, are not included in the party's financial plan, indicating they aren't counting on striking a new deal.
They want to overhaul the province's long-term institutional care system (CHSLDs) with a new network of what they say would be smaller, more "humane" homes, at an initial cost of $1 billion.
(in part)
That seems to set things up for Quebec to offer services that are out of the 'budget' of Government supplied HC. I assume those places would be open to people from other Provinces or countries as long as they can cough up the cash. Money that would stay in province while letting Canada pick up the tab for the services the private places don't cover as the Fed can be made to cover those costs.

When a new Government starts rolling back the crimes of previous governments them I will believe 'change is in the wind'. Promises are a long ways from completed tasks and if 'others' don't want the changes to take place they won't. Look at the brexit if you want proof. If the Govt was going to allow the voters to have their way it would have already happened. Manning went to Ottawa full of piss and vinegar, by the end of 4 years he 'was one of the good old boys' that sucks off the Govt tit.

Tax cuts, money for families

The CAQ is promising to put $1.7 billion back into the wallets of Quebecers annually, primarily through allocations to families and a reduction in school taxes. Legault has promised to give families $2,400 per child annually. Right now, families receive that amount only for their first child.
(in part)
The day-care changes would have to be looked at to see how this works as the money the families get might end up in the pockets of day-care facilities that are help along with new clients by the Government itself. Might as well call it what it is. foster care where the parent is the Government.

Cut immigration

Legault has vowed to cut the number of immigrants by 20 per cent, to 40,000 annually. Under the CAQ plan, newcomers will have to pass a language and values test in order to get a Quebec selection certificate — a requirement to stay. Legault says the change would ensure more immigrants integrate into the workforce.
During the campaign, Legault struggled to explain the details of his plan — and the basics of Canada's immigration policy.
Quebec only has jurisdiction over economic immigrants, so Legault will need to work with Ottawa if he wants to reduce the intake of refugees, as well as the number of immigrants who come to Quebec through Canada's family reunification program. Those two categories account for roughly 20 per cent of new arrivals.
(in part)
They want to allow 'immigrants' in where they are defined as being 'financially well off' compared to 'refugees' who don't even own the shirts on their backs and they 'will be on welfare forever' and it is a good chance all their children and grandchildren will also be on welfare as the elite position are the ones who will be getting what few jobs there are.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The election had nothing to do with Trudeau. In Canada the provincial parties are often quite separate from the federal. So far as I know Trudeau didn't even bother to campaign in Ontario, Quebec or in NB either. And he certainly stayed away from BC where the Liberal Party is hardly liberal and has very few links with the federal party. As a result it is unlikely that anyone will lay any blame at his feet.

Quebec's election result was bad for Trudeau, good for almost everyone else


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Newsflash. That was a provincial election, not a Federal one. The Quebec Liberal Party has no relationship to the Federal one. In fact, the only political party in Canada to the best of my knowledge that operates both at the federal and provincial level is the NDP. When you joijn the NDP, you automatically become a member of both the provincial and the federal party. Not so the Liberal Parties. That's right, parties with an 's' because though they share the same name, they're actually unrelated to one another organizationally.



NO CONNECTION ............between federal LIE-berals and provincial LIE-berals.................. says the dispenser of LIE-beral


LIE-beral policy is the same vile crap right across the land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral crap is the SAME AT ALL FOUR levels of govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently HYPOCRITE LIE-berals want us to FORGET how they made our Senate "INDEPENDENT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They just stuffed the Chamber with LIE-berals who had their official party cards taken away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And taking their names off the party rolls magically makes these staunch LIE-berals into what???????????

Non card carrying Aardvarks?

ALL LIE-beral policy is FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are being flushed out of our political system like turds spinning in a porcelain bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Yep most taxpayers are getting tired of the progressive politics sucking money from hard working people to fund the next great injustice.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It does not change my [position that no one blames Trudeau for the election result.


Poor Bar silly SAD HE MUST BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think how it would feel to know that his beloved LIE-berals have very little chance of winning a future election using ANY of their current FAILED policies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at the trouble Wynne-bag LIE-berals are in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What possible new policy can they offer us to win back support??????????????????

Lower electricity rates????????????????????????

Nope- they NEED HIGHER RATES to create a slush fund big enough to buy back the attention of civil service union Hogs!!!!!!!!!!!

They could offer to kill the hated carbon tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh wait.............Doug Ford has done that for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They could offer up lower water rates???????????????????????

Nope- they need gravy for water dept pensions as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No gravy for Hogs means no new LIE-beral govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They could offer up a grand new plan for repairing our roads and infrastructure????????????? is still that problem with GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And given the various nasty scandals surrounding the road paving and bridge building Wynne-bag LIE-berals did- apparently the only business people LIE-berals know are either incompetent or rather SLEAZY and untrustworthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals could offer to get tough on crime for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that would mean turning on all the illegals whose votes they so desperately want to buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals could offer to deal with the homeless mess they have created???????????????????????

But that would mean admitting that mad and endless LIE-beral spending has damaged our economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It owuld also mean having to admit that LIE-berals LIED about our "booming economy"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Resolving the homeless problem would mean rounding up most of the homeless and forcing treatment on them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- those who are mentally ill would get treated and those who are drug addicted would be locked up safely until their physical addiction fades away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals will not make any of these choices regarding the homeless as such choices are too logical to be acceptable to them!!!

Yes- if Ontari-owe LIE-berals are to have ANY CHANCE of winning another election then the party must immediately dispose of all its current members and fully and completely REPUDIATE ALL current LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That old saying about "be careful what you wish for applies to LIE-berals"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They wanted power and wanted to lead- and they got their wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now, by showing us exactly what they are and what they stand for - the LIE-beral party has committed political suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can the LIE-beral party MAGICALLY transform itself after being publicly exposed as being poisonously WRONG in everything???????????

David Copperfield could not pull off such a magic trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS I said back in 2015- Our idiot Boy will be performing a political magic trick that makes our jobs and money disappear- but because he does not understand the trick- the jobs and money WILL BE GONE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never to reappear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Anyone thinking the Fed. Libs. were not active in this election has their head in the sand, the article pointed out the Fed. Cons. were actively campaigning for CAQ. will the Fed. Libs. admit to it of course not they lost.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Anyone thinking the Fed. Libs. were not active in this election has their head in the sand, the article pointed out the Fed. Cons. were actively campaigning for CAQ. will the Fed. Libs. admit to it of course not they lost.


PGS bills himself as a FREE THINKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That means NO CHARGE for his foolishness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He actually thinks that Cdns should imitate the collapsing, bankrupt, chaotic and mafia haunted ITALIAN GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT A MAROON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elmer Fudd could run PGS into the ground in a debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider WHY LIE- berals are so hot for electoral reform in Canada:

We should greet-with cynical amusement-any pronouncement by our prime minister- that brainless Boy Justin-regarding his interest in democracy and fair play. He is clearly only interested in RIGGING democracy for his own benefit. Consider the mischief he may do with electoral reform and the concept of the “ranked ballot” , combined with his stated insistence that he is a staunch feminist-and as such he insists that we ought to reserve half the seats in parliament for women.

Under the electoral ranked ballot system we voters will pick our 3 favourite candidates-with number one being our first choice-etc-to number 3 being least interesting. Its all very well if there is a clear winner of one party or another. But what happens when the vote is split several ways? WHO COUNTS the ballots? We live in a time of corruption! Does anybody recall the PUBLIC MESS that ensued after George W. Bush was apparently elected the first time in Florida?

The Great Republic was torn and tangled as lawyers argued over which critical Florida ballots to count? And which to throw aside as somehow spoiled or invalid for some bullshit reason? Do we want to imitate a ballot system that is so complicated that it takes frickin` LAWYERS to decide who wins or loses?

And what of the Russians and their alleged hacking of the Yankee election that put Don Trump in charge? LIE-berals think trump is a fraud-and yet want to have a fraud HERE! For the sake of peace, for the sake of honesty, we MUST have a system in place that is NOT hack-able, and that is NOT at the mercy of stinking lawyers! This means we MUST NOT go down the road to the Yankee system. PAPER ballots with CLEAR choices must be used for honest elections. Given the MASSIVE debts run up by LIE-berals and adding the fantastic pension promises made to Hogs in exchange for Lie-beral power, the next set of elections in Canada will be CRITICAL for the future of our country and we MUST have confidence in the results.

Now–consider how we will decide to ensure half our parliament will be female-as Our brainless feminist Boy desires? Will we set aside a certain number of ridings and decree that they MUST elect a female? Or will it be the whim of LIE-beral govt to decide who gets the female candidates regardless of who is first on the ballots? Even if that female is listed as second or third or seventh on a ranked ballot of preferences? Must some of us simply accept a female MP and SCREW any other choice regardless of public preference?

What happens if a male candidate is the popular choice but there are no seats left for men? Must we accept an inferior, less popular female candidate because OUR brainless Boy Justin has ordered it? This ranked ballot crap cuts both ways. Flora McDonald was finance minister under LIE-beral Lester Pearson in the early 1960`s-if memory serves- and what happens if a latter day Flora is the popular choice and is told: “sorry, all the seats for women are taken” so get lost?

And what happens if the popular choice in a riding is for a man from one party and the only available parliamentary seat left is for a woman-and the ONLY female candidate in the riding is FROM ANOTHER PARTY? Do we shove aside the popular choice of a man from the winning party in favour of the lesser party candidate simply because it`s a SHE? Can we still call it democracy if LAWYERS are picking through and counting our ballots and govt is telling us what party members are acceptable TO THEM based on gender?

We already have enough questions about the legitimacy of our elections. Does nobody remember VOUCHING? That odious system where unknown people with no legitimate documents would show up at a polling station and demand to be allowed to vote at critical times when the candidates are separated only by a small number of votes. And the people who DECIDE who gets to vote are HUGELY BIASED civil service Working Family Hogs-who DEMAND raises in pay in exchange for putting LIE-berals in power?

The Hogs are already locked in a GROSS conflict of interest in that they have been consistently voting LIE-beral in exchange for solid gold pensions, pay and perks of office! The conflict of interest is so glaring that LIE-beral premier McWynnty stood in front of a pack of teachers, right after becoming premier after Dalton McGinty abdicated, and swore she would do whatever it takes to regain their trust-and that HOG TRUST IS BOUGHT with gravy! And its worth recalling WHY McGinty abdicated-he had tried to rein in insane govt spending by imposing TIGHT contract/salary and pension restrictions on Hogs and got driven out of office for his temerity!

And now McWynnty is walking the tight rope-having promised rich gravy to Hogs in the last election-gravy she DOES NOT HAVE! She owes OSSTF/our high school teachers about 55 BILLION DOLLARS which we DON’T HAVE-and there are 18 other civil service unions she owes money to as well-she must pay them all or be destroyed-just like Dalton McGinty!

Hogs work hand in glove with LIE-berals to get around election spending rules-its why our premier McWynnty is now quietly altering the election spending rules to prevent angry Hogs from turning on her and bombing HER with Attack ads-if she cannot come up with the gravy Hogs are demanding! And sadly for her, she is failing badly in the gravy supply business!

The people running our elections are Hogs and if one has a complaint about fairness during an election then one must seek justice-FROM A HOG! If a CEO of a corporation was offering such bribes-meaning better pay for his workers in exchange for Conservative votes and election of Conservative candidates, we are assured that LIE-berals would scream the house down! And yet these despicable hypocrites expect us to sit quietly while they rig our electoral system in THEIR FAVOUR?

Worst of all, LIE-beral style electoral reform HAS been in use in Europe for decades so we know how well it works! It’s a blueprint for chaos! The deficits run by govts with proportional representation of the sort LIE-berals want to stick us with-routinely run deficits about 30 percent larger than ours! And they have a substantially larger civil service that routinely votes to kill any party that wants to rein in spending and privatize services in order to reduce the union feather bedding and gross entitlement that is so much a part of modern govt! Under electoral reform our national hen house will be guarded by FOXES!

And what of LIE-beral hiring practices for Hogs? Its been several decades since LIE-berals decided to TARGET govt hiring for minorities and immigrants so our civil service will “reflect the public it serves” which translates into NO MORE WHITE MEN ALLOWED! Our wretched LIE-beral govt has ensured that a good many Hogs will have a chip on their shoulders regarding the main society-and likely wont give a shit if it suffers financially!

We cannot afford more this LIE-beral crap, social engineering and fiscal manipulation!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You are assuming things that are not so .


Socialist airheads do like to work together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just consider the kind of future that LIE-berals. NDPers and Greens will make for us if we give them a chance::::::

Here is an article illustrating the deceptive values that Green Party airheads and double dealing LIE-berals and their less intelligent NDP cousins are trying to sell us as they pretend to deal with global warming and environmental degradation- while they PROFIT from their double dealing!

WE now have ample proof that carbon taxes ONLY clean cash from wallets and leave the dirt in the air- thanks to 15 years of European experience!

Greens, NDPers and LIE-berals are all trying to sell us the same poisonous”vision” of a wonderful carbon free future- without the bother of admitting cost and consequences of all that we will do without if their vision is even partially realized!

All loonie leftists groups- led by LIE-berals- have offered climate efforts that thus far have centred on ways to extract cash from wallets rather than cleaning dirt from the air! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Bold Climate Action. Because we live here.

(Greens are very fond of recycling LIE-beral talking points!)

Climate change is both the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity that Canada has ever faced. While the consequences of failing to address climate change would be catastrophic, our transition to a green, sustainable economy will create good local jobs, shorter commutes, more livable cities, and cleaner air and water.

(What a truly wonderful utopian delusion these Greens/LIE-berals are selling us! Too bad 15 YEARS of European experience indicates that LIE-beral style climate action KILLS 2.5 jobs for each green job their carbon scams create! Tesla Motors is the poster child for LIE-beral style carbon efforts- sucking up massive govt grants at every turn while remaining utterly unprofitable!)

(And what are we to make of Elon Musk- the chairman of unprofitable Tesla Motors being hauled in front of a Securities and Exchange Commission over his claims he would privatize Tesla and buy back its shares at a price WAY ABOVE current market value? Govt agents have fined Musk $20 million dollars and canned him as Tesla chairman!!!!!!)

(Should we ask if Musk is delighted to be removed as chairman? A cynic might suggest that Musk deliberately meddled with his stock prices in order to get some quick cash for his supporters?)

(After being dumped as chairman, would Musk then have the opportunity to BLAME OTHERS for a possible Tesla bankruptcy since he was no longer in control? Was stock meddling an easy way to shift blame? A cynic would see skullduggery in this stuff!)

(What we do know is that LIE-berals and Greens think we should be FORCED top buy LIE-beral electric Toy cars! And again- a cynic would note that Wynne-bag LIE-berals offered up subsidies only to Tesla- and a cynic might easily conclude that LIE-berals want to get rid of Detroit based auto makers entirely- this would meet up with their stated aim of making Canada carbon free- at ANY PRICE!)

(This is the ugly secret of the grand new green economy- that it KILLS old style jobs- and the new green jobs VANISH unless govt subsidies are offered regularly and on a lavish scale!)

(As for our green future offering shorter commutes- there is another mouldy green DREAM! For 40 years- LIE-berals have been fighting to destroy the Cdn dream of owning property! LIE-berals want to turn us all into renters- living in little boxes jammed into the city! The Toronto master plan calls for adding another MILLION people to the city- apparently without the bother of building ANY NEW TRANSIT!)

(LIE-berals see no reason to waste THEIR GRAVY on new transit when all economic indicators reveal that so many of us will end up unemployed anyway! WE can walk or bicycle if we find any need to go outside in future!)

(And since most jobs will be temporary and part time we will have lots of time to shuffle onto our overloaded and worn out public transit! So what if it takes 3 hours to get anyplace- we will be semi employed with lots of free time anyway!)

Our plan is to move to the virtual elimination of fossil fuel use in Canada by mid-century. Our short-term target is 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, while we are calling for 80 percent reductions below 1990 levels by 2050. These are ambitious targets, yet the scale and urgency of this challenge demands nothing less. As Canadians, we will rise to this challenge and, in doing so, create a strong, stable, and prosperous economy today and for our children and grandchildren tomorrow.

(LIE-berals really expect us to believe they can eliminate 40 percent of our fossil fuel use in SEVEN YEARS- by 2025! We know that fossil fuel use is actually RISING!)

(WE know that LIE-berals are funneling ever larger amounts of gravy to our civil service union Hogs so they can maintain or even expand their carbon foot print! Since one employed Cdn in three works for govt- it means that ONE THIRD of our entire population is IMMUNE and unresponsive to LIE-beral carbon crap! Working Hogs will continue getting grand new shipments of gravy and retired Hogs will have their solid gold pensions refilled- their carbon foot prints will remain large- or even expand!)

(All Hogs are IGNORING requests to reduce their carbon foot print! Hogs FEEL ENTITLED to spend their money as they please- so ALL LIE-beral carbon scams will fall squarely ONLY on ordinary people- never on LIE-beral PALS!!)

(LIE-beral carbon reduction efforts are a replay of their health levy SCAM! Ontari-owe LIE-beral Dalton McGinty brought in the health levy- and “ITS NOT A TAX, HE THUNDERED”- as a way to “save” our health care system that had been badly damaged by NDP premier Bob Rae and his efforts to make us rich with borrowed money- and then further damaged by LIE-beral prime minister Chretien who hit the federal debt wall and solved his fiscal troubles by GUTTING federal transfer payments to Ontari-owe premier Harris- the hated enemy of LIE-berals!)

(And the key element in the LIE-beral health levy was this: ALL CIVIL SERVICE HOGS HAVE their health levy paid by govt! Yes- not a single union Hog pays the health levy- one third of the population EXEMPTED from helping to “save our health care”! And now LIE-berals play the same silly games with carbon! AT OUR EXPENSE- as usual!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I am assuming that you don't know anything so you rely on BS and bluff to support your posts.
Whatever . You are obviously the smartest most well informed member of these forums . To bad most of what you know isn’t true . You stated most political parties in Canada are separate from there provincial counterparts , I said really , and you go off on me about where and when Trudeau campaigned for provincial liberals . I had not mentioned our PM in that vein at all . I stated That most Canadians didn’t vote for Trudeau , which you took as saying I support changing our voting system .
You put words in my mouth , misinterpret my posts and have the audacity to question my intelligence.