Canada's top soldier in Afghanistan relieved of duty


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
As the discharge of his weapon was, in these circumstances, a contravention of the National Defence Act—not to mention the fact that the discharge was made just next to General Walter Natynczyk C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D., the Chief of the Defence Staff—he can count himself lucky that he wasn’t thrown out of the Canadian Forces altogether (the maximum penalty under the Act for such an accidental discharge).

I nonetheless thank Brigadier General Daniel Ménard for having served the people of Canada in a position of such high responsibility; surely our continued success in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will have been, at least in part, due to a good deal of strong management and coordination on his part. Everyone makes mistakes, and it looks as though the brigadier general is going to be owning up to them with integrity.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Canada's top general "accidentally" fires a weapon? If the top general is not competent to fire a weapon, I don't know who is. This whole affair sounds like it is right out of Monty Python.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canada's top general "accidentally" fires a weapon? If the top general is not competent to fire a weapon, I don't know who is. This whole affair sounds like it is right out of Monty Python.

I think he just wanted "out".


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Unless you've attained a fairly high rank, it might just get you a spell in the brig......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
That doesn't sound as appealing as 'forced retirement'. lol I wonder whicg corporation he migrates to.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
looks like he was a bangin a female staff member..... bet his wife is just over joyed with this revelation.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
As the discharge of his weapon was, in these circumstances, a contravention of the National Defence Act—not to mention the fact that the discharge was made just next to General Walter Natynczyk C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D., the Chief of the Defence Staff—he can count himself lucky that he wasn’t thrown out of the Canadian Forces altogether (the maximum penalty under the Act for such an accidental discharge).

I nonetheless thank Brigadier General Daniel Ménard for having served the people of Canada in a position of such high responsibility; surely our continued success in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will have been, at least in part, due to a good deal of strong management and coordination on his part. Everyone makes mistakes, and it looks as though the brigadier general is going to be owning up to them with integrity.

He will be investigated and if found to have engaged in a relationship as described he and the other person can be subjected to a Courts Martial - For Jnr NCO's you can accept the Commander's Punishment ( normally a CO) or got to a Courts Martial as is your right-

As he is a Senior Officer it will be a Courts Martial.
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Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
As the discharge of his weapon was, in these circumstances, a contravention of the National Defence Act—not to mention the fact that the discharge was made just next to General Walter Natynczyk C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D., the Chief of the Defence Staff—he can count himself lucky that he wasn’t thrown out of the Canadian Forces altogether (the maximum penalty under the Act for such an accidental discharge).

I nonetheless thank Brigadier General Daniel Ménard for having served the people of Canada in a position of such high responsibility; surely our continued success in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will have been, at least in part, due to a good deal of strong management and coordination on his part. Everyone makes mistakes, and it looks as though the brigadier general is going to be owning up to them with integrity.
"Owning up' to them means coming forward BEFORE anyone knows. He discharged the weapon in front of everyone - it was a no brainer that he's screwed up and yes, he said he did it and made no fuss when he was court martialed and fined.
But this? This was shear stupidity and such a betrayal. Kandahar is like a small town - everyone knows everyone else's business - and where the hell did they find the time? Average work day (and yes, for General Officers as well as everyone else) is 16 - 18 hours!
It's the end of a promising career - and good thing. His wife can - and will - deal with his infidelity, but the rules say no relationships while in theatre.
For the ones who will say that it's a long time to be alone - it's not for the whole military career - just 6 to 9 months, for pete's sake! I'm glad he was called back and relieved of his command - it shows that the system works. It's a system built on order and respect, and I have (and I wouldn't have had) any respect for a superior who on one hand played fast and loose with the rules and yet expected everyone under his command to follow them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This is a stupid rule that he broke. Even married couples serving in the same area are not supposed to sleep together. Must have been dreamt up by some catholic preacher. Not sure if they are allowed to visit the local brothel or not. From the people I know that have served overseas this rule is broken every day(night) by the lower ranks.Why else would they have mixed forces?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
This is a stupid rule that he broke. Even married couples serving in the same area are not supposed to sleep together. Must have been dreamt up by some catholic preacher. Not sure if they are allowed to visit the local brothel or not. From the people I know that have served overseas this rule is broken every day(night) by the lower ranks.Why else would they have mixed forces?

It is not as common as you think - I know of one rumor where a Major and a Cpl were supposedly having an affair ( Both were married) - Many people jumped on that as the God's Truth shall we say - Months later it was discovered she was having an affair with another married Cpl -