Canada's oil imports from Saudi Arabia on the rise

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I guess that a West that wishes us to "freeze in the dark" is not a very reliable source of energy.
Better to get it from an absolute monarchy.
Most of us get it from overseas. About a quarter of Canada gets Canadian oil, if that much even.
Madagascar is a more secure source then the blackmailers in Alberta.
Anywhere but Western Canada .... unless you want to freeze in the dark, some day.
I keep seeing it spouted daily/weekly by mean spirited Westerners and one has to conclude that "Let them freeze in the dark" is a widespread sentiment in the West and therefore, should be anticipated and planned for. Western blackmail? Why construct a national infrastructure that leaves us vulnerable? Most of us live in the East. We have alternate sources. Why take the chance?
As far as "context", King Ralph was a paedophile piss tank but his message was really popular out in Yahooland.
We don't have to buy your energy. We didn't used to.
The Western Separatists have a huge marketing problem on their hands, We can easily boycott energy from the West and bring it on from other directions as we often have in the past and you're left selling it to the US at 50¢/$ forever more. Not a drop will go to China and you've just defeated yourselves.
"Spoken like a part-time Patriot of convenience"
I was thinking the exact same thing about you. You can threaten and insult Eastern Canada all you want (where more than 2/3rds of Canadians live) because, face it you believe that you're better than us" and it's what we deserve, being those lesser Canadians from the East.]
tThat' right!
Fit in or fukc off, traitor.
You are creating your own bad vibes by trying to blackmail the majority of Canadians.
There isn't one member of my family that is so lowly a toothless hillbilly as to even contemplate allowing anyone to freeze in the dark.
Only you lowlife white trash would even consider such things.
Hey look!!
Just like Alberta turning off the gas and oil!
The Republic of Albertachewam's first big ally!
I"be seen it posted on here repeatedly by your fellow travelers. Western separatists still believe in it.
You want to get us hooked on your products so that your minority can leverage power over the majority.
Western Europe has the same problem with their reliance on Russian oil. A hostile source will turn on you at anytime.
We need to buy our oil from friendlier places that won't hold us hostage.
By the way, the moratorium on offshore drilling includes all drilling and exploration in the huge Gulf of St. Lawrence and indications are that there is a shit pile of oil down there. Quebec could be an oil giant if they cared to suspend it.
But you wouldn't hear about that part because you're all sad, pathetic VICTIMS of Quebec.
He's an industry schill.
If he lived in Durham, he'd be selling us the positive health effects of smoking Menthol.
Read the above posts about Quebec and the East getting what it deserves, yadda, yadda.
Alberta is hostile to everyone to the East and West of it.
Boycott Alberta petroleum products. Both coasts can get them from elsewhere.
We have to choose between two evils .... buying our petroleum from Britain/Norway/Nigeria/Mexico/Venezuela/USA/North Africa/the rest of Arabia and the Saudis ... or from an Alberta that hates Canada.
Until we see the last of the indignation towards Eastern Canada that the West feels because the price of oil tanked world wide and because the East isn't wing-nut social conservative and therefore not up to snuff, it's a fair assumption that Albertans hate the rest of us.
You're not a cuddly one, are you? Do you think this above is perhaps part of the reason for Western Alienation? Is your mentality new (?) or has it been around for a while? Did you inherit it along with your inferiority complex?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Open minded how? Just curious.

Ron, it just seems to me that Petros and others have such this negative attitude to anyone east of Manitoba, that they wouldn't dream living anywhere else.

Like all of us east of Manitoba are evil or corrupt or who knows what.

My point was that I may not "love" the west, but I also wouldn't mind living there either. I'd move for the land, the beauty; the people might have to take time to get used to, or not.

But I don't see that same sense in return. And to me, that's closed minded.

And look, maybe it's just how I was raised plus my own feelings about it all, but Canada is a Canada that exists now. You take any part of it out - the West, Quebec, the Maritimes - and it's not Canada anymore. You've destroyed the country. The country that I think, for all our problems, is one of the better ones out there to live in. So seeing people post almost daily about how the "East Sucks" and "Wexit is awesome" isn't just making me furious for daring to break up the country I love, but also heartbreaking because I can't believe there's so much hate for the rest of us.

All I could reply with was "okay" to a post in "The West Wants Out" Op, because I was that upset over it.

I'm sure that'll be mocked by others; but that's fine. I'm not saying the West hasn't tried hard enough, I'm not giving excuses...

But I'm also a proud Maritimer and you know what, we're just as amazing as the west and you want to destroy my country well fuk you very much.

I'd STILL live out west if I thought I could, even with those feelings because I know not all people out west think like the "Wexiters" do.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Reveals himself too.
He's with JLM and pgs now, far as I'm concerned.
Happy Another-Country's Holiday, Curious!
However much huff and puff they can muster, it wouldn't be a particularly viable one. One crop economies are notoriously vulnerable and that is one of the root causes of this separatist stupidity. They blame their inability to diversify their economy on someone else rather than themselves, though.

Thus is how the cult of the victim sees the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
However much huff and puff they can muster, it wouldn't be a particularly viable one. One crop economies are notoriously vulnerable and that is one of the root causes of this separatist stupidity. They blame their inability to diversify their economy on someone else rather than themselves, though.
Thus is how the cult of the victim sees the world.

They got cows too.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Reveals himself too.

He's with JLM and pgs now, far as I'm concerned.

Happy Another-Country's Holiday, Curious!
Well you have lost any credibility you had , as far as I am concerned . A simple Democratic Party hack .


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Oh dear. Another coward.
They do seem to flock around here.

Yup, just like you Pocahontas..

What I find amusing is that you "claim" to be ex-military and a lawyer living in the USA, yet you spend more time on a Canadian forum defending Canadian unity and social programs..

My take on you is, you are one of those Yankee Liberals who ran to Canada to avoid the draft.. a Hippie Draft Dodger.

Sure you brag about being something you're not, with no proof.

At least provide a photo of you in uniform, your lawyers degree.. otherwise your a fake.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yup, just like you Pocahontas..
What I find amusing is that you "claim" to be ex-military and a lawyer living in the USA, yet you spend more time on a Canadian forum defending Canadian unity and social programs..
My take on you is, you are one of those Yankee Liberals who ran to Canada to avoid the draft.. a Hippie Draft Dodger.
Sure you brag about being something you're not, with no proof.
At least provide a photo of you in uniform, your lawyers degree.. otherwise your a fake.
If only your opinion and demands ruled the world!

Poor you.

As I said to Girth, your beliefs have no effect on my licensing status or my veteran status.

Besides, you're a MAGAhat, and they've amply proven themselves immune to facts. If I produced what you demand, you'd simply declare them "fake" and carry on being an imbecile.

Which admittedly is playing to your strength, such as it is.

Happy Thursday.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If only your opinion and demands ruled the world!

Poor you.

As I said to Girth, your beliefs have no effect on my licensing status or my veteran status.

Besides, you're a MAGAhat, and they've amply proven themselves immune to facts. If I produced what you demand, you'd simply declare them "fake" and carry on being an imbecile.

Which admittedly is playing to your strength, such as it is.

Happy Thursday.
Why do you refuse to talk about Joe Biden .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Y'know, even knowing there are total jerks out in the West, I'd still love to live there, if only for a while. Cause I realize not all the west is full of jerks and there's some damn decent people out there.
Sad that you aren't that open minded.
I need to correct myself. I'd definetly live on the coast of NB or CBI. The people are a huge draw though and I will visit again. I have friends from Cheticamp that used to work here every winter so it's up to me to make the effort to keep contact alive. As you are or aren't aware Maritime people aren't getting any work in the West either.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Ron, it just seems to me that Petros and others have such this negative attitude to anyone east of Manitoba, that they wouldn't dream living anywhere else.
Like all of us east of Manitoba are evil or corrupt or who knows what.
My point was that I may not "love" the west, but I also wouldn't mind living there either. I'd move for the land, the beauty; the people might have to take time to get used to, or not.
But I don't see that same sense in return. And to me, that's closed minded.
And look, maybe it's just how I was raised plus my own feelings about it all, but Canada is a Canada that exists now. You take any part of it out - the West, Quebec, the Maritimes - and it's not Canada anymore. You've destroyed the country. The country that I think, for all our problems, is one of the better ones out there to live in. So seeing people post almost daily about how the "East Sucks" and "Wexit is awesome" isn't just making me furious for daring to break up the country I love, but also heartbreaking because I can't believe there's so much hate for the rest of us.
All I could reply with was "okay" to a post in "The West Wants Out" Op, because I was that upset over it.
I'm sure that'll be mocked by others; but that's fine. I'm not saying the West hasn't tried hard enough, I'm not giving excuses...
But I'm also a proud Maritimer and you know what, we're just as amazing as the west and you want to destroy my country well fuk you very much.
I'd STILL live out west if I thought I could, even with those feelings because I know not all people out west think like the "Wexiters" do.

Nobody is referring to the East coast when we are talking about the East, we are referring to the small area with the highest population in Canada that truly believe that they know what Canada is all about. Anything outside their version of Canada does not matter or deserve any say on what direction Canada should take.

Atlantic Canada falls into the same category as the West IMO treated as a charity case by Ottawa and greater Quebec

It's about demographics. You are a smallish region in population but you want to have political control over the larger portion because you feel VICTIMIZED

Why does Northern Ontario have the same concerns as the West? Why do they want to join the West? Or at least Manitoba vs Southern Ont.?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Ron, it just seems to me that Petros and others have such this negative attitude to anyone east of Manitoba, that they wouldn't dream living anywhere else.
Like all of us east of Manitoba are evil or corrupt or who knows what.
My point was that I may not "love" the west, but I also wouldn't mind living there either. I'd move for the land, the beauty; the people might have to take time to get used to, or not.
But I don't see that same sense in return. And to me, that's closed minded.
And look, maybe it's just how I was raised plus my own feelings about it all, but Canada is a Canada that exists now. You take any part of it out - the West, Quebec, the Maritimes - and it's not Canada anymore. You've destroyed the country. The country that I think, for all our problems, is one of the better ones out there to live in. So seeing people post almost daily about how the "East Sucks" and "Wexit is awesome" isn't just making me furious for daring to break up the country I love, but also heartbreaking because I can't believe there's so much hate for the rest of us.
All I could reply with was "okay" to a post in "The West Wants Out" Op, because I was that upset over it.
I'm sure that'll be mocked by others; but that's fine. I'm not saying the West hasn't tried hard enough, I'm not giving excuses...
But I'm also a proud Maritimer and you know what, we're just as amazing as the west and you want to destroy my country well fuk you very much.
I'd STILL live out west if I thought I could, even with those feelings because I know not all people out west think like the "Wexiters" do.
One good reason we wouldn't live in the east is because it is too fukkin cold. ANother is the distinct lack of jobs. But I live about as far west as you can get and still have (sometimes) dry feet so to me all of you are back east. Or as we shorten it to " Beyond Hope". East of Hope is all a frozen wasteland.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
However much huff and puff they can muster, it wouldn't be a particularly viable one. One crop economies are notoriously vulnerable and that is one of the root causes of this separatist stupidity. They blame their inability to diversify their economy on someone else rather than themselves, though.
Thus is how the cult of the victim sees the world.
From a guy that lives in an area that has only closed factories and retired government employees.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I need to correct myself. I'd definetly live on the coast of NB or CBI. The people are a huge draw though and I will visit again. I have friends from Cheticamp that used to work here every winter so it's up to me to make the effort to keep contact alive. As you are or aren't aware Maritime people aren't getting any work in the West either.

I know a lot of locals who have gone west for work, and have come back home though I've never asked their reasons.

I'm sorry Petros for jumping the gun on the close minded thing.