Canada's Identity Crisis


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
You're a fukked up Libtard.. Glad Scheer will be the next PM and Trump will win in 2020

That just must pain you :lol:
Scheer winning will be a bad thing, Andy is incompetent but his handlers can run him better than Trump.

And calling people Libtards? Are you 7?

Literally explain how being liberal is a bad thing? And not "fukking" use words, political science, facts.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
I'll never understand why any part of Canada would think it'd be a good idea to join the US. Canada has enough things going on with it that are similar to the US that really, what's better in the US?
But in the end, if anyone wants to leave Canada, fine. Go. But I actually wonder just how many people would be left in Alberta, say, if it did leave Canada. Because in the end, I think as much as people dislike Ontario and Quebec, they'd despise being in the US more.

Agreed, I'd leave before getting dragged down to that level.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It's funny how some of your fellow c.u.n.t.nadians here, not long ago, were so adamant to defend us despite the evils we have done all over the world! It is high time that we show you these evils! You miserable c.u.n.t.nadians bitch!
We will burn your cities down to the grown along with all of you! Let's see if your euromaster comes to the rescue this time!
You can't even keep a kangaroo from ****ing you in the ass. If you ever do come over here watch out for the sheep.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
lol Poor Josh, the dogshyte for brains, is so confused it flipflops around like a guppy out of water and it has the "guts" to say "we" after trying to get other people to carry out what it wants. Now it apparently wants America to wipe us out.
You should have chosen "Major FAIL" for a avatar name.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
YOU WANT WAR!? BRING IT ON YOU F.U.C.K.ING C.U.N.T.NADIAN! You think I give damn about those typical arrogant history you brought up!?
Hey, here is a good way to show us that we don't own you, sever ties with us NOW! NOT TOMORROW, NOT NEXT WEEK, NOT AFTER TEN YEARS, NOW!!
And don't forget, win or lose, I don't care! For as long as I kill as many of you as I can, I am satisfied!
I'll rip your heart out of your chest! You miserable C.U.N.T.NADIAN weasel!
WE OWN YOU! You oughta remember that!
are you a Yank or a Russian?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So c.u.n.t., are you still using Windows on an Intel or AMD computer? Are any of your fellow c.u.n.t.nadians planning on buying another iPhone!? Are > 1,000,000 of you ****s still coming here to purchase products that would otherwise be too expensive in your shithole!?

Aww, how cute, he can name off products...



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
C.u.n.t., you know those things that your fellow c.u.n.t.nadians have been talking about us being the cause of all the problems in the world especially in the Middle East!? Do you think if we exterminated every single one of you because... you know... you are no better than rats... and give your lands to the people that we have harmed, that all would be cool with them? I mean, that's a lot of land after all so... I guess it should suffice!

Oh and c.u.n.t., perhaps you should take me more seriously, less you want a mass shooting to take place in New Brunswick!

And hey, you never know, I could be in the military, law enforcement, a politician who despise all of you to the core and wants you all dead! So perhaps you tread carefully.


I can't take someone seriously who thinks exploding on an internet forum is somehow terrifying. I don't care what you 'could' be. I know what you aren't - believable.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Maybe you should c.u.n.t..

Maybe I drive across the border, stop in a crowded area in your shithole and gun down as many of you as I can. Cops come, I gun them down too, they gun me down, I don't care! Live or die, for as long as I get to kill as many of you as I can, I will die a happy man! Oh and believe me, I would rather choose to die!

Are any of you c.u.n.t.nadians ready to die!?



Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Has anyone reported this crap?

Maybe I drive across the border, stop in a crowded area in your shithole and gun down as many of you as I can. Cops come, I gun them down too, they gun me down, I don't care! Live or die, for as long as I get to kill as many of you as I can, I will die a happy man! Oh and believe me, I would rather choose to die!
Are any of you c.u.n.t.nadians ready to die!?


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Maybe you should c.u.n.t..
Maybe I drive across the border, stop in a crowded area in your shithole and gun down as many of you as I can. Cops come, I gun them down too, they gun me down, I don't care! Live or die, for as long as I get to kill as many of you as I can, I will die a happy man! Oh and believe me, I would rather choose to die!
Are any of you c.u.n.t.nadians ready to die!?
Hey douchebag, I thought it was Americans you wanted to kill so why don't you start there? Or are you just too Allah-damned gutless?
figgered as much
maybe you should go fvck a goat for Allah you stupid son of a stupid goat fuc1<er!
it's your natural calling


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I remembered reading this article that there were clues 9/11 was going to happen several years before but it was ignored....?

Even if your fellow c.u.n.t.nadians start dying? Yeah, you are f'ed up in the head. You must be one ugly c.u.n.t. too!

What's your next sad response going to be!? Post another video? Laugh? Smiley?

Guess that answers your question. You really should watch/listen though; fits you to a T!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Is this how you coped with your abuser, huh, c.u.n.t.nadian?

You probably listened to that video every time your abuser was physically and emotionally hurting you, eh c.u.n.t.!?

Hahaha, did you go to a therapist, c.u.n.t.? Is that what he/she told you to do, c.u.n.t.?

Try harder! Try harder! Really... you're not doing anything but making yourself into more of a fool, y'know.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Hmm, there are actually millions of us... want to stop us...huh? Coward? C.u.n.t.? Go on c.u.n.t., take your best shot before we do.

I mean seriously c.u.n.t., what if... no... when we do attack your... our 51st state, what will you do, c.u.n.t.? Don't tell me you are going to shoot us with your sad posts?

A swift kick in the butt should get you off this record skip you're on :D