Canada one step closer to marijuana legalization


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"Because" is a bit of a red herring. I'd bet there's been dozens "after" smoking a joint! :)

You would loose. Except possibly if someone was dumb enough to try and guard the fridge after a joint or three.

IF there are any murders related to pot it is strictly because it has been deemed illegal. Anything that people want that is illegal brings in the criminal element.Like the government. Definitely a criminal organization complete with an enforcement arm.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How does this effect the testing costs on a hemp farm? Runty plants would tend to be the stuff that gets you high and the tall spindly ones are the heritage seeds to be collected for the greenhouse to multiply for next years planting. The runty plant seeds could be 'donated to the Gov' for their development of medical pot.

You would loose. Except possibly if someone was dumb enough to try and guard the fridge after a joint or three.

IF there are any murders related to pot it is strictly because it has been deemed illegal. Anything that people want that is illegal brings in the criminal element.Like the government. Definitely a criminal organization complete with an enforcement arm.
To cut the costs you could eat first and then toke up. The ritual of having to share a joint is also wasteful and somebody will always be one toke over the line and somebody will be shy of the same line. Smoking alone tends to decrease the amount taken in at any one time and the frequency will end up being the one that keeps you at the proper level.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I am so amazed at why people are so against legalizing this stuff. It has so many healing properties. In another thread, the discussion was about fentanyl and how it's killing people. I doubt if there have been a lot of deaths by "Pot". I would prefer people have access to pot than some of the other stuff, for sure!

My only concern would be the driving although I suspect they'd simply get fined for driving too slow LOL!!

There were a couple of shows on TV about Colorado and their legalization of pot and amazingly enough, there have been no issues at all there. And, there are no restrictions in its use. Cannabis oil is used for children with severe seizures and the people that were interviewed in the shows I watched said that if they went back home (I believe it was Kentucky or Tennessee) they'd be arrested but their son had several hundred seizures a day and the oil reduced them to almost nothing. How can anyone deny a child a better life by saying he can't have cannabis oil? It's stupid; it's selfish, its morally repugnant. People are moving to Colorado in droves because of their openness and new businesses are opening up taking advantage of the situation.

Interestingly enough, because federally it's still against the law, and the sale of MJ is forced to be a "cash" business so the stores can't use banks. An opportunity arose for a retired military guy to open up a business using other retired military people to assist businesses with storing the cash earned on a daily basis. He's using the military men's expertise in ensuring the safety of transporting cash to where it needs to go.

It's quite interesting, really.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
If tobacco weren't legal today, we wouldn't even dream of legalizing it. Marijuana contains twice as much tar as tobacco.

Okay, THC has medicinal value. For that, see a physician and take it as prescribed.

As for recreational marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, and gambling products, fine, legalized them all, but keep them completely out of the public's eye to the extent that most people would need to look for it to find it. For the rest of us, out of sight, out of mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I am so amazed at why people are so against legalizing this stuff. It has so many healing properties. In another thread, the discussion was about fentanyl and how it's killing people.

By all means Dixie, legalize it medicinally! For incessant recreational use (from what the experts say) it's detrimental and can cause lung cancer among other things.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
By all means Dixie, legalize it medicinally! For incessant recreational use (from what the experts say) it's detrimental and can cause lung cancer among other things.

And if we must legalized it recreationally, then severely restrict advertising. Even tobacco, alcohol and lottery tickets are too much in our face.

Make them legal, sure, but keep them out of sight.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
You're an idiot! Why legalize at all. In fact let's ban tobacco and close all the bars and liquor stores too while we're at it. I would hate to see your tender sensibilities harmed by seeing anyone making a decision about these these things without some damn liberal like you to protect us all from having anything resembling fun.

Oh yeah....I forgot how many stoners are out there committing murder every day...:roll:

And my taxes pay for your drug use. Liver sclerosis, lung cancer, etc.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Where do liquor and tobacco taxes go? Parks and Recreation?

They should still be kept out if sight. Those who sell it sell death.

Let's be honest. Legality aside, what's the difference between a tobacco seller and a heroin trafficker?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
They should still be kept out if sight. Those who sell it sell death.

Let's be honest. Legality aside, what's the difference between a tobacco seller and a heroin trafficker?

If you can't figure that out, your opinion on this subject isn't really worth considering.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If tobacco weren't legal today, we wouldn't even dream of legalizing it. Marijuana contains twice as much tar as tobacco.

Okay, THC has medicinal value. For that, see a physician and take it as prescribed.

As for recreational marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, and gambling products, fine, legalized them all, but keep them completely out of the public's eye to the extent that most people would need to look for it to find it. For the rest of us, out of sight, out of mind.
Ever look at the restrictions for a legal hemp field? Fences equal to an elk farm and it has to be off the beaten path. To get the medical grade you would probably need a green house in AB due to late snow and early frosts.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
You're an idiot! Why legalize at all. In fact let's ban tobacco and close all the bars and liquor stores too while we're at it. I would hate to see your tender sensibilities harmed by seeing anyone making a decision about these these things without some damn liberal like you to protect us all from having anything resembling fun.

Oh yeah....I forgot how many stoners are out there committing murder every day...:roll:
Lay off the weed you stumbling bumblin glassy redeyed couch appendage, Someone needs to chain the frig shut when you sleeze yourself onto the premesis stoner.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Ever look at the restrictions for a legal hemp field? Fences equal to an elk farm and it has to be off the beaten path. To get the medical grade you would probably need a green house in AB due to late snow and early frosts.

Rightfully so. But even a hemp, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, or even lottery-ticket shop should not be visible from the street or sidewalk as you pass by.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Imo, recreational use of marijuana is at least as filthy, disgusting, and stupid as smoking tobacco. Don't ever expect me to say anything positive about it.

With that said, good luck with the legalization. I hope you enjoy paying more taxes.