Can an HIV vaccine help aboriginal people in Saskatchewan?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There is a lot of stupid men who buy sex in the Flats who should be getting these vaccines as well.

Aids & HIV are rampant through northern Saskatchewan too. Nasty stuff.
Many (for all intents and purposes) closed communities, where someone
HIV+ head home and sleep with a few people (or many) who sleep with
a few people (or many) and whole communities end up in a bad way.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Aids & HIV are rampant through northern Saskatchewan too. Nasty stuff.
Many (for all intents and purposes) closed communities, where someone
HIV+ head home and sleep with a few people (or many) who sleep with
a few people (or many) and whole communities end up in a bad way.
I know. It's like TB all over again. I'd be afraid if I were young.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
A B.C. reseacher will never find a HIV vaccine and if they do it wont cure AIDS. lol
HIV has been in humans for a long time and never killed anyone unless people start
overusing most popular Drugs, or are suffering from malnutrition.


Cure Aboriginal Over use of drugs and you'll solve AIDS. Its not transmitted sexually sorry to disappoint you. HIV doesn't cause AIDS. But if you want to flush billions of tax payer money
looking for something that is a lie be my guess.

The USA have been reserching to find a vaccine for 25 years.
Why have they not find a cure? cause there not looking in the right place.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
A B.C. reseacher will never find a HIV vaccine and if they do it wont cure AIDS. lol
HIV has been in humans for a long time and never killed anyone unless people start
overusing most popular Drugs, or are suffering from malnutrition.


Cure Aboriginal Over use of drugs and you'll solve AIDS. Its not transmitted sexually sorry to disappoint you. HIV doesn't cause AIDS. But if you want to flush billions of tax payer money
looking for something that is a lie be my guess.
Yes angst. Your word is all it took to rock the worlds health depts on their collective heads...:roll:

It would be your guess. A spelling error, that is so apropos.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A B.C. reseacher will never find a HIV vaccine and if they do it wont cure AIDS. lol
HIV has been in humans for a long time and never killed anyone unless people start
overusing most popular Drugs, or are suffering from malnutrition.


Cure Aboriginal Over use of drugs and you'll solve AIDS. Its not transmitted sexually sorry to disappoint you. HIV doesn't cause AIDS. But if you want to flush billions of tax payer money
looking for something that is a lie be my guess.

The USA have been reserching to find a vaccine for 25 years.
Why have they not find a cure? cause there not looking in the right place.

Wow.....Doctor, do you know anyone, personally, that has died due to this illness?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I hear you Man. I've a relative (who's a Nurse) that I'd love to get in on
this Thread, but she's on vacation at this point for another couple of
weeks. I think I'll Email (or PM) her a LINK to this Thread.
I'm surprised media coverage was limited to just CBC One on this.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Another stupid post. That has nothing to do with what you babbled in the post I addressed.

In that post you babbled something stupid about 'doctored' vaccinations and how AIDS/HIV was a lie. An act I say is tantamount to libelous, ethically reprehensible, dangerous, and outright idiotic.

Not global overpopulation.

Keep trying, each post you make is dumber than the last.

OMG look at you with your big words.
Ok you don't agree with me. so what, go buy yourself a starbuck's coffey.
your brainwashed lol.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The USA have been reserching to find a vaccine for 25 years.
Why have
they not find a cure? cause there not looking in the right place.
Because this one is unique it's so it is easier to cripple compared to other generalized attempts at a vaccine on large scale.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Wow.....Doctor, do you know anyone, personally, that has died due to this illness?

I know of many people that where diagnose with HIV AIDS that stopped using the Prescribed drugs and are still alive now 25 years later and everyone they knew that had Aids that didn't stop using the prescribed drugs died.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If the Govt funds the vacccine, they own the vaccine. What is cheaper? Vaccine or no vaccine? Has anyone without HIV ever gotten AIDS?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
That's what educated people use.

On what topic? You keep flipping them when you get smacked around.

What's coffey?

Ya, that must be why you keep flipping topics.

Ya its called having a conversation. lol dumb ass

If the Govt funds the vacccine, they own the vaccine. What is cheaper? Vaccine or no vaccine? Has anyone without HIV ever gotten AIDS?

Yes cause HIV is not the real cause of AIDS

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I know of many people that where diagnose with HIV AIDS that stopped using the Prescribed drugs and are still alive now 25 years later and everyone they knew that had Aids that didn't stop using the prescribed drugs died.

Years back, a good friend of a girl I was going out with had HIV that
developed into AIDS. It was an ugly thing to see happen to anyone.

This poor dude contracted this illness back in the days when the
"Canadian Blood Services" was still known as the "Red Cross," and
during a surgery, got tainted blood. It happens, or at least used to.
This guy died. Wasted away.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ya its called having a conversation. lol dumb ass
No it's not.

What happened to your asinine claim that vaccines are being doctored?

Oh wait, that turned into overpopulation...

Oh wait, that turned into HIV/AIDS being a lie.

A conversation doesn't jump from topic to topic, just because you get called on your stupid posts.

That's called dodging.

What is then?
The CIA.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
This guy died. Wasted away.
No he didn't Ron. It's all because vaccines are spiked, oh wait, the world is overpopulated, oh wait...

Sorry, it's because it's a big lie.

Thanx for bearing with me, I'm trying to converse with angst.

OK, Gentlemen. Please drop the personal attacks & name call'n.
Thank You in advance for your cooperation.
There's only one person that has made any personal attacks, or name calling, That's angst.

If you gop back and look, I've attacked his posts.