Calgarian man arrested in groping incident at Lethbridge swimming pool


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Muslims? I thought this thread was about the Irish? Isn't
"Wijdan Yasir" a nice Irish name like "Paddy O'Shea"???

In New York we always had a series of jokes which centered among the Irish - that any historically prominent person who made a great contribution to society's good was, somehow, Irish. Mention anyone - Einstein, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, Edison, or whatever - to the Irish that person was and always will be Irish.

We have these hate filled Islamophobes who detest Muslims and use this forum to openly voice their endless hatred. Yet I cannot help but think that the religion they hate, the one they claim is so anti-female, is the fastest growing in the world by far. My understand is that its growth eclipses all other religions combined. And the vast majority of its converts are women - especially white women.

Thus, like it or not, someday perhaps sooner than they may think, the grandchildren of these Islamophobes will be Muzzies. Then you have to wonder, where will all their hatred go? Just WTF are they gonna do with grandkiddies with names like Mohammed, Achmed, Myriam, Yasmin, and others like those???

I cannot help but have a good laugh at them because if things continue to go as they are doing so this will all be an eventuality. Wish I could be around to laugh in their faces when that happens.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Where will all the hatred go? It never goes anywhere. Hatred is kept in pretty bottles, the face of hatred swimming around inside, just waiting to be dumped out or accidentally smashed. Smashed by the thunderous thunder from another Muslim with a backpack full of explosives, blowing himself up for Allah and those virgins.

But see, I don't get the virgin part. They are supposed to get forty of them. Based on the sheer number of Muslims that have been kicking around the planet, The male ones that is, it's just inconceivable that there are enough. You cannot use Christian or Buddhist ones. I mean, try to find a Christian or Buddhist virgin. The priests and the monks got them already.

But I digress.

I think the best thing would be start groping Muslim men under whatever it is that they wear. Those disha dashas or kurtas. The gays got it right. If enough of the men get groped, maybe they will convert to, you know, liking guys of the male type. Then they'll have to kill themselves. Problem solved!

Oh, you an trust your car to the man who wears the star...