Bush-Kennedy Immigration legislation


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
This most recent bit of new legislation really bears watching by the the citizens of the US. The costs stated are proving to be grossly under stated. The initial costs are likely to be in the trillions, not billions as stated. Also the provisions for illegal immigrants would make it unlikely they would ever leave the US because they would not be covered by the provisions in the law if they ever did try to return. This is another bit of terrible sham attempts to fix this problem. The weathy industrialists in the US cannot allow anything to endanger their captive pool of cheap labor. My real concern is that the ideas now seemingly guiding their thinking is, "Why not pursue the North American Union so that the issue cannot be truly addtressed. Without borders how can one be an illegal immigrant?" If passed this will be another contributing factor towards the further undoing of the US financially.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Wouldn't it be interesting to see a general strike by those illegals to bring a little reality to these talks? Imagine the inflation spike as goods were suddenly unavailable while produce rotted in the fields, warehouses and trucks.

I wonder if those overlooked and marginalized bugger's actual needs would be considered?


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
You really bring up an important point. These folks have some clout as consumers and if they decide to go after any quarter they may not be successful but they sure could be the source of some very anxious moments. The entire situation has been encouraged quietly by the large business members for years and they do propsper from a cheap labor market. But now they (through their elected minions) want us to bear the brunt of the economic costs to allow this situation to proliferate for them. We get to pay; they get to harvest the profits. In this scenario everyone but those business entrepreneurs lose while they reap a big profit. There is something wrong with this whole picture.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Today's appearance by Bush, reid and others indicate to me the pressure is on the Republicans to fall in line or else. I'll bet Reid has been threatened with a cloture by the Monority Whip at Bush's direcrtion. I think Reid will fold and run with that threat. i see where both reid and Pelosi are busy opening mouth and inserting foot about a number of subjects which is putting some unneeeded pressure on the other Democrats. This is quickly becoming a big league ball game and I hope those who voted this down to begin with can do so again. If they do vote for it their chances of re-election in many parts of the country will be affected. If this bill passes get set for the middle class to carry the load for trillions it will cost us. And no, the problem will not be solved. It will just get bigger.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
You really bring up an important point. These folks have some clout as consumers and if they decide to go after any quarter they may not be successful but they sure could be the source of some very anxious moments. The entire situation has been encouraged quietly by the large business members for years and they do propsper from a cheap labor market. But now they (through their elected minions) want us to bear the brunt of the economic costs to allow this situation to proliferate for them. We get to pay; they get to harvest the profits. In this scenario everyone but those business entrepreneurs lose while they reap a big profit. There is something wrong with this whole picture.

The reaction being the key stone that sets off a chain of events or not. Very very volatile.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
I am a retired Wild Land Fire agency administrator and my agency is 6,000 strong. During the busy summer fire periods we hire federal contractors who provide us with mop-up crews of akliens. We pay the contractor and I don't know who monitors what or how much that contractor opays his help. But I can attest to the fact that on one arge fire in 2003 we used that ci=ontractor to help us with the large fires in the sounthern california area nd four of the workers were injured badly. One had a chainsaw gash in the upper thigh. We found those folks dumped on an Interstate Highway with no food, water or shelter. we made the arrangements to get medical attention. then I initiated action to charge this contractor with dumping his injured workers. The federal qualifiactions agreement prevented us from taking any action. We were able to arrange for the payment for the treatment and subsequent therapy from donated monies through a church group and I'll bet that contractor is still out there and is putting some serious money on the advancement of this bill hoping it will become law. Not if I can help it. I still have to look at myself every morning in the mirror when shaving and I know I coudn't If I just drove past any injured person. especially under these circumstances. here the gobvernment would prosecute us if we tried that but there agreements with contractors prevent any normal citizen from initiating any corrective action against that contractor. If you are familiar with the Pineros situation in the forests of the northwest then you can understand what the problem is.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Here we are in late June and the bill is still being debated abd deals in the cloakroom are rampant. What we are seeing is powerful politcians and very wealthy business interests trying to set the stge for the American people to foot the bill for their give away programs. they don't care. Most have villas off shore and when it gets uncomfortable for them they retire to that place in solitude on our money.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This is the most rediculious situation for Washington to be in, they can't control their boarders and they can't even stand up to a bunch of illegals, because the allowed them in for cheap labour, and to increase the profits of american corporate farms, and sweat shops.
If the trend continues America will reduce itself to one giant slum, swimming in unemployment and debt and ignorance, wait a minute they're already there


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
I have a friend who is a staff member for congressman dan Lundgern of this area and he told me this morning that the Republican leadership has a meeting with the President and I guess it wasn't the most cordial either. bush told them this isn't over yet and he is terribly disappointed in their lack of support. I heard he was told the amount of Republican dissent is growing and he wasn't happy to hear that. I'll bet it surfaces again but wearing a sheep skin cover. This group is deceptive.