British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
Okay, where to begin. Firstly, the moniker "Asian"(more correctly South Asian) is not synonymous with Muslim. Unfortunately media outlets like the BBC have caused great confusion by deliberately using the term Asian rather than Muslim in their terrorist related news broadcasts. A muslim can be of any ethnicity as it's a religious identity not an ethnic one.Also, to the lady that said she sees muslim men in turbans and long gown pants near her tennis grounds, I am sure those men were Sikh, as the majority of Muslims in Canada do not wear turbans. This type of confusion and automatic assumption that swarthy or brown skinned people are Islamic terrorists will cause animosity from non-muslims and trageic events like the brazilian man gunned down in London post 7/7. The safety of all innocent parties-including innocent muslims-must be taken into consideration. A second byproduct of strictly using racial profiling as a means of security is that terrorists can recruit individuals to carry out their attacks that don't fit the blanket middle-eastern/south asian terrorist image. Chechynans are as caucasian as they come, literally from the caucus region, and Indonesians/Central Asians(Tajiks, Uzbeks), who look east-asian, are just as Muslim as Arabs and Pakistanis. This is an extremist ideology we are all at war with, not a particular race or nationality. We have to work with Muslims and non-Muslims alike to overcome this scourge, otherwise we will create an ideology that is equally dispicable; that of a racialist fear mongering society.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Truth be Told

Hi Guys im new to these forums, Dont exactly register with most Forums out there however These forums have some very interesting topics, including this one so let me just tell you something about "My Country"

First of all Yea im British born and bred. And when it comes to This topic and i see a thew people say things like "Racism not all muslims are like that" i feel as if i should Tell you the facts about what its really like over here, First of all its not like the British people have a voice anymore. we cant say how we really feel outside because we usualy do get people say you racist. and half the time the person who speaks for his country gets knifed or shot.fact is this country is not what it used to be. All countrys have problems, but the main reason Britain has more than most is because shortly after the war Britain became known as "Open arms" Basicly means unlike america we actualy let them into our country to set themselves up change there live's get jobs etc. We dont do what america do with the mexicans and put guards all arround the border to Fend them off. Not that america does a very good job of that seeing as they still manage to get in somehow. Over here in the uk The crime rate is absolutly Terrible. i come from the Border line of London, Essex. This Area where im living including the whole of london has been over-run. And when i say that you have to understand that the danger arround here is immense. ive had 4 terrorists living 1 road away from me. the 4 that were arrested came from Chingford. and thats where i am located, And if you read the news alot you would probaly realise that the 20+ terrorists that were arrested while trying to board a plane from over here to fly to america, are linked directly with them. Not only that but the place i live "Essex" is where the australians originated from seeing as they were originaly british before they were shipped over to australia to start new lives. We have lost half of our people since the australians split and went it alone to another country, The Labour goverment is extremely bad when it comes to letting in muslims etc into this country. instead of making them work they seem to just let them get away with whatever they like. And we cant say a thing about it .. We try and speak up for ourselves but we cant because the fact is there is so many over here if a war ever did break out we would lose our own country and even if america stepped in it would start a giant war between alot of nations. not just one...Some muslims might be nice people we cant go round thinking everyone is alike. But the thing is This Country has become so dangerous now. just giving people a warning please do not come over here. Canadians american everyone alike dont come to this crap hole, Because if you do your either going to be stabbed mugged or killed. its that simple ive seen america's Ghetto's and then i compare that to where i am, and you know what .. there is no difference my country has turned into a bloody Ghetto and the goverment arent doing a thing about it. A few months ago my lil brother who's only 16 was on a train with his mates going up the west end "london" he got on a train hardly anyone on it. just him and his friends and yes 5-6 muslims in the next carriage. when the train departed the muslim group entered the carriage where my brother and his friends were and started talking Nicely to them as if they were best friends. Then one of them asked to see my brothers friends mobile phone's he said sorry mate no can do ive been mugged twice in the past. one of the muslims pulled out a knife and held it to my brothers friends throat and demanded they hand over everything or they would kill him. so natrualy they had to hand everything over. my brothers mate was crying and really upset through the whole ordeal. then just as the train stopped at the stattion they took everything and ran off. They were caught on CCTV camera's and the case went to court. the muslim group never showed up and to this day again like most cases in this country the main reason why they can never get these kind of people is because they dont have id's or anything legal everything is faked, and there not possible to trace. So at the end of the day if youve become attached to your life dont come here. however if your someone who would kindly go on a rampage and liberate my country for the good then your more than Welcome :)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I apologize Daz_Hockey. I didn’t mean it in such an epidemic way. I came off sounding completely wrong. The southern part of England is tolerant, or was tolerant from how I remember it. The people are not racist. Some bad apples now and then. I really meant that sometimes you don’t find people as international as the Londoners which are very multicultural. I worded it terribly. I can see that. There would be enough tourism to have to have a level of tolerance in the south.

I realize now how I came off sounding and I regret to paint any extreme picture. Much the same as when I mentioned rural Canada. I actually live out in the countryside now and people are very nice out here. I just noticed attitudes show a minor difference away from London in thinking. Again a bit less international but that would be understandable.

Honestly, I meant no disrespect. I spent a fair time in Sussex. I loved Brighton. Which reminds me how my old fashioned uncle would gripe about the nude male beachers along the coast.

Us Northerners say that the people of Southern England are soft. We call them "Southern Softies." All the tough, hardy people live in the North of England.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Us Northerners say that the people of Southern England are soft. We call them "Southern Softies." All the tough, hardy people live in the North of England.

"Northen monkeys" - quality Snatch quote

Well, maybe thats true Blackleaf, maybe it isn't.

Go to another country, a good example of this would be the states. When I was over there, I was accompanied by 5 northeners (2 from Manchester and 3 from Newcastle), now strangely enough, according to our American guide, the only recogneisable "English" accent came from me.....a southerner.

what does that tell you about the impact the northern accent has made?...not much.

The South is the economic heart of the UK, not just England.....Scotland will be stuffed without our taxes. Although there are far too many chavs and.....dare I say it....Poles here.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
"Northen monkeys" - quality Snatch quote

Well, maybe thats true Blackleaf, maybe it isn't.

Go to another country, a good example of this would be the states. When I was over there, I was accompanied by 5 northeners (2 from Manchester and 3 from Newcastle), now strangely enough, according to our American guide, the only recogneisable "English" accent came from me.....a southerner.

That's because Americans, who are usually ignorant of other countries and cultures, think everyone in England speaks with a "posh", upper-class, "Oh, I say, dear chap" accent - as you posh Southerners sound to us Northerners - but they don't realise that England has more accents and dialects than any other English-speaking country in the world. They've probably never heard of a Scouse, Manc or Geordie accent. People from one part of the country can find it hard to understand people from the other side.

But go to other countries, like Australia and those in Europe, and they know the different English accents. it's only the Americans, and some Canadians, who think we all speak posh. They don't realise it's just you Southern nancies-boy toffs who speak like that.

Remember that the Industrial Revolution, that made Britain rich, occured mainly in the North of England and left the South virtually untouched. We still have all our huge, Satanic, Victorian cotton-spinning mills. Whilst us Northerners made Britain rich, all you Southerners did was spend the money.

And if there was a fight between a Manc/Geordie/Scouser against someone from south of Birmingham, I'll know who'll come out on top.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Very true, all built with "southern" money.

And just where are those "dark satanic mills" these days eh?. Dead and buried, they'll never return. These days, as all the money from the south has dried up, every big coal or cotton town has closed and the majority of it's citizens has either gone down south or gone to the dole queue.

I'll have you know my town played a paramount part in the British Empire, as big as that of Liverpool. Southampton was once the gateway to the world.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Its not the people thats soft.

Talking about northerners i see, Well thing is i Met someone on the net me and him are like best of mates. He is originaly from Canada, And his family moved into britain just after he was born. They moved up to Derbyshire (chesterfield) Now he was talking about me going up to his house for a week to see the difference and compare the area's. Well i went up there was quite a trip on the Middleland line seeing as the stupid train kept stopping, But when i finaly got up there and he picked me up we instantly hit it off. He showed me everything arround his area gave me the complete history of sheffield Steel and we went up the the coal mines etc. did alot of climbing cliffs also, which im simply not built for so it kinda wore me out lol. Was a great trip seeing as his family owned loads of land loads to do, But the area itself looked very nice but apparently they had trouble arround there. i thought it was just Silly things like people being drunk on the streets etc. But i was Very wrong however .. These Chavs you guys speak about they reminded me of the skum we have down here in london which we call "rude boys" Same personality same skum to be honest, it kinda shocked me, because my family was thinking of moving up north to get away from the area we are in. first we thought of going to Norfolk but apparently its like in the sticks up there, Very far away from the shops and isnt much to see. Ideal tho for people who are retired and want a very quite life however. So we was thinking of moving up to where he lives. But .. He showed me things that we get down here on Friday night. a place in chesterfield called "Clown" Looks like a normal town nice people etc. However the history of the place Tells you to stay away from the Lads arround that area, There at war with each other over the land. And when he drove me into the place on Friday night .. it reminded me of Essex on Friday night, People being Bottled Tarts everywhere to be honest pissed outta there heads. and yea chav city Central. My friend is moving back to Canada in a few years .. and im really gonna miss him because he's the nicest person ive ever met like a best friend sorta. So i was kinda wondering what Canada had to offer in the ways of Jobs etc. Because if my country is going down hill, i would rather be arround Decent nice Friendly people, other than live arround here where my life is threatened.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Ok, Hi everyone, My name is Mog or Mark, whatever you want to call me.

I am Canadian citizen and currently living in the UK, as my friend Blazin pointed out in his recent post.

I will correct a few things in Blazins last post in a few minutes (or lines, just depends how you see yourself wasting your time reading this post). But first let me tell you a bit about myself.

I am from Saskatchewan Regina and currently live in the very upper corner of North-East Derbyshire, and because of this it isn't even a 5 minute walk into either Nottinghamshire or Yorkshire, I am located not too far off from Sheffield (The Heart and Driving force of England). Mainly because of the steel industry.

Oh and this is for the prat earlier who said something along the lines of

The South is the economic heart of the UK, not just England.....Scotland will be stuffed without our taxes. Although there are far too many chavs and.....dare I say it....Poles here.
Very true, all built with "southern" money.

Daz my friend, I think you may have been in the sun a little too long, or if indeed you are from the UK, and by the looks of the time you spend on these online forums, probably not out of the house and in the sun enough, and you can't blame terrorists for that.

Everything that Britain is today was formed and shaped by the areas that I live in, none of the money came from the South, all the Money came from the wealthy estate (land owners) owners from mainly around here in Derbyshire (The North), let me just throw an example or two your way, Chatsworth Estate, Staveley Estate.

You name it, and it was the North who made it, yet it was a Southerner called Maggie who destroyed it all, and I think you know who I mean.

We had Sheffield Stainless Steel, it was world known for its quality in steel and iron, especially during the steam era. Also Cotton Mills down South and up North were all funded by estate owners around here. Coal was also a huge export from the North, The Northerners have always grinded their fingers to the Bone just to keep the southerners happy, its only the FAR Southerners like the Wurzels & Piskys (and no I didn't spell that wrong) in Cornwall and Devon who also work their fingers to the bone, and I have a great deal of respect for those people.

Anyways, it seems I have gone off on a bit of a tangent. So lets get back to the topic at hand.

If you want crime, the crime is North, to somebodys earlier post, I completeley agree, Bradford is almost all Muslim community now, but even that doesn't compare to the community in Nottingham, Nottingham has multiple shootings everyday and is by far the most crime filled city in the whole of the UK, and has the highest Gun-Crime statistics for the whole of Europe.

The only real issue with the problem of Racial discrimination in the UK is the Government.

The government is far too over the top now with political correctness, in a recent survey UK came out as being one of the most politicaly correct Countries in Europe. And no wonder with the government making us have to stop saying Black boards and to now call them Chalk Baords, white boards to marker boards, Postman Pat to Postal Worker Pat. And whats worst is age old nurserey rhymes like Baa Baa Black Sheep being banned from being sung in primary and play schools because some snotty nosed prick from Oxford who never has to work ever because his daddy will pay for him no matter what he chooses to do, decided that the rhyme was offensive to Black People, no sorry wait, thats wrong of me, whats the correct term, coloured people, nope, Oh I know, from Origin of Africa. Whatever ROFL.

I have coloured friends, none of them could give a rats arse about calling a black board a black board, because you know WHY, I will tell you WHY, The Board is Fricken BLACK, thats why. We are not calling it a black baord to take the piss out of black people. We are calling it a Black Board because its Black. I certainly aint gonna go around calling it an African American board for example am I.

Wow this post is getting long real fast.......... lol.

Anyways to correct my friend as I said i would.

He travelled up here on the Midland Mainline not the "Middleland Line"
The rough are is called Clowne, not "Clown" although the majority of the people there do act like they are from a circus, not to mention the fact that Clowne has more prostitutes per square mile than anywhere else in England, lol.

But to be honest Blazin, from memory, you didn't do bad at all ;)

Oh and to the guy who said that his accent seemed to be the only recogniseable accent (think it was you again Daz). I can only assume that your accent was the only one they could choose from, simply because you was the only brit there, or the fact that there was other brits there, but they were mutes, or the people who were listening were infact deaf and could only guess your accent by looking at your clothes.

Lets do this in a nice way to sum it all up


Do I think it was wrong of the family to decide in their heads that they wanted the two Muslims off the plane, no, absoloutly not. In todays society people should be more cautious, even most Muslims understand the fact that they are going to be stared at by everyone just because they wear different clothes and speak differently. Of course they speak differently, they speak another language and come from a different country and follow different laws and religions. But all-in-all we know that the person we look at most likeley hasn't done anything and is probably not connected in anyway to any terrorist groups, but we are still cautious because its basic Human Psychology, its one of the first things you learn in Psychology, every human in the whole world has this, its called the "Fight or Flight" instinct, you either fight, or you run and hide. It seems that the family on the plane saw the two "Shifty" looking muslims, they got nervous, and then the age old instinct of "Fight or Flight" kicked in, and they obviously decided to Fight and have them kicked off. And in doing that the parenting instict protected their child.

Every human has this, and you don't know until it happens to you, so please don't judge either the Muslims reason for wearing leather coats and looking at their watches, and don't judge the protective parents who wrongly acknowledged the Muslims as being dangerous.

Oh and Daz, try holding in some of your attitudes towards foreighners a bit better, bite your tongue a bit sometimes. I am also a Polish Citizen amongst a wide variety of other citizenships I own, and let me tell you that Polish people are very friendly, and also bloody hard workers and most of them are down to earth and bloody genuine lot.

I apologise if this post is stupidly long, and i will most likeley come back and edit it at some point.


John Muff

Judging other, i'm not sure I would go that far...

Hi there,

I saying we endorse their judgment, we are, in my mind, making a mistake. But, in the other hand we don't have the system to believe in everyone's innocence beyond doubts, as the law teaches us.

I don't, either, see myself, going to ask these 2 passengers if we could "talk", so they could insure me of their kindness.

They could, in my opinion, have asked to be changed of flight. But not choking innocent, as it surely was.

As a canadian, I have for my say to send a clear message to the world that nobodies left alone and that there is always someone that will try to take advantage of a situation. The trick is to stay pacific, even if requesting of being removed from a plane may get you in trouble.

To get back to your long story a bit... We can surely say that ALL governments look the same or so... They keep passing hot potatoes from bences to bences until it get cold enough so we can hide it under the table. Immigration is the same. Let's leave them their land. Later divisions may be even more painful.

In my judgment, simple opinion.

Have a good one !!!

John Muff


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
well said.

See it seems John if confronted with the situation would choose Flight over Fight, and ask to be changed to another flight, rather than confront the people he wishes to escape from.

And I myself agree with him, I would find it bloody awkward walking up to two muslims and trying to basicaly put a good scentence together that isn't offensive but which basicaly says "Excuse me sir's, But are you terrorists that plan to blow up our plane?"

As you can understand, something like that may cause alot of offense no matter how well you try and word it.

I think the British couple must have had a lot of the "Fight" in them and a bit less of the "Flight". And thats why they arrogantly had the people removed, but I still think they had valid reason just as i said in the above topic.



Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Hi there,

I saying we endorse their judgment, we are, in my mind, making a mistake. But, in the other hand we don't have the system to believe in everyone's innocence beyond doubts, as the law teaches us.

I don't, either, see myself, going to ask these 2 passengers if we could "talk", so they could insure me of their kindness.

They could, in my opinion, have asked to be changed of flight. But not choking innocent, as it surely was.

As a canadian, I have for my say to send a clear message to the world that nobodies left alone and that there is always someone that will try to take advantage of a situation. The trick is to stay pacific, even if requesting of being removed from a plane may get you in trouble.

To get back to your long story a bit... We can surely say that ALL governments look the same or so... They keep passing hot potatoes from bences to bences until it get cold enough so we can hide it under the table. Immigration is the same. Let's leave them their land. Later divisions may be even more painful.

In my judgment, simple opinion.

Have a good one !!!

John Muff

Did I call you a "prat", did I?...did I use personal insults to prove a point?, did I?

I have a very serious condition thats left me bed-ridden for several months now, so the personal insults are quite unwarrented. Walk around most towns in the UK, tell me their not awash with Polish people? condition the UK wrote when accepting Polnd into the EU was that they did not destablise any given ask a builder if his industry hasnt been hit VERY hard by the influx of cheap labour.

If they were black there would be violence on the streets...but theyre as white as you or I.....that's racism.

And actually, the Steel industry is currently being bought by those nice indian people at the TATA company, shows a prime example of northern wealth eh?...the south has always been the economic backbone of the uk.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006

Well My old man works in the building trade he has all his life, when he was 16 he was doing Demolishion, And at the age of 20 he was in the building trade doing plastering and to this day still plasters. And has labourous under him. On regard to what your saying about the Polish and working at a lower wage in the building trade. Im not even going to argue about that, Because my old man has said plenty of times that he arrives at a job and the place is usualy overtaken by people from all over not just polish people but russian brazilian also. in there country what they earn over here is worth alot of money to them over there. And most of them send it back to there familys so natrualy there doing a good deed by actualy comming all the way over to this country and working hard just for the fact that they are sending most of the cash back to pay up for a good cause. My old man wouldnt agree to that however because he's bloody old fashioned and has alot in common with "alf-Garnet" So i aint gonna ever expect him to change his views . Just like many others out there :)

Did I call you a "prat", did I?...did I use personal insults to prove a point?, did I?

I have a very serious condition thats left me bed-ridden for several months now, so the personal insults are quite unwarrented. Walk around most towns in the UK, tell me their not awash with Polish people? condition the UK wrote when accepting Polnd into the EU was that they did not destablise any given ask a builder if his industry hasnt been hit VERY hard by the influx of cheap labour.

If they were black there would be violence on the streets...but theyre as white as you or I.....that's racism.

And actually, the Steel industry is currently being bought by those nice indian people at the TATA company, shows a prime example of northern wealth eh?...the south has always been the economic backbone of the uk.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Well My old man works in the building trade he has all his life, when he was 16 he was doing Demolishion, And at the age of 20 he was in the building trade doing plastering and to this day still plasters. And has labourous under him. On regard to what your saying about the Polish and working at a lower wage in the building trade. Im not even going to argue about that, Because my old man has said plenty of times that he arrives at a job and the place is usualy overtaken by people from all over not just polish people but russian brazilian also. in there country what they earn over here is worth alot of money to them over there. And most of them send it back to there familys so natrualy there doing a good deed by actualy comming all the way over to this country and working hard just for the fact that they are sending most of the cash back to pay up for a good cause. My old man wouldnt agree to that however because he's bloody old fashioned and has alot in common with "alf-Garnet" So i aint gonna ever expect him to change his views . Just like many others out there :)

Trust me, 400,000 in one year is "awash", and yes, that was a condition of entrance. I know a lot of builders that will completely disagree with you, yes, the trade has always used cheap foreign labour, but my father and brother are both "chippies"..carpenters, they will tell you without reservation that, where I am at least, you cannot move for cheap polish labour which IS undercutting British lbour markets.

It's a fact I'm afraid..It isnt a "racist" issue anyway. It's a fact 400,000 a year is unsustainable, for Britain and poland.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006

And actually, the Steel industry is currently being bought by those nice indian people at the TATA company, shows a prime example of northern wealth eh?...the south has always been the economic backbone of the uk.

I clearly do not understand where you get your information from Daz, Some of the crap that flows from your fingers is almost as bad as saying Hitler wasn't a vegetarian painter who wasn't a mass murdering f***head.

The only reason the "South" is CURRENTLY "The economic backbone of the uk" is because that Darling Maggie Thatcher destroyed the North by Closing the pits and destroying the industrial side of the UK just as I said in post before last.

And you are also misinformed by the steel industrys current location, Sheffield still does supply steel, but in very small amounts. The main Steel producing company in the whole of the world, use to be a comapny called "Avesta Sheffield", Avesta Sheffield was then taken over and became "Avesta Polarit". And then it got taken over again and became "OUTO KUMPU". OUTU KUMPU is a chinese company. A very VERY small amount of the steel works in the UK moved to India, the majority moved to China.

And I will say this once more to see if I can knock it into that skull of yours, the only reason the UK is no longer one of the worlds most powerful countries, and also the reason the North no longer is the main backbone for the UK is the fact that Maggie Thatcher and then every other Prime Minister since her, has slowly brung the country to its knees.

The South has NOT always been the backbone of the UK, pretty much the opposite, until around 1950 to 1980 the South was in a bad state of repair, familys living in the equivalent of slums, an extremely high enemployment rate, hundereds of thousands of people from the South moved up North to get work. The North was the start of the Industrial Revolution in the UK, read a childs primary school book and you will find that out, lol.

The North has always milked the land for all its worth, here is a few examples:
a) Agriculture, supplying the UK for all its vegetable, meat and dairy (The FAR south also does this)
b) Coal mining (supplying every home in the UK with fuel for heat and basic living)
c) The mining of ores such as iron, tin, copper etc
d) The refining of these ores to produce the metal that built the railway, that built the trains to go on the railway, to produce metal for builidng houses and other buildings, especially during the phase where the UK went crazy and started building the council tower flats for housing the immigrants and also the poorer people in the community.
e) The quarrying of rock to build our roads *Cough* Motorways *Cough*, that was only made possible by the North. also the quarrying of rock also helped build houses again.

And I could go on for ever and ever and ever, lol.

Also let me just add in the fact that all the original British Cars were made in the North aswell, aswell as a number of other engineering achievements.

Its only VERY recently that the South has finaly started helping britain out in a large scale way, and I have noticed that is fading out pretty quick aswell.


Oh and here is a small edit

The North was also the start for most of the musical revolutions that took place in the World, let alone just the UK.

The Rock Revolution
Punk Revolution

And last time I checked Liverpool was a Northern City, and let me get this right, The Beatles?
Oh then we have Sheffield latest export which isn't steel. but some Arctic Monkeys :)

You name it and almost all the most influencial groups and solo artists came from the north of UK, and that including Led Zeppelin, lol.
Last edited:


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
You can paint a picture all you like of evil milk-snatching Margaret Thatcher being an evil southerner (actually, where I am, she would be considered a northerner). But the country simply wasnt working when she came in, the big industries such as coal and steel were rampant with nepotism and the situation with Unions simply had to be changed.

Britain was dead, dead you hear me?, in the water in the late 70's thanks to the labour unions and their 3 day weeks. You paint a very rosy picture of the hardworking northern coal miners and the much maligned steel workers. But the fact is, they were in need a "knock on the head" as you so eliquently put it.

Her government got rid of most Coal mines, yes, but why would people buy expensive coal from us when they could just as easily buy it from abroad at a cheaper rate then?. You seem to want to crucify me because I disagree with you about the north/south devide....or whatever reason you wish to attack me, which seems awfully personal actually.

I was around when the tories closed down every pit, jeez, I've even been down "big pit" in Pontyprydd in Wales. But the FACT is, the money markets have ALWAYS been in London and down south Saltaire and Owen's people-centred cotton towns may have been in the north, but the money was going and coming from the south.

In future, please do not try to use a thinly vailed personal attack on me to justify your left wing views.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed

Passengers refuse to allow holiday jet to take off until two Asian men are thrown off plane


20th August 2006

'Suspicions': Jo and Heath Schofield with daughter Isabel. Below:

Passengers mutinied on a Monarch Airlines A320 at Malaga

That is the proof blackleaf just right there, that anglo-saxon are chicken at the highest level.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
Jesus christ, I think I was right about what I said to you about needing to get out more Daz

Her government got rid of most Coal mines, yes, but why would people buy expensive coal from us when they could just as easily buy it from abroad at a cheaper rate then?. You seem to want to crucify me because I disagree with you about the north/south devide....or whatever reason you wish to attack me, which seems awfully personal actually.

I was around when the tories closed down every pit, jeez, I've even been down "big pit" in Pontyprydd in Wales. But the FACT is, the money markets have ALWAYS been in London and down south Saltaire and Owen's people-centred cotton towns may have been in the north, but the money was going and coming from the south.

In future, please do not try to use a thinly vailed personal attack on me to justify your left wing views.

Us by fuel from abroad...... Cheaper......?!

You need a slap to bring you into reality, we do not import coal from abroad, if we did it would cost more than the average current £9 for a regular bag which usually lasts a day or two depending on the temperature, if it was imported coal it would cost people around £17 a bag. The UK currently gets all its coal from OpenCasting which basicaly means digging a huge ugly crater into the earth.

I am not attacking you for being a Southener as you so elegantly put it, but I am actually just attacking your rather warped unstructured opinions.

And yet again you still feel it was the money coming from the south to the north, when in fact it was vice versa. Maybe I should name a few more stately homes which kept the south in buisness, Welbeck Estate, Hardwick Estate, Riba Estate and the list goes on.

Oh and if you have noticed, the importation of other kinds of fuel, such as Oil, Petroleum, gasoline causes the UK to be ripped off on the cost, a recent example of this is that in some areas of the UK fuel prices for Unleaded went up to £1.04 per litre.

Get a grip daz and try researching a little before you blurt out your unsctuctured opinions.




Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Jesus christ, I think I was right about what I said to you about needing to get out more Daz

Us by fuel from abroad...... Cheaper......?!

You need a slap to bring you into reality, we do not import coal from abroad, if we did it would cost more than the average current £9 for a regular bag which usually lasts a day or two depending on the temperature, if it was imported coal it would cost people around £17 a bag. The UK currently gets all its coal from OpenCasting which basicaly means digging a huge ugly crater into the earth.

I am not attacking you for being a Southener as you so elegantly put it, but I am actually just attacking your rather warped unstructured opinions.

And yet again you still feel it was the money coming from the south to the north, when in fact it was vice versa. Maybe I should name a few more stately homes which kept the south in buisness, Welbeck Estate, Hardwick Estate, Riba Estate and the list goes on.

Oh and if you have noticed, the importation of other kinds of fuel, such as Oil, Petroleum, gasoline causes the UK to be ripped off on the cost, a recent example of this is that in some areas of the UK fuel prices for Unleaded went up to £1.04 per litre.

Get a grip daz and try researching a little before you blurt out your unsctuctured opinions.



what was the rationale behind getting rid of all the coal mines then?...there must have been one.


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
what was the rationale behind getting rid of all the coal mines then?...there must have been one.

There was no rational reason whatsoever for the closure of the pits, it puts 100000's out of work, caused riots all around the UK for years, it was the closure of the pits that finaly put an end to britains power.



Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
There was no rational reason whatsoever for the closure of the pits, it puts 100000's out of work, caused riots all around the UK for years, it was the closure of the pits that finaly put an end to britains power.


There was actually a rationale behind it.

The facts were that the coal and steel industries were HEAVILY, and I do mean HEAVILY subsidised for well over 30 years and enough was enough. The general public were faced with a choice, 70% higher taxes paid directly into the pockets of the coal and steel workers....or pay less tax and see thousands of people out of work.

Guess what the public chose?

The country was stagnant..if it continued the way it was going it would turn into a socialist basket case like France or Germany. Even the labour party know this to be true now, or they wouldnt be turning ever-so-slightly to the right.